Indian Media Cabal along with western propaganda outlets are conspiring to spread Panic in India. They are diverting the international attention to India and creating a hype that the people getting infected and dying in India however they are denying the public the information that the figures of infected and dead due to Chinese Wuhan Corona virus in India are very much less in India than the combined figures in USA and Europe.
International Media follows the policy of diversion and denial. At one side they are distracting audience/readers by displaying gory images of cremation grounds with dead bodies burning in India, while on the other hand denying the public to know the truth they are hiding of what is happening in US and Europe. They do not want the international audience to know the mismanagement and incompetency of the Liberal governments in US and Europe or what positive things are done by Modi Government in India that is keeping the deaths in a highly densely populated India to a very low figures compared to US and Europe.
Lets Start with Data. The below table shows Data from US and Europe Combined in One Column compared with data from India in the other column. In the last column we have the scale factor.
Combined Population of US and Europe is 1,682,760,574 i.e. 1.68 Billion while the Population if India is 1,391,086,597 i.e. 1.39 Billion. In other words the combined Population of US and Europe is 1.21 times more than that of India.
Now take a look at the Total number of cases of Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus in US and Europe combined and compare them with that in India. There are a total of 101,693,535 i.e. 101 Million total cases of Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus in US an Europe combined. However in India, total cases of Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus are only 17,810,880 i.e. 17.8 Million. It means the number of total persons infected with Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus in US and Europe combined are 5.71 times more than that in India.
When you look at India, total land area is very less compare to the Europe and US and has a very high population density. Considering that fact that total number of Infections in India are 5.71 times less than that of total cases in US and Europe, the credit should be given to Indian Government led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others will not want the International Public to see this Data.
Now lets look at the number of total Active Cases. In US and Europe, the total number of Active Cases are 13,155,907 i.e. 13 Million. Now look at the Total Active Cases in India. They are only 2,955,623 i.e. 2.95 Million. In other words, the total Active cases in US an Europe combined are 5.71 times more than in India. Again the credit should be given to Indian Government led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others will not want the International Public to see this Data as it will make their propaganda to defame and dethrone will be exposed.
Lets look at the Recovered cases. In US and Europe a total of 86,132,059 i.e. 86 Million people have recovered after being infected which is 84.7% of the total cases in US and Europe. Considering US and Europe have the best of the medical facilities in the whole world, the figure should have been higher. Recovered cases in India are 14,656,188 i.e. 14.6 Million. Out of a total of 17.8 Million infected, 14.6 Million have recovered which is 82.29%.
Now look at the most crucial figures of total deaths caused by Chinse Wuhan Corona Virus in US an Europe Combined. A total of 2,405,569 i.e. 2.4 Million people have died in US and Europe combined due to Chinese Corona Virus whereas in India, only 199,069 people have died due to Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus. In a layman’s terms, 12.08 times more people have died in US and Europe combined than in India. Again the credit of managing lockdowns and due diligence, production of masks, ventilators and arranging for all medical facilities in a short time should be given to Indian Government led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others will not want the International Public to see this Data as it will make their propaganda to defame and dethrone will be exposed.
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Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others have started sharing images of Hindu cremation grounds where as per Hindu religious rites, Hindu dead bodies are cremated as per vedic rites. You would be surprised to know even Getty Images has started selling images of Hindu Cremation Grounds showing dead bodies being burnt. Wouldn’t you call Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others whoever shared such grieving moments of others as Media Vultures?
One can question if are News media or are they propaganda machinery and in their agenda to defame Modi are creating Panic and Mass Hysteria in public? The result seen due to this massive propaganda by media is that even with the mild symptoms are panicking and rushing to the hospitals. People are starting to hoard essential supplies like Remdesivir and selling at exorbitant prices creating vicious circle of panic. Mass panic will further cause impatience and shallow breathing, breathlessness and the need for more Oxygen and more pressure on the Hospital infrastructure in India and will contribute to more fatalities among those infected. Is that what Media Vultures want? To get happy and their agenda achieved over the death of others? Doesn’t Indian people have rights to grieve privately?
Related Article Oxygen Shortage News Blown Out of Proportion by Leftist Liberals Propaganda to Target Modi
Dr David Frawley from his twitter handle @davidfrawleyved tweeted, “India did not sensationalize the Covid disaster in New York in April 2020 when bodies of the deceased were picked up from their homes by the US Army and National Guard. This media obsession with cremations in India is crude and insensitive and must stop.”
Why are Infection rates and deaths in India are less and recoveries in India are more? Best answer was given by Dr. David Frawley in his tweet which the Leftist Liberal Opposition rarely supported and Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others would never want India to use it as it glorifies India’s Ancient culture with rich heritage of traditional medicine including Ayurveda, Yoga with Pranayam (breathing exercises).
Neither Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others show the images of graveyards in US and Europe.
As per a news published on 30-December 2020, A coffin manufacturer has said they are running out of wood in Los Angeles, as the coronavirus continues to claim American lives at an alarming rate.
Auriel “Guero” Suarez, who owns the Universal Caskets Manufacturing Corporation, admitted that wood was becoming “scarce”, as they struggled to meet local demand in eastern Los Angeles.
“Especially pine, which is the most inexpensive,” Mr Suarez, who spoke with The Daily Beast, added.
Look at the tone of this Article titled, Coronavirus: New York ramps up mass burials amid outbreak” published by BBC and another article published by NBC News titled “Global death toll tops 30,000 as CDC issues travel advisory for 3 states“
Compare the Empathy, tone and tenor, images and the range of coverage when the Chinese Corona virus cases and deaths are related to United States or Europe. One of the Indian Journalist didn’t spare her own father’s death and used it as a propaganda on public TV to create further mass panic and hysteria.
Such irresponsible reporting by Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others if not stopped may create more panic instead.
A responsible Media should count the positive things done by Indian Government in short term with limited available resources and is producing almost 60% of the Global Vaccine requirements. India that did not have manufacturing of N95 Masks, PPE Kits, Ventilators is today a surplus country and is in fact exporting them now. Different Indian Industrialists have come forward and contributed to the fight against Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus. Social Service Organizations like RSS are distributing free food to people, Neither the Indian Media cabal along with western propaganda outlets like CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and others reported the positive things done by Indian Government led by Modi nor published positive reports that could instill confidence in public. Instead these Media Vultures are doing their propaganda to create mass panic and hysteria in Indian Public that will only add woes to Indian Medical infrastructure if this mass Anti-India propaganda is not exposed in timely manner and necessary action taken.
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Points to Ponder
Will Indian Government take action against the Indian as well as the foreign Media houses?
Will some nationalist media houses come forward and expose these Indian and Western Media Vultures and also spread positive news?
Will the clicking and publication of cremation images be banned and made a punishable crime?
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