Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi

Oxygen shortage news in India is blown out of proportion by Leftist Liberals ecosystem propaganda to target Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Leftist Librals on the Main Stream Media (MSM) as well on social media have started blaming Modi Government in India for mismanagement in handling the pandemic caused by the Chinese Crona Virus in India.

Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi
Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi

News Media and social media is suddenly filled with news about Oxygen shortage in Indian Hospitals.

Before we proceed further, lets discuss a facts and statistics.

Total deaths in India due to Chinese Corona Virus till date are 190,000 while in USA they are 550,000. Total Population of USA is 331 Million while Total Population of India is 1.3 Billion. In other words total deaths in US is 3 times that of India in spite of the fact that India’s population is 4 times that of USA – COVID deaths in USA are 12 times that of India on a like-to-like basis.

Total deaths in India due to Chinese Corona Virus is 190,000 while in UK they are 127,000. Total UK population is 67 Millions while Total Population in India is 1.3 Billion. Indian Population is 19 times more than UK. Deaths due to Chinese Virus in UK are 17 times more than India on a like-to-like basis.

The above small analysis of the facts and stats would give you a clear picture about which country should be accused of mismanagement.

In our previous article The Mystery of COVID-19 in India : Lock Down And Due Diligence Of Indian Government Prevented the Catastrophe we mentioned that, The virus is not behaving mysteriously. It follows the gold standard Shapley procedure of the statistics and Game theory. Its following same trend everywhere across the globe. The mystery is how one interprets the same data, remember the scientists are not writing news articles, it is the journalists and that’s where the trouble is. These are not my words, these are the words of the renowned Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse. He has clearly said on a TV interview that the Science journalism has a problem. Here is the youtube link to that interview Neil deGrasse Tyson: Science journalism has a problem | Big Think

70% of the Indian population was kept inside homes most of the time, which delayed the virus spread.

How India has handled Pandemic under Prime Minister Modi?

When the Pandemic caused by Chinese Corona Virus started last year, India had shortage of everything starting from Masks, Ventilators, PPE Kits. However quick action by Modi Government made sure India got rid of the shortage. While India was mostly importing ventilators, it stopped the imports and started manufacturing ventilators in India.


As per a report, Before the pandemic, the sector had eight manufacturers with an annual capacity to supply 3,360 ventilators. The COVID crisis saw nine more players enter the field, raising the manufacturing capacity to 396,260 a year, according to industry data. While only Less than 2% of full-blown Covid patients would need mechanical ventilator support, the one question they are now asking: What will happen to all these ventilators?


Same happened with N95 Masks. When the Pandemic start, India had very few manufacturers manufacturing N95. Most of them were US owned companies and very little left for Indian Public. However with the timely intervention by Modi Government in India, India soon became a Mask Surplus country by June 2020.

As per a report published in June 2020 , With India’s surplus face mask capacity choking production lines, the medical device industry has asked the government to lift the ban on export of non-N95 masks to help manufacturers clear unsold inventories and resume production at full capacity. The government had in March banned export of all kinds of masks to avoid any shortage in the country at a time when the COVID-19 outbreak had started gaining momentum.

PPE Kits

As per a news published in June 2020 , India had very few PPE kit manufacturers. India started manufacturing PPE kits within two months of the coronavirus outbreak. This was the time when COVID-19 cases were on the rise, and there was an urgency to import PPE kits for healthcare workers on the frontline dealing with the pandemic. Gradually, to keep up with the growing demand, several Indian companies started manufacturing its own PPE kits. India now produces 4.5 lakh Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suits daily, and over 600 companies in the country are certified to manufacture PPEs, according to the Smriti Irani, Union Minister Of Textiles.

“The priority is on making sure doctors, who are on the frontline of this COVID-19 battle, are comfortable when wearing a PPE kit,” said Roshan Baid, MD of Paragon Apparel to BOOM.

The Invest India report, which has documented the PPE industry in India, states that the global PPE kits market is now worth $52 billion and expected to be over $ 92 billion in 2025, and India alone is a Rs 7,000-crore (nearly $1 billion) market.

“India was never into manufacturing medical textiles—including PPE kits, it was completely owned by China. This has brought us a whole new line of business to us that can be grown, sustained and exported. World over, we get a call saying that we don’t want to buy out of China if you can supply to us.” said Baid.

The spread of COVID-19 caused a major disruption to China, which was the largest producer of PPE kits. India is the second-largest producer of PPE kits. For Baid, India can sustain itself in the business if it shows consistency in terms of deliverability and quality of the products. “Otherwise, it could be a stop-gap thing that people don’t want to buy from China right out, but it might not be so 3 to 6 months down the line,” he said.

Hydroxychloroquine tablets

Not only that India exports 50 million hydroxychloroquine tablets hailed by US President Donald Trump as a “game-changer” to US for fight against Chinese Corona Virus in May 2020. The trade, India’s biggest export of the drug to any country, follows a request by US President Donald Trump for New Delhi to release supplies of hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for the respiratory disease.

India accounts for 70 per cent of the global production of hydroxychloroquine, which is also used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Despite the challenges, Indian companies managed to export the hydroxychloroquine medicine to 97 countries by May 2020 during the pandemic.

Vaccine Exports

India made the cheapest vaccines and supplied millions of vaccines to over 128 countries around the world free of cost. India’s action was inspired by humanity despite China making windfall gains after spreading Chinese Corona Virus in the world and thereafter gaining by supplying masks, ventilators and now vaccines. However this Indian action was seen as a threat by China.

Related Article India Starts Shipping COVID-19 Vaccines Selflessly To Other Countries, While China Busy Making Windfall Profits By Exploiting Chinese Virus Pandemic

Notably, the Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII) is the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by volume and is widely seen as a key player in the production of doses to protect the global population against the Chinese Corona virus.

Related Article Indian Vaccine For Chinese Virus : More Countries Approach India For Vaccine Against Chinese Virus While Chinese Vaccines Are Being Rejected

What did Biden Do?

But now US President Joe Biden and Europe are blocking vaccine raw material supplies to India. For What? To benefit a couple of US and European Pharmaceutical companies and mainly China by selling expensive COVID-19 vaccines to US and European citizens.

Here is what one dose of each vaccine will cost in India (in INR and USD):

Price Comparison between different Vaccines
Price Comparison between different Vaccines

The landmark patent-waiver proposal, which was jointly submitted by India and South Africa in October, has been backed by more than 100 mostly developing countries. However, The U.S., Canada and U.K. are among some of the high-income countries actively blocking a patent-waiver proposal designed to boost the global production of Covid-19 vaccines. Six months on, the proposal continues to be stonewalled by a small number of governments — including the U.S., EU, U.K., Switzerland, Japan, Norway, Canada, Australia and Brazil.

From the above you can see that while India has 1.3 Billion population, Modi Government has overcome all the challenges posed by Chinese Corona Virus Pandemic and made India self sufficient.

Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi

Now suddenly the Leftist, Liberal, Radical ecosystem that had nothing left for propaganda against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has handled the pandemic with due diligence and made India self sufficient, have started blaming Modi Government for shortage of Oxygen in Hospitals.

If you filter these news, they are mostly relate to oxygen shortage originating from Delhi which is ruled by Aam Admi Party (AAP) and Maharashtra ruled by Shiv Sena and Congress combined who has not spared any opportunity to defy the recommendations, best practices and orders from the Central Union Government led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

One twitter user tweeted, “Leftist/Liberals media is doing propaganda out of proportion. Why is the news of oxygen shortage coming only from Delhi and another state not ruled by Modi Government and not from other states? They syphoned the money meant for Oxygen Plants. India has 1.3 Billion Population.” He also shared an image showing that Modi Government had allocated money from PM Cares fund to build 10 Oxygen Plants to Maharashtra in January and 8 Oxygen Plants to Delhi. However the incompetent Chief Ministers could build only 1 Oxygen plant each.

Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi
Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi

While smaller cities in a BJP ruled state Uttar Pradesh like ‘Shravasti’, ‘Deoria’, ‘Palanpur’ could build Medical Oxygen plants for themselves, what stopped the bigger states like Delhi and Maharashtra from building their own Oxygen plants?

Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi

Many sources pointed out that these Chief ministers spending millions on state funded advertisements on different media but they could not spend that money on building Oxygen generating plants.

On 23-April, 2021, on a petition filed by Three city hospitals – Batra Hospital, Jaipur Golden Hospital and Maharaja Agrasen Hospital seeking immediate intervention to save the lives of Covid-19 patients admitted in their units, The Delhi high court on Saturday ordered the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi state government to arrange tankers for the transportation of liquid oxygen needed for the treatment of critical Covid-19 patients after the issue of its shortage in the national capital reached the doorsteps of the court again.

A bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Palli was hearing an urgent plea by Maharaja Agrasen Hospital on the shortage of oxygen and pulled up the Delhi government for their inaction in procuring oxygen for the shortage of tankers and asked the nodal officers and authorities to speak with the suppliers.

“It’s not that you will just write and keep waiting. What is the nodal office doing? You had to speak to the suppliers in the last three days. You knew where the supply was coming from. Get in touch with the suppliers. We cannot help you at every moment,” the Bench told Delhi government.

Slamming the Delhi government, the Bench said, “The problem is you think allocation is done so everything will be served at your doorstep but that’s not how it works. After allocation have you made any effort for the tankers to collect oxygen?

“Every state is arranging its own tankers. If you’re not having your own tanks then arrange them. You will have to do it. Get in touch with the Central government officers. We are not here to facilitate contact between officers,” the Bench said.

The Bench was told by the Delhi government, represented by senior advocate Rahul Mehra, that many hospitals that have a long association with oxygen suppliers have been refused supply.

“Place one instance and we will hang that man. We are not going to spare anyone even if they are senior government officers. We will initiate action under DDMA and other sections against the erring persons. Whatever judicial action is required, we will take that, “the bench said.

George Soros puppet Greta Thunberg as always didn’t leave this opportunity and used Oxygen shortage news and made it blown out of Proportion and called the humanitarian crisis brought on by the shortage of medical oxygen in India “heartbreaking”.

Even China was not behind in its malicious propaganda.

Some Leftist Liberals blamed Modi for election rallies for the current crisis. However they failed to mention that the Election rallies were held in state of West Bengal while the second wave of Chinese Corona Virus is seen in states of Maharashtra, Delhi and Chhattisgarh and these are the states that Leftist Liberals have used the Oxygen Shortage News and blown it out of proportion.

Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion – What actions is Indian Government and Indian Industry taking to address the Oxygen Shortage in some states

The Ministry of Railways is running the “Oxygen Express” trains from steel plants that produce oxygen to different parts of the country. Indian Government on Saturday ramped up its efforts to get oxygen to hospitals.

The Indian Air Force on Saturday picked up from Singapore four cryogenic containers for storage of liquid oxygen. The containers were airlifted from Singapore by C17 heavy-lift aircraft of the IAF.

India is importing (Purchased) oxygen generation plants and containers from Germany as well. 23 mobile oxygen generation plants are being air lifted by Indian Airforce from Germany.

The DRDO had stated that they have set up a Covid hospital on Delhi with 250 beds, and the capacity will be increased to 500 and then 1,000, if required.

The Tejas light combat aircraft’s “On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS)” has been transplanted into a civilian-use oxygen generation plant, which will be set up to treat Covid-19 patients.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Defence, the industry has been given a 1,000 litre per minute capacity oxygen generation plants technology, and the Uttar Pradesh government has placed an order for five such plants based on the On-Board Oxygen Generation Technology developed for LCA Tejas.

In an attempt to make up for the massive shortage of oxygen gas cylinders, the DRDO has developed SpO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) supplemental Oxygen Delivery System which can be used by soldiers posted at extreme high-altitude areas and also help Covid patients.

The system, developed by DRDO’s Defence Bio-Engineering & Electro Medical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bengaluru, delivers supplemental based on SpO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) levels and prevents the person from sinking into a state of Hypoxia, which is fatal in most cases if it sets in

Leftist Liberal Propaganda has always accused Adanis. However Gautam Adani is working on an urgent mission to secure oxygen supplies from across the world for India.

Other Indian Industrialists are also pitching in.

Linde India, an industrial gases company, in partnership with Tata Group, has secured 24 cryogenic containers for carriage of medical oxygen from international sources. Each of these containers, which can carry up to 20 tons of liquid oxygen, will be used by Linde to pick up oxygen from various manufacturing facilities and deliver it to hospitals. These ISO containers can also act as interim oxygen storage in remote areas which are facing oxygen scarcity.

ITC Ltd has tied up with Linde India NSE to airfreight 24 cryogenic ISO containers of 20 tons each from Asian countries for use by them to transport medical oxygen across the country. The conglomerate is also going to air lift oxygen concentrators and oxygen generator machines from these nations which can be installed in hospitals.

Ajay Singh, chairman and managing director, SpiceJet, said the airline, along with SpiceHealth, is ‘looking at bringing more than 10,000 oxygen concentrators in the coming days from across the globe’. SpiceXpress has airlifted 800 oxygen concentrators from Hong Kong to Delhi

Pro-active action by Modi Government

To meet the very high demand for medical oxygen due to the surging Covid-19 cases, the union government had taken proactive action in the first week of April 2020, before oxygen shortages started to appear in several hospitals mostly in Delhi.

On 6th April, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) had organised a meeting of stakeholders involved in the production of medical oxygen in the country, including the All India Industrial Gases Manufacturers Association (AIIGMA) and Drugs Controller General of India. In the meeting chaired by the union minister of Commerce & Industry Piyush Goyal, it was decided that manufacturers of industrial oxygen will be granted permission to produce medical oxygen within 24 hours of receiving such application.

The proposal was made by AIIGMA president Saket Tiku, who said that a similar exercise has been started in Germany where industrial oxygen is being converted into medical oxygen. DPIIT discussed the suggestion with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), and on the very next day on 7th April 2020, an order was issued to grant permission to industrial oxygen manufacturers to manufacture oxygen for medical use.

The order said, “premises which are having the facility to manufacture industrial oxygen should be granted manufacturing license to manufacture medical oxygen for medical use within 24 hours of the receiving the application, fees etc. as per the Drugs & Cosmetic Act,1940 & rules thereunder and undertaking in writing to manufacture the medical oxygen”.

The order was immediately sent to the drug controllers of all the states and union territories so that it can be implemented as soon as possible to ensure the supply of medical oxygen from industrial oxygen producers.

Accordingly, a large number of industrial oxygen manufacturers have started manufacturing medical oxygen, and it has helped in increasing the supply of medical oxygen for the treatment of critical Covid-19 patients. Apart from Delhi, which is facing an acute shortage as it is entirely dependent on supply from other states, the supply of the gas has seen improvement in the last few days. However, as the demand also keep rising due to the increasing number of new cases per day, some hospitals in other states also face shortages now and then.

Moreover because of the propaganda started by Leftist Liberal and Radicals on Main Stream Media (MSM) as well on Social Media, even the family members of those patients who do not require Oxygen are getting out to buy Oxygen Cylinders in case they need them. Vidoes are being made outside of the hostpitals showing patients on the road side and the videos and images of cremation grounds where as per Hindu religion, dead are cremated. But none of these Leftist Liberals and Radicals blamed the incompetent or corrupt Chief Ministers of the states who should be held resposible for their incompetence. However George Soros team and Anti-Indians would not leave an opportunity to defame Modi Government who is doing everything possible to make India Self sufficient which the earlier governemnts could not do in last 60 years.

Points to Ponder

Why is no one talking about deaths in US and UK which is 12-17 times more than in India on a like-to-like basis?

Shouldn’t the Western Main Stream Media look into their own countries rather than running propaganda against India?

Why has the Indian Government at the Center not dismissed the incompetent State Governments in Delhi and Maharashtra and imposed the Presidents Rule and placed these states directly under the rule of the Central Government?

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