Did Leftist/Liberal News Media Mention That Quran Burning In Malmo-Sweden was preceded by Radicals Desecrating A Church For Seven Days In A Row?

Did Leftist/Liberal News Media report that Vandals had desecrated the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malmö (southern Sweden) seven days in a row in August 2020, breaking windows and demolishing a statue of Jesus?

Did Leftist/Liberal News Media Mention That Quran Burning In Malmo-Sweden was preceded by Radicals Desecrating A Church For Seven Days In A Row?
Did Leftist/Liberal News Media Mention That Quran Burning In Malmo-Sweden was preceded by Radicals Desecrating A Church For Seven Days In A Row?

Vandals Desecrated A Church For Seven Days In A Row

As per a news report, The attentive folks at L’Observatoire de la Christianophobie reported Monday 24-August 2020 that for the week ending August 18, the church — located in the district of Västra Skrävlinge — was repeatedly profaned and is now protected by a nightly patrol.

Among the damage, a statue of Jesus was destroyed inside the church building and over the course of the week some 30 church windows were smashed with stones. The perpetrators also hurled other objects into the church through the broken windows.

In the aftermath of the incidents, the church suspended religious services to allow the building to be cleaned of the large amount of broken glass that had accumulated on the pews. In the meantime, the church was obliged to hold Sunday services outdoors, but this past Sunday the church managed to return to holding worship indoors again.

The Västra Skrävlinge church’s supervising priest, Mikael Göth, said that the escalating destruction has caused concern among his congregation. “People are distraught, anxious, and worried for their safety,” Göth said. “We are grieving.”

Did Leftist/Liberal News Media Mention That Quran Burning In Malmo-Sweden was preceded by Radicals Desecrating A Church For Seven Days In A Row?
Did Leftist/Liberal News Media Mention That Quran Burning In Malmo-Sweden was preceded by Radicals Desecrating A Church For Seven Days In A Row?

“We got a wave of seven nights in a row — or nights,” Göth said. “They went to church, smashed windows, made a disturbance, and knocked over the statue. Now we have guards and the police are involved.”

It is still unclear who is behind the vandalism, Göth said. “At the moment we are not speculating about that. We just hope we can stop it.”

“A church is a church,” he added. “It means much more than just the building; it is a place where you feel protected. So when this happens it is distressing.”

The district of Västra Skrävlinge attained international notoriety in 2016 when a local Muslim, Osama Krayem, became one of Europe’s most hunted men and eventually was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the coordinated terrorist attacks in Brussels that killed thirty-two civilians and injured more than 300 others.

In April of that year, Belgian police apprehended the 23-year-old — who by then had assumed the new ISIS-given identity of Naim al-Hamed — in Brussels, on suspicion of buying the bags used to hide the bombs in the Brussels metro. During his interrogation, Krayem confessed that he was the second metro bomber, claiming he felt regret at the last moment and so never tried to detonate his suicide bomb.

Born in Västra Skrävlinge, Osama Krayem grew up as part of the local Muslim community in the Rosengård district in Malmö but eventually enrolled as a fighter with the Islamic State in Syria.

For the Leftist/Liberal News Media world wide, is descreting of religious places of Christians and Hindus by Radical Islamists Ok? Readical Islamists can abuse and post derogatory images against Christians God and Hindu Gods and Leftist/Liberal Media worldwide is OK with it and infact calls for religious tolerance among other religions but never blamed the Islamist Radicals? Who is pulling the strings of Islamist Radicals that at a throw of hat burn the entire cities?

Did the Leftist/Liberal Main Stream News Media report about crimes against Christian women and girls in Sweden by Radical Refugees that was building up the emotions among Christian Groups that let it out in the form of Quran Burning Incident?

Did the Leftist/Liberal Main Stream News Media report about crimes against Christian women and girls in Sweden by Radical Refugees that was building up the emotions among Christian Groups that let it out in the form of Quran Burning Incident?
Did the Leftist/Liberal Main Stream News Media report about crimes against Christian women and girls in Sweden by Radical Refugees that was building up the emotions among Christian Groups that let it out in the form of Quran Burning Incident?

Similar Riots in Bengaluru, India in August 2020

Recently in our previous article India Derecognizes Pakistan Issued Medical Degrees from Indian Territories under Pakistani Illegal Occupation. Pakistan Retaliates by Supporting Bangaluru Riots, we covered in details how Pakistan that is engulfed in eternal hate for India recently reacted. There was a mob rampage in an Indian city Bengaluru on 12-August 2020, because of an online post made by some user which hurt Muslim sentiments. In fact, it is understood that this post was made as a response to another post which hurt Hindu sensibilities. Under the cover of religion, a mob spread anarchy on the roads of Bengaluru leading to loss of life and property. Pakistan has now condemned the “excesses of Indian state” against innocent Muslims who were provoked into action.

Here is the screenshot of the post shared by a twitter user of the posts by a random person in response/retaliation to a random Muslim person making mockery of Indian Gods and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Thereafter a string of social media posts started inciting mobs calling them to take revenge. Also check the reply to the tweet where in another person helps translate the text written in an Indian local language.

This sudden surge in communal violence a few days before Indian Independence Day seems like the handiwork of Pakistan and its master China.

One social media user posted :-

“This all happens in coordination. Anyone who is opposing China is seeing riots in their countries. US is seeing Antifa/Leftist Terrorists riots in name of BLM. India seeing communal riots on a random post that mention quotes from the scriptures. Understand the big Chinese Game!!”

Rather than condemning lawlessness on the states, one would see that Pakistan is actually encouraging people to break law and spread anarchy on the streets.

Leftist/Liberal News Media worldwide including Indian Media never highlighted the original post made by an Islamist Radial that posted derogatory Nude images of Hindu Gods and derogatory Indian PM to which a random user posted a list of quotes from Hadiths with the hadith numbers. So does Leftist/Liberal Media says that it is OK for the Islamist Radicals to post nude and derogatory images of Hindu Gods?

Chinese Threat of Countermeasures to Sweden

Ambassador Gui Congyou caused a diplomatic furor in January 2020 after giving an interview to Sweden’s public broadcaster SVT, in which he said that some local media representatives “have a habit of criticizing, accusing and smearing China”.

He went on to compare the relationship between Swedish media and China to one in which “a 48kg weight boxer keeps challenging an 86kg weight boxer to a fight”.

Relations between the two countries have soured recently over jailed Chinese-born Swedish publisher Gui Minhai, who was honoured last year by the Swedish chapter of PEN International with its annual Tucholsky Prize.

Gui Minhai, who has written several books that are critical of China’s leadership, has been detained since late 2015 by Chinese authorities, who accuse him of crimes including “operating an illegal business”.

Gui Congyou says Minhai is a “lie-fabricator” who “committed serious offences in both China and Sweden”. He also said Swedish media “is full of lies” about the case and that the Tucholsky Prize, which was handed out by Sweden’s minister of culture, would result in Chinese “countermeasures”.

“Despite strong opposition by the Chinese side, [literary organisation] Svenska PEN insisted on issuing an award to Gui Minhai, and the Culture Minister of Sweden [Amanda Lind] attended the ceremony, which the Chinese side expresses strong discontent and strong opposition against,” the mission said in a statement.

Ambassador Gui, who has served in Sweden since August 2017, has been a vocal critic of his host nation’s media coverage of China. According to a report by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, co-authored by Bjorn Jerden, head of its Asia programme, between January 2018 and May of 2019, the Chinese embassy issued 57 statements critical of local press coverage of China.

Jerden said the ambassador’s comments had taken the war of words to new heights. “China chose to portray this as an escalation from the Swedish side, hence the rationale for the threat,” he said.

Iranians in Sweden

On August 22, 2019, Hundreds of Iranians living in Sweden gathered in front of the country’s parliament on Wednesday, August 21, to protest the Islamic Republic Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s visit to the capital city Stockholm.

Some carrying Iran’s pre-revolution official flag, they condemned the Swedish government for hosting Zarif, chanting against the Islamic Republic’s top diplomat.

“Get lost, Zarif!” “Zarif is a murderer!”, the enraged demonstrators chanted.

Protesters, a mix of the monarchists, republicans and Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), carried banners, reading, “Kick Javad Zarif out!’, “Europe & Nordic countries are not a place for criminals & terrorists,” “World peace, stability & democracy requires regime change in Iran.”

These Iranians who were protesting in 2019 in Sweden were not Islamist Radicals. Then what changed in one Year that in August 2020, Iranians got so offended by Quran Burning that they are burning Sweden itself? Doesn’t Muslims commit crimes and provoke non-Muslims by burning Churches and desecrating them? Thousands of Churches in France, Italy and other countries have been desecrated, burnt, destroyed.

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Sweden a Den of Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI Operatives and Radical Islamist Pakistanis

In our previous article Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Baloch Journalist Sajid Hussain found dead we had covered in details on how Pakistan has infiltrated its assassins to Europe to Assassinate Baloch, Mohajir Freedom Fighters. As per sources, earlier Pakistan was using its Assets in UK. They were normally engaged in Grooming Gangs Activities and raping young girls of 8-12 years old. Besides that they carried out the dirty work of Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI including giving threats or even assassinating the Freedom Fighters who spoke against the Human Rights Violations by Pakistan Army in Balochistan, Pashtunistan or Sindh. However as per recent reports, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has adopted a new route to infiltrate its trained Assassins via the Turkey Border into Europe via Greece.

Thousands of migrants have been trying to get into Greece since Turkey said on Feb. 28 it would no longer try to keep them on its territory, as it had agreed to do with Brussels in 2016 in return for billions of euros in aid. Majority of the infiltrators are Pakistanis who have outnumbered even the Syrians who have fled the war zone in Syria. There is on war in Pakistan, then how can they be refugees? As per our source, Most of the Islamic Radical Pakistanis are sent to Turkey for Islamic Jihad in Europe, some join them for better economic prospects by paying to the Pakistani and Turkish middle men. However taking advantage of the Turkey pushing thousands of Infiltrators in Europe, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has also started pushing its Assassins via the Turkey border. Their movement to the Greece border has appeared organized by someone, with buses, minibuses and cars ferrying people from Istanbul.

It should be noted that Europe has a lot of Baloch, Mohajir, Sindhis, Pashtuns living in Exile who are frequently protesting against the Enforced disappearance of Baloch, Mohajir, Pashtuns and other ethnic groups by Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army.

These Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI operatives and Islamist Radical criminals that obey all the orders of their masters China, can cause these riots using locally available gangs and Radicals that can be brainwashed or paid for creating the riots and carry out the tasks given by the Chinese masters.

China decides when and where and whose strings to be pulled

We cannot believe that Islamist Radicals that had been desecrating Christian Churches had not expected a response from Christians living in Swedish town of Malmo. They had in fact been waiting for this reaction that came in the form of Quran Burning and the entire Leftist/Liberal/Islamist Radical ecosystem got activated. While the Islamist Radials were burning Swedish City, the Leftist/Liberal news media were publishing news justifying the burning of the Swedish City. You can check by doing a google search about Sweden riots. You will be surprised that almost every news article had the keywords “After Quran Burning”. None of these Leftist/Liberal Main stream news media houses dared to report that Islamist Radicals were desecrating a church multiple times in Malmo that lead to the Quran Burning incident.

They Day China wants to create riots in any City in the world, it signals its puppets in Pakistan and Iran that in turn signal their sleeper cells in the target cities and the whole Leftist/Liberal/Islamist Radical Ecosystem kick starts the campaign to justify the riots by Islamist Radicals while hiding the fact that the same Islamist Radicals in fact started the whole episode of desecrating the religious places of other religion and when the other people responded, Islamist Radicals played victim card and started burning the entire city.

Is it surprising that Chinese Foreign Minister is touring Europe these days? Is it surprising that China is having good relations with Iran these days? Is it like any country that opposes China or questions China burns?

Is it surprising that Chinese Foreign Minister is touring Europe these days. Is it surprising that China is having good relations with Iran these days? Is it like any country that opposes China or questions China burns?

India that opposed China burned whole year in Riots in 2019 and such riots on the same lines started by Islamist Radicals still occur sporadically as we mentioned in this article. United States is burning due to riots by Leftist/Liberal/Islamist Radicals and Antifa Terrorists supported by China. Are these examples not enough for all the countries to unite and sanction China?

We spoke to an Indian social media user about his views on Riots in Sweden. He instead questioned us. “These European countries were justifying riots in Delhi and Bangalore by Islamist Radicals. Should Quran burning incident not be enough justification to burn Sweden by Islamist Radicals? It is the Main Stream Media that decides what riot is justified and what riot is not justified. It is the Main Stream Media that decides when to raise hue and cry and when to turn into a mute spectator and seal the lips. If every country would have done a strict control on the Leftist Media and exposed their nexus with China and Radical countries, this situation would not have arisen. Today in India, Hindus feel victims because of Main Stream Media turning blind eyes to crimes done by Islamist Radicals. Same is the fate of Christians in Sweden today. Though we share condolences for the loss of property to Sweden, we cannot do anything more. It is time not only Sweden, but other European Countries also stand along with Indian and eradicate this epicenter of Radicalism i.e. Pakistan. Once Pakistan is divided into 4 pieces i.e. 3 new Independent non-radical countries of Sindhudesh, Balochistan, Pashtunistan are formed, Pakistan will be reduced to a smaller size and it will be easy to close down the terrorist producing factory of the world. Thereafter the focus needs to be shifted to China that is funding all riots in all countries.”

Sweden is hardly the only country lacking both a robust human rights strategy for China, or the courage to hold Beijing accountable for its abuses. But no one can credibly claim to not have the necessary tools to push back against Beijing, especially when their own citizens’ lives are at stake. Why not pursue sanctions against the officials responsible for holding Gui? For those complicit in surveilling people in Sweden, particularly those originally from China? And what about forming a task force with other governments whose citizens are arbitrarily detained in China?

Sweden should exert its leverage and show China that serious human violations have serious consequences. Without such pressure, nothing is likely to change – and Stockholm owes Gui Minhai better than that.

Riots Spreading to other European Countries


Points to Ponder

A question needs to be asked to all countries. Shouldn’t they look at the reason what caused Christians to burn the Quran in Malmo, Sweden? Should these countries not have asked the reason what caused a social media user to reply to the derogatory post by Islamist Radical that lead to Bangalore Riots in August 2020? Should these countries not question why Indian Government had to bring Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 in the first place that caused the riots by Leftist/Liberal/Islamist Radicals, Bangladeshi Infiltrators and Rohingya Terrorists all over India in 2019? Is giving Indian Citizenship to religiously persecuted Hindus, Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists in 3 Islamist Radical Countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan wrong? Why are these countries not condemning riots all over the United States caused by Leftist/Liberals/Islamist Radical alliance and Antifa Terrorists that are backed by China and George Soros?

Unless there is a unity in all the countries, China can use all available tools at its disposal to cause riots in any city in any country whenever it wants unless the countries take a kneel in front of China and accept Chinese supremacy.

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