Armenia Fought Azerbaijan and Turkey Besides 1000s of Islamist Terrorists

Armenia fought not only Azerbaijan and Turkey but also 1000s of Islamist Terrorists. Russian Forces will now guard Armenia-Azerbaijan contact points on the border as part of the peace deal. Azerbaijan celebrates a victory. Armenia mourns a loss. But the bigger outcomes are geopolitical: Russia expands its military presence in the Caucasus, while Turkey gains both influence and commercial access in the region. This also means Karabakh issue is another failure for European Union countries.

The Prime Minister of Armenia has signed terms of peace with Azerbaijani Dictator Aliyev in presence of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Armenia Fought Azerbaijan and Turkey Besides 1000s of Islamist Terrorists
Armenia Fought Azerbaijan and Turkey Besides 1000s of Islamist Terrorists

A draft statement of the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.

Statement of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation

We, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:

  1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.
  2. The Agdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
  3. Along the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 servicemen with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
  4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
  5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
  6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha. By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route will be determined. The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.
  7. Internally displaced persons and refugees are returning to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
  8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detainees and bodies of the dead is carried out.
  9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Transport control is exercised by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.

November 2020

The president, The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister. Republic of Armenia
The president, Russian Federation

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Nikol Pashinyan made a statement: this is not a victory, but not a defeat either

Dear compatriots, sisters and brothers.
I made a very difficult decision for myself and for all of us. I signed a statement with the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan to end the Karabakh war at 01:00. The text of the already published statement is inexpressibly painful for me personally and for our people.

I made this decision as a result of an in-depth analysis of the military situation and an assessment of the people who know it best. Also based on the belief that this is the best possible solution for the current situation. I’ll tell you about all this in detail in the coming days.

This is not a victory, but there will be no defeat until you admit that you are defeated. We will never admit that we are defeated, and this should be the beginning of our period of national unity and revival. We need to analyze the years of our independence in order to plan our future and not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I kneel before all our martyrs. I bow to all our soldiers, officers, generals, volunteers who defended and defend the Motherland with their lives. They selflessly saved the Armenians of Artsakh. We fought to the end. And we will win. Artsakh stands.

Long live Armenia! Long live Artsakh!

Nikol Pashinyan

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Statement of the President of Karabakh Arayik Harutyunyan

Dear compatriots!

Today we discussed with RA Prime Minister Nikolai Pashinyan our actions aimed at ending hostilities. I held negotiations with the National Assembly of Artsakh in advance and received the consent of the overwhelming majority of the deputies. Given the current dire situation, in order to avoid further heavy losses and the complete loss of Artsakh, I agreed to end the war an hour earlier. As for the signed tripartite statement, I will elaborate on it later.

I express my deepest condolences and pride to the families and friends of our martyrs and to all the people. We will still have time for a dialogue with the relatives of the fallen heroes and our military about what to do. I pay tribute to all people who have made at least a small contribution to the hard work of defending the Fatherland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Azerbaijani and Armenian forces in Karabakh will stop at their positions.

Nikol Pashinyan in some of his statements said: I want to tell you a lot in connection with this situation, but I cannot yet, because my words will endanger the soldiers standing in positions.

One of these days I will definitely tell you about everything.

My wife and son are still at their combat posts.

I understand that I am obliged to give information, but now I cannot yet. I will say one thing for now. This decision was made as a result of an analysis of the military situation and advice from people who knew the situation best: Pashinyan

We fought against terrorists, Azerbaijan and NATO member Turkey. Our army fought with honor. I bow to the relatives and friends of the victims. I apologize to them for not being able to continue their work at the proper level. We made this decision taking into account the military situation and its possible development: Pashinyan

No one will escape responsibility for this situation. Including me, if I am to blame for something: Pashinyan

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The statement Of The President Of Armenia Armen Sarkissian

I learned from the press that the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan signed a Declaration on ending the war. I also learned from the press about the conditions for ending the war.

Unfortunately, there were no meetings or discussions with me as the President of the Republic regarding this document, and I did not participate in any negotiations.

Taking into account the deep concern of a large mass of the people due to the current situation, I am immediately initiating political consultations in order to agree on solutions arising from our agenda for the protection of national interests as soon as possible.

As the President of Armenia, at this crucial moment of national preservation, I consider the formation of national unity to be my urgent mission. I hope that within ten days we will all be able to form a unity in which I will consider that I have used the opportunities of my service to the Motherland.

The fighting took place 2-3 kilometers from Stepanakert. If not for this decision, we would have lost the whole of Artsakh, we would have had much more losses: Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan

We were forced (to make this decision) so that there would be no more losses. We fought against the forces of 8 countries: Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan

Everyone said that a temporary or final truce was inevitable. Otherwise, we would have lost all of Artsakh in a matter of days. There were no resources to continue fighting: President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan

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Reaction on the Streets

People burst into the government building and are looking for Pashinyan.

Rallies burst in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, after the statement from Government Officials on the ongoing resolution of the conflict.

More than 100 people broke into the Building of RA Parliament.

Armenia Fought Azerbaijan and Turkey Besides 1000s of Islamist Terrorists

Around 200 people are protesting at the Republic Square.

The Speaker of the Parliament of RA, Ararat Mirzoyan was beaten up by protestors, at the moment his condition is stable, nothing threatens his life. He is in the hospital.

The Armenian police reminded 17 political forces, which announced the holding of a rally on November 11 in the center of Yerevan, that such meetings and actions are prohibited under martial law.

The police are urging to abandon the idea of holding this action.

Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Eduard Aghajanyan announced in a Facebook post that six people have been arrested in connection to the riots that took place on November 9 following the announcement of the agreement to end the Artsakh War. The charges include inciting mass riots, seizure of power, making public calls for overthrowing the constitutional order by force. Aghajanyan said the two who were arrested for actively taking part in the beating of the Speaker of Parliament Ararat Mirzoyan are also on the list of those arrested. Aghajanyan said, “all criminals will be punished according to the law.”

Parliamentarians are trying to get people to leave the chamber, so an emergency meeting can be held.

Chief of the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces Onik Gasparyan met with the leaders of the parties “Prosperous Armenia”, “Motherland”, “ARF”. During the meeting situation in the country was discussed. We urge our people to stay calm. We are still at war. Political parties express unconditional support for the Armed Forces of Armenia and the Defense Army of Artsakh. The political forces assure that, in agreement with the partner parties, they will come up with proposals to resolve the current situation in the coming hours.

The opposition of Armenia intends to convene a session of the parliament to withdraw from the agreements between the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan.

The MoD and the General Staff issued a joint statement

The departments stressed that the army has done everything possible and impossible to resist the enemy, but it is time to stop the bloodshed.

They called on the people to refrain from actions that could undermine the foundations of statehood.

Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II called on the leadership of Armenia and Artsakh to immediately explain the reasons for making such a decision on Artsakh.

The statement notes that the war provoked against Artsakh was unprecedented both by the forces involved, the number and types of weapons, and also by the fact that the Armenian Army fought not only against the armed forces of Azerbaijan, which has the military and political support of Turkey, as well as several thousand terrorists.

Edmon Marukyan, to those who yesterday destroyed the government building and parliament: “You destroyed the state property, not the property of Nikol Pashinyan. In a country where the economic situation is already difficult, this is not permissible.”

It is necessary to avoid civil war and solve everything by constitutional means – the first President of Armenia

To get out of the current crisis situation without new losses, it is necessary to overcome internal political differences exclusively by constitutional means, he said on his website former President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

“The civil war, in addition to the greatest gift to the Turkish-Azerbaijani Union, will be disastrous for Artsakh, Armenia, and all Armenians”

He expressed the hope that political parties concerned about the fate of the nation, socio-political groups, law enforcement agencies, prominent intellectuals and all those who feel responsible for the fate of the country will use all their influence to avoid such catastrophic consequences.

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Local media channels making appeal to Armenians

We call to our compatriots not to participate in the escalation of chaos and dispute in the country. At this hard times, all of us are obliged to stay united, and not cause even more tension in this difficult for our nation times.

We ask our Diasporan brothers and sisters, to encourage their relatives and friends in Armenia stay away from the escalation of tensions. Our teams are determined to provide with all the reliable information on happenings in the Republic of Artsakh and Republic of Armenia.

The convoy of Russian peacekeepers went from Goris to Artsakh

Serj Tankian’s Video Message:

  • It’s very dark day of Armenian history and the history of human rights and justice around the world
  • We are disappointed in the international community
  • Our war has just begun
  • Sanction Turkey and Azerbaijan for their war crimes
  • Get many countries to recognise Artsakh
  • We’re not going to just survive, we’re going to thrive!

Peskov-about the presence of the Turkish military in Karabakh: There is not a single word about this in the text of the statement. We didn’t agree on this. The stay of the Turkish soldiers was not agreed upon. They discussed the establishment of a monitoring center on the Azerbaijani territory. This is in Azerbaijan, and this is the subject of a separate agreement. This is not Karabakh.

The agreement reached on Nagorno-Karabakh is a victory for the peoples of Armenia and Azerbaijan, because this will stop the war, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

“This is a victory for the peoples of two countries – Azerbaijan and Armenia, because the war has stopped. In order for the war to stop and to control and insure it, Russian peacekeepers are now entering there, they will ensure that there is no continuation of military operations,” Peskov said.

The European Union welcomes the cessation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh(Republic of Artsakh). We have called for this since the beginning of hostilities. Now we are analyzing the consequences of the war and the current situation in the region, after which we will circulate a separate statement. EU Foreign Office Spokesman Peter Stano

Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia today. Colleagues discussed the situation in the region. The Prime Minister of Armenia informed Prime Minister Gakharia about the latest developments. The Georgian side welcomed the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh.

EU may impose tough sanctions against Turkey in case of violation of the ceasefire in Karabakh. TASS

Points to Ponder

Isn’t it a shame for International community that led Azerbaijan and Turkey to invade territories in Artsakh region (largely Christians) and deploy thousands of Islamist Terrorists from Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan?

Isn’t it tell the story of incompetence of European Union leadership that could not do anything nor provide any material support to Armenians who are largely Christians being over run by Islamist Radical Turkey, Azerbaijan and thousands of Islamist Radicals?

Does that mean that business prospects matter for European Union and not the persecution of Christians in Artsakh region?

Whatever the situation, Russia has emerged as a Peace broker in the region as a result of incompetence of European Union that was silenced due to their business interests with Turkey.

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