Smoke from the car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan can be seen from a distance

Taliban Terrorists attack Kabul, Afghanistan : 40 Civilians killed, 100 injured including children

FATF Grey Listed Pakistan supported Taliban Terrorists detonated a powerful car bomb in an area of Afghanistan’s capital housing military and government buildings, killing 40 civilians and injuring over 100 civilians including school children. A private war museum, a television station, 3 schools, and sports agencies were damaged by the car bomb blast by Terrorist Taliban.

Smoke from the car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan can be seen from a distance
Smoke from the car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan can be seen from a distance

The bomb went off during the morning rush hour in Kabul when the streets were filled with people, injuring 105 people, including 51 children and five women, government authorities said on Monday.

Injured civilian from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan in the hospital
Injured civilian from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan in the hospital

As per the eye witnesses, the bomb-laden truck exploded outside a defence ministry building.

Injured school children from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan taken to the hospital
Injured school children from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan taken to the hospital

As per another eye witness, after the blast, five Taliban Terrorists then ran into a nearby high-rise located near the ministry’s engineering and logistics department located in a crowded market and began firing indiscriminately down on the ministry. Police and special Afghan security forces poured into the area and cordoned it off. There was a gun battle that lasted more than eight hours. All five Taliban Terrorists were killed by Afghanistan Army and NDS. Casualties figures of security forces is not known.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has condemned the attack, calling it a crime against humanity.

“Clashes ended with the death of all five attackers,” said interior ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi, adding that more than 210 people were rescued during the operation.

Injured school children from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan taken to the hospital
Injured school children from Taliban car bomb blast in Kabul Afghanistan taken to the hospital

Social media was filled with pictures of injured school children who were being taken to the hospitals. These pictures were heart wrenching. These show that the barbaric Islamist Radical Islamist Pakistan supported Taliban Terrorists do no care for even small children.

The attack is show of power by Taliban Terrorists to the US and a warning that Taliban Terrorists can target anywhere and anyone.

Negotiators from the US and the Taliban began a seventh round of peace talks on Saturday in Doha, Qatar. Talks stretched into a third day. Taliban is adamant on getting an announcement of a timetable for the withdrawal of the U.S> and NATO troops from Afghanistan within 6 months. However US wants the troops to be stationed for 18 months and a guarantees that the Taliban won’t allow terrorist groups to operate in Afghanistan again.

President Ashraf Ghani had visited Pakistan yesterday to ask for direct talks with Taliban Terrorists leadership that is in FATF Grey Listed Pakistan. However, Taliban have refused to hold talks with the Afghan government, calling it a U.S. puppet, and have continued to carry out daily Terrorist attacks on Afghan civilians and forces. Present Terrorist attack is being seen as a response by Pakistan supported Taliban Terrorists to the visit of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

But there are fears, including among Afghan women, that any deal with the Taliban Terrorists could eventually see the militants sweep back into power and strip away rights and freedoms gained since they were toppled in 2001. People on the ground recall the horrors they had to endure during horrific Taliban rule that ended in 2001. Women were the worst affected during Taliban Rule. People on the ground say they are ready to fight for their liberty to the last breath than to give away their freedom to Islamist Radical Taliban Terrorists.

Meanwhile in the USA, people are of the opinion that US wants to leave Afghanistan due to US Soldiers lives lost at the hands of Pakistan supported Taliban Terrorists.

As per people in Afghanistan, there is general public opinion that once the US forces leave, these Islamist Radical Taliban Terrorists will impose their cruel laws and will make the life of civilians a hell. As per them, people of Afghanistan do not want see that nightmare of Taliban rule again and do not want any power sharing with Taliban terrorists. They say that the real root of problem is FATF Grey Listed Pakistan who is providing arms and ammunition and logistics and intelligence support to Taliban Terrorists. Without the active support of Pakistan, Taliban Terrorists cannot organize large scale strikes as in recent times. As per the opinion among the general public in Afghanistan, US and NATO should bombard Pakistan Army locations that are supporting and encouraging their puppet Taliban Terrorists. As per the general opinion among the Afghanistan public, Pakistan wants to control the government in Afghanistan. That is the reason FATF Grey Listed Pakistan is pushing Taliban Terrorists to ceize the power in Afghanistan. General public in Afghanistan is asking, if the USA will submit to Taliban Terrorists and leave Afghanistan civilians to be killed by Taliban Terrorists?

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