Hells Angels Bikers Start Their Ride To Free Seattle From Antifa Terrorists

Hells Angels Bikers Start Their Ride to free Seattle from the seize of the Antifa Terrorists. Because of the pressure from the Democrats, Police have given up and abandoned the district. Seized area in downtown Seattle is now a complete anarchist Leftist Antifa Terrorist zone where they’ve seized full control. They call the area as Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. They are not permitting non Antifa or social outsiders into the district at all infringing the fundamental rights guaranteed under the US Constitution to allow free movement to the US Citizens.

We covered this in details in our previous article Antifa Terrorists Seized Parts of Seattle: Declare an Autonomous Region how Antifa Terrorists have seized forcibly an area of downtown Seattle and barricaded the surrounding neighborhood. The seized area has now become an autonomous region within United States and all the Antifa Terrorists are now swarming this region. Some of these Antifa Terrorists are also well armed. They are extorting money from local business people.

President Donald Trump has vowed to free Seattle from the seize of Antifa Terrorists however the Mayor of Seattle has said that any use of US Army would be illegal.

Patriot Hells Angels Bikers and Bikers for Trump ride towards Seattle

Hells Angels Bikers Start Their Ride To Free Seattle From Antifa Terrorists
Hells Angels Bikers Start Their Ride To Free Seattle From Antifa Terrorists

In our previous article Hells Angels Bikers, the Heroes guarding US Cities from Antifa Terrorists we had covered that Hells Angels Bikers are the heroes that are guarding US Cities from Antifa Terrorists and the leftist Antifa Terrorists are scared of Hells Angels Bikers. The moment they know Hells Angels were coming at any place, coward Antifa Terrorists cancel their protests at those locations.

As the news of seize of a portion of Seattle and creation of Capital Hill Autonomous Region by the China and Soros supported Antifa Terrorists spread, the Patriot Heroes of the US, the Hells Angels Bikers and Bikers for Trump, Mongols have started their long ride towards Seattle.

They have started from different cities to converge in Seattle to free the city from the seize by the Antifa Terrorists.

Hells Angels Bikers Start Their Ride To Free Seattle From Antifa Terrorists
Bikers for Trump
Bikers for Trump

US President Donald Trump had tweeted, “Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”

One of the Hells Angels Bikers fan replied, “Hells Angels Nation Wide

Hells Angels and Mongols have joined hands.

There are news of Hells Angels Bikers and Mongols teaming up.

People are very hopeful of Hells Angels and Mongols to free Seattle from the seize of Antifa Terrorists. Since there is no police around the zone this will be an open ground for the Hells Angels Bikers to free Seattle of the road blocks and the Antifa Terrorists.

Some people are worried that Antifa Terrorists are heavily armed with automatic assault rifles and home made chemical weapons. However Hells Angels Bikers are hardened in similar scenarios for years.

As per a source, “If a single bullet is fired by the Antifa Terrorists on the Hells Angels Bikers then no one should blame the Hells Angels or the Mongols or the Bikers for Trump. Every US Citizen has Constitutional Rights under Amendment 2A to carry fire arms for self defense. In such a scenario, none of the Democrats or any of the Media should accuse Hells Angels who are going on a long ride to Seattle to free the City. If the Hells Angels are fired upon, then they have the right to self defense under Amendment 2A of the US constitution. If the parents of the young Antifa Terrorists cannot control their kids from seizing downtown Seattle and creating their own autonomous region, then they should not blame anyone else if their kids get injured or are hit in the crossfire. Either the families should get their kids home or they should not complain later.

Points to Ponder

Why the Democrats and the Media not asking the China supported Leftist Antifa Terrorists to leave the seizure of Capital Hill Autonomous Zone and let the police maintain law and order? Why Media is not condemning the Democrat Politicians who are supporting the Antifa’s unlawful and illegal seizure?

If there is a cross fire between Antifa Terrorists and Hells angels, will Democrats still support Antifa Terrorists?

Why this kind of seizure and formation of Autonomous zone not done in Texas or other Republican ruled states? Is it because of the guns with the Republicans under Amendment 2A of the US Constitution that the Antifa Terrorists are worried of?

Did the FBI and CIA find the nexus between Antifa Terrorists and the Democrats who in turn are in nexus with China or Soros?

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