Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Sajid Hussain, Baloch Journalist found dead in Uppsala, Sweden

Pakistan has infiltrated its assassins to Europe to Assassinate Baloch, Mohajir Freedom Fighters. As per sources, earlier Pakistan was using its Assets in UK. They were normally engaged in Grooming Gangs Activities and raping young girls of 8-12 years old. Besides that they carried out the dirty work of Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI including giving threats or even assassinating the Freedom Fighters who spoke against the Human Rights Violations by Pakistan Army in Balochistan, Pashtunistan or Sindh. However as per recent reports, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has adopted a new route to infiltrate its trained Assassins via the Turkey Border into Europe via Greece.

Pakistan Sends Assassins to Europe: Sajid Hussain, Baloch Journalist found dead in Uppsala, Sweden
Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Sajid Hussain, Baloch Journalist found dead in Uppsala, Sweden

Thousands of migrants have been trying to get into Greece since Turkey said on Feb. 28 it would no longer try to keep them on its territory, as it had agreed to do with Brussels in 2016 in return for billions of euros in aid. Majority of the infiltrators are Pakistanis who have outnumbered even the Syrians who have fled the war zone in Syria. There is on war in Pakistan, then how can they be refugees? As per our source, Most of the Islamic Radical Pakistanis are sent to Turkey for Islamic Jihad in Europe, some join them for better economic prospects by paying to the Pakistani and Turkish middle men. However taking advantage of the Turkey pushing thousands of Infiltrators in Europe, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI has also started pushing its Assassins via the Turkey border. Their movement to the Greece border has appeared organized by someone, with buses, minibuses and cars ferrying people from Istanbul.

It should be noted that Europe has a lot of Baloch, Mohajir, Sindhis, Pashtuns living in Exile who are frequently protesting against the Enforced disappearance of Baloch, Mohajir, Pashtuns and other ethnic groups by Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army.

Related Article: Protests At UN Human Rights Conference, Geneva By Pashtun, Baloch, Sindhis, POK, Gilgitis

Sajid Hussain, Baloch Journalist in Exile Assassinated.

A Pakistani journalist living in exile in Sweden was assassinated recently. He has been missing since March, has been found dead, police said Friday 1-May-2020. “His body was found on 23 April in the Fyris river outside Uppsala,” Jonas Eronen, a police spokesman, said.

Sajid Hussain, from the troubled southwestern province of Baluchistan, was working part-time as a professor in Uppsala, about 60 kilometres (35 miles) north of Stockholm, when he went missing on March 2.

Does Uppsala name strike our readers? Yes it is the same University where Pakistan ISI stooge Ashok Swain works. As per unverified source on condition of anonymity told that Ashok Swain was involved in the disappearance of Sajid Hussain. He mentioned that if Sweden Police investigates Ashok Swain, they will find some evidences including the phone calls and visits by strangers who are Pakistan Intelligence officers and people with dubious backgrounds.

Erik Halkjaer, president of the Swedish chapter of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), had earlier in 27-March had urged Swedish police to continue to investigate Hussain’s disappearance, which he also said could have been due to his work.

“At this point, we can’t ignore the possibility that his disappearance might be work related,” he said.

In recent months, several Pakistani activists and bloggers living in Europe have claimed to have been targeted for speaking up against human rights violations in Pakistan.

In our previous article FIR Filed Against Pakistan Army General Qamar Javed Bajwa, General Asif Ghafoor And Colonel Sohail Iqbal In Brussels we had covered in details about a Rotterdam-based Pakistani blogger, who was a victim of kidnapping and torture while in Pakistan three years ago, was attacked and threatened by two people believed to be Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI agents.

Daniel Bastard, the Asia Pacific head of Reporters sans frontières (RSF), said Hussain could be a victim of enforced disappearance, given the circumstances of his case and testimony by his family and colleagues.

“When you think about who could find interest in suppressing a dissident journalist, the first hypothesis leads to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence,” he said, referring to the country’s main intelligence agency, the ISI.

“We also know that two other Pakistanis based in Europe have been the victims of pressure upon their family back home in the past two months. And we know that a list of possible targets among Pakistan dissidents abroad is circulating,” said Daniel Bastard.

“The fact that Sajid Hussain was writing about human rights and the situation in restive Balochistan makes him a potential priority target.”

Hussain left Pakistan in 2012 after his house in Quetta was broken into. The unidentified perpetrators stole his laptop and some notes, while he was out working on a story.

He then moved to Oman, and later the United Arab Emirates and Uganda in self-imposed exile before arriving in Sweden in September 2017 as a refugee. His wife was expected to join him there this year.

ISI official Admits Pakistan Policy to assassinate Political Opponents anywhere in the world.

In a video shared by Balochistan Freedom Fighter, Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, Former Military Dictator of Pakistan, General Parvez Mussharf equated Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI to that of CIA, KGB, Mossad, and admits in an interview that every country is assassinating its rebels and says that Killing is part of “Proactive Diplomacy” while the interviewer corrects him that it is not “Proactive Diplomacy” it is “Proactive act of Assassination”. However Parvez Mussharaf still justifies by saying that all the other countries are doing it. He further says that they should do the same as the whole world is doing i.e. to “Assassinate Political dissidents and rebels”.

As per our source, a Hit List was recently released with the name of all the political opponents who are living in Exile in Europe. Some of the prominent names in the list are that of MQM Leader and the modern day Nelson Mandela, the father of Mohajirs Altaf Hussain. Other prominent leaders in the list are Baloch Leaders in Exile Hyrbyair Marri and Brahumdagh Bugti. Besides that there are other leaders like Arif Aajakia and Shafi Burfat who are all living in different countries but since they are vocal about the Enforced Disappearance and Genocide of Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, their lives are in Danger at the hands of the Pakistani Intelligence Agency ISI Assassins. As per sources, ISI may use even the local gangs to assassinate the political dissidents to avoid getting the blame.

For more than a decade, political and armed groups in Pakistan’s largest province in the southwest, home to more than 12 million people, have been waging a Freedom movement. They want Independence from Pakistan and form an Independent Nation. Whereas Pakistan Army wants to kill all Balcoh ethnic people and sell the Natural resources rich land to Chinese masters. Those who raise the voice against atrocities of the Pakistan Army and the Ruling Political Parties from abroad, enter the Hit List of ISI.

There was another break in at International Secretariat of MQM in London that was another attempt of the evil forces in Pakistan to silenced the only voice of the voiceless Altaf Hussain. London Police under the orders of London Mayor Sadiq Khan will not bother much in investigation as the fingers are being pointed to the Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI for this attack.

Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Letter from MQM requesting UK Police to provide Security to Altaf Hussain
Pakistan Infiltrated Assassins to Europe: Letter from MQM requesting UK Police to provide Security to Altaf Hussain

Previously Taha Siddiqui and Younas khan were attacked in France and Nawaz Sharif, former Pakistan PM’s doctor was attacked in London recently.

On Jan. 10, 2018, Taha Siddiqui survived an abduction and possible assassination attempt by armed men who stopped his taxi in the middle of an highway in Islamabad, Pakistan, when he was on his way to the airport. Luckily, he escaped .

He was in Washington for a conference organized by Pakistani dissidents in exile like him, when he received a call from U.S. authorities. He met with the officials, who told him they had intelligence about an assassination plot against him if he were to ever return to Pakistan. He was further advised to stay away from Pakistani embassies around the world and also Pakistan-friendly countries. Other Pakistani dissidents in exile have received similar warnings.

The U.S. intelligence officials told him they believe that, after Jamal Khashoggi’s killing, repressive regimes such as the one in Pakistan have been emboldened to silence critics, not only at home but also abroad.

Shoot the messenger

Pakistan follows the policy of “shoot the messenger”. 61 journalists have been killed in Pakistan between 1992 and 2019. Their crime, they wrote against the Pakistan Government or Pakistan Army or Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI. Check the article Pakistan Shamed Over Twitter Censorship During “Defend Media Freedom” Conference In London for detailed information.

On July 8, 2019, Military-backed #PEMRA took off-air three news channels namely 24News, AbbTak News and Capital News without any prior notice or giving them a hearing, for showing live speech of Maryam Nawaz. Journalism organizations announce country-wide protests in Pakistan in solidarity with Capital TV.

Protests in 2017 for release of Ahmad Waqass Goraya
Protests in 2017 for release of Ahmad Waqass Goraya

Earlier on June 12, 2019, A new order issued by Pakistan’s media regulatory PEMRA has advised media channels to not air “satirical content” that demeans politicians or individuals associated with law enforcement agencies.

The “advice of airing satirical content” order issued by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) on June 12 has advised media houses to carefully select words and gestures while creating content or memes.

“Furthermore, an effective In-House Editorial Committee must also be constituted in order to ensure compliance of PEMRA laws which could sift unwarranted content,” the order declared.

On 9th July, A journalist, Mureed Abbas working with a Pakistan News channel “Bol TV” was killed outside a local café in Khayaban-e-Bukhari area of Karachi.

Earlier, another Journalist Gorhar Wazir was abducted on May 29, 2019 and kept in detention in at a prison in Haripur District without any charges. He was released after a few days on May 31 . He was in North Waziristan while covering the incident and miseries of people after the Pakistan Army attacked the peaceful, non-violent, Gandhinian protesters during a rally of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), and opened fire that killed over 21 civilians and injured over 100.

Points to Ponder

What is stopping Europe from doing proper checks on the refugees streaming from Turkey and other places? If a country like Pakistan is able to plant it’s men on the ground, it’s anybody’s guess as to who and all are using Europe as their battleground.

Countries should think twice over granting citizenship to those Pakistanis who are actually availing dual citizenship – of the host country and of Pakistan? This has led to a situation where European Politicians like Muhammad Sarwar (one time MP of Glasgow and current Governor of Pakistani Punjab) are using the influence of their countries to further Pakistan’s Political Agenda.

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