French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh

French politicians including Member of the European Parliament Virginie Joron and opposition leader Marine Le Pen Urge French Government to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh.

A Member of the European Parliament recently shared a news of the protest and call to boycott all French goods in Bangladesh on her Twitter account, asking to “stop trading with those who hate us and favour localism!”

French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh
French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh

French politician Virginie Joron on Tuesday shared a link of a news covering the protest incident in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka that called to boycott French products.

French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh
French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh

“Bangladesh economy Flag of Bangladesh largely based on the textile industry. Western distributors (Carrefour, H&M, etc.) must stop purchasing clothing. Let’s stop trading with those who hate us and favour localism!” Joron wrote in her tweet.

Virginie Joron has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019.

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French opposition leader Marine Le Pen has also called for a ban to be imposed on Pakistan and Bangladesh immigrants amidst largest scale protests in the two Muslim nations against France and its President Emmanuel Macron after he vowed to stand against Islamic terrorism.

French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh
French Politicians Urge to stop buying Textiles and Clothing products from Bangladesh

Le Pen’s Tweet roughly translates to: “In view of the new ultra-violent demonstrations today in Bangladesh (demonstrators who called to behead our ambassador), and Pakistan, I call for an immediate moratorium on immigration from these countries, in the name of national security. MLP.”

What is happening in Bangladesh?

Tens of thousands of Muslims marched in the streets of Bangladesh’s capital on Monday in the country’s largest protest yet against the French president’s support of secular laws that allow caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

The protesters, organized by the Hefazat-e-Islam group, a network of teachers and students at thousands of Islamic schools, gathered outside the main Baitul Mokarram Mosque in downtown Dhaka. They chanted “Down with France” and “Boycott French Products” and burned effigies of French President Emmanuel Macron.

“I ask the French government to apologize to the 2 billion Muslims in the world. I also ask the world’s Muslims to demonstrate their faith by boycotting French products and terminating diplomatic relations with France,” Nur-Husain-Kashemi, a leader of the group, told the protesters.

“I ask the government to shut down the French Embassy. It’s a shame that they haven’t passed a resolution of condemnation in Parliament,” he said.

Monday’s protest was the largest in a series of anti-France demonstrations in Bangladesh since last week that have called for the closure of the French Embassy and for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to condemn France. Hasina has yet to officially comment.

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Hefazat-e-Islam and other Islamist groups and parties support the introduction of Islamic law in Bangladesh, which is governed by a legal system largely based on British common law.

Radical Islamist Bangladeshi mobs also marched towards French Embassy in Dhaka to lay seige.

Two Hindu households consisting five houses were vandalized and torched in Comilla District located 100 kilometres south east of Dhaka in Bangladesh, after a man allegedly showed support for France on Social Media.

The incident took place at the Korbanpur village under Muradnagar upazila of Comilla on Sunday afternoon, creating panic among the community. Police also registered First Information Report (FIR) against the Hindus for allegedly hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims.

Noted Journalist Aditya Raj Kaul with twitter handle @AdityaRajKaul tweeted a video and shared the information of what is happening in Bangladesh. He tweeted, “Islamist radical mob attacks Hindu minority houses in Comilla of Chittagong division in Bangladesh. Someone from Hindu community on social media had expressed support for freedom of expression in #France. Horrific visuals of destruction by the violent mob.”

This is happening to those who support France in Islamic Radical Bangladesh. Hindu minorities are the easiest targets in Muslim dominated country.

What can Bangladesh lose?

As per the data from World Bank for year 2018, France alone imported $3 Billion worth of goods from Bangladesh during 2018.

World Bank Data of Total Imports by France from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories
World Bank Data of Total Imports by France from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories

Out of total imports by France from Bangladesh, $2.9 Billion that constituted 94.81% of the total imports from Bangladesh.

World Bank Data of Total Imports by France from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories
World Bank Data of Total Imports by France from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories

Since the Bangladesh Government could not prevent protests by Radial Islamists from the opposition parties and the Radical Islamist protesters called for death to French, in the event of reaction from French Government, Bangladesh will be the biggest loser.

In case other European countries that are supporting France also boycott imports from Bangladesh, the situation will become grave for Bangladesh in near future.

As per the World Bank Data, Germany imported $6.9 Billion worth of goods from Bangladesh.

World Bank Data of Total Imports by Germany from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories
World Bank Data of Total Imports by Germany from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories

Out of that $6.6 Billion of imports were for Textiles and Clothing that constitutes 95.55% of total imports by Germany from Bangladesh.

World Bank Data of Total Imports by Germany from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories
World Bank Data of Total Imports by Germany from Bangladesh in 2018 and different categories

If other European Countries also place restrictions or import ban from Bangladesh, the textile and clothing sector in Bangladesh will be the worst hit. But for the Radical Islamists supported by the opposition parties do not care for the economy. For them only way to come to power is to incite radicalism and gain the power.

It should be noted that the opposition parties that support the Radical Islamists in Bangladesh are supported by another Radical Islamist FATF Grey Listed Pakistan who could not forget the loss of Bangladesh in 1971. These opposition parties of Radical Islamists have also forgotten how during the nine-month-long Bangladesh War for Liberation, members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias from Jamaat-e-Islami killed 3 Million people and raped 400,000 Bengali women.

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Points to Ponder

Will European Nations place restrictions or ban or a higher tarrif on imports of Clothing and textile from Bangladesh?

Shouldn’t the European nations and other secular democracies punish the Radical islamist Nations like Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh for protesting against the freedom of expression in the Western countries?

If the radical islamist countries like Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh has issues with France or other countries in the Europe that support freedom of Expression, why doesnt Bangladesh opposition parties give a call to ban exports to France and other European countries instead?

No they wont give such a call that hits them financially. The Radical Islamists supported by the opposition parties just need to wrest power from the present government.

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