Pakistan Army Soldiers Flee Deserting Their Posts As Baloch Freedom Fighters Come Roaring To Reclaim Their Land

In 2 incidents a total of 13 Pakistan Army Personnel were killed by Balochistan Freedom Fighters and many Pakistan army soldiers flee deserting their posts as Baloch Freedom Fighters (Sarmachars) come roaring to reclaim their land that is illegally occupied by Punjabi Pakistan.

Pakistan Army Soldiers Flee Deserting Their Posts As Baloch Freedom Fighters Come Roaring To Reclaim Their Land
Pakistan Army Soldiers Flee Deserting Their Posts As Baloch Freedom Fighters Come Roaring To Reclaim Their Land

Bolan: 11 personnel of Pakistani military killed, outposts captured – BLA

As per a press statement issued by, Jeeyand Baloch, spokesman for the Baloch Liberation Army on 26-December 2020, The fighters of Baloch Liberation Army attacked outposts of Pakistani military in Jhalawan Thank area of Shahrag, Bolan and killed 11 personnel of Pakistani military. The outposts were completely captured in the attack. BLA accepts responsibility of the attack.

The fighters of Baloch Liberation Army, under organised plans, attacked and subsequently captured outposts of Pakistani military in Bolan. At least 11 personnel of Pakistani military were killed in the attack, whereas, multiple others fled leaving behind their weapons and dead bodies. The outposts were under the control of BLA for more than two hours and the weapons and belongings of enemy forces were confiscated.

The uncivilised occupying forces have been completely defeated by Baloch freedom fighters on all fronts. Therefore, they have resorted to violence on innocent civilians, particularly women and children, and non-combatant political workers. Now their cunning acts are not limited to Balochistan and they have begun targeting Baloch refugees and journalists in foreign countries too.

Baloch Liberation Army considers the defence and liberation of Baloch nation its utmost responsibility. We cannot allow the enemy forces to run rampage against innocent civilians, women and children. The attack was only a short trailer. If innocent Baloch civilians, women and children are not safe and continue to be targeted in Balochistan or abroad then the non-combatant citizens of the enemy state will also not find refuge. We have full capability of starting a similar war in Punjab that the enemy is trying to impose on Baloch nation in Balochistan and other countries.

Related Article Baloch Freedom Fighters Group BRAS Eliminated 10 Pakistan Army Men

Convoy of Pakistani military targeted with an IED, killing two and injuring seven others – BLA

As per another press statement issued by, Jeeyand Baloch, spokesman for the Baloch Liberation Army on 27-December 2020, The fighters of Baloch Liberation Army targeted a convoy or Pakistani military in Jhalawan Thankk area of Shahgrag, Bolan. Two personnel of the enemy forces were killed and seven including a captain were injured in the attack. BLA accepts responsibility of this attack

The convoy was targeted when the enemy forces were sending backup troops to chase the elite team of BLA that killed eleven personnel of Pakistani forces and capture their outposts last night in the same area. The Baloch freedom fighters targeted the convoy of backup forces and killed two personnel and injured seven others including a captain. A vehicle of military forces was completely destroyed. The attack forced the enemy forces to retreat.

Pakistan Army Soldiers Flee Deserting Their Posts As Baloch Freedom Fighters Come Roaring To Reclaim Their Land

The Baloch Liberation Army is struggling for an independent Balochistan and our such attacks will continue until the occupying forces withdraw from Balochistan. With the continued support of Baloch nation, our attacks will further intensify.

Points to Ponder

Didn’t Pakistan learn any lessons from 1971 when due to their atrocities on the natives, Pakistan had to lose East Pakistan and a new Country of Bangladesh was formed?

Will 1971 repeat as due to gross Human Rights Abuses by Punjabi Pakistan Army, brave Baloch Freedom Fighters have to take up guns to gain independence from the occupying forces of Pakistan Army that are selling their mineral rich lands China?

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