5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI Trained Operatives Linked To ISIS And New Year's Terrorist Shooting Arrested in South Africa

5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI trained Operatives including a Somali and an Ethiopian and 3 Pakistanis linked to kidnapping, extremism syndicate of IS and New Year’s Eve Melville terrorist shooting were arrested in a Kliprivier house south of Johannesburg.

Pakistan is already in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Grey list and is undergoing scrutiny. However more and more terror links of Pakistan are getting exposed now.

5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI Trained Operatives Linked To ISIS And New Year's Terrorist Shooting Arrested in South Africa
5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI Trained Operatives Linked To ISIS And New Year’s Terrorist Shooting Arrested in South Africa

A big breakthrough for South African authorities. The dirty Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI that is known for their terrorist activities not just in Pakistan but all over the globe including 9/11 in New York, were found involved in running operational sleeper cells in South Africa under the supervision of Pakistan High Commission Defense and culture center for last twenty years according to the sources of South African authorities.

South African authorities have found credible evidences that these operational sleeper cells were used for smuggling drugs and heroin, arms and ammunition and human trafficking. The following people were involved in running ISI’s sleeper cells: Tari Bab, Raja Nawazish, Ayub Kashmiri, Maulana Saifi, Nomi Butt, Asif Dog Wala, Mian Naseer Brothers, Ahmed Raza Burts Wala, Chaudry Naar, Malik Haroon. These people were responsible for smuggling drugs and heroin, money laundering and all illegal activities in South Africa as well.

As per the sources, kidnapping and extortion for money were part of the modus operandi of both the Durban and Johannesburg groups. The police affidavit in the Hoomer case said the group extorted money from Durban businesses to fund their efforts.

Speaking at the scene of the arrests, national police commissioner General Kehla Sitole said police had not ruled out the possibility that the five individuals could be linked to an international terrorist group.

“Secondly, we are also looking at such cases from an unconventional policing approach because these types of crimes require conventional and unconventional approach[es].

“In certain instances, they also require of us to work together with the defence and other security forces because people like these can cripple the grand economic strategy of the country, and can challenge the well-being of the country if we are not aware.

“… we have our intelligence moving out there very strong, but we [are] also working with agencies at integrated intelligence. We are putting our forces together and are linking with other countries at international level. We are trying to surround them and bring them to book,” Sitole said.

The property where police arrested 5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI trained Operatives who were allegedly behind a spate of kidnappings - inside and outside the country.
The property where police arrested 5 Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI trained Operatives who were allegedly behind a spate of kidnappings – inside and outside the country.

Security services seem to have been jolted into action by threats of retaliation against South Africa should it provide military support to fight an ISIS-affiliated group’s insurgency in Mozambique.

The police raid and arrest of an Pakistan linked kidnapping syndicate in a Kliprivier house south of Johannesburg has been described by South African authorities as “one of the biggest breakthroughs we have had in our investigations of international terrorism in South Africa”.

Apart from kidnapping, the five foreign nationals (Pakistanis) are being investigated for links to the Islamic State (IS) fundamentalist group, security sources have revealed.

Security services seem to have been jolted into action by the threats that Islamic State issued on one of its websites earlier in July 2020 to retaliate against South Africa if it provided military support to Mozambique to help it fight an insurgency by an Islamic State-affiliated group in the country’s Cabo Delgado province.

There is growing speculation among security analysts that South Africa is already training forces to enter Mozambique, although the government has so far confirmed nothing – except to say it has been discussing assistance with Maputo.

National police commissioner General Khehla Sitole told journalists on the scene of the Kliprivier raid on Thursday 23 July that police believes that the five individuals arrested could be linked to an international terrorist group.

Security sources told that the five suspects, including a Somali and an Ethiopian and Pakistanis, are linked to the case in KwaZulu-Natal where Farhad Hoomer and 11 other men, including foreigners, were charged with terrorism, murder, attempted murder, extortion and arson in 2018. The charges arose from a fatal attack on a Verulam mosque and the setting off of cellphone-triggered pipe-bombs there and across Durban.

On July 13 this year, a Verulam magistrate struck the Hoomer case off the roll when he refused to grant the prosecution another postponement for further investigations. The magistrate deemed the prosecutor had not offered good reasons for further delay. However, the prosecutor said then he intended to reinstate the charges.

Security sources that that one of the men who had been released when the Hoomer case was thrown out was among those arrested at the Kliprivier house last Thursday. And they said a State witness in the Hoomer case had given police evidence about how the KwaZulu-Natal cell was linked to one in Johannesburg.

The sources said they believe the five people arrested in Kliprivier were part of the Johannesburg cell the State witness was referring to.

The sources added that Islamic State material had been found in the Kliprivier house – as it had been in a raid two years ago at Hoomer’s house in Reservoir Hills, Durban, when he and others were arrested. The police affidavit in that case said the Durban house was being used as a terrorist training camp, where IS “training DVDs” were found.

Police recovered eight IS flags from the house.

As per the sources, kidnapping and extortion for money were part of the modus operandi of both the Durban and Johannesburg groups. The police affidavit in the Hoomer case said the group extorted money from Durban businesses to fund their efforts.

“When money was not forthcoming, they were targeted with explosive devices similar to the one used during the mosque attack,” authorities said.

The pre-dawn “intelligence-driven” raid in Kliprivier by the South African Police Services and the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) followed leads about a 72-year-old Indian national who had been kidnapped in Johannesburg on July 2, police said.

Naidoo explained that the New Year’s Day attack which Sitole referred to was the drive-by shooting in Melville on January 1 this year. Two women were killed and six people injured at Poppy’s restaurant when the occupants of a black BMW SUV drove past and opened fire on patrons.

He was found the day after the raid, in Kensington, unharmed, police said. Some security analysts believe the Kliprivier group was only involved in raising finances, mainly through kidnapping and perhaps extortion, for terrorist operations elsewhere, including in Mozambique.

However, SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo said that in their raid on the house, police recovered foreign military uniforms, several firearms including two AK-47 rifles, one Uzi submachine gun, two pump-action shotguns and several handguns, some of which were buried in the garden.

He added that the owner of the house in Kliprivier was still on the run.

Local news agencies reported that the five men were “linked to an international kidnapping and extremism syndicate”.

It quoted Sitole as saying the Kliprivier house “has been used as one of the bases by the criminals, who are not [only] involved in one single kidnapping case, but it is an organised type of a syndicate”.

“As we were digging further, we uncovered that the same firearms found here, some of them have been identified in videos of other crimes like the New Year’s Day attack and extremism and kidnapping cases around KwaZulu-Natal.

“We have further discovered that there is a transnational link into the crimes taking place here.”

Sources told that several accomplices of suspects in terrorism cases being investigated in South Africa have crossed the border to join the Islamic State-linked insurgency in Mozambique.

In 2018, when police raided the house in Reservoir Hills, Durban they found a kidnapped person in the basement. Officials said that several other kidnap victims had previously been held in that house.

Naidoo explained that the New Year’s Day attack which Sitole referred to was the drive-by shooting in Melville on January 1 this year. Two women were killed and six people injured at Poppy’s restaurant when the occupants of a black BMW SUV drove past and opened fire on patrons.

Jasmine Opperman, a terrorism analyst at The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), said the Kliprivier raid was being linked to the incidents in Verulam and the bombs planted there and elsewhere in KwaZulu-Natal.

“If the Islamic State links are proved, this speaks to terror financing via criminal activities. The actions of the group do not reflect an operational cell ready to execute attacks. I say again, our greatest risk is an inspired attack,” she said, referring to her earlier remarks that the real danger of Islamic State’s threat to South Africa was that it could inspire attacks by lone wolves sympathetic to the movement’s cause.

The Kliprivier arrests suggest that the threats by Islamic State against South Africa seem to have focused the attention of security authorities more sharply on IS sympathisers in the country.

Last week, State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo told News24 that the government was taking the threat from IS, “very, very seriously”.

As per the sources several accomplices of suspects in terrorism cases being investigated in South Africa have crossed the border to join the Islamic State-linked insurgency in Mozambique.

Official sources also said the removal of the Hoomer case from the court records “had landed on the minister’s desk”– suggesting the case could be reinstated.

And they said the Del Vecchio case was also receiving renewed attention. South Africans Sayfudeen Del Vecchio, 38, his wife Fatima Patel, 27, and Malawian Ahmad Mussa are charged with murder, kidnapping, robbery with aggravating circumstances and theft. The charges mainly arise from the murder of two elderly botanists, Rob and Rachel Saunders in KwaZulu-Natal in February 2018. IS material was found in Del Vecchio and Patel’s home near Mtunzini and other evidence has also been found linking them to the international terrorist group, including collaboration with IS individuals in the Netherlands and Somalia.

The case was postponed again this week in the Pietermaritzburg High Court until August 17.

What is clear is that radicalisation is occurring in South Africa, as reports of citizens leaving for Syria to fight for the Islamic State show.

Pakistan ISI Dirty Work Network

Besides kidnapping, Pakistan has used these terrorist cells in different countries to kill the dissident Sindhi, Mohajirs, Baloch and Pashtun ethnic people who had escaped Pakistan Human Rights Abuses and are living in different countries in exile or as refugees.

In our previous article Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Baloch Journalist Sajid Hussain found dead we covered in details about a Pakistani journalist living in exile in Sweden was assassinated recently. He has been missing since March, has been found dead, police said Friday 1-May-2020. His body was found on 23 April in the Fyris river outside Uppsala. However unfortunately incompetent Sweden police could not find any evidences and are closing the investigation into the murder case and failed to see the link of Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI network in the murder of the Journalist Sajid Hussain.

Pakistan has also infiltrated its assassins to Europe to Assassinate Baloch, Mohajir Freedom Fighters. As per sources, earlier Pakistan was using its Assets in UK. They were normally engaged in Grooming Gangs Activities and raping young girls of 8-12 years old. Besides that they carried out the dirty work of Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI including giving threats or even assassinating the Freedom Fighters who spoke against the Human Rights Violations by Pakistan Army in Balochistan, Pashtunistan or Sindh. However as per recent reports, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has adopted a new route to infiltrate its trained Assassins via the Turkey Border into Europe via Greece.

Thousands of migrants have been trying to get into Greece since Turkey said on Feb. 28 it would no longer try to keep them on its territory, as it had agreed to do with Brussels in 2016 in return for billions of euros in aid. Majority of the infiltrators are Pakistanis who have outnumbered even the Syrians who have fled the war zone in Syria. There is on war in Pakistan, then how can they be refugees? As per our source, Most of the Islamic Radical Pakistanis are sent to Turkey for Islamic Jihad in Europe, some join them for better economic prospects by paying to the Pakistani and Turkish middle men. However taking advantage of the Turkey pushing thousands of Infiltrators in Europe, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has also started pushing its Assassins via the Turkey border. Their movement to the Greece border has appeared organized by someone, with buses, minibuses and cars ferrying people from Istanbul.

It should be noted that Europe has a lot of Baloch, Mohajir, Sindhis, Pashtuns living in Exile who are frequently protesting against the Enforced disappearance of Baloch, Mohajir, Pashtuns and other ethnic groups by Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army.

In a video shared by Balochistan Freedom Fighter, Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, Former Military Dictator of Pakistan, General Parvez Mussharf equated Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI to that of CIA, KGB, Mossad, and admits in an interview that every country is assassinating its rebels and says that Killing is part of “Proactive Diplomacy” while the interviewer corrects him that it is not “Proactive Diplomacy” it is “Proactive act of Assassination”. However Parvez Mussharaf still justifies by saying that all the other countries are doing it. He further says that they should do the same as the whole world is doing i.e. to “Assassinate Political dissidents and rebels”.

Previously Taha Siddiqui and Younas khan were attacked in France and Nawaz Sharif, former Pakistan PM’s doctor was attacked in London recently.

On Jan. 10, 2018, Taha Siddiqui survived an abduction and possible assassination attempt by armed men who stopped his taxi in the middle of an highway in Islamabad, Pakistan, when he was on his way to the airport. Luckily, he escaped .

He was in Washington for a conference organized by Pakistani dissidents in exile like him, when he received a call from U.S. authorities. He met with the officials, who told him they had intelligence about an assassination plot against him if he were to ever return to Pakistan. He was further advised to stay away from Pakistani embassies around the world and also Pakistan-friendly countries. Other Pakistani dissidents in exile have received similar warnings.

The U.S. intelligence officials told him they believe that, after Jamal Khashoggi’s killing, repressive regimes such as the one in Pakistan have been emboldened to silence critics, not only at home but also abroad.

Points to Ponder

Shouldn’t South African Investigating Agencies work closely with other International Agencies from United States, Israel, India and European countries? US, Israel and India has already done a lot of collaboration in nabbing the Pakistani Terror Networks and their Terrorists. Shouldn’t South Africa be collaborating more with these countries for getting a view of the bigger picture of Pakistan ISI trained terror network that is flexing its muscles in South Africa?

For Terrorists, the borders do not matter. So for Intelligence community as well borders should not matter and countries should help each other in sharing terror related information. May be other countries can help.

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