Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs

Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs are a big problem, bigger than anyone could have imagined. The convictions so far and the cases registered are just a tip of the iceberg. Despite worldwide condemnation, Pakistani Muslims continue to rape young British Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Atheist girls aged 8-12 in thousands.

We recently published an article “Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs In UK Raped Thousands Of Girls 8-12 Year Old

This article is a continuation in a series of articles to expose Pakistani Grooming Gangs and expose the hypocrisy of Pakistan per se, that is exploiting UK, stripping the British of their culture of freedom that was there in 1960s or 70s and bring the truth in front of the whole world. We will continue to bring in more such articles on different aspects.

One of the twitters users in his tweet said, “Oh how I wish to revisit the 60s! I had never heard of a British Muslim.. had never heard of a jihadi or halal or Zakat. I had never read about grooming gangs or people trafficking or modern slavery. We were just people all living here.. in this green isle. What went wrong?”

We will continue to dissect the problem and report where the things went wrong. Where the policies are wrong, what was omitted, what wrong was done and if there are ways to correct those policies.

Recently while researching on this topic, we came across a report by Quilliam International. But as soon as we read, the name of the authors, we understood that it will not call a spade a spade. Both authors, CEO Haras Rafiq and Researcher Muna Adil, are of British Pakistani heritage. They have extensively used the term “Asian” in the report.

As per their Press release, “There are elements from within the British Pakistani community that still subscribe to outdated and sexist views of women embedded within their jaded interpretations of Islam. These backward views are passed down from generation to generation until the lines between faith and culture dissolve, making it increasingly difficult to criticize one without being seen as a critic of the other.”

Press release further states, “The report recognizes there to be a disproportionate representation of males with (South) ‘Asian’ heritage who have been convicted in such cases, with this ethnicity male perpetrator/white female victim dynamic serving as the prominent feature of these grooming gangs. Most of these men are of Pakistani (Muslim) origin, and the majority of their victims are young, white girls. The report suggests that the background of these men has influenced their actions.”

Reading the above you can understand that they will not do any justice. Instead of calling it a crime that should be punishable with the severest Punishment, they are trying to dilute the crime by attributing it to their outdated, backward views of women and their sadistic interpretation of Islam. Their statement, “The report suggests that the background of these men has influenced their actions” itself prevented me from reading it any further as it was an attempt to make the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs victims of their religious practices, rather than outright calling Pakistani Muslim Grooming gangs as criminals.

If you look at the composition of many of these research Agencies or even look at the child services groups, you will find Pakistani Muslims at all the levels, protecting, hiding the facts that expose their community. In one of the cases, we discussed later in this article, where a Pakistani Muslim female working as a receptionist tried to access the confidential files regarding the victim and witnesses and derailed the trial. Pakistani Muslims are present at all the levels trying to protect Pakistani Muslim Grooming gangs. They have many tools at their disposal. Threats to the victims and their families, sharing confidential information regarding the witnesses to the criminal Grooming Gangs for threats, use of the Racism card, Islamophobia, multiculturism and so on.

In this videos, the speaker explains well the present situation, “We have now all these towns, major cities that are completely taken over by densely packed Muslim population. They control housing. We have Muslim housing association we cannot access housing in London. We have Muslim Police association. When you start with that kind of policing happening, all your faith in your country is very easily diluted. “

Video showing the wide spread problem of Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in UK. In one town, Rotterdam, alone 2000 British young girls 8-12 were raped by Pakistani Muslims

“The reason 2000 of our young white girls were raped in one town alone, Rotherham, was because When girls went to police, the police didn’t want to be called Islamophobic, when the girls told the social workers, they didn’t want to be called Racist, the girls were pushed away, no you must be wrong, must be from care home, no one believed, in the end 2000 girls were raped by Gangs of majority Pakistani Muslim men. I was referred to police, investigated for calling these rape squads majority Pakistani Muslim rape squads and it was not looking too good for me until the statistics came out and it was revealed that they were actually Pakistani Muslim rape squads.”

Present article is a continuation in the same series to raise awareness about the Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs. In the present article, we researched and found that Pakistani Muslim community that has intruded in every level in Politics, administration, Media, police, child care agencies, victims of the rape would continue to go through tormenting experience to get the justice.

Grooming Gangs – Problem Definition

When the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency (CEOP) finally came to publicly offer expert guidance on the subject of the grooming gangs, they defined the problem thus:

‘Localised grooming’ is a form of sexual exploitation – previously referred to as ‘on street grooming’ in the media – where children have been groomed and sexually exploited by an offender, having initially met in a location outside their home. This location is usually in public, such as a park, cinema, on the street or at a friend’s house. Offenders often act together, establishing a relationship with a child or children before sexually exploiting them. Some victims of ‘street grooming’ may believe that the offender is in fact an older ‘boyfriend’; these victims introduce their peers to the offender group who might then go on to be sexually exploited as well.

PDF Download: Breaking Down the Barriers to Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation, June 2011,

This is the barest possible definition of the problem. There are many more aspects to the problem, which also make “localized grooming” a new and distinctive phenomenon.

What’s wrong with this definition

The specific phenomenon of “localized grooming” requires the offender to inhabit a culture or milieu where it is acceptable to broach to friends, colleagues and relatives the possibility of raping under-age girls.

The groomers were men in their early twenties. Their customers were older relatives, friends or contacts. They travelled to the girls’ home town to have sex with them or had their victims delivered by car to Pakistani communities in northern England and the Midlands.

No mention is made in the CEOP definition of the inverse relationship between the ethnicity of the perpetrator and that of the victim.
No mention is made of the way in which the Muslim community closes ranks, supporting the perpetrators rather than the victims.
No mention is made of the pimping of the victims by the gang.
No mention is made of the violence and threats made against the child and/or her family.

Whilst the report is entitled Out of Mind, Out of Sight, this sexual exploitation was out in the open for all to see; it was just that fear of being accused of “racism” prevented people from acting on what they could see going on. Disentangling the concepts of “race” and “religion” is central to dealing with this problem.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) claim that part of the difficulty in identifying “localised grooming” is because: it is not a crime per se. It is made up of a number of other offences. The challenge is joining together those links and identifying it as child sexual exploitation.

It is for this reason that the definition of the problem should not just be defined in the most general way, but should include as many pertinent and specific features as possible, in order to overcome the problem in identifying when it is going on.

Thus, when reporting to the Home Affairs Select Committee on “localised grooming”, GMP estimated that in the previous 2 years alone, they had more than 30 prosecutions which fit the category of CSE, but “they were unable to record how many of the number of rape and other sexual offences cases prosecuted were related to child sexual exploitation.”

Home Affairs Select Committee report “Child Sexual Exploitation and the Response to Localised Grooming”
10 June 2013: PDF Download Link:- p.33.

That is, many convictions for other sex and drug-related crimes have not been identified conclusively as part of the activities of a grooming gang, but if more information was acquired, the police think that many of these “isolated” incidents would actually be part of a pattern of grooming activity. That is, sustained surveillance and the systematic collation of information is important not just for successful convictions, but also in establishing that these crimes are actually being committed in the first place.

However, the dependence of the police on information-gathering and deduction would be of far less importance, if the Muslim community had been prepared to inform on their brethren to the police, and they had been willing to testify in court about what they knew was going on. Moreover, if from 1995 schoolgirls in towns with significant Muslim populations had been forewarned about what the Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs were doing and how they operate, the victims themselves might have been able to alert the police to grooming activities, long before the victims had been seduced and entrapped.

In the absence of specific laws, the absence of help from Muslim communities, and absence of knowledge on the part of the schoolgirls which would enable them to realize they were being groomed, the police must rely on expensive and complicated information-gathering and analysis.

Pattern of Exploitation

In an article published in The Times on 5-Jan 2011, “The 17 cases identified by The Times which showed a pattern of exploitation

The Times identified 17 cases in which men groomed girls they met on the street. Most of the offenders were of Pakistani origin (around 90% having Muslim names), we must conclude they are just the tip of the iceberg. As the comments from Greater Manchester Police make clear, there are other convictions for rape and other sexual offences which will not meet the strict criteria, but which are very likely signs of the activities of grooming gangs. Thus, there was a conviction in Manchester. There was only one man involved in the abduction and one schoolgirl, but there were many other men involved in the rape/pimping of that schoolgirl, but from the many men involved in that schoolgirl’s ordeal, only that one perpetrator was prosecuted (the other perpetrators were never caught, because the convicted man refused to identify them).

Convictions are just the Tip of the Iceberg

Even when a case can be considered as being within the parameters of our class of convictions for “localised grooming”, there are many other men who are caught up in these prosecutions, but who are not found guilty. Thus, in his retrospective survey of convictions, Andrew Norfolk provides some details about court cases which show that those convicted are but a small section of other men who are implicated along with the convicts.’

Data showing how many Grooming Gang members were Arrested, Charged and Convicted by 2010
Data showing how many Grooming Gang members were Arrested, Charged and Convicted by 2010

We can conclude, that for every man convicted there are probably between 2 to 10 other men who were directly implicated, but for whom there was insufficient evidence to secure a conviction. If this is true, it means that with this crime there are very many perpetrators getting away with it. It is not just that there are convictions for sexual crimes (or drug-crimes) which may also be connected to a grooming gang: even when a grooming gang is identified and a case can be built up against some of the gang-members, many of those arrested are never charged, many of those charged are never even convicted, many more escape being arrested or charged. There is a strong incentive for the gang to use violence or intimidation to stop their victims from testifying or from even identifying other gang members. Even members of the Muslim community who played no part in a gangs’ activities have gone out of their way to protect the gang members.’

Insider’s Help

A trial in Burnley, Lancashire concluded in April 2013, with a Pakistani Muslim man named Mohammed Imran Amjad being jailed for the sexual abuse of a child. However, months later, a Muslim woman receptionist who worked for that council was “jailed for attempting to derail” the trial of him and other men for grooming. Five other men in that trial were cleared of rape, sexual assault and child abduction at Burnley Crown Court in April 2013: “she accessed a confidential database 60 times over 15 days to find details of the witness and her family.” “Lancashire Council receptionist jailed after attempting to derail grooming trial”, BBC News, 30 August 2013,

Mohammed Imran Amjad 's girlfriend accessed a database for Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs 60 times, helping the accused with information pertaining to witnesses
Mohammed Imran Amjad ‘s girlfriend accessed a database for Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs 60 times, helping the accused with information pertaining to witnesses

This demonstrates the way in which the Pakistani Muslim community helps not only to cover up this crime during the months and years in which the schoolgirl is being raped, but they also actively work to destroy the case once a prosecution is initiated.

To give another example to show how Pakistani Muslims have intruded in trusted positions in UK government and administration, there was a recent news in UK media. “Home Office official was the ringleader of £6million conspiracy which allowed 437 illegal immigrants into Britain” published on 10 April 2018

Shamsu Iqbal, a Pakistani Muslim, 61, was the lynchpin of a scam that falsified at least 437 records.
Shamsu Iqbal, a Pakistani Muslim, 61, was the lynchpin of a scam that falsified at least 437 records.

Shamsu Iqbal, 61, was the lynchpin of a scam that falsified at least 437 records. He hijacked the records of at least 437 genuine migrants. Iqbal and three other men netted £6million after he ‘exploited’ a trusted position.
Taxpayer could have lost £56million from illegal immigrants claiming benefits

Prosecutors explained how Iqbal would access Home Office records of migrants who had been granted the right to stay in Britain and swap them for details of imposters.

Iqbal’s co-accused were Sheikh Muhammad Usman, 45 (left), legal case worker Mohammad Khawar Aftab Hussain (right), 49, and worker Mohammad Ibrahim Ali, 48

Sheikh Muhammad Usman is a qualified lawyer of Pakistani origin who worked at a number of firms in London. British citizen Mohammad Khawar Aftab Hussain was born in Pakistan.

Iqbal, of Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, was convicted of 13 counts of conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration and jailed for 11 years by Croydon crown court.

Point for posting this recent news from 2018 is to show, how many Pakistani Muslims have intruded in different “Trusted” positions who could help easily these Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs escape getting caught or fiddling with the evidence or threatening the victim or the victim’s family or the witnesses and derail the trials.

Difficulty in securing conviction preventing police to identify the crimes

This difficulty in securing convictions serves as a negative feedback-loop to police and social services, who think it is not worth identifying that a crime is taking place, when the chances of stopping it or achieving justice are so slight (and the likelihood of being accused of “racism” is so high). Part of the problem in securing convictions is that the accused get away with claiming that the schoolgirls were consenting, rather than groomed and exploited.

This means that quite often a case collapses with none of the accused being found guilty.

In 2007, 2 Pakistani Muslims – Zulfqar Hussain and Qaiser Naveed, were each sentenced to five years and eight months for abduction, sexual activity with a child, and the supply of a controlled drug. Both pleaded guilty. Was 5 years and 8 months sufficient for destroying the lives of several minor girls? Was this justice? Julie Bindel, “Mothers of Prevention”, The Sunday Times, 2007

In 2010, police in Rotherham managed a successful prosecution of a gang, but two subsequent cases there failed.

In July 2013, In a High Wycombe in UK during the famous Ribbon Trial as per Article “Ribbon trial: Jury discharged – no verdict on three men”, It was large-scale prosecution that failed in July 2013. 7 Accused Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs – Ammar Rafiq, Mohammed Adnan, Jubroin Khan, Khasim Dadd, Rameez Ali, Janaid Sharif, Asif Hussain out of the 10 Accused were found not guilty at the ten-week trial at Oxford Crown Court. However, jurors were unable to reach a decision on the remaining counts facing the last three defendants Iblal Fiaz, Khasim Fiaz and Mudassar Hussain (All Pakistani Muslims) after more than 32 hours of deliberation.

In between, another trial at Stafford Crown Court collapsed in September 2011. Throughout all these failed prosecutions, police risk being accused of “racism.” When the risk of a prosecution failing because of witness/ victim intimidation from criminals, what the police need is public support, not false accusations of “racism”.

Misconception that all Victims are from Children’s homes

One of the popular misconceptions is that the victims are all from children’s homes or are under the guardianship of social services. However, it seems that the majority of the victims are not in state control, with only 14% being “in care.” In many discussions of this grooming phenomenon, people have been all too happy to blame the victim for her abuse and to blame the victim for coming from a dysfunctional family. But in such cases, the child should not be blamed for coming from a dysfunctional family. Moreover, in some cases, the child has been put into care by her family, because she was already in the clutches of the grooming gangs. With no assistance from the police or social workers, parents sometimes would try and put their children “in care” with the council, in a vain hope that in this way their daughters would be protected and beyond the reach of the gangs.

Even if the girls were mostly under the guardianship of the state, that should have been all the more reason for the social workers to intervene. Such children have often been not only taken away from their biological family but are often relocated to towns a long way from any relatives. These towns often have a high Muslim population. It could hardly have been designed to be more dangerous for these schoolgirls: predatory men, social workers who are politically correct, girls who maybe be headstrong, wayward or abused, far away from anyone with real concern for the girls’ well-being. It is a recipe for disaster.

Wherever there is the opportunity for the gangs to intervene beyond the watchful eye of parents/carers, they will use that opportunity. There is much evidence that the gangs station themselves outside schools and takeaways, and inside shopping malls. They will repeatedly importune schoolgirls walking between home and school, not taking “No” for an answer. Many parents will have no idea that their daughter is being subjected to the wiles and lure of the gangs. And if the politically-correct brainwashing has been successful, a schoolgirl may even consider herself “racist” for refusing the advances of these Pakistani Muslim men.

“I wanted the three of them [my daughters] to be put into child protection but they wouldn’t do it. I must have called in to social services eight or nine times and phoned them lots of times.” Nigel Bunyan, “Rochdale Grooming Trial: Police Knew about Sex Abuse in 2002 but Failed to Act”, The Telegraph,

9 May 2012

The mother of a victim of an Asian child sex gang gave The Daily Telegraph a copy of an official report that gave social workers and police a harrowing insight into the issue in 2005.

It said to her daughter, Miss F, was “known to be taking drugs and other substances and having sex with Asian men”.

The document, written by a sexual health adviser, continues: “(At) 8.30am yesterday three men she did not know took her to a hotel. She presented at the Crisis Intervention Team with love bites and acute abdominal pain.

“She was found accommodation at Night Stop but continued to have abdominal pain and went to A & E. She was escorted away by three Asian men before she was seen. She is now missing.

“(Miss F) is believed to be using substances to the extent that she does not know what she is doing. A couple of days ago, wearing a sari, she was carried across the road by three Asian men.

“She was obviously under the influence of some substance. She has no memory of what happened at the hotel.”

Copies of the document were sent to both the social services team at Crossfield Mill, Rochdale, and the town’s crisis intervention team, which gives advice to girls on abortions and sexually transmitted diseases.

In the aftermath of Miss F’s double rape her mother gave police and social workers the names and nicknames of more than a dozen men who had abused her.

She later discovered her other two daughters had also become prey to the gang and trafficked around the north-west.

She said: “None of them did anything about it. I’m so, so angry. If they’d acted then, I don’t think this whole problem would be so bad.

“They could have arrested people then and brought them to court. That could have saved a lot of other girls from being hurt – including my other two daughters”.

Representation Picture of a victim of Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs.
Representation Picture of a victim of Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs.

In the years that followed, Mrs F’s two other daughters were recruited by the gangs.

She claims that over the years both police and social services turned a blind eye to the abuse.

“They knew all about my daughters from late 2002, but they just put it down by my girls being really bad kids.

“A police officer did tell me, and a social worker has told me since, that they’re frightened to do anything with the Asians because they might be accused of being racist against them.”

The mother went on: “(Girl F) knew a couple of the defendants in the trial at Liverpool but I don’t know whether they abused her too.

“I wanted the three of them to be put into child protection but they wouldn’t do it. I must have called in to social services eight or nine times and phoned them lots of times. They also had lots of referrals from people like the health visitors.

“I think it’s disgusting that they didn’t do anything to help the girl who was attacked first in the trial. They failed her like they failed my girls. They’ve just never learned.

“They keep saying they didn’t know much about it in 2008, but that’s a lie. They knew a lot about it. It’s just that they didn’t act on it.

“My girls told me about lots of other girls who were involved. Social services must have been aware. They’ve been aware since it started happening to my girls, and so have the police”.

All these years these Pakistani Muslims were referred to as “Asian” with the fear of being termed as racists. Until you define the problem, how can you find a solution? If the information would have been disseminated without the fear of being labeled an Islamophobe or a “Racist”, thousands of girls could have been saved from being raped multiple times by multiple men, destroying their lives.

It might be hard to grasp how deep and how enduring was the silence around these Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs and their victims. But in 2012 Andrew Norfolk, a principal journalist for The Times, stated “when we first started to investigate this 2 years ago, no-one [from the child-care professions] would speak to us.” A journalist of long-standing, with an impeccable record, working for one of the most respected newspapers in the world, could not get professionals in 21st century Britain to speak to him about a phenomenon that is probably the worst child-care scandal in the country in 40 years. It is a situation which defies belief.

These were public servants, who would not talk about child-rape and prostitution, which they knew had been going on for years. They were not the rapists. They were not being paid by the criminals. But political-correctness and multiculturalism had left them too scared to speak about these horrific crimes. No wonder these grooming gangs felt untouchable. The conflicts and confusions caused by multiculturalism left the staff unsure of their moral and professional values; the tyranny of political correctness meant they did not dare articulate or even acknowledge what they were seeing and hearing.

When he testified before parliament, Andrew Norfolk said that after he published his analysis of the pattern of exploitation in January 2011, showing that Pakistani Muslim men were massively over-represented as the perpetrators, suddenly he was contacted by so many people who had refused to speak to me before. When you have a Director of Children’s Services ringing and saying, “My staff are jumping for joy in the office today because finally somebody has said what we have not felt able to say,” and when you have very senior police officers saying exactly the same.

Those who are responsible for instilling such fear into public officials should be held accountable.

In a later analysis, Andrew Norfolk reported on the hundreds of unpublished reports on Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham by police and social services. For example, in 2002 a Home Office funded research project showed that 56 schoolgirls had sexual links to 3 Pakistani brothers. This had all the hallmarks of “localised grooming.” Police and social services discussed this case for years without ever identifying that the men were Pakistani Muslims; they never acknowledged publicly what was going on and, according to Andrew Norfolk, they never did anything to stop it. They were “terrorized” by political correctness and multiculturalism.

The refusal of academics, social services, police and media to attend to this subject from 1988 to 2011 ensured that the victims remained invisible and ensured that the gangs could extend their reach across the entire country. By 1996, it was not only in South Yorkshire but also in West Yorkshire where police, social services and child-care professionals knew what the characteristics of this crime were. We cannot calculate the harm done by refusing to publicly identify this problem by the mid-1990s.

Whilst police forces in the North-West of England are considered the most expert in dealing with this type of criminal activity, the problem is now nationwide. The grooming problem appears to have started with Pakistani Muslim gangs grooming Sikh girls in Birmingham in the 1980s, but by the start of the 21st century it appears to have extended to include all the major towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire. And given recent convictions in Oxford, Barking, Ipswich and the north-east of England, it looks like the gangs are working in most of the country.

Absence of conviction doesn’t mean Pakistani Muslim Groomin Gangs don’t operate in that area

An absence of gang members being convicted in an area does not mean they do not operate in that area: the gangs are known to traffic the girls from their home town across the country (to Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford and Dover) to offer the schoolgirls up for sexual services to a network of customers. And there are areas of the country with large Muslim populations but relatively few prosecutions (for example, London and the West Midlands). There are indications that this lack of prosecutions is not because the gangs are not operating in those areas (it was announced that police in London had uncovered around 500 victims in a mere 6 months).

One newspaper took the initiative of asking all the police forces in England and Wales in 2013, whether or not they had current investigations into specific grooming gangs. 41 Whilst 1 in 3 forces did not respond, from those organizations who did respond, it transpired that in early 2013 there were at least 54 on-going investigations into different grooming gangs in various parts of UK. It was reported in an article written by Justin Penrose & Vicky Smith, “Police probe at least 54 more evil child sex grooming gangs”, The Daily Mirror, 19 May 2013

Some of these investigations concerned Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in Devon, Kent and Suffolk, counties far away both geographically and demographically from the towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire, the type of towns which people might imagine would be the scene of these crimes. Often, we have heard reports of related events which strongly indicate that gangs are operating in an area, even when we have been unable to locate even a failed prosecution of a grooming gang in that area.

This continues till today. Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs are operating with Impunity. Law makers in UK have made laws that have made the prevention of such crimes impossible. Laws on Racism, Islamophobia, multiculturism need to be scrapped and free hand should be given to law enforcement authorities with partnership with people from public to expose grooming gangs without the fear of being labled and charged for “Racist” or “Islamophobia”.

Laws are made for the protection of people. But if such laws become hinderance in the Law enforcement, protection of minor daughters from Pakistani criminals, such laws should be scrapped.

When Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs do not respect law or the honour of British or Sikh or other girls, they should not be given the protection of the same law. But on the contrary it is seen (We will expose in our future articles as well), some UK politicians are too much worried for helping Pakistan by sending billions of pounds in Foreign Aid on the pretext of road and railway construction, giving visas to Islamist Radicals from Pakistan while Christians and Hindus are being killed under Blasphemy laws. Such UK Politicians need to be exposed. What are their agendas to support Pakistan despite the fact that Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs are raping thousands of minor girls 8-12 years in UK.

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