Tensions Rise as Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory

After the recent war, tensions again rise as Azerbaijani troops intruded 3.5 kilometers into Armenian territory on 12-May 2021.

On 12-May 2021, at about 13:00 local time, reports began to appear that Azerbaijani troops had crossed the sovereign border of Armenia.

The vice-mayors of the city of Goris confirmed that the Azerbaijani troops violated the sovereign border of Armenia, advanced 3.5 kilometers, and captured Lake Sev.

The Azerbaijani armed forces on Thursday advanced several hundred meters more in the direction of Vardenis region in Armenia’s Gegharkunik Province. The head of Verin Shorzha village, Artyom Yeranosyan, said on Friday.

Tensions Rise as Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory
Tensions Rise as Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory

Azerbaijani troops tried to enter from another front also in the direction of the Syunik city of Vardenis.

Armenia said on Friday that Azerbaijan had failed to withdraw troops that had crossed the border in a disputed incident.

This intrusion by Azeri forces comes after six months of the worst fighting in decades between ethnic Armenian forces and Azeri forces backed by Terrorists supplied by Turkey from Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, and other places.

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Armenian Defense Ministry issued a statement on the situation on the border and said, “The situation that developed after the invasion of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on May 12-13 in the border areas of the Syunik and Gegharkunik regions of the Republic of Armenia under the pretext of” border adjustment ” has not changed yet.

“The Armenian side clearly demanded that the Azerbaijani military return to their positions without any preconditions.”

Tensions Rise As Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory - Map published by Turkish Media
Tensions Rise As Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory – Map published by Turkish Media

“Negotiations on a peaceful solution to this issue, which began on May 12, will continue tomorrow.”

As a result of the tense border situation due to Azeri troops intrusion into Armenian territory, Russian planes took to the air and began patrolling the Armenian airspace.

Pashinyan confirmed that Azerbaijani troops have advanced 3.5 kilometers to Syunik.

“It is an encroachment on the sovereign territory of Armenia,” Pashinyan said. “This is an act of subversive infiltration.”

Armenia has launched a criminal case into the Azerbaijani military’s illegal breach of the state border in the country’s south and violation of Armenia’s territorial integrity, Gor Abrahamyan, an aide to the Prosecutor General.

The criminal case was launched under Article 329 (Illegal state border crossing) and Article 300.2 (Violation of territorial integrity) of the Criminal Code of Armenia.

2 times negotiations were held, and both times they were unsuccessful. Currently, there are 250 armed enemy criminals on the territory of Armenia.

Support for Armenia
Support for Armenia

The Armenian Foreign Minister called his Russian counterpart and informed him about the situation.

The head of the Russian Defense Ministry called his Armenian counterpart.

Nikol Pashinyan asked the current chairman of the CSTO Collective Security Council, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, to coordinate the positions of the CSTO member states on Article 2 of the Collective Security Treaty.

The Armenian Prime Minister also sent letters to the leaders of other CSTO member states and informed them about the situation in the Syunik region of Armenia.

Article 2
The Member States shall consult with each other on all important issues of the international security affecting their interests, and coordinate positions on these issues.

In case of menace to safety, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty of one or several Member States or menace to international peace and safety of the Member States shall immediately launch the mechanism of joint consultations for the purpose of their positions coordination, develop and take measures for assistance to such Member States for the purpose of elimination of the arisen menace.

CSTO says it will defend Armenia.

A border incident this week underlined the fragility of a Russian-brokered ceasefire that halted the conflict.

Armenia has accused Azerbaijan of sending troops across the frontier. Azerbaijan has denied this and said its forces only defended their side of the frontier.

Azerbaijan has never kept any of its promises. On one side they say, they will leave to their starting position, but they did not leave yet. It is the same way Azerbaijan had promised that all the Armenian prisoners of war will be released, however after several months of the end of the war, still Azerbaijan has not released Armenian prisoners of war held in their captivity and are being brutally tortured.

International Support for Armenia

Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, called on the United Nations Security Council to resolve the matter, and urged Azerbaijan to withdraw its troops from Armenian territory.

“Azerbaijani armed forces invaded Armenian territory. They must withdraw immediately,” said Macron.

“France is ready to provide military assistance to resolve the issue (in Syunik),” Nikol Pashinyan said in parliament.

Assistance can be provided within the framework of the UN mandate.

Worldwide support coming to defend the territorial integrity of Armenia
Worldwide support coming to defend the territorial integrity of Armenia

The United States, which along with France is part of the Minsk Group brokering diplomatic talks on Nagorno-Karabakh, said that it was “closely following” the recent tensions.

The United States is closely monitoring the situation on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan and considers any troop movements in these areas to be irresponsible, the State Department said.

Washington expects Azerbaijan to immediately withdraw all its troops from the border with Armenia and abandon provocations.

“Military movements in disputed territories are irresponsible and they are also unnecessarily provocative,” said State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter.

“We expect Azerbaijan to pull back all forces immediately and cease further provocation,” she told reporters.

The head of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Adam Schiff, expressed concern about the illegal penetration of the Azerbaijani military into the territory of Armenia.

US Congressman, Adam Schiff, expressed concern about the illegal penetration of the Azerbaijani military into the territory of Armenia
US Congressman, Adam Schiff, expressed concern about the illegal penetration of the Azerbaijani military into the territory of Armenia

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D) of New Jersey’s 6th district also tweeted in favor of Armenia and condemned Azerbaijan for violation of International Law and called upon US government to condemn this attack and use its influence with allies to bring about the withdraw of Azeri forces from Armenian territory.

Tensions Rise As Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory - US Congressmen coming in support of Armenia
Tensions Rise As Azerbaijani Troops Intrude Into Armenian Territory – US Congressmen coming in support of Armenia

Armenia earlier Friday appealed to Russia for military support, and also said that France was considering putting the issue on the agenda of the UN Security Council.

The Kremlin said Putin was calling on both countries to respect peace agreements, adding that Russia would continue “active mediation efforts”. “The Armenian side expressed extreme concern over the situation at the border,”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “President Putin shared this concern.”

For current updates on Armenian Situation, Readers can also subscribe to the Armenian Telegram Channel t.me/artsakheng

Points to Ponder

Will the International Community including Russia, US, France and other countries show some respect for Armenian Lives that Azerbaijan, Turkey and their supported terrorists had utterly disregarded during the recent war?

Will International Community help Armenia with modern weapon systems to defend its territories from Invading Azerbaijan Forces that maliciously use paid terrorists and use the name of religion to incite these terrorists?

A country like Azerbaijan intruding into the territories of a small peaceful country like Armenia and United Nations failing to take any action against Azerbaijan, that used Turkey supplied terrorists from Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan and other regions only means one thing that United Nations in its present form is totally Defunct and need to be dismantled and a new Organization needs to be formed.

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