Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Terrorist Usman Khan along with Pakistani descent Terrorist Anjem Choudary

Britain is fast becoming a colony of Pakistan. London Mayor Sadiq Khan who is of Pakistan Origin is greatly responsible this change. London which was once famous as one of the Worlds most fashionable tourist destinations has now become infamous because of the large number of illegal immigrants (mostly of  Pakistani Origin) who have quickly turned London into a hell hole.

The Terrorist Incident of Friday 29-November 2019 will be remembered for a long time. A Pakistani Terrorist named Usman Khan, aged 28 had been released from jail on license in 2018, half-way through a 16-year sentence for terrorism-related offences.    

Pakistani Terrorist Usman Khan attacked people during a conference at Fishmongers’ Hall, at the north end of London Bridge.

Cambridge University graduates Jack Merritt, 25, and Saskia Jones, 23, were killed in the attack while three other people – a man and two women – remain in hospital in a stable condition. It is understood that one is in a serious condition.

One staff member in the hall’s reception tried in vain to hold Khan back behind doors while another calmly placed a call to emergency services.

Two men used chairs, fire extinguishers, a pole and a narwhal tusk, which was hanging on the wall, to fend off Khan after he broke through the doors, driving him out of the building.

One of those called Lukasz, a Polish national who was working as a porter in the hall’s basement, suffered five wounds to his left-hand side as he fended off the knifeman with a pole during ” a minute of one-on-one straight combat” – allowing others time to escape the danger to their lives.

In the video that went viral, 2 men can be seen holding the attacker back using a whale tusk, seized from a wall mount, and a fire extinguisher spray, before others stepped in to pin him down.

In a second video, a man is seen walking away holding a large knife they had retrieved. British Transport Police said later he was a plainclothes officer.

The Metropolitan Police said it’s armed officers arrived on the scene within five minutes of the initial 999 call.

The people holding Khan down were moved away by the armed police officers after they thought he was wearing a suicide vest under his jacket.

Pakistani origin Terrorist Usman Khan was then shot by an officer.

Armed police then shot Khan twice and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Met’s assistant commissioner said the explosive vest which turned out to be a hoax looked “very convincing”.

Specially trained officers searched Khan’s Staffordshire home, looking for evidence of any support he may have had.

It also emerged that Khan was taught by Islam4UK’s leader Anjem Choudary who is another Terrorist Leader, convicted hate preacher of Pakistani descent.

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Terrorist Usman Khan along with Pakistani descent Terrorist Anjem Choudary
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Terrorist Usman Khan along with Pakistani descent Terrorist Anjem Choudary

Supporters of Pakistani descent Anjem Choudary’s proscribed terror group, al-Muhajiroun, have carried out Terrorist acts including the London Bridge attack, 7/7 London bombings, and the murder of Lee Rigby, while many others have fought for Isis, al-Qaeda and the Taliban abroad.

The hatemonger Islamist radical, Anjem Choudary now aged 52, was released on licence in October after serving five-and-a-half years in prison for encouraging Muslims to join ISIS.

Six of the nine plotters jailed with him in 2012 were personally taught by the hate preacher and the Terrorist Mastermind of Pakistani descent, Anjum Choudary.

At age 19 he was the youngest of a group of four men from Stoke-on-Trent who took an active part in their local branch of Al-Muhajiroun – the militant Salafi jihadi organisation that counted Terrorist mastermind of Pakistani descent, radical cleric Anjem Choudary among its ranks.

Pakistani origin Terrorist Usman Khan, along with accomplice Nazam Hussein, had planned to open a Terrorist training camp in land owned by the teenager’s family in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

The attack has sparked an urgent review of the licence conditions of people jailed for terror offences in UK jails by the Ministry of Justice.

Here in this article, we bring before you detailed investigations into the challenges the London Police are facing :

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that scrapping early release for such dangerous prisoners would have prevented the London Bridge attack.

“I absolutely deplore that fact that this man was out on the streets… and we are going to take action against it,” he said.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn blamed the government’s budget cuts for “missed chances to intervene” and prevent the attack.

To start with, here are some stats, in case anyone is in any doubt that crime in London is surging under Sadiq Khan.

What does the data say

Within one year of Sadiq Khan becoming the Mayor of London, the fall of London started.

All figures are for the years 2015/16 to 2016/17.

·         homicides in London rose by 27.1%

·         youth homicides rose by 70%

·         serious youth violence rose 19%

·         robbery rose 33%

·         home burglaries up 18.7%

·         theft went up by over 10,000 incidents in a year, up 33.9%

·         more than 4,000 additional knife crime incidents under Khan than his predecessor, a rise of 31.3%

·         rape rose 18.3%

·         2,551 incidents of gun crime, representing a rise of 16.3% on the previous year.

Khan was elected Mayor of London at the 2016 mayoral election, defeating Conservative Party rival Zac Goldsmith and then resigning as an MP.

What did Sadiq Khan say? Being stabbed to death is “part and parcel” of living in Little Pakistan – London / U.K.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan

Crime rate per 1,000 population in London from 2010/11 to 2018/19

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data showing steady rise in crime rate in London
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data showing steady rise in crime rate in London

In 2018/19 the crime rate in London was 95.99 crimes committed per thousand people. Since 2015/16 the crime rate in the United Kingdom capital has increased in every reporting year, with the steepest increase occurring between 2016/17 and 2017/18.

 Over 862 thousand crimes in 2018/19

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London in 2018/19
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London in 2018/19

 Compared with 2013/14 there were around 161 thousand more crimes in 2018/19, a total of 862 thousand offences overall. Homicide offences accounted for 122 of these crimes, a decline of 41 when compared with the previous year, but nevertheless one of the worst years for homicides in London.  

Following data from the Metropolitan Police UK will clearly tell the tale of success of Sadiq Khan as a Mayor of London in giving support to Criminals of which major portion consisted of Pakistani origin Islamist Radical criminals.

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2010 to August 2019
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2010 to August 2019

The above chart clearly shows the average crime rate increasing steadily from mid 2016 since Sadiq Khan became Mayor of London. Is this by coincidence? Or is it the deliberate attempt by Sadiq Khan to spread the reign of Islamist Radical Terror including rapes of minor British, Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Athiest girls by Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs?

We covered the reign Terror of Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in our previous couple of articles Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs – British Girls’ Honour Doesn’t Matter

and Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs In UK Raped Thousands Of Girls 8-12 Year Old

Please take a few minutes to read the above mentioned 2 articles that give details of how Pakistani Muslims have formed Grooming Gangs and gang raped 1000s of minor girls from 8 years old to 12 years old and used them in sexual trafficking.

How many of these Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gang members were caught after Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London? Did the Sexual offences come down after he became the Mayor of London?

Now look at the below chart for data from April 2010 to May 2016 (Before Sadiq Khan became Mayor of London) from Metropolitan Police, UK. Notice the total number of Sexual Offences were 75,214 in 6 years.

 Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2010 to May 2016
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2010 to May 2016

Now Look at the below data from May 2016 to October 2019 for a period of 3.5 years (Sadiq Khan was Mayor of London during this period). Notice the figure of sexual offences rose to 68,831 within 3.5 years denoting a steep rise in Sexual Offences per year. This figure includes the offences by Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs.

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2016 to October 2019
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data of Crimes in London from May 2016 to October 2019
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data on Number of Rapes in London from 2010/11 to 2018/19
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data on Number of Rapes in London from 2010/11 to 2018/19
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data on Number of homicide offences in London from 2010/11 to 2018/19
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Data on Number of homicide offences in London from 2010/11 to 2018/19

 Is rising crime linked to police cuts?  

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), formerly and still commonly known as the Metropolitan Police and informally as the Met, Scotland Yard or “the Yard”, is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement in the Metropolitan Police District, which currently consists of the 32 London boroughs. The MPD does not include the “square mile” of the City of London, which is policed by the much smaller City of London Police.

The Met also has significant national responsibilities, such as coordinating and leading on UK-wide national counter-terrorism matters and protecting the Royal Family, certain members of Her Majesty’s Government and others as deemed appropriate. As the police force for the capital, the Met has significant unique responsibilities and challenges within its police area, such as protecting 164 foreign embassies and High Commissions, policing Heathrow Airport (the busiest airport in Europe), policing and protecting the Palace of Westminster, and dealing with significantly more protests and events than any other force in the country

As per a report, the recent rise in crime in London has occurred alongside a decline in both Police personnel and in funding for the London Metropolitan Police. Compared with 2010 for example, there are around 2.2 thousand fewer police officers in 2018, while annual funding fell by around 40 million British pounds between 2012/13 and 2015/16.

Data showing a nominal decline in Police force between mid 2016 to 2019 when Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London
Data showing a nominal decline in Police force between mid 2016 to 2019 when Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London

Studies show that from 2012 to 2015 London had 4.1 officers per 1,000 Londoners – but by 2016/17 that had dropped to 3.3 officers per 1,000 Londoners.

Spending on policing per person in London fell by the biggest amount in England and Wales. It was £423 per person in 2012/13, down to £337 in 2016/17. The mayor’s figures suggest a 20% fall, broadly in line with the scale of the cut in government funding to the Metropolitan police, compared with 6% across the country.

In 2010 it was more than 8 million, rising to a population of nearly 9 million today. The capital is forecast to grow further, with up to 10 million people by 2030. The Met said the force would have to make £300m more cuts on top of the £700m made so far.

May said: “Cressida Dick has said that the Metropolitan police are well resourced – and they are. She has said they have very powerful counter-terrorism capabilities – and they do. We have protected counter-terrorism policing budgets, we have funded an uplift in the number of armed police officers.”

“It is why since 2015 – when Jeremy Corbyn’s frontbench was arguing for the police to be cut by a further 10% – we have not cut the police but protected their budget.

“It’s why we have increased the number of armed police officers, improved co-operation between the police and specialist military units, and provided funding for an additional 1,900 officers at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.”

May replied: “We have protected counter-terrorism policing budgets, we have also provided funding for an increase in the number of armed police officers and, since 2015, we have protected overall police budgets – and that’s despite the fact that Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party in the House of Commons suggested that police budgets could be cut.

“But it’s also about the powers that we give to the police. We have given increased powers to the police to be able to deal with terrorists – powers which Jeremy Corbyn has boasted he has always opposed.”

New Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced plans to recruit an extra 20,000 police officers in England and Wales.

That would almost reverse the reduction in police numbers since the Conservatives came to power.

Between March 2010 and March 2018, police forces in England and Wales lost 21,732 officers – a drop of 15%, according to Home Office figures.

Data showing a nominal decline in Police force between mid 2016 to 2019 when Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London
Data showing a nominal decline in Police force between mid 2016 to 2019 when Sadiq Khan became the Mayor of London

Numbers of police community support officers (PCSOs), who patrol the streets, have fallen by nearly 40% during this period, from 16,688 in 2010 to 10,139 in 2018.

As per an article that published the interview of a Metropolitan Police officer, he explains his anguish over the less staffing and heavy work load of Police officers.

It’s all well and good vaguely debating “cuts”, but on the frontline of service, those things have real meaning. In the borough I am stationed in – much like other boroughs – where there is a population of about 250,000 people, there are on average 10 police officers for the entire area to respond to emergency calls per shift. Only two or three of them can drive on blue lights. Crucially, very few staff carry Tasers. With a big incident, such as a stabbing, it’s not unusual to have all of those 10 officers at one crime scene, meaning there is no one else to attend further 999 calls.

I can expect, at the very least, to respond to at least two to three crimes involving knives a month, and that is being generous. Attackers have pulled knives on me. My colleagues – friends – have been stabbed in front of me. I’ve found myself many times kneeling on the pavement holding parts of bodies together. We are simply not equipped: most of the time when a violent crime comes in, it’s only hope that we can depend on. That somehow we can verbally talk a person down from further attacks, or that we can physically overpower them. Or that, miraculously, an officer with a Taser turns up.

There has been, as evidenced by the recent and continuing knife-crime debate, a steep upturn in the number of calls we attend that involve a blade or even a gun. I don’t mind admitting I’m scared going out on these jobs. I realise it’s part of my duty as a police officer, but the trouble is, I no longer feel we’re in control.

The 20,000 frontline cuts don’t even begin to cover the reality. Theresa May also sanctioned cuts to civilian staff, ambulance services, crisis teams, call handlers and the people we rely on for intelligence – such as knowing if someone has committed previous crimes, whether they involved a weapon and therefore how prepared we should be. Our duties are being stretched beyond our capabilities to include non-criminal matters regarding mental health and social services, because cuts have debilitated those sectors too.

While on-foot patrols are dangerously diminished, police officers are sent to help the mentally ill, often sitting for hours with people who are a danger to themselves. Should we try to section them, it can take even longer to locate a single bed, so we often end up at the other side of London, away from our borough. Frequently the person is then released an hour later, deemed to be fit, and we get another call from them the following night, at the same address, to deal with the same issue all over again. The system is broken.

As for our own mental health, there isn’t really time to recover. You’re expected to go straight out on to the next job, sometimes on the same night, even if a situation is debilitating. If you’re lucky, you’ll get an inspector or a sergeant who’s half-decent, and asks how you are. Often you think you’re all right for a while. But it takes its toll eventually. I have PTSD from particular jobs – I get panicky, and I’ve had periods of intense flashbacks – but when I asked my GP about being referred for help, he said I had to go through occupational health. I’ve been waiting for more than six months.

On top of all this, numbers are dwindling because police officers no longer have faith. People who have been in the force for 20 years – just 10 years before they qualify for a pension – are leaving. We feel ignored and maltreated by the government, pushed to the brink of exhaustion and our mental capacities.

When I first joined the force, stop and search was something that we were told to avoid unless we were absolutely certain there was a proper and solid reason to conduct it. For example, smelling weed being smoked wouldn’t be enough of a reason to search someone. Now, unofficial targets mean that if an officer hasn’t performed a stop and search for, say, two weeks, they are being hauled in front of chief inspectors and bollocked. This change – the pressure being put on us to meet certain numbers – is not about safety: it’s about politics. And policing should never be politicised like that.

It feels like the organisation just doesn’t care about the officers, the pressure they are being put under or, as a result, the public. Our normal shift pattern is six days on, four days off. Often that would be seven days, so that we can do training or follow up on crimes. We don’t get that day now to follow up – instead we’re making up teams in other boroughs. So the service that we’re actually able to provide to the public, in terms of reporting your crime, is shocking. We have no faith in the government. Not many people have had the balls to stand up for the police and say that this is wrong; this is unacceptable; this is dangerous. That’s what needs to happen now. But it won’t, because of Brexit. Our annual leave is in lockdown because of the anticipation of a rise in violence after we leave the EU. For years, people inside and outside the force have been saying that policing is on the brink of collapse. The mood now is that we are no longer on the brink. We have gone over the edge. The job is fucked.

Is there a different reason for rising Crimes in London other than Police Forces cuts?


There are multiple reasons for rising Crime in London and UK as a whole after Sadiq Khan became Mayor of London. One of the reasons being there is blatant misuse of “Racial”, “Islamophobia”, “Multi-Culturism” laws to crush the voice of the public.

Blatant misuse of “Racial”, “Islamophobia”, “Multi-Culturism” laws to crush the voice of the public. Pakistani origin Politicians at the forefront of it.

We covered it in details in our previous article Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs In UK Raped Thousands Of Girls 8-12 Year Old. Here are a few excerpts from the article:-

In August 2017, A PROMINENT Labour Pakistani Origin MP Naz Shah and key ally of Jeremy Corbyn shared a social media message telling victims of sickening sex abuse to shut up for “the good of diversity.”

Picture of the Pakistani Origin UK MP Naz Shah retweeted and liked controversial Tweet.
Picture of the Pakistani Origin UK MP Naz Shah retweeted and liked controversial Tweet.

Pakistani MP, Naz Shah retweeted and liked a post on Twitter by an account parodying left-wing writer Owen Jones which said: “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.”

This Pakistani origin MP Naz Shah’s comments came just days after she attacked fellow Labour MP Sarah Champion for speaking out about the Rotherham sex scandal and the Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in article.

In the letter, published in The Sun, Pakistani MP Naz Shah accused Ms Champion’s comments of being ‘blanket, racialized loaded statements’ which stigmatized the Pakistani community. She added that the article was ‘irresponsible’ and set a ‘dangerous precedent’

One of the Memes floating on Social Media by people offended by the controversial Retweet of Pakistani Muslim MP Naz Shah.
One of the Memes floating on Social Media by people offended by the controversial Retweet of Pakistani Muslim MP Naz Shah.

As per a Twitter user, “Such Pakistani Politicians are working at gagging the public in the name of “racism”, “Islamophobia”, “Diversity”. By not stopping their Pakistani Muslim community, these Pakistani Politicians have proved, that they are hand in glove with the Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs. They are using rape of small girls as a tool to terrorize people to leave certain areas and make those areas muslim dominated so that these Pakistani Politicians get their perpetual votebank. The way the Pakistani Muslim population is multiplying, these people will sell of UK to Pakistan.”

There are other Pakistani prominent politicians in UK like Sajid Javid and London Mayor Sadiq Khan. They have failed to stop their community i.e. Pakistan Muslim Grooming Gangs from committing these heinous targeted crimes against British Christian, Sikh, Hindu and Atheist girls of 8-12 years. Their silence is considered as their complicity in the crimes by at this massive scale by their community.

Police busy in providing security to Pakistani Origin Muslims in demonstrations who show their collective strength on streets of London

There have been several protests by Pakistanis in heart of London over various issues. We covered one such demonstration and attack on Indian High commission by Pakistani Origin Muslims in great details in our previous article Sadiq Khan’s Londonistan: Fear Psychosis And Destruction Of Tourism

Here is another big protest that was covered in details by Katie Hopkins by a series of her tweets on Twitter.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly protest with ISIS like flags and Police cannot take action.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly protest with ISIS like flags and Police cannot take action.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly show their strength on streets threatening other religions while unarmed police provides them security.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly show their strength on streets threatening other religions while unarmed police provides them security.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly protest with ISIS like flags and Police cannot take action.
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Pakistani Muslims openly protest with ISIS like flags and Police cannot take action.

Police Busy in providing security different demonstrations.

Here is an example of how climate change protesters keep demonstrating and police force is needed for their protection
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in Climate change protests while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in Climate change protests while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals

Increasing number of Terrorists and Pakistani Muslim Criminals being released from Jails on licence.

The cost to British taxpayers of keeping Choudary under surveillance is expected to exceed £2 million (€2.25 million; $2.6 million) a year, compared to the £50,000 (€57,000; $65,000) to keep him in prison.

This is the huge sum of money being spent only on one Pakistani descent Terrorist. Consider there are hundreds of such Pakistani origin criminals that are released from jails. What would be the cost of surveillance on those hardcore Pakistani Islamist Radical Terrorists? Could that money be not used for Policing and providing better security and arming the Metropolitan Police with guns?

Armed Policemen are better deterrence to criminals instead of dancing Policemen with the protesters.

Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals
Sadiq Khan responsible for converting Britain as a colony of Pakistan: Police is kept busy in managing different small protests, unarmed Officers dancing and having a good time while whole London is left at the mercy of Pakistani Muslim Criminals

What’s the way forward?

It is understood that the terrorist under question was actually arrested earlier and was released after a deradicalization programme and that one of his tacklers was sent to deradicalization camp. This raises two questions.

1. Why is your deradicalization programme ineffective?

2. Why are you not able to identify the potential terrorists correctly?

In fact, it is learnt that the terrorist in question got trained in Pakistan when on a family visit. This is more relevant because it highlights the limitations of British law – British law can’t monitor what its citizens are doing on foreign soil

The question which every Britisher should ask himself is, “Is it really worth it?” Would they prefer unproductive and dangerous migrants from troubled and failed nations with the sole aim of converting England into Inglistan or do they prefer productive migrant force who respect British values and won’t be a burden on NHS and other public services? There are already complaints over the applicability of NHS for migrants and over NHS charging for services for migrants. Boris Johnson’s new plan of £625 upfront payment by any immigrant for NHS registration has already raised shackles and with an imminent Brexit followed by tighter border controls and more austere economic measures, this is only going to be a reality. Theoretically, any Britisher shouldn’t have a problem with a migrant who can pay the stipulated amount. One should look at this not as a way to fleece migrants but to keep British borders only for those who can afford to stay in Britain, not everyone. After all, why should any country allow freeloaders to enter as migrants and live off the land at the expense of the honest tax-payer? Sadiq Khan and Labour High Command’s anti-Brexit campaign is partly due to this as well – if Brexit comes, it becomes hard for this unproductive and unsafe workforce to enter England. What will they achieve by ruining the country which made them everything? This is something for every Britisher to deliberate upon.

The scale of the problem can be estates going by the fact that British authorities weren’t able to do anything when a foreign embassy was attacked in the heart of London’s tourist circuit, not once but twice. We are talking about the attack on Indian High Commission twice by Freeloaders from Pakistan. We already covered it above.

With a rising crime rate and anarchy on the roads, it’s a matter of time tourists will search for safer destinations.

Why is this happening? Britain is caught in a vicious wave of Regressive Left which is affecting the core of it’s civilization ethos.

Inspite knowing that the Pakistani version of Islam is one of the most regressive forms of governance in the whole world we are seeing that Radical left in Britain is encouraging such practices and forcing people to adopt them In the name of political correctness

Regressive Left can be defined as “A characterization of the left which suggests that it paradoxically holds reactionary views by its tolerance of illiberal principles and ideologies for the sake of multiculturalism and cultural relativism.”

In other words, it aggressively advocates us to tolerate the intolerable for the sake of cultural pluralism. It asks us to ignore the social inconvenience, even when you are staring at a loss of identity.

Taylor Cladwell aptly summarizes this, in A Pillar of Iron –
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

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