Violent Face-off between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers: China moving vehicle mounted Howitzers to the Chinese occupied Aksai Chin area in Union Territory of Ladakh, India.

In a violent face-off between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers at Galwan Valley, one of the four clash points in the eastern Ladakh sector, several soldiers on both sides of the battle died. Different sources are presenting different numbers of casualties.

Violent Face-off between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers: China moving vehicle mounted Howitzers to the Chinese occupied Aksai Chin area in Union Territory of Ladakh, India.
Violent Face-off between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers: China moving vehicle mounted Howitzers to the Chinese occupied Aksai Chin area in Union Territory of Ladakh, India.

As per reports, Imperialist China has started its aggression against India. In a clash between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers, 3 Indians – a colonel & two soldiers – & 5 Chinese PLA soldiers were killed in a “violent face-off.

James Forsyth, Political editor of The Spectator tweeted

Earlier this month the Chinese military staged a drill that moved thousands of paratroopers “within hours” from central Hubei Province to a remote Himalayan mountain range. The exercise, which was publicized by the PLA, was designed to send a message that China was able to rapidly deploy reinforcements to the Indian border and fight in low-temperature and low-oxygen conditions, according to state media.

Violent Face-off Between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers: Imperialist China ready to intimidate its neighbors by starting a war.
Violent Face-off Between Chinese PLA and Indian Soldiers: Imperialist China ready to intimidate its neighbors by starting a war.

Indian analysts said that China’s actions were another sign of its aggressive intentions in the region. There is a “new edge” to China’s attitude, said Nirupama Rao, a former Indian ambassador to China. “This assertiveness, this readiness to throw [away] internationally accepted behavior to advance their claims and interests, it’s worrisome for so many countries.”

It should be noted that after ravaging the entire world with its Bio-Terrorism and spreading the Chinese Corona Virus in the entire world with 7.82M people confirm infected and killing 432K people in different countries, now Bio-Terrorist China is flexing its muscles on its neighbors.

Different China supporting Liberal/Leftist Fake News media outlets like New York Times and Washington posts are putting Chinese PLA casualty figures as 5 Chinese PLA Killed and 11 injured. Whereas none of the verified reports have come out and China has abstained from declaring its casualty figures. Whereas these Chinese stooge Media houses have published Chinese casualties figures to portray India as aggressor. It is totally false narrative. Indian casualty figures is mentioned as 3 Personell, however the figure is not verified and India may be the victim of the Chinese aggression with higher casualty figures.

As per a sources, Chinese PLA buldozed a Hill and the debries fell on Indian Soldiers and there were some casualties by falling off the hill. Search and rescue mission is underway to find the missing Army personnel.

These are the first reported casualties in decades to result from a clash between the nuclear-armed Asian giants.

Earlier this month the Chinese military staged a drill that moved thousands of paratroopers “within hours” from central Hubei Province to a remote Himalayan mountain range. The exercise, which was publicized by the PLA, was designed to send a message that China was able to rapidly deploy reinforcements to the Indian border and fight in low-temperature and low-oxygen conditions, according to state media.

Indian analysts said that China’s actions were another sign of its aggressive intentions in the region. There is a “new edge” to China’s attitude, said Nirupama Rao, a former Indian ambassador to China. “This assertiveness, this readiness to throw [away] internationally accepted behavior to advance their claims and interests, it’s worrisome for so many countries.”

We covered about the previous border clash after Chinese PLA intruded into Indian Territory and a stone pelting fight ensued with Indian Soldiers in our article Indian Armed Forces Defend Indian Territory from Chinese PLA Invasion

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah on Tuesday said if the Chinese can “shoot dead” three Indian soldiers during the ‘de-escalation process’, one can imagine how serious the situation must have been in the first place.

The current Ladakh standoff is much more serious than those at Depsang and Chumar, and different in nature. It is not a patrol triggered event. China has consciously decided to put pressure on India at various points in Ladakh with large-scale mobilization of troops and equipment, including artillery and some tanks on its side of the LAC, and digging defences there.

On Monday, Brigade Commander and company level talks happened in Eastern Ladakh between India and China. The talks were happening near patrolling point 14 near the mouth of Galwan Valley and patrolling point 17 at the Hot Spring Area. The sudden violence is, therefore, inexplicable.

Support for Indian Army is pouring in. Indian Army is standing face to face to Asian Bully and the Bio-Terrorist of the world, the Imperialist China. At a time when the world is grieving the deaths of their near ones lost due to Chinese Virus, China has started this aggression against its neighbors.

Major General Harsha Kakar (Retired) with Twitter ID @kakar_harsha replied to the Hu Xijin Editor-in-chief of Chinese and English editions of the Global Times who psted threats to India. Major General Harsha Kakar replied, “Please also note that do not consider Indian restraint as a sign of weakness. India also doesn’t want to clash with China but doesn’t fear it either. Through your mouthpiece advice your govt on Indian views.”

Points to Ponder

Is this the start of the World War 3? 1962 Indo-China war was preceded with a Famine that devastated China and had a lot of opposition against China. Is this aggression against India to hide the opposition and the criticism China is getting by releasing its Bio-Weapon the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus?

Related Article: Chinese CCP Confirms A New War On The US: COVID-19

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