China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Packages containing 1,527 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge.

China is the Biggest Drug Peddler in the World. On 23-August-2019, President Trump tweeted that Fentanyl kills 100,000 Americans a Year.


Fentanyl remains the primary driver behind the ongoing opioid crisis, with fentanyl involved in more deaths than any other illicit drug. Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are widely available throughout the Great Lakes, Midwest, and the Northeast areas of the United States. The two primary sources of the fentanyl are Mexico and China, where drug traffickers produce fentanyl and other synthetic opioids in clandestine operations. However in later secions in this article, we have shown that China is the biggest supplier of Fentanyl even to Mexico. Fentanyl is smuggled into the United States across the SWB as well as through international mail and express consignment shipping services, primarily in powder and counterfeit pill form, indicating clandestinely produced fentanyl as opposed to pharmaceutical fentanyl. Increases in fentanyl containing counterfeit pills and related fentanyl pill pressing operations in addition to other novel preparations demonstrate traffickers’ continued efforts to expand the fentanyl user base.

US President Donald Trump had tweeted, “It is outrageous that Poisonous Synthetic Heroin Fentanyl comes pouring into the U.S. Postal System from China. We can, and must, END THIS NOW! The Senate should pass the STOP ACT – and firmly STOP this poison from killing our children and destroying our country. No more delay!”

There is a worldwide condemnation of the Drug Peddler China.

As per Scott Adams, “If you combine Chinese Fentanyl overdose deaths with coronavirus deaths, China has already killed more Americans than World War 2.”

A lady who lost her only child, her daughter also agreed.

Just read the replies of the people condemning China.

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

The number of NPS varieties continues to increase worldwide, but remains a limited threat in the United States compared to other widely available illicit drugs. China remains the primary source for the synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones trafficked into the United States. The availability, popularity, and the public health threat of specific NPS varieties in the United States changes every year, as traffickers experiment to circumvent legal restrictions and discover more potent, and therefore popular, substances.

DEA and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reporting indicates the fentanyl shipped directly from China is typically seized in smaller quantities with purities commonly testing above 90 percent. However in the later section in this article, you will understand that China is the biggest supplier of the same drug to Mexico as well.

Ignorance about the product does not lessen the Crime

Fentanyl available in the United States is often sold under the same or similar “brands” as heroin, which can lead to confusion and wariness among customers depending on what the customer is seeking. For example, one of the most popular “names” associated with high quality heroin is “China White,” but distributors across the United States all use “China White” to mean different products. Moreover, it is highly likely many distributors do not know what exactly they are selling when it comes to differentiating between heroin, fentanyl, and fentanyl-laced heroin, as well as differentiating between diverted pills and fentanyl-containing counterfeit pills. This probably means many distributors are not intentionally deceiving customers; instead, suppliers do not always inform distributors specifically what substances or combinations of substances they are selling. Still, other distributors actively cut heroin with fentanyl to extend their heroin supply; however, it is often unclear whether customers in these cases are aware of how/if their heroin has been cut.


Illicit fentanyl production requires no plant material; rather, it is synthesized in laboratories entirely from chemicals, unlike heroin. The fentanyl available in the United States is primarily sourced to either China or Mexico; however, there are new source and transit countries emerging as important players in the fentanyl threat. There are two primary methods to synthesize fentanyl: the Janssen method and the Siegfried method. DEA’s STRL identified that 94 percent of the reports analyzed in 2018 were synthesized using the Janssen method versus six percent synthesized using the Siegfried method. The Janssen method is the more complex of the two methods of synthesis, indicating DTOs producing fentanyl are recruiting trained chemists to assist with fentanyl synthesis.

Transportation and Distribution

Traffickers smuggle fentanyl into the United States both by land, using the SWB, and by air, using international mail and express consignment carriers. Typically, fentanyl trafficked across the SWB is sourced to Mexico and fentanyl trafficked through the mail is sourced to China. Although DEA cannot geosource fentanyl like heroin and cocaine, fentanyl trafficked into the United States from these two sources is distinct, allowing law enforcement to make a determination about origin. Fentanyl trafficked across the SWB from Mexico is typified by large volumes that are low in purity (less than 10 percent pure on average). Conversely, fentanyl trafficked through the mail from China typically arrives in smaller quantities that are highly pure (frequently 90 percent or higher purity).

The US mailing system has been exploited for smaller fentanyl shipments, but mass movement of the drug to the United States is largely through criminal groups in Mexico. As the country’s criminal landscape has grown increasingly fractured, organizations like the CJNG and Sinaloa Cartel have come to rely on subcontractors to facilitate their trafficking operations.

Chinese Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs)

Chinese Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) specialize in international money laundering by transferring funds to and from China and Hong Kong through the use of front companies and other money laundering methods. Chinese TCOs continue to operate indoor marijuana grow houses in states with legal personal-use marijuana laws and also remain the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy) source of supply in U.S. markets by trafficking MDMA from clandestine laboratories in Canada into the United States. Due to China’s currency control restrictions (China currently has a $50,000 annual foreign exchange limit for its citizens), Chinese TCOs have taken advantage of the availability of U.S. dollars belonging to Mexican and Colombian Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) in the United States by acquiring the U.S. dollars in exchange for the payment of Colombian/Mexican pesos in the respective drug source country. Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) launder drug proceeds through a variety of means, the primary being a hybrid of trade-based money laundering (TBML) and the black market peso exchange (BMPE).

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Philadelphia CBP Seizes Nearly $1.7 Million in Fentanyl Shipped from China

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized 110 pounds of the deadly opioid fentanyl with an estimated $1.7 million street value on 25 June in Philadelphia.

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World :  Fentanyl found in barrels of iron oxide.
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Fentanyl found in barrels of iron oxide.

CBP officers from the Area Port of Philadelphia conducting routine examinations discovered the fentanyl in a shipment of iron oxide that arrived from China.

A CBP narcotics detector dog alerted to the presence of narcotics inside the barrels of iron oxide. CBP officers, wearing personal protective equipment, searched through the iron oxide and discovered 50 packages that contained sealed bags of a white, powdery substance.

Officers tested the substance using a handheld elemental isotype analysis tool that can identify over 14,000 chemical substances with the use of a laser or infrared beam. The device identified the substance as fentanyl.

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Fentanyl found in barrels of iron oxide. 100 lbs of 4-Fluoroisobutyryl Fentanyl, a potent fentanyl analog
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Fentanyl found in barrels of iron oxide. 100 lbs of 4-Fluoroisobutyryl Fentanyl, a potent fentanyl analog

CBP’s Laboratory and Scientific Services (LSS) conducted additional testing and identified the substance as 4-Fluoroisobutyryl Fentanyl, a fentanyl analog and DEA Schedule I controlled substance.

The fentanyl weighed a combined 50 kilograms, or 110 pounds. High purity fentanyl such as this can sell for over $34,000 per kilogram on the street.

“Opioids, including fentanyl and its analogues, are a serious public health concern, and the importation of vast amounts of this deadly synthetic chemical compound is a national security threat. Customs and Border Protection remains committed to keeping our communities safe by combating the flow of illicit drugs, including synthetic opioids, into the United States,” said Casey Durst, CBP Director of Field Operations in Baltimore.

Director Durst recently testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, during a field hearing in Harrisburg, PA, regarding the threat of opioids and fentanyl to communities in the United States. As part of her testimony, she emphasized that, in cooperation with our law enforcement partners, CBP remains vigilant and continues to enhance the effectiveness of our detection and interdiction capabilities to combat transnational threats in order to secure our homeland and help keep our communities safe.

CBP’s fentanyl seizures are trending up. During 2016, the first year CBP started tracking fentanyl seizures, officers seized 440 pounds nationally. That number grew to 951 pounds in 2017, and 984 pounds through the end of April 2018.

CBP has expanded its efforts to detect opioids to ensure officer and detector dog safety. CBP has imprinted all narcotic detector dogs on fentanyl, and all officers have quick-access to appropriate personal protective equipment. Additionally, CBP trained and equipped officers with naloxone, and continues to work closely with our interagency partners to improve targeting of fentanyl entering the United States.

Learn more about the dangers of fentanyl and other opioids at the DEA’s fentanyl webpage.

On a typical day in 2017, CBP officers seized 5,863 pounds of illicit narcotics across the nation. Learn more about what CBP did during “A Typical Day” in 2017.

CBP’s border security mission is led at ports of entry by CBP officers from the Office of Field Operations. Please visit CBP Ports of Entry to learn more about how CBP’s Office of Field Operations secures our nation’s borders.

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24 Tons of Chinese Fentanyl seized in Pacific port of Lázaro Cárdenas in southwest Michoacán state, Mexico

Authorities in Mexico continue to make large seizures of the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl, even as China, the world’s top producer of the drug makes window dressing regulations as an eyewash to international community.

Mexico’s armed forces seized almost 24 tons of fentanyl at the Pacific port of Lázaro Cárdenas in southwest Michoacán state on August 26, 2019. Authorities discovered the drug on a Danish-flagged vessel that had left China. The ship’s cargo manifest identified the product as calcium chloride, but the substance in fact tested positive for fentanyl after authorities performed a random sampling test. The shipment was destined for Sinaloa, just up the coast to the north.

Mexico has seen a string of seizures of synthetic drugs and their precursor chemicals during the month of August 2019.

At the start of the month in August 2019 alone, customs officials at the international airport in Mexico City detected a shipment of two kilograms of precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl.

Later on August 8, 2019, federal police in Baja California state, along the US-Mexico border, seized 4,000 fentanyl pills and more than 16 grams of synthetic drugs presumed to be methamphetamines, according to an official press release.

One kilogram of fentanyl costs about $32,000, which can be used to make one million pills with a street value of more than $20 million, according to law enforcement officials. Yet just two milligrams of the drug is a lethal dose for most people, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

China accounts for the vast majority of illicit fentanyl and its precursor chemicals that reach the United States. US officials have pressured the country to crack down on the drug’s production. In April of this year, officials in China banned all variants of the powerful opioid in an effort to cut off supply.

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Anything to do with illegal drugs, Chinese are there : 80 illegal Chinese arrested from Marijuana grow site

During another multi-agency operation, Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents from Blythe Station assisted the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office during a narcotics raid on a suspected illegal marijuana grow site near Palo Verde College in Blythe, California on Wednesday 20 May, 2020 morning. 104 subjects were detained, including approximately 80 individuals from the People’s Republic of China. Border Patrol agents, along with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations and RCSO, conducted interviews and record checks to determine the immigration status of each subject. After interviewing all of the subjects, HSI determined that 14 Chinese nationals were in violation of immigration status. An additional two subjects, from Guatemala and Mexico, were found to be illegally present in the United States. The remainder of the subjects were determined to be legally present in the United States.

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Yuma Sector agents assisted Riverside County Sheriff's and ICE-HSI on illegal marijuana grow operation
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Yuma Sector agents assisted Riverside County Sheriff’s and ICE-HSI on illegal marijuana grow operation

Raids on marijuana grow sites are extremely dangerous. Besides the potential for violence, there have been documented cases of grow sites containing booby-traps, first responders have been electrocuted by makeshift wiring that growers add to steal electricity for the high-energy consumption required on marijuana grows. In addition to the potential for fire hazards, other risks on grow sites range from dangerous molds to toxins from fertilizers.

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Rape Drug Originating from China Seized

On June 24, 2020 at an Express Consignment Facility in Louisville, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Louisville intercepted a shipment originating from China containing 46.5 pounds of chemicals that are often referred to as ‘club drugs’ or ‘date rape drugs’. These chemicals are also be used to enhance the anabolic state of the user.

Based on their knowledge and experience, CBP officers inspected the parcel and found two plastic jugs inside. Both bottles contained a clear liquid, which was tested by the officers. The first bottle was found to contain 23.5 pounds of Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL), a DEA List I precursor chemical. The second bottle contained 22.9 pounds of 1,4-Butanediol, a precursor chemical for Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB).

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World  :  a shipment originating from China containing 46.5 pounds of chemicals that are often referred to as ‘club drugs’ or ‘date rape drugs’
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : a shipment originating from China containing 46.5 pounds of chemicals that are often referred to as ‘club drugs’ or ‘date rape drugs’

CBP Field Operations at Pharr International Bridge Discovers Massive Quantity of Methamphetamine Worth $30 Million

On July 9, 2020, a 35-year-old male Mexican citizen from Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, Mexico arrived at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge cargo facility driving a tractor/trailer that contained a commercial shipment of fresh onions. A CBP officer referred the shipment for further inspection which included the utilization of non-intrusive imaging (NII) technology and after physically inspecting the entire conveyance, officers discovered 221 packages of alleged methamphetamine weighing 1,527.20 pounds (693 kg), valued at $30,556,000 concealed within the roof of the trailer.

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Packages containing 1,527 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge.
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Packages containing 1,527 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge.

CBP OFO seized the narcotics, the 1988 Volvo tractor and 2010 Utility trailer and arrested the driver. Agents with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) continue with the investigation.

Growing number of people in the United States are using methamphetamine and fentanyl, often together

Not only Meth, China also smuggles Cocain

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Authorities seized at least 450 kilograms (992 Pounds) of Cocaine at the Port of Philadelphia

As per a report, Authorities seized at least 450 kilograms (992 pounds) of cocaine at the Port of Philadelphia which had a street value of $18 million.

China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World :  450 kilograms (992 Pounds) of cocaine stuffed in duffel bags
China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : 450 kilograms (992 Pounds) of cocaine stuffed in duffel bags

Bricks of the narcotic were stuffed in duffel bags found in a shipping container aboard the MSC Desiree, which was traveling from Colombia to Europe, a source told WPVI-TV.

Federal and local authorities inspected the container after noticing the bolts on the door had been tampered with.

The total amount of cocaine a huge haul seized in Philadelphia, it is understood.

The Philadelphia shipment originated from China and it was destined for different areas throughout the United States.

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Even the Mexican Drugs are sourced from China

Continued large seizures of fentanyl in Mexico show that the Chinese name sake or eyewash ban has not hampered the supply line of the Mexican groups ferrying the opiate north to the United States.

The ban on fentanyl in China was aimed at stopping Chinese manufacturers from exploiting a loophole that allowed them to change the molecular structure of the drug in such a way that it was not explicitly banned. “Organized crime groups have effectively circumvented initial controls by … basically creating new yet-to-be-controlled versions,” one United Nations expert said.

But China’s vast chemical and pharmaceutical industry continues to be a source of illicit fentanyl. Of around 5,000 pharmaceutical manufacturers, regulators in China only actively monitor a small fraction.

The port of Lázaro Cárdenas in Michoacán, where the latest seizure took place, is one of the key entry points for these products into the country. This is also one of the ports that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently said was under the control of organized crime groups.

Map showing the flow of Narcotics into the US. Chinese Ships , consignment and Fishing Boats carrying Fentanyl and other narcotics arrive at ports in Mexico and thereafter the drugs flow into the US.
Map showing the flow of Narcotics into the US. Chinese Ships , consignment and Fishing Boats carrying Fentanyl and other narcotics arrive at ports in Mexico and thereafter the drugs flow into the US.

In our previous article China Stealing Fish Stock Of The World: Flash point of Conflicts we mentioned that Chinese Fishing boats can be seen around South American Nations. There is very likelihood of these fishing boats being also used as conduits for illegal drugs via the International waters.

Given that China is supplying narcotics to Mexico as well in bulk, it can be said that China is the primary fentanyl supplier to the United States. Seizures originating in Mexico represent a significantly larger total gross weight of fentanyl seized in the United States compared to fentanyl originating in China. However, the low purity of Mexico-sourced fentanyl means a relatively small portion of a given fentanyl seizure is actually fentanyl as opposed to other adulterants and diluents. DEA reporting also indicates Mexican traffickers order finished fentanyl from China, dilute it, and smuggle it into the United States. This means an unknown quantity of seized Mexican shipments of fentanyl were ultimately synthesized in China.

Points to Ponder

China has already been identified the world as a Bio-Terrorist. Now another feather in the hat of China is added i.e. the biggest Drug Peddler in the world that has killed more people in the whole world with its Bio-Terrorism and fatal Norcotics, than the previous World War would have killed.

Will the International community let China escape without consequences, killing millions worldwide using its Bio-Terrorism and Narcotics?

It is irony that the Bio-Terrorist, Drug Peddler, Human Rights Abuser, Imperialist, Fascist China heads 6 of the United Nations bodies

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