Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China And Disputes 40 KM Land With India

Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China and there are no protests at all, either by the ruling communist Party of Nepal or the Nepalese Media. The takeover is so smooth that even public is not discussing about the Chinese aggression. In order to divert the Nepalese Hindu public attention from the Chinese aggression and the Nepalese Communist Party surrendering Mt. Everest to China, a fictitious Disputes over a 40 KM land with India is raised to hype pubic opinion against India and divert public anger to India instead of China.

Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China And Disputes 40 KM Land With India
Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China And Disputes 40 KM Land With India

In 1855, Nepal invaded Tibet. It was a long drawn affair which ended when both the parties signed a peace treaty where Tibet was asked to pay an annual tribute to Nepal. In effect, Tibet became a vassal of Nepal(and indirectly, of British India).

In fact, rather than focusing on entire Tibet itself, which became a vessel of Nepal through the 1855 Nepal-Tibet war and the subsequent treaty, the Communist Party of Nepal surrendered not only Entire Tibet but also Mt Everest to China and instead raising a dispute with India over a small piece of 40 KM of land and diverting public anger towards India to hide its own scandalous dealings with China.

Peace treaty in 1856 where Tibet was asked to pay an annual tribute to Nepal.  In effect, Tibet became a vassal of Nepal (and indirectly, of British India).
Peace treaty in 1856 where Tibet was asked to pay an annual tribute to Nepal. In effect, Tibet became a vassal of Nepal (and indirectly, of British India).

Going by the fact that Nepal didn’t demand the world to make China pay the dues arising out of the Treaty of Thapathali, it makes absolutely no sense for Nepal to point fingers at the Treaty of Sugali which was signed when the Gurkha Armies were pushed back in the Anglo-Nepalese War. When Nepal lost huge tracts of land in the current Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, it makes absolutely no sense that Nepal created a controversy over a 40 km tract of land.

Current impasse

The 1816 Treaty of Sugauli that brought the Anglo-Nepal war (1814-1816) to an end demarcated the Mahakali river as the western boundary of Nepal.

But it’s the origin of this river that causes the dispute.

Nepal claims that Mahakali originates at Limpiyadhura, northwest of Lipulekh, and flows southwest.

Thus, contends Kathmandu, Lipulekh and Kalapani fall within Nepal.

India, on the other hand, contends that the Kali Ganga (as the Mahakali is called in Uttarakhand) originates in black water springs at Kalapani (which is how the area gets its name) well below the Lipulekh Pass and flows south and slightly east.

Chinese Hand

In an apparent indication to a Chinese role, Indian Army Chief Gen M M Naravane on Friday said there were reasons to believe that Nepal objected to India laying a road connecting the Lipulekh pass in Uttarakhand at the behest of someone else even as he asserted that the Army is dealing with incidents of face-offs with Chinese military on a case-by-case basis.

Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China And Disputes 40 KM Land With India: Indian Army Chief Gen M M Naravane speaking
Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China And Disputes 40 KM Land With India: Indian Army Chief Gen M M Naravane speaking

Over the recent past, the ruling Nepal Communist Party has been playing down some of the most serious transgressions into the country from Beijing, while sparring with India over trivial and imagined Kalapani territorial dispute, holding little significance for Kathmandu but having strategic repercussions on the Sino-India border equations.

The latest transgression from China comes in the form of Beijing’s attempt to alter the position of the highest peak in the world- Mt. Everest by highlighting its Tibetan side and completely downplaying the more popular Nepali side of the highest peak in the world.

China’s State media outlet China Global Television Network, tweeted, “An extraordinary sun halo was spotted Friday in the skies over Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak located in China’s Tibet Autonomous Region.”

Tweet by Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece which was apparently deleted. Did Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China? No Media condemnation or Political speeches over this?
Tweet by Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece which was apparently deleted. Did Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China? No Media condemnation or Political speeches over this?

According to a 1960 Border Resolution Agreement, China and Nepal had decided that Mount Everest would be divided- the Southern slope would belong to Nepal and the Northern slope to Tibet, which China claims as a part of its territory.

Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China:  Mt Everest Shown as Chinese Territory
Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China: Mt Everest Shown as Chinese Territory
Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China:  Mt Everest Shown as Chinese Territory
Nepal Surrenders Mt Everest to China: Mt Everest Shown as Chinese Territory

Diversion Tactics?

Can it be called the Failure of the Nepalese government on the Chinese front which is prepared to gobble the entire Mt Everest despite the 1960 agreement? It is the biggest loss for Nepal in its history, losing the Himalayan pride, but if it is made known to the Nepalese public, what would be the reaction?

Question arises why is Nepal downplaying the complete loss of Mt. Everest to China?

Many people we discussed said that it is because of the Communist Government in Nepal which is funded and financed by Communist Party of China and acting as a puppet of the Chinese Communists, is trying the diversion tactics. On the one hand Communist Nepalese Govt is gifting entire Mt. Everest to China, while on the other hand blowing things out of proportion for a track of 40 Square Kilometres.

As per people, the Only Hindu Kingdom is slowly becoming a communist and Islamist Radicals are also slowly spreading their tentacles all over Nepal. The ancient Hindu Kingdom that had the Ancient Pashupatinath Temple at the core of Relations between India and Nepal, the Communists are killing all the Hindu ideologies that depended on faith and Ancient Hindu culture.

As per people, Chinese Communists may try any political gimmicks. However, the faith of Nepalese people on the Supreme Lord Pashupatinath is unshakable, no matter how hard the soulless Chinese try.

The current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and the Head of the Gorakshdham Peetha, Yogi Adityanath is the Rajaguru of the Nepalese Royalty. Could the Chinese Communist Party have eliminated the Nepalese Royal Family to reduce the influence of India on Nepal Royal Family? It should be mentioned here that it was only after the elimination of the Nepalese Royal Family, the Chinese were able to spread their tentacles and spread the poison of communism in the Ancient Hindu land of Nepal.

Whatever the issues between India and Nepal, it never affected the relations. The open borders Nepal has with India and the heavy integration of Nepalese and Indian economy and culture is but a proof of that.  The importance of temple towns like Pashupatinath and Janakpur and the combination of Kapilavastu and Bodh Gaya are but a proof of the common heritage.

Moreover the Nepalese Communist Party is spreading poison among the Nepali Hindu Kingdom against India by blaming India for spreading the Chinese Virus ignoring the fact that Nepal had direct connects with China, Pakistan and Malaysia that were the biggest source of Infection in the land locked country. Moreover the porus border and daily border crossing by lakhs of Nepalese for work/business in India infected many Indians in the border towns of India.

In our previous article Anti-Hindu Riots in New Delhi were Planned in Nepal, we mentioned about Nepal “Muslim Aalmi Tablighi Ijtema” 2020 held between 15 to 17 February 2020 in Saptari District of Nepal. Anti-Hindu Riots in New Delhi during President Trump Visit were Planned in Nepal during this religious congregation. Around 5 lakh Muslims gathered in this Ijtema, mostly from UP and Delhi. This event was inaugurated by Hazrat Maulana Shah who is from Delhi.

Over 5 Lakh Aalmi Ijtema gathered between 15th – 17th February 2020 in Bodebarsain, Saptari for a three-day Islamic congregation, Aalmi Tablighi Ijtima, in Nepal. Satari is a small city in Nepal Bordering Indian State of Bihar and is very close to Kishan Ganj Area known as Chicken Neck Area. This Religious Congregation which was supposed to be for Muslims of India and Nepal was attended by Sunni Muslim participants even from countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bangladesh.

We all know that by January-February 2020, Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus had spread in Malaysia and infected people from Malaysia also attended this “Muslim Aalmi Tablighi Ijtema” 2020 congregation.

Although Indian Media was apt in pointing that Tablighi Jamaat was responsible in India for spread of Chinese Virus in intial stages in many states, Nepal did nothing to investigate the role of Tablighi Jamaat and the Pakistanis who continued to spread the Chinese Virus in Nepal.

Nepalese Communist Government instead of handling the Radicals in Nepal spreading the Chinese Virus among the Hindu population, continued to spit venom against India and shamelessly blamed India for their own failure and incompetence.

Indian Help forgotten.

In the words of Nepalese Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli @kpsharmaoli on Apr 22 tweeted about India’s generous support of 23 tonnes of essential medicines to Nepal, to fight COVID-19 Pandemic.

India's generous support of 23 tonnes of essential medicines to Nepal, to fight Chinese Virus COVID-19 Pandemic
India’s generous support of 23 tonnes of essential medicines to Nepal, to fight Chinese Virus COVID-19 Pandemic
India's generous support of 23 tonnes of essential medicines to Nepal, to fight Chinese Virus COVID-19 Pandemic
India’s generous support of 23 tonnes of essential medicines to Nepal, to fight Chinese Virus COVID-19 Pandemic

Everyone also remember the big earthquake in 2015 and the level of support provided by India in the land locked Hindu Kingdom that is overtaken by the Communist Poison.

Forgotten Good Work of India: Hundreds of tonnes of water supplied during 2015 Earthquake in Nepal.
Forgotten Good Work of India: Hundreds of tonnes of water supplied during 2015 Earthquake in Nepal.
Forgotten Good Work of India: Over thousand Nepalese rescued by Indian Air Force IAF helicopters during 2015 Earthquake
Forgotten Good Work of India: Over thousand Nepalese rescued by Indian Air Force IAF helicopters during 2015 Earthquake
Forgotten Good Work of India: 13 NDRF teams of about 500 persons on ground helped the victims during Earthquake of 2015
Forgotten Good Work of India: 13 NDRF teams of about 500 persons on ground helped the victims during Earthquake of 2015
Forgotten Good Work of India: Over 100 tonnes of food packets and hundreds of large oxygen cylinders were moved to disaster-struck Nepal in 2015
Forgotten Good Work of India: Over 100 tonnes of food packets and hundreds of large oxygen cylinders were moved to disaster-struck Nepal in 2015
Forgotten Good Work of India: 3 Army field hospitals were made functional for the victims during 2015 earthquake.
Forgotten Good Work of India: 3 Army field hospitals were made functional for the victims during 2015 earthquake.
Forgotten Good Work of India: Health team of 30 was deployed at the Trauma Centre during Earthquake of 2015
Forgotten Good Work of India: Health team of 30 was deployed at the Trauma Centre during Earthquake of 2015

Points to Ponder:

1. Why did Nepal retrospectively complain against a road which is already in construction for more than a decade? How did Nepal realize that the road passed through Nepalese territory in 2020 and not from 2005 when the construction started?

2. Fully knowing that Mount Everest is a Nepalese heritage, why didn’t Nepal raise a formal complaint with China when China openly declared Mount Everest as it’s own property?

3. One of the main stays of Nepalese Economy is the Open Borders between India and Nepal. Can Nepal afford the economic impact if India decides to treat Nepal like any other country and impose a VISA based restricted entry?

4. Whats stopping Nepal from asserting it’s claim over Tibet through the Treaty of Thapathali? In a period where the whole world is suffering because of the Chinese handling of Wuhan COVID Virus, the world will be ready to support any legitimate claims against China.

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