Hamas Terrorists fired 4000 Rockets towards Israel : Pakistani National Assembly Members says jihad against Israel is the only option for Pakistan | NewsComWorld.com

Hamas terrorists have fired more than 4000 Rockets towards Israel. Pakistani National Assembly Members says jihad against Israel is the only option for Pakistan.

Hamas Terrorists fired 4000 Rockets towards Israel : Pakistani National Assembly Members says jihad against Israel is the only option for Pakistan  | NewsComWorld.com
Hamas Terrorists fired 4000 Rockets towards Israel : Pakistani National Assembly Members says jihad against Israel is the only option for Pakistan

More than 4000 rockets were fired by Hamas Terrorists from Gaza toward Israel in the last 10 days. As per IDF, 600 of those have fallen inside Gaza.

What happens if the rockets launched by Hamas Terrorists misfire and fall into Gaza killing Palestinians? 600 such rockets have already fallen inside Gaza, however there is no outcry in the MSM against the Hamas Terrorists killing civilians inside Palestine with their own misfired rockets.

Overall rate of rocket fire seems to be back up after a lull overnight. Make of that what you will. Final blows before ceasefire? Or new escalation?

Hamas Terrorists Fired 4000 Rockets Towards Israel | NewsComWorld.com
Hamas Terrorists Fired 4000 Rockets Towards Israel

International Spokesperson of the IDF and the Head of International Public Affairs, Public Diplomacy and Social Media Jonathan Conricus spoke to Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Washington Correspondent and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent/Anchor about the increased rate of rocket fire.

He said, “The only signs that we have been getting today are approx 250 rockets fired from the early morning hours… Signs indicate that Hamas intends, intends to continue to escalate the situation here.”

Related Article Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself : Hamas Terrorists Have Fired More than 1,500 Rockets From Gaza In 3 Days

Hamas Terrorists are using civilian sites to launch rocket attacks on Israel. IDF relesed a photo taken right after Hamas Launched a barrage of rockets at Israel from a residential area in Gaza. The launch site used to launch the rocket attacks is near Schools in Palestine, a UN Building, a health center, mosques and dozens of apartment buildings.

Israel has all the right to defend itself and in retaliation if Israel attacks the launch sites, the civilian infrastructure can be damaged and civilian lives can be lost. Hamas Terrorists and Palestinian authorities very well know the consequences however still they are letting Hamas terrorists to use the civilian sites as launch pads. Thereafter media gathers and takes images with extra effects and sell those images worldwide to all the leftist/Liberal Media that are sympathetic to Palestine.

IDF issued some data that shows Hamas could be investing in Gazan civilians. Instead, Gazans are paying the price

On its side Israel is using the precision strike drones and Air Strikes to avoid civilian casualties and avoid damage to property not linked to Hamas Terrorists who are perpetrating attacks on Israel. On May 18, Israel even opened the Erez Crossing to give humanitarian aid to Palestinians. However, Hamas Terrorists fired mortar shells at the crossing, lightly injuring an IDF soldier.

On May 19, Israel opened the Kerem Shalom Crossing also to give humanitarian aid to Palestinians. However, Hamas Terrorists again fired mortar shells. Hamas Terrorists are depriving Gazans of vital humanitarian aid.

Lior Haiat, Spokesperson of Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a series of tweets refuted the allegations of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees.

He said, During the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza, via Kerem Shalom crossing, Hamas deliberately bombed the crossing, resulting in the death of two civilians, and over 10 injured, including an IDF soldier.

Today, yet again, Hamas’ barrage of mortars halted the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Hamas’ action should be condemned by all those who care about the Palestinians in Gaza.

UNRWA’s claim that Israel is preventing humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza is a cynical misrepresentation and simply a lie.

This is not the first time UNRWA has chosen to twist the facts and misrepresent events, for the sole purpose of blaming Israel. However, yesterday’s statement is reaching a new low.

Israel will continue its efforts to coordinate the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza, taking into account security considerations.

We expect UNRWA to alter its statement so that it reflects reality and urge it to condemn the Hamas terrorist organization, which is to blame for this situation

Hamas Terrorists want to turn this episode into a Humanitarian Crisis once the food stocks and other supplies are over. On one hand Hamas Terrorists do not want Israel to send any humanitarian aid to Gazans and on the other hand uses civilian locations to launch rocket attacks on Israel. Hamas is waiting for signals from Israel that has launched global efforts against Israel to stop defending itself while Hamas Terrorists continue to fire rockets at Israeli civilian areas.

The results of Hamas Terrorists and their sypethetic media sharing images from Palestine are that palestinians who have migrated in different countries and their sypethizers came on streats protesting against Israel.

In the U.S., because of this propaganda by Hamas Terrorists and their sypathetic Media houses sharing images worldwide and running a day and night propaganda and calling for regular protests in different countries, previous bipartisan unconditional support for Israel is being challenged by a new generation of activists, including supermodels and Hollywood stars, academics and more progressive, hard-left Democratic lawmakers, like New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who called Israel an “apartheid state.”. But no one is accusing Hamas Terrorists why they fired over 4000 rockets towards Israel.

Its effects were also seen in Pakistan’s National Assembly when one of the elected members called for Nuclear Missle attacks on Israel.

Open call for Jihad against Israel from inside Pakistan’s National Assembly.

Maulana Chitrali who was elected to the National Assembly as a candidate of MMA (a coalition of Jumat-e-Islami and Jamiat-e-Ulema F) from Constituency NA-1 (Chitral) in 2018 Pakistani general election, says jihad against Israel is the only option for Pakistan. “We made atom bomb to showcase it in the museum? We don’t need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can’t be used to liberate Palestine and Kashmir.”

Another video was shared by Major Gaurav Arya (Retd.), Indian Army. The vidoe showed another Pakistani Member of National Assembly (MNA) Asma Qadeer belonging to the ruling party PTI from which Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi belongs to. She said in the National Assembly, “The only option we have now is to declare JIHAD against Israel. No more negotiations. Enlist me for jihad. US Vice President Kamala Harris is a disgrace to womanhood for supporting Israel.”

However when it comes to condemning Pakistan Arm’s war crimes in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan or Pakistan Occupied Sindh or Pakistan Occupied Pashtunistan, all these National Assembly members go silent. Allowing foreign media in Pakistan Occupied territories of Balochistan or Pashtunistan is a distant dream, even the local media is censored by Pakistan Army and every news item reported in the local media has to be scrutinized by Pakistan Army under the PEMRA law before it is published. The same Pakistan is talking about Jihad against Israel.

Readers who do not know about the PEMRA law in Pakistan, should know that on June 12, 2019, A new order issued by Pakistan’s media regulatory PEMRA has advised media channels to not air “satirical content” that demeans politicians or individuals associated with law enforcement agencies.

The “advice of airing satirical content” order issued by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) on June 12 has advised media houses to carefully select words and gestures while creating content or memes.

“Furthermore, an effective In-House Editorial Committee must also be constituted in order to ensure compliance of PEMRA laws which could sift unwarranted content,” the order declared.

Here is the full YouTube Vidoe. Speaker of the National Assembly can be seen laughing and mocking during the speech.

Protestors in Karachi in Pakistan burnt Israel and US Flags in Support of Palestine.

Pakistani Social Media users called for Nuclear Missile strikes on Israel

Bakhtawar Mahmood, Head of Strategic Communications- Propakistani, Freelance Journalist tweeted, “Can anyone please connect me with the Tehkeek Labaik Pakistan’s representative, I would like to facilitate their visa processing for Jihad in Palestine in the name of Religion. Where are the Self acclaimed Muslim Representatives now? #PalestinianLivesMatter @tehreeklabaik”

Hamas Terrorists Fired 4000 Rockets Towards Israel : Pakistanis want Total Annihilation of Israel | NewsComWorld.com
Hamas Terrorists Fired 4000 Rockets Towards Israel : Pakistanis want Total Annihilation of Israel

It is this mentality of religious extremists and the likes of them in Pakistan, that has brought Pakistan to its bankruptcy where no Foreign country wants to invest.

Misleading Information Regarding Turkey’s proposal of a “Protection Force”

Some Turkish media reports are also talking about Turkey to form Turkey proposes ‘protection force’ for Palestine in emergency OIC meet and it is supported by Pakistan.

Turkey has recommended an “international protection mechanism” for Palestine’s civilians in an emergency meeting of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Turkey proposed Joint Military Force to Protect Palestine at OIC session Pakistan Flag of Pakistan is only country that accepted Tayyip Erdogan proposal till now .

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However another Turkish website via their article What does Turkey mean with a joint military force to Palestine? contradict the rumors spread by TRT World.

The website said:-

Some Turkish media covered the statements of the Turkish Foreign Minister, as if he had proposed the establishment of a joint military force by the Islamic countries and a military confrontation with Israel as a solution proposed by Turkey at the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

“The time has come to show our solidarity and determination for Palestine,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said in an emergency meeting of the OIC foreign ministers.

The Islamic nation expects us, the Member States, to fulfill our leadership duties.

Turkey is ready to take any necessary action.

“We are witnessing Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the usurpation of Palestinian lands, and if the current situation continues, the two-state solution will practically disappear,” he added.

“It is not enough to issue a statement,” Cavusoglu said, adding that the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Palestine failed again due to American opposition.

We need to take more action. The international community and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation have a heavy responsibility to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians.

“Based on the United Nations General Assembly resolutions agreed in 2018, we can use international mechanisms to demand that the volunteer countries cover the costs of this military force that protects the lives of civilians.”

In fact, what Cavusoglu suggested was not the formation of a military force to confront the Israeli army, but an attempt to use the legal and international mechanism of the UN peacekeeping force.

But some Turkish media preferred to translate and summarize Cavusoglu’s proposal in such an atmosphere: “Instead of issuing a statement, let us gather a common force.”

Some journalists also stated that the formation of a joint peacekeeping force centered around the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, even if this was possible, it would take a long time.

But the important thing is that Turkey wants to show through this work, that is, by declaring its readiness:

First, it is ready to confront Israel.

Secondly, Turkey does not want to be alone in this way, and it will only go to the field on the condition that all other Islamic countries accompany it.

Previous Article Hamas Terrorists Fired Over 160 Rockets Towards Jerusalem And Southern Israel As IDF Strikes Back

Pakistan Ready to Join Hands in any action Turkey Proposes

In his speech, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said, “Pakistan remains ready to join hands with other OIC member states in any move to stop ongoing bloodshed of Palestinians.”

He said attempts to “creating false equivalence between Israel, the aggressor and Palestinians, the victims, is inexcusable.”

“Attempts to silence media through tyranny is unacceptable. OIC owes genesis to Palestinian issue. Muslim Ummah must exhibit strong solidarity for people with action.”

“There comes a time in the history of nations when decisions taken are remembered by posterity and it is important to be on the right side of history. This is one such moment. We must not fail the Palestinian people at this critical juncture,” Qureshi added.

In a joint statement later, the OIC said it “condemns in the strongest terms the barbaric attacks launched by Israel… against the Palestinian people and their land and holy sites”.

The pan-Islamic body demanded a complete cessation of hostilities, saying the violence was causing “severe suffering” to civilians and increased the “risks of instability” in the region.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi failed to mention that his country is already failed and a bankrupt country and doesn’t have money to even pay for fuel for its forces to be moved to Palestinian Areas.

In case Pakistan Joins any such Military alliance with Turkey against the wishes of United States, then that would not be good for the already crumbling Pakistan economy that is barely surviving on the crutches of donations by US government.

Points to Ponder

What happens if Israel Joins India and United States with allies in raising the Human Rights violations by Pakistan Army in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan, Pakistan Occupied Pashtunistan and Pakistan Occupied Sindh?

What if Israel along with USA and India supports freedom of Balochistan, Sindh and Pashtunistan and declare them free and independent nations?

What if Sanctions are placed against Pakistan for its human rights abuses against Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajir, Sindhi, Hazara Muslims and other religious minorities including Hindus and Christians?

What if USA and Israel along with allies decide that Nuclear Arms in the hands of mentally bankrupt and an unstable and failed Pakistan is a danger for the entire world and Pakistan should dismantle all its nuclear arsenals?

Moreover Shouldn’t Pakistan should be worried if Israel join hands with US in the future to disarm Pakistan of its Nuclear Arsenal to prevent it from falling in the hands of rough elements.

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