Current Khan of Kalat of Balochistan - His Highness Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai

Khan of Kalat of Balochistan has approached United Nations and has demanded UN help to end Pakistan’s Occupation and hold referendum in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan.

Former ruler of Khanate of Kalat now known as Pakistan Occupied Balochistan, His Highness the Khan of Kalat, Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai has asked United Nations Human Rights Organization to hold a referendum in Pakistan-Occupied Balochistan to allow him and the Baloch people freedom from Pakistan’s rule.

Current Khan of Kalat of Balochistan - His Highness Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai
Current Khan of Kalat of Balochistan – His Highness Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai

Noted Journalist Tarek Fateh tweeted about this and shared the screenshots of the written statement seeking UN intervention and calling for a referendum in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan.

Here is the letter officially received by the UN Secretary General regarding the Khan of Kalat’s request for a UN-Supervised Referendum in Pakistan-Occupied Balochistan.

The acknowledgement of the receipt of the written statement was sent by the Human Rights Council Forty-ninth session 28 February – 1 April 2022 Agenda Item 9, Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.

Acknowledgment :-

The Secretary-General has received the following written Statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31.

Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There - Acknowledgement by Human Rights Council for receipt of written statement
Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There – Acknowledgement by Human Rights Council for receipt of written statement

Here is the Written Statement attached to the Acknowledgement circulated by the UN Human Rights Council:-

Critical human rights situation in Balochistan

I, His Highness Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai as the current Khan of Kalat draw United Nations attention towards history of Balochistan which is currently occupied by Pakistan which I consider illegal.

Meeting held, from 3rd June 1974 to 7th Augus 1947, between Balochistan delegations and officials of Pakistan states department presided over by the Crown Representative Viceroy Louis Mountbatten, then after between His Highness the Khan of Kalat and Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, following decision were made.

  • The Government of Pakistan recognizes Baluchistan (Kalat) as an independent sovereign state, within treaty relations with the different from that of India.
  • Legal opinion will be sought so as to whether or not an agreement of lease between the British Government and Kalat will be inherited by the Pakistan Government.
  • When this opinion has been received, further meetings will take place between the representative of Pakistan and the Khan of Kalat in Karachi.

Related Article The Baloch Pakistan Permanent Conflict – 1948-1977

Related Article The Baloch Pakistan Permanent Conflict – 1977 – 2019

Meanwhile standstill agreement has been made between Pakistan and Baluchistan (Kalat). Discussion will take place between Pakistan and Kalat state in Karachi at an early date with a view to reaching a decision on defense, external, and communication.

Then after on 11 August 1947 Baluchistan became the Independent State.

Khan of Kalat Mir Ahmed Khan Ahmadzai, ruler of the Independent Princely State of Balochistan also known as Khanate of Kalat.
Khan of Kalat Mir Ahmed Khan Ahmadzai, ruler of the Independent Princely State of Balochistan also known as Khanate of Kalat. 

At the first opportunity, the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah had violated Baluchistan sovereignty and Declared Kharan, Las-Bella, and Makarn which had been a district of Kalat for centuries’ princely states, and annexed them into Pakistan against the Baluch will and violation of Baluchistan sovereignty.

That Time Muhammad Ali Jinnah had no authority and legitimacy to declare provinces of sovereign Baluchistan as princely states.

Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There - Written Statement sent to UN Human Rights Council
Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There – Written Statement sent to UN Human Rights Council

Pakistani did not stop with the annexation of thriee-part of Baluchistan into Pakistan. Jinnah diplomatically isolated Kalat created misperception about Baluchistan among the international community, and they Besieged Kalat from four fronts for 9 months in the end they sent the army to Kalat and forced the Khan to sign an annexation treaty under duress, what we are calling forced annexation.

Human Rights Situation in Balochistan

Human Rights violation, since the annexation of Baluchistan in Pakistan is continued from 1948 all Baluchistan political leaders, notable, including The Khan of Kalat had been put in prison for treason. Every military or civic government has eroded Baluchistan social, community institutions, Baluch freedom, and they encroached on The Baluch liberty and violated dignity, freedom, and property rights.

Pakistan’s Kill and dump, forced disappearances policies have a long history in Balochistan, killing innocent Baloch people and disappearances is continued on daily basis in all Balochistan, many Mass graves were found in Balochistan, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan including other International Human Rights organizations including myself also raised such issues in United Nations office Geneva Switzerland.

Related Article EXPOSED: Pakistan Army Doing Organ Harvesting after Enforced Disappearance of Ethnic Baloch, Pashtuns and Muhajirs

According to local people, international organizations, Pakistani Parliament representatives, thousands of innocent Baloch people have been abducted illegally by Pakistani Law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies in Balochistan, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Amnesty international also acknowledged this issue and raised serious concern with Pakistan Government but Pakistani intelligence authorities keep on continuing kidnapping innocent Baloch on daily basis without any fear and reasons.

Pakistan has killed thousands, physicians, engineers, teachers, businessmen, and the commoner inside and outside Baluchistan and moreover, almost twenty thousand are kept inside the Pakistan army’s unmarked torture cells, the United Nations, Intergovernmental and non-government organizations must protect those Baluch people who cannot protect themselves from the nuclear-armed army.

Related Article Pakistani Army Continues Its Genocide In Balochistan: Human Rights Abuse Report for September and October 2019


Under the umbrella of so-called Development of CPEC Pakistan and China together started Eradication of the Baloch in Balochistan from 2015 and it continues.

The result Recently more than 25,000 peoples under title of “Give Rights to Gwadar Movement” protest on streets of Gwadar Balochistan against CPEC. On the other hand, Pakistan and China both are busy in fake propaganda about CPEC and Gwadar port development. But recently in December 2021 thousands of people, including women and children, marched on the main roads and streats of Gwadar against China and Pakistani Atrocities.

The people of Gwadar have been struggling with the lack of clean drinking water, poor access to electricity and gas. Despite all the promises of employment, the people were reduced to mere strangers in their own land of Gwadar Balochistan.

Pakistan Authorities not only build hundreds of illegal checkpoints on the CPEC road to Gwadar but they have burnt many villages on the CPEC route. They have displaced the hundreds of thousands of local Baluch from their ancestral homeland and forced them to live as refugees on their own land.

Related Article Is Pakistan’s Occupation of Balochistan viable anymore?

Under Pakistan’s constitution provinces are owners of their natural resources

Baluchistan produces gas, Gold, copper but Baluchistan is not benfiting from them, all resources revenue of Balochistan going to Federal Government hands and common Baloch is living as a beggar in motherland.

There is no hope in sight for the Baluch within Pakistan. If it continued Baloch will suffer forever in Pakistan. The United Nations should recognize Baluchistan as occupied land and ask Pakistan to withdraw its forces and allow the people of Baluchistan to live a normal life like the other nation in the world. In order to stop the Baluch genocide, The United Nation must intervene before it is too late.

Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There - Written Statement sent to UN Human Rights Council
Khan of Kalat of Balochistan seeks UN help to Free Pakistan Occupied Balochistan and hold Referendum There – Written Statement sent to UN Human Rights Council


In view of the above facts the following recommendations required to be compliance by Government of Pakistan.

  1. His Highness Mir Suleman Khan Ahmedzai as the current Khan of Kalat and my Nation Baloch, do not want to be a Part of Pakistan anymore and request the United Nations to conduct free and fair process of referendum in Balochistan under guidelines and supervision of the United Nations.
  2. According to various international organizations, bodies such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Local NGOs, Pakistan intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies are involved in enforced disappearances of thousands of Baloch people. Pakistan Government immediately disclose the fate and whereabouts of victims of enforced disappearance to their families and ensure that they are brought promptly before a judge of a civilian court.
  3. Pakistan Government must Consult civil society, families and representatives of missing persons on the draft bill to criminalize enforced disappearance and ensure that the offence is defined in accordance with international law and standards.
  4. Government of Pakistan must respect United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Articles and immediately stop Atrocities against innocent Baloch people.

Points to Ponder

Will UN and International Community wake up to the Genocide Committed by Punjabi Pakistan in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan where people are fighting for their Independence? Or will the attempts for holding referendum in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan be VETOED by Pakistan’s God Father China?

Does the modern world in 21st Century allow a Fascist state like Pakistan to still continue to illegally occupy another nation and not only continue to loot its resources but also share the bounty with China in return for protection at International Forums?

Why is no International Media and International Human Rights Organizations not allowed in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan?

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