From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : After USA, Indian Democracy Under Attack

From CAA violence to Hathras to Farmers Protest, India is under attack by global elites who are hell bent on destroying Indian values, Indian ethos and Indian culture, this is not the first time India has come under attack using fake propaganda to incite violence and cause as much division in society as possible.

From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : using irrelevant events to target Indian society while creating a sense of unrest in general population
From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : using irrelevant events to target Indian society while creating a sense of unrest in general population

Latest round of attack on India started since 2019 when Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) lead by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to power with a bigger majority. Global elites have realized that they cannot take control of huge Indian resources while BJP government remains in power and also that BJP is going to remain in power as long as Indian society remains united behind the idea of “Nationalism”.

Big corporate companies which are hell bent on taking over each and every natural resource cannot tolerate the resistance they face in democratic societies such as India, hence they are attacking the Indian values under the garb of protests, cause for which is manufactured.

For agenda of global corporate seeking control of India to succeeded, they will have to overcome three major obstacles:

  1. Indian Nationalism
  2. United Hindu’s (Majority population of India)
  3. Democratic values of India.

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The global corporate will use all means available to incite violence in India and use the same violence to further their agenda and cause further unrest until the Indian society is divided enough and most people either start hating each other or fearing each other, just like in the USA the corporate used “Black lives matter” to divide a peaceful progressive society using an inherent fault line of that society. Caste based violence will be used to divide Indian society which also is otherwise peaceful progressive.

1. Targeting Indian Nationalism

In order to weaken the strong feeling of nationalism which is one of the main reason which propels BJP in power, the global mafia eyeing Indian resource uses Indian flag and other national symbols of unity in their protests, using national symbols of unity while indulging in violence and/or during violent protests against state authorities, not only weakens the feeling of nationalism among parties (victim as well as perpetrator) involved in the unrest.

From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Use of Indian National flag and other symbols of national unity while inciting violence and creating divide in Indian society
From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Use of Indian National flag and other symbols of national unity while inciting violence and creating divide in Indian society

All upcoming protests, cause for which may be irrelevant, will use national symbols of unity as the global corporate eyeing Indian resources are attacking national unity as their first target, once the sense of unity is taken over by sense of betrayal and eventually revenge, the corporate eyeing Indian resources will succeed in their first agenda.

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Use of national symbols while creating unrest and creating a sense of insecurity in general population is a tried and tested method used by global corporate, case in point the black lives matter protests in the United states of America, the yellow vest protests in France. Netherlander in addition to use of national flag during all protests organized by same forces using exactly the same methodology to crease sense of unrest and sense of insecurity in targeted society. 

From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Use of national flag during violence by rioters sponsored by same group in USA/Europe and India.
From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Use of national flag during violence by rioters sponsored by same group in USA/Europe and India.

Indian society and Indian security establishment need to be careful as any reaction to rioters creating unrest would be portrayed as insult to national symbol by those who are using national symbols to create unrest in the first place.

The manner in which Indian policy makes handled the riots during republic day celebrations on 26th January 2021 speaks volumes of the depth of understanding of the subject at hand, something trump administration in USA totally failed to understand and tackle appropriately. Donald trump was fooled insulted and decimated by these frauds who have caused un-repairable damage to democratic process in the worlds oldest democracy.    

2. Targeting Hindu society.

Unless the majority section of society is not divided, agenda of global elites won’t be successful. A united society can never to defeated more-so in a country like India which has a very rich deep and philosophical history. Caste divide will be used to divide majority community of India, large number of small political parties are funded by these corporate’s which in turn use any and all means to cause unrest divide society based in certain fault lines. Caste divide is used by invaders since hundreds of years to ensure the society remain weak divided and hating its ownself while the elites gallop all the available resources of that society.

From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Promoting caste divide and inducing caste based violence is important tool used for dividing majority population of India with end result of taking over of entire resources of country.
From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Promoting caste divide and inducing caste based violence is important tool used for dividing majority population of India with end result of taking over of entire resources of country.

As long as Hindus remain united ignoring the propaganda inciting violence, the nation state of India can never be defeated. Islamists and Britishers tried and failed to destroy Indian value system Indian culture and its religion even after struggling for 300 years combined. Post independence governments followed the principles laid down of suppressing Hindus, earlier cult groups were promoted and pitched against established Hindu institutions, caste based politics remained central and divided Hindus from all walks of life continued to get humiliated, suppressed and insulted for his own faith, while fighting against each other on caste lines. The present government of India under leadership of Narendra Modi became successful in blurring this divide as a consequence the community as a whole became strong not only politically but also started getting its due share in the overall scheme of national resources.

From CAA Violence To Hathras To Farmers Protest : Blurring the divide, united Hindu is the biggest threat to forces eyeing Indian resources.

In coming days large number of protests will be organized to create hatred among various sections of Hindu society, any nation where majority population is united under one flag and sense of togetherness is almost impossible to be defeated, therefore the global elite eyeing Indian resources would use any means possible to instigate caste based violence in India.

Indian policy makers and security apparatus needs to ensure that Indian society remain united by ensuring prompt justice in-case of injustice fair distributing of resources among all sections of society.   

3. Targeting Democratic process

Even if global corporate succeed in their nefarious agenda of disrupting sense of national unity and creating divide in majority population of society, nothing can be achieve unless they have absolute hold over the political set-up, just like in the united states, entire cabal systematically distorted, manipulated and eventually took over the entire democratic process resulting in absolute control over political and security set-up. Similarly the same cabal will distort manipulate and attempt to take over political and security set-up of India.

Manipulation of democratic process of the target country
Manipulation of democratic process of the target country

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The democratic institution cannot be hijacked unless the process is manipulated to suit the agenda. Glaring example of how the democratic process was manipulated is evident in recently concluded US elections, the global elites using their fronts, openly manipulated the election process by initially creating confusion in middle of elections, then by simply silencing the nationalist voices.

Distorting one view over another is an established process for eventual take over of political and security set-up, Indian political establishment and security apparatus need to be very careful and vigilant against such attempts. Very prompt and strong response must be given to corporate attempting to manipulate distort and hijack Indian democratic process.

Distorting the natural democratic political process

The cover up of their fraud and total hijacking of democratic ethos only will lead to total and absolute control over nation state and its resources.

The eventual hijacking of democratic process
The eventual hijacking of democratic process

If India is to remain free, it must nip the bud. The manner in which violence is encourage by so called alternate media, it is paramount that main stream media rises up to the occasion and take control of the situation, use of traditional means of communication such as radio, SMS, interactive sessions with public must be re-introduced while getting off from platforms which are designed to hijack democratic process.

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