A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld | NewsComWorld.com

A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker with handle @DisinfoLab on Twitter attempted a Hit Job against NewsComWorld.

Our point by point rebuttal to the attempted hitjob against us – for which we would want to thank the handle @DisinfoLab on Twitter for trying to make us more popular than what we are today.

A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld | NewsComWorld.com
A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld

Point by point rebuttal

While in this pandemic everyone’s life is disrupted, the misinformation machinery has not stopped. Readers have made us aware of a handle DisinfoLab, which is busy in an incessant misinformation campaign involving us and a topic which is already called out as disingenuous and fake by none less than the Sovereign Government of India.
A Thread.
(We have updated our story; here is the updated thread)

This pandemic has indeed disrupted everyone’s life, just like your good-self we also manage to work during this pandemic and exactly like you, we also do what we deem to be correct. Our response to your fake propaganda against us will establish this fact.

Mushrooming so called ‘online-news platforms’ have become the preferred tools for disinformation in recent times. All it takes is to register a website, copy paste content from other platforms, and hire some handles to promote. One such news site is NewsComWorld (sic). 2/n

What you call mushrooming of so called “online-news platforms” we call them multiple sources of information available for people to choose from. Disinformation is something which is publishing something totally non-existent as genuine information and we will help you understand this basic concept. Glaring example of disinformation is in our next response.

The Methodology was simple: copy content from a mainstream media & then re-publish by tweaking it’s content to give it another interpretation. Ex: A news that US Navy seized Chinese Arms ‘called out China’ for promoting terrorism. But original story didn’t mention China as origin.

Your tweet above is classic example of disinformation, our approach to information (what you call our methodology) does not go anywhere near to what you allege. If you had cared to read the article you posted you would have saved yourself from embarrassment. The cbs article itself states there were 3000 Chinese, type 56 assault rifles. Now what you have done is actually spread disinformation.


This so called news website (http://Newscomworld.com) was registered anonymously, in May 2020. The social media handles for this platform however was borrowed from another similar news site  Communique_news, now defunct. (4/n)

No website can be registered anonymously, just like your portal (thedisinfolab.org) is registered through domain name registration portal godaddy.com, we are also registered using same popular DNS registration portal and just like you have done we too have also not made our contact details public for whois records, but it is available with godaddy for sure.

A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld | NewsComWorld.com
A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld
A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld | NewsComWorld.com

More over we have not borrowed our handle from anyone we have simply updated our name if you had cared to check our old tweets you not have made yourself a butt of jokes like the way you look now. All our old tweets are still present on our timeline for anyone to see. It has become a common theme today for people too lazy to do some basic investigation before making baseless allegations against someone.

As noted the FB page and twitter handle were renamed from Communique News, as is shown in the FB page Transparency. Likewise, the first tweet dates BEFORE even the site was launched, meaning it was renamed from (@communique_news) (5/n)

Doesn’t this itself makes it clear that we simply updated our name and never even tried to hide this fact? In your zeal to expose us, you ended up exposing your own foolishness, isn’t?

One of the first person to propagate this news site was SanjeevM who also renamed as @IndiaKaPrahari. (6/n)

We did update our social media handles to reflect the updated portal name. Did we hide this information in anyway? What exactly are you trying to establish? There are someone people who are running the handle NewsComWorld? You guessed it right, there are indeed some people running this handle, just like your handle, we don’t wish to doxx your info on public domain so we won’t push this further.

in a nutshell: the Twitter handle of @NewsComWorld was renamed from @Communique_news; and the name of owner was changed from @Sanjeev40330782 to @IndiaKaPrahari (7/n)

Only if you had viewed our previous tweets you would have known this by default, there is nothing hidden that you have dig the truth out, we updated our new name on all social media platform which we are using. Updating names is very much permitted on almost all social media platform, we simply updated our handle to a new name and continue to publish information which we believe serves our readers.

However, once website is in place, it needs to be popular and credible. Adopting the same methodology that several news sites have used, this site also deployed set fake handles to push its stories. A list of some of the handles identified so far are as below: (8/n)

Somehow you missed these fake handles which too adopted the same methodology. Only problem here is these accounts are verified by twitter but according to you these are fake handles. God bless those who happen to believe you.

The network of the #fake handles used to push the articles of this website, were created between Dec 2020 and Jan 2021. They pushed the narrative in almost bot-like coordination. Their Tweet timings peaked around mid-day, and Sundays saw very little action. (9/n)

You missed these twitter verified handles which obviously are part of what you claim to be #fake handles. Do this basic search on twitter and help your self, you will be astonished to find that twitter is actually giving a blue verification ticks to some of those fake accounts, some of them are highly decorated Indian army veterans. Unsurprisingly, what you claim as “#fake handles” are actually genuine. May be, a quick look at the below searches on twitter will help?
(newscomworld.com) (from:tarekfatah)
(newscomworld.com) (from:majorgauravarya)
(newscomworld) (from:palepurshankar)
(newscomworld) (from:tyrannywatch)

The accounts are a perfect example of copypasta, if there was one. Not only the links and pics they use are identical but also the content they write is almost identical. A collage of word-cloud of different handles looks like mirror image of each other. (10/n)

People with similar interest will obviously have similar if not identical “word-cloud” its common sense not a secret which you have unearthed.

While most of the handles’ post in identical manner occasionally one odd would also push a fake news, may be just to draw home the point that they r not Bots. For example, one of the handles (@Sumira_Bashir) used a 2016 Deccan Herald pic to push a ‘New-Age Kashmir’ narrative 11/n

Pakistan even filed multiple FIR’s against one Maj Gaurav Arya (happen to be part of what you call #Fake account network). We suggest you take example of Tarek Fateh account for your story as he has retweeted lot of our articles. You can read articles written by these very people on our portal, they are our guest writers.

Article Link : Why The Hostility Towards India? – By Tarek Fatah

Article Link : Peace In The Indian Subcontinent – Is Pakistan Serious?

Article link The Fake Pakistani Dossier – By Major General Harsha Kakar

While most of the news items they have been using r from main-stream media, but on the side they have been trying to mainstream the bogus news-site which has been pushing misinformation. (12/n)

Here is a fundamental concept of news items, authenticity of any event happening or not does not depend on whether the information is published in what you perceive to be “main-stream media” as we believe those outlets are actually propaganda outlets (case in point Syrian chemical attack stories). Your understanding of news items is naïve to say the least.

There is an age-old saying, that the smartest of your enemies can’t harm you as much as a stupid friend. With such ‘Praharis’, ostensibly working to safeguard India’s interest, we may not need enemies anyways. (13/13)

Age old saying is true indeed, a stupid friend like you would defiantly harm India’s interest, apparently you have taken the onus to safeguard India’s interest exclusively onto yourself and are trying to expose others while only succeeding in exposing your own foolishness and hollowness of understanding of the subject at hand.

Now, a few words on this @DisinfoLab itself. The handle was created in April 2020 and the website was registered in December 2020 with no history of twitter activity before December 17 2020, a clear indication that a personal handle was repurposed as @DisinfoLab. We have already clarified that we are not interested in doxing anybody. If you want to have a hint of who is behind the handle @DisinfoLab, the word ‘Praharis’ should give you a clue.

The handle seems to be modelled on a much famous handle EU DisinfoLab: Notice the position of capital letters in this new handle and ironically dealing with the same topic which Indian government already trashed the original handle.

A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld | NewsComWorld.com
A Disinformation Spreader masquerading as Disinformation Tracker attempts a Hit Job against NewsComWorld

We already know who is behind this handle and though our personal and professional integrity forbids us to reveal their details, the level of professionalism shown in the reporting and the patronage received clearly shows that this handle is nothing more than a phishing handle trying to bank on the good graces(assuming any is left after the dress down Indian government gave to it) of the original handle, EU DisinfoLab.

Suggested Read : Pakistan ISI Operative Abdul Rasheed Banawaz Operate Fake Kashmiri Accounts For 1500 USD

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