Every Non-Punjabi Pakistani is saying today that Pakistan is a Murderer of Muslims. There is growing criticism against Pakistan for Implementing Martial Law in entire Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan who tried to project himself as the Leader and savior of Human Rights of Muslims in Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, never uttered a word of his implementing a Martial Law in Khyber Pakhtunkwa to oppress Pashtuns. We discussed about different provisions and implications of the Martial law in Khyer in our previous article titled, “Is Martial Law Imposed By Fascist Pakistan In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?“
In the past we have also written a series of detailed articles exposing Pakistan’s Duplicity and Hypocrisy when it comes to Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, Sindhish, Ahamadiyas and regligious minorities like Christians and Hindus. Here are some of the previous articles, a reader must read.
In recent few articles we also exposed Pakistan Hypocrisy and Duplicity in committing Genocide of Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, Sindhis, Christians and Hindus in a series of our articles
Hashtag #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt Trending on Twitter
A Pashtun Muslim Twitter user Zaheer Wazir with Twitter handle @zaheerwazir1 in a series of Tweets tweeted, “The #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt extended to entire KPK with the approval of Governor @ShahFarman_PTI and CM @IMMahmoodKhan leaves them no legitimacy to run the province.”
“Since, to quote @ImranKhanPTI, democracies are run through moral force, these 2 men have lost all morality by deceiving the KP assembly & secretly promulgating the ordinance. We understand they don’t have any say in the matters they have been handed over #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt”
“but at least they should have begged their chief selectors that avoiding a provincial debate on the matter would erode their morality to govern. #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt”
“People of #KPK and the opposition members must raise hard questions about the government’s fraudulent tactics that it employs to keep its dirty business going. #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt”
Another Twitter user Mazloom, Twitter ID @YoQadamYoAwaz tweeted, “The illegal powers given to the security forces through the #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt is condemnable. It’s purpose is to dominate PTM, capture the resources, bring war back to the region, and maintain its power. Pashtuns will never accept it. Remove the #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt.”
Here are some more Tweets from different Pashtun Twitter users, exposing the Duplicity and Hypocrisy of Pakistan when Pakistan calls itself the Leader of Muslim Ummah and tries to champion the cause of rights of Muslims in other countries. It will be very clear after checking these tweets from social media users, how Pakistan murderer of Muslims is committing the Genocide of Muslims within Pakistan, however wants to divert the attention of International community away from its own Sins.
Ashraf Ehsaas with Twitter handle @AshrafEhsaas tweeted, “This black ordinance has given free hand to the security & intelligence agencies to violate the constitutional rights of the people of Khyber Pashtun. We will never endorse such draconian set of law, what come may. #BlackOrdinanceByKPKGovt”
Aimal Tareen with Twitter handle @AimalTareen5 tweeted, “It is true that Religion has nothing to do with terrorism, but the fact is policy-makers in #Pakistan has always used religious terminologies for their political gains in the Region. #BlackOrdinanceByKpKGovt”
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) denounced Martial Law
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) denounced the promulgation of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Actions (In Aid of Civil Power) Ordinance, 2019, popularly known as the Martial Law, by the Governor of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on 5 August 2019. They said, “The Ordinance is yet another example of Pakistan’s resort to ‘exceptional’ measures that are grossly incompatible with human rights protections”
In an article published on 27-September 2019, titled “Pakistan: Immediately revoke oppressive Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Actions (In Aid of Civil Power) Ordinance”
ICJ today denounced the promulgation of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Actions (In Aid of Civil Power) Ordinance, 2019, by the Governor of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province on 5 August 2019.
The ICJ said that implementation of the Ordinance will lead to serious human rights violations and miscarriages of justice, contrary to the purported aims of the measures.
“The Ordinance is yet another example of Pakistan’s resort to ‘exceptional’ measures that are grossly incompatible with human rights protections, ostensibly to combat terrorism and other serious crime,” said Frederick Rawski, ICJ’s Asia Director.
“Pakistan must reject this dangerous, oppressive, and counter productive strategy and instead strengthen its judicial process and law enforcement in line with its domestic law and international human rights law obligations,” he added.
The Ordinance gives sweeping powers to members of the armed forces, including the power to detain people without charge or trial on a number of vaguely defined grounds where it appears that such “internment” would be expedient for peace. Individuals may be detained for an unspecified period without any right to be brought before a court of law or to challenge the lawfulness of detention before a court.
In addition to the vague and overbroad detention provisions, the Ordinance provides that statements or depositions by members of the armed forces shall on their own be sufficient for convicting the detainees if they are tried for any offence.
The Ordinance also provides wide immunity for armed forces for any action done, taken, ordered to be taken, or conferred, assumed or exercised by, before or after the promulgation of the Ordinance.
The Ordinance is incompatible with “fundamental rights” guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan, as well as Pakistan’s international legal obligations, including under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the ICJ said.
Article 9(4) of the ICCPR, for example, guarantees the right of all detainees to take proceedings before a court to challenge the lawfulness of their detention, and to be released if the court finds such detention unlawful.
The President of Pakistan passed similar regulations, namely, the Actions (In Aid of Civil Power) Regulations in 2011, which were applicable in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA). The Actions (in Aid of Civil Power) Regulations were extensively used as a legal cover for arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances.
In their review of Pakistan’s implementation of the ICCPR and the Convention against Torture (CAT), the UN Human Rights Committee and the UN Committee against Torture in 2017 expressed concern about the Regulations, and recommended that Pakistan “review the Actions (in aid of Civil Power) Regulation, 2011 with a view to repealing it or bringing it into conformity with international standards.”
“It is regrettable that not only did Pakistan flout these express recommendations of the UN Committees, but that it extended the scope of the regulations,” added Rawski.
“This step also calls into question Pakistan’s pledge for election to the UN Human Rights Council in 2017, where Pakistan ‘firmly resolved to uphold, promote and safeguard universal human rights and fundamental freedoms for all’,” Rawski said.
ICJ urges the Pakistan Government to immediately revoke the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Actions (In Aid of Civil Power) Ordinance, and to review all national security legislation to ensure it is fully compatible with international human rights law and standards.
Growing Criticism and Protests against Pakistan imposing Martial Law in Khyber
Practicing Advocate of Peshawar High Court, Sangeen Khan with Twitter handle @SangeenKhan tweeted, “I have moved a requisition for the General Body meeting of Peshawar High Court Bar Association to discuss the promulgation of Action (in Aid of Civil Power) Ordinance, 2019 and its effects. Surreptitious manner of its promulgation & unexplained purpose raise serious questions”
Bushra Gohar with Twitter handle @BushraGohar called the Imran’s Naya Pakistan as Gaya Pakistan (Gone/Failed Pakistan). She tweeted a Hastag #GayaPakistan in her tweets. She also condemned the Draconian Action in aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2019 that implemented Martial Law in entire Khyber Pakhtukhwa. She tweeted “Kudos to #SangeenKhan! We condemn the imposition of #MartialLaw & suspension of Constitutional rights in #Pakhtunkhwa by the #PuppetGovernment. Demand repeal of the draconian Action in aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2019. #GayaPakistan“
Ali Wazir Twitter ID @Aliwazirna50, the elected MNA who was released from Prison on Bail after 3 months of illegal customer tweeted, “Remember security guard! Threatening the world repeatedly with nuclear war will bounce back. We know after few months you will throw this selected tissue in dustbin but this nuclear gangsterism will united the world against the country. #WeStandWithKochai”
Pakistan Government has already restricted the entry of non-locals in North Waziristan Tribal areas since last one month. Here is the copy of the order signed on 17-August 2019. It exposes the Duplicity and Hypocrisy of Pakistan when it talks about being a savior of Muslims. Under the draconian laws it is killing Pashtun, Baloch, Mohajir Muslims. Pakistan is a murderer of Muslims in fact.
Mohsin Dawar Speaks on his release on Bail after 3 months of illegal custody
In a series of tweets, the elected representative Moshin Dawar who was arrested on Fake Charges and kept in Prison for 3 months and was released last week on Bail tweeted, “Salam, We are back with same zeal & enthusiasm, tragedy of #KharQamarMassacre will be known in history as example of a State’s brutal response to peaceful protest. In its aftermath, this State piled up even more violations of human rights & decency in its treatment of Ali & myself.”
“From May to September we were kept first at Peshawar jail & then at Haripur. During this transition the State decided to further increase its pressure as in Haripur we were kept in cells marked for terrorists. There was no mobility in jail, we had no access to news & other facilities.”
“The most hurtful in all of this was the allegation of violence against us, preachers of non-violence. But all of this will not deter us from our goal, which is to win peace & equal rights for our ppl & it will also not deter us from our path, which is the path of non-violence.”
“We are willing to lay our lives for our ppl, jails are a very small price. I would like to thank all of those who raised their voice for our release. There are too many names but one that I must mention is @BBhuttoZardari for his unwavering support both in & out of parliament.”
“Ours is a long struggle, and it is not only for the benefits of Pashtuns but for every victim of state oppression in this country. Pakistan’s biggest weakness is the silence of its good people. This status quo will end only when when enough good people speak up.”
“We are also thankful to our legal team, my mentor Lateef Lala my two friends like brothers @SangeenKhan & @afghan_tariq who fearlessly fought our case in trial court and the high court.”
PTM Leader Manzoor Pashteen tweeted, “We will not stop our struggle to get justice for Khar Qamar Massacre. Salute to all those Political Parties, Social & Human Rights Organizations, Lawyers and brave members of PTM who raised voice against #KharQamarMassacre & injustice against @Aliwazirna50 & @mjdawar #PMIKSaysPakArmyBehindTerrorism”
Open Letter for Imran Khan from the leader of Mohajir Nation, MQM Leader Altaf Hussain
MQM Leader Altaf Hussain wrote an Open Letter to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan via his tweet.
Here are the contents of the letter:
Mr. Imran Khan
Prime Minister of Pakistan!
Whilst in USA you are persistently blaming international powers for not paying any attention on the plight of the people of Kashmir, they are being living in Indian Kashmir. You are crying, and begging for their help, but would you have the courage to answer about the lock down of Mohajirs, Balochs, Pashtuns and other non-Punjabi nations who are facing brutalities, atrocities, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings of Mohajirs, Balochs, Pashtuns and other oppressed nations at the hands of their own Army.
What is happening in Kashmir has no parallel to the victimization of Mohajirs, Balochs, Pashtuns and others from 1947 up till now.
My followers have been under lock down for many years to carry out their political activities by the military establishment. My house has been sealed from 2016 up till now, why are these atrocities and brutalities being carried out by ruthless military establishment? Where is the constitution and law of the land? Why has the military establishment imposed an undeclared Martial Law in the whole Pakistan? Print and electronic media is fully under the control of military establishment.
There is no freedom of expression, association or press independence. People of Pakistan are not illiterate they are fully awre that even from the lower courts to higher courts straight through to the Supreme Court is totally under the control of military establishment.
Mr. Imran Khan!
You are crying for the Kashmiris but not looking at the brutal and ruthless actions of Pakistani military establishment carried out on 220 million people of Pakistan. Shame on you, because you are nothing but a mouth piece of military establishment.
If you have any conscience you should resign immediately. Otherwise stop fooling the International Community through your false pretenses.
I anxiously wait for your Reply.
Altaf Hussain
Attacks on Families of Human Rights Activists
One of the Human Rights Activist, a Pashtun Muslim Kochai Lewanai, Twitter handle @kochaiAfghaan living in Dubai who had been fighting for the Human rights and social justice to Pashtuns narrated his story.
Kochai Lewanai with Twitter handle @kochaiAfghaan tweeted on 27-September 2019, “Just now got a call from home 2 hand grenades have thrown to my home one exploded & one remain unexploded and al hamdulillah every one is safe”
“When PM @ImranKhanPTI was delivering speech in #NY to @UN the same time Pakistani sponsored terrorists attacked my family with 2 hard garnets with help of Pakistani intelligence agencies #ISI 4 speaking against genocide of Pashtun & demanding an end to state terrorism @GulBukhari”
This week Hashtag #WeStandWithKochai trended on Twitter with people from all countries, irrespective of their ethnic belonging condemned Pakistan Army for its Human Rights Abuses and brutality and show of support to Kochai Lewanai.
A female Pashtun Politician Asia Rahman Twitter handle @AsiaRahman6 tweeted in favor of Kochai Lewanai, “B (Bandook or Gun) walo (referring to Pakistan Army) @manzoorpashteen ko roka aj kochei ko dhamaki di.. sun log ghor se koi bhi nai darega aur piche hathega.. PTM wale aur unke supporters mati ko woh zara nai jo nadion me beh jaen banjar zamin par pal kar mout se larn sikha he tum hame nai rok paoge#WeStandWithKochai” (Pakistan Army, you have stopped Manzoor Pashteen today, given threats to Kochai Lewanai. Hear with attention. No one will be afraid and step back. PTM and its supporters are not the part of the soil that gets flown away by the rivers. They are brought up in wastelands and learnt how to fight death. You cannot stop us. We stand with Kochai.)
She further tweeted, “En boot walon ki karwaya barhti ja rahi hen. Ek ek karke sab ko dara dhamaka kar chup karana chahte hen par es me woh kamiab nai ho paenge.” (Atrocities of these boots (Pakistan Army) is increasing. One by one they are threatening and want to shut the voices of everyone. But they won’t be successful in that.)
Intolerance against ethnic Baloch and Pashtun Students in Pakistan’s Punjab University
A video showing Punjabi students in a Pakistan’s Punjab university, Lahore beating ethnic Pashtun and Baloch students. This is a campus where administration-backed groups terrorize other students. Attack on Baloch student at Punjab University by the extremist groups clearly indicates the increasing hatred against Baloch people in Pakistan.
Video from Punjab university. Baloch, Pashtun, Seraiki, Gilgiti students come out in huge numbers to protest Punjabi Jamiat attack on Baloch students.
It is learnt that instead of acting against the Islamist Radicals harassing and beating other ethnic groups, Pakistan’s Punjab university has filed FIR against minority Baloch, Pashtun students and jeopardized their careers.
People are asking, what if these young students who have seen the discrimination by Punjabi dominated Pakistan atrocities on Baloch and Pashtun students and their careers destroyed by the discrimination by Pakistan’s Punjab University, and they join the Freedom Movement and end up taking guns against Pakistan Government and the Army?
Police beating Doctors in Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) by Pakhtunkhwa police
Many doctors were critically injured as Peshawar police launches baton charge to disperse doctors’ protest. Doctors across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been protesting for the past two days against the Regional and District Health Authorities Act, 2019 — which was passed by the provincial assembly today — which they describe as “nothing short of privatization of government hospitals”.
At least 10 medical professionals suffered injuries on Friday after Peshawar police resorted to tear gas shelling and launched a baton charge in the premises of the Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) in order to disperse doctors who had gathered there to protest. More than 15 protesters had been arrested, including paramedics and female nurses.
In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s largest government hospital, doctoers who were on Peaceful protest were beaten by Khyber Police like common goons. This is the height of cruelty by Pakistan.
Among the injured was Young Doctors Association (YDA) Chairman Dr Zubair, who is reportedly in critical condition, has gone to comma and is in a life-and-death struggle with the worst violence in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by Khyber Police in Pakistan.
Pashteen Idrees with Twitter ID @Pashteen_idrees tweeted, “Strongly condemn the use of force against doctors association in LRH by Pakhtunkhwa police. The province is under undeclared martial law with passing of AACP ordinance violating basic human right and constutional right of peaceful association.”
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