Turkey and Azerbaijan Committing War Crimes in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. The latest War crimes of Turkey and Azerbaijan include use of cluster munition on Civilian targets, use of Terrorists militia from Syria, Libya and Pakistan.
We covered in details in our previous article Turkey And Pakistan Sending Terrorists to Azerbaijan to Fight Armenia how Turkey and Pakistan have moibilzed their terrorists from Syria and Libya and sent them for spreading their reign of terror in Armenian Christians. Even the minorities of Talish and Mataghis are not spared.
As per the latest reports the representatives of Azerbaijan diaspora are recruiting Terrorists from the Ukraine radical nationalist groups “Azov” and “Right Sector” (in the Russian Federation, a terrorist organization, by the way) to be sent to Karabakh front. Salaries are offered between $1500 and $2000. Fighting Azerbaijanis were seen on the side of Kiev in 2014. Since Russia is supporting Armenia, Terrorists from Ukraine are also joining this fight.
While Azerbaijan and Turkey are sponsoring Terrorists from Syria, Pakistan, Libya and Ukraine to fight against the Armenian Christians and repeat the Armenian Genocide, United Nations, whole of Christian Europe, United States are silent and no one is able to prevent this Genocide of Armenians.
Related Article War Updates : Turkey and Azerbaijan Indulge In Disinformation Propaganda
During the most intense fighting, multiple-launch missile systems, heavy artillery, tanks, cluster munitions, attack drones and highly trained special forces were deployed. Azerbaijan was able to seize small but strategically important pieces of territory inside Nagorno Karabakh. There are conflicting reports as to the exact number of military and civilian deaths. At the time, it was reported that up to 250 people on both sides were killed.
Several towns and villages in Nagorno Karabakh came under intense shelling – Talish, Martakert, Mataghis, and Nerkin Horatagh.
Armenian officials evacuated residents of Talish, Mataghis and Mardakert (located about 3-4 kilometers from the Karabakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact). Approximately 5000 civilians in total were evacuated. According to the Ombudsman of Karabakh, “the targeted shelling killed or wounded many civilians from Martakert, Martuni, Askeran and other settlements.”
Reports of civilian casualties, the targeting of civilian settlements (including schools) are unlawful attacks that Armenia accuse Turkey and Azerbaijan of.
Here are some videos and images shared on the social media that are the evidence of Azerbaijan using deadly missiles, cluster munition and drones to destroy the civilian areas and killing the innocent civilians including the women and Children.
Azerbaijan often claims Armenian city of Shushi be its former cultural capital. This is what their missiles did to the Shushi theatre building.
All Aliyev wants is destruction and violence, spread fear and lies. He said “all Armenians are enemy”.
There are many reports of Turkey and Azerbaijan using Cluster Munition which is banned under International Conventions.
Here is another video shared by a Social Media user from BBC proving Azerbaijan and Turkey are using cluster munitions, long-range missiles & combat UAVs, in breach of international law.
Images received include Missiles hitting Residential complexes. This is the rocket portion of a Smerch. If it delivered submunitions, those are ejected already before impact. The 9M55K warhead spreads 72 grenade-sized submunitions. 110 countries have signed the Cluster Munitions Convention outlawing them, but not Azerbaijan, Arm, Rus, or US. That is happening in Stepanakert & other large cities in Artsakh for 10 days. Journalists documented the aftermath of the usage of cluster munitions strikes. Some of the targets are schools, kindergartens, hospitals.
As per Armenians, Arstakh is and always has been their ancient land, this can be proved due to so many Christian monasteries out there, such as Gandzasar, Dadivank and so on… dating back to 9th-13th centuries. However Turkey and Azerbaijan are on a land grabbing spree and they want the land of Nagorno Karabakh minus the Armenian Christians who are residing there for centuries. Artsakh is fighting against international terrorism, which does not distinguish between the geopolitical borders of its targets.
In the meanwhile Erdogan of Turkey reiterates his Neo-Ottoman’s expansive obsession like Hitler of Nazi Germany in the past.
Related Article Arab World is distancing itself from its Ottoman Past
Amnesty International Report Corroborating the Use of Cluster Bombs
Amnesty International in its report on 5-October corroborated the use of banned cluster bombs in the region. In its report, Amnesty International wrote :
Amnesty International’s Crisis Response experts were able to trace the location of the footage to residential areas of Stepanakert, and identified Israeli-made M095 DPICM cluster munitions that appear to have been fired by Azerbaijani forces.
“The use of cluster bombs in any circumstances is banned under international humanitarian law, so their use to attack civilian areas is particularly dangerous and will only lead to further deaths and injuries,” said Denis Krivosheev, Amnesty International’s acting Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
“Cluster bombs are inherently indiscriminate weapons, and their deployment in residential areas is absolutely appalling and unacceptable. As fighting continues to escalate, civilians must be protected, not deliberately targeted or recklessly endangered.”
Amnesty International has called on all sides to the conflict to fully respect international humanitarian law, and to protect civilians from the effects of hostilities.
Cluster munitions scatter hundreds of bomblets, or submunitions, over a wide area. It is estimated that between 5 and 20 per cent of cluster bomblets fail to explode. They are then left behind, posing a threat to civilians similar to that of anti-personnel landmines.
The use of these bombs violates the prohibition of indiscriminate attack because of the wide area covered by the numerous bomblets released, and the danger posed to all who come into contact with the unexploded munitions.
Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is not one over a disputed territory but about the issue of self-determination and fundamental human rights
The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) is not one over a disputed territory but about the issue of self-determination and fundamental human rights, including the inalienable right of Armenians of Artsakh to live freely and peacefully on the land of their ancestors.
“Realize the difference: If Azerbaijan and Turkey put their weapons down there will be a peace. If Armenia and Artsakh put their weapons down there will be a new Armenian Genocide.”
An Armenian user described the situation . She said, “Realize the difference: If Azerbaijan and Turkey put their weapons down there will be a peace. If Armenia and Artsakh put their weapons down there will be a new Armenian Genocide”. We covered in our previous article Armenia-Azerbaijan Is Not A War For A Piece Of Land, But A War For Existence of Armenian Christians From Neo-Ottoman Empire.
Nagorno-Karabakh has never been a part of independent Azerbaijan, as its people voted for independence in full compliance with the norms of international law and existing domestic legislation and according to the same legal basis as Azerbaijan in 1991.
The key to lasting peace in the region is the recognition of the human security and rights of the people of Artsakh. Instead, on 27 September Azerbaijan initiated another large-scale military aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh with the support of Turkey.
Related Article Turkey Tricked Terrorists from Syria, Libya, Pakistan and Azerbaijan to fight its war.
European Court of Human Rights decision on the request for an Interim measures lodged by Armenia against Turkey
On 4 October 2020 the European Court of Human Rights received a request for an interim measure, lodged by Armenia against Turkey, concerning the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The request was registered under the application number 43517/20, Armenia v. Turkey, and examined by a Chamber of seven judges on 6 October 2020. The Court notes that on 29 September 2020 it called upon both Azerbaijan and Armenia to refrain from taking any measures, in particular military actions, which might entail breaches of the Convention rights of the civilian population, including putting their life and health at risk. It also called upon both parties to comply with their engagements under the Convention, notably in respect of Article 2 (right to life) and Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment) of the Convention (link to the press release).
Taking account of the escalation of the conflict, the Court has decided to apply Rule 391 of the Rules of Court (interim measures) again. It now calls on all States directly or indirectly involved in the conflict, including Turkey, to refrain from actions that contribute to breaches of the Convention rights of civilians, and to respect their obligations under the Convention.
Under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the Court may indicate interim measures to any State Party to the European Convention on Human Rights. Interim measures are urgent measures which, according to the Court’s well-established practice, apply only where there is an imminent risk of irreparable harm.
If Past is any Indication of What Holocaust can Azerbaijan and Turkey bring to Armenian Christians
Armenian Genocide is known to the world wherein 1.5 Million Armenian Christians were brutally murdered by the Ottoman Empire. Lets look into the recent past as well.
During the previous clashes in 2017, there were reports of Azerbaijani forces beheading civilians and mutilating their bodies.
As per a report in April 2017, At approximately 8:30 a.m., an Azerbaijani grad strike near the town of Martuni killed 12-year-old Vagharshak Grigoryan and injured another two children.
On the same day (April 2), in the village of Talish, NKR, three members of the Khalapyan family were killed and mutilated by special Azerbaijani forces.
That same day, three Armenian servicemen were beheaded in the vicinity of Talish.
Eighteen Armenian servicemen were killed as Azerbaijani forces captured five posts near Lale Tepe. Their bodies remained under Azerbaijani control – when they were repatriated to Armenia through international mediation efforts, they had signs of torture and mutilation. However United Nation failed to take any action against the War Crimes by Azerbaijan.
Article 13 of the Geneva Convention
Article 13 of the Geneva Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Geneva, 12 August 1949) states:
“Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest.
Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.
Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.”
It should be noted that an independence referendum was held in Nagorno-Karabakh on 10 December 1991. It was approved by 99.98% of voters. It was unsuccessfully boycotted by the region’s Azeri population, which then constituted 20% of its population. The referendum was held without consent of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and unfortunately not recognized internationally by the United Nations under the pressure of some Countries, and UN member states did not recognize it. Since then Azerbaijan wants to capture this land minus the Armenian Christians.
Knarik Tanuteryan an Armenian Christian said, “It’s really a truth. We fight against terrorists Turkey and Azerbaijan for us and for all the world. Terrorists want to do second armenian genocide. Armenia want peace and we want to live in peace. We pray for our soldiers.”
Anna Danielyan another Aremnian said, “Everyone should condemn and stop Azerbaijani aggression, which uses jihadists with the help of Turkey shelling peaceful Armenian civilians, civilian buildings and infrastructures, attacking the group of international journalists, shelling schools, kinder-gardens, and so on.”
Another Armenian said, “This is just awful, imagine seeing houses you lived for years are destructed in just a minutes because of psychopath and terrorists leaders of Turkey and Azerbaijan. We should stop terrorism and stop Azerbaijani aggression”
Armeina Still holding against the two big Adversaries Azerbaijan and Turkey that are using Israeli weapons
As per the latest update from MoD of Armenian, During the night the enemy has attempted to advance and consolidate in the southeast direction (off Jebrail), but Azerbaijani units have been engaged and defeated by accurate rocket-artillery fire of Armenian (Armed) Forces.
At 06.30, after another rocket-artillery fire, the remnants of three enemy oversized brigades have fled the battlefield in panic, leaving in their wake 60 killed in action, as well as 22 destroyed and several dozen operational pieces of equipment. Video is available
As per the MoD, Armenian forces have destroyed Azerbaijan’s Oil depot and fleeing units from Jabrail. They shared this video in a tweet from their official twitter handle.
Points to Ponder
Why was the independence referendum that was held in Nagorno-Karabakh on 10 December 1991 and approved by 99.98% of voters was not respected by United Nations and its member states?
Does that mean that referendum in any other parts of the world will not be respected if the occupying country doesn’t approve of the referendum?
Isn’t United Nations and its member states equally responsible for the Armenian Genocide as are Turkey, Pakistan and Azerbaijan?
Why is no action taken against these countries for sending Terrorists to fight Armenia?
Isn’t it time for United States and Russia to let go off their past and build a relationship of Trust that will automatically resolve a lot of conflicts in the world including preventing the Armenian Genocide by Turkey and Azerbaijan?
Will Azerbaijan and Turkey respect the European Court of Human Rights interim order?
As Turkey is directly involved in this Armenian Genocide in continuance of its Neo-Ottoman dream, if not checked right here, Middle east countries of Saudi Arabia and UAE will be the next targets of Erdogan’s ruthless Neo-Ottoman Empire. Shouldn’t Middle East Kingdoms jump to the aid of Armenia against Turkey?
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