Chinar Corps Commander Lt. Gen. KJS Dhillon speaking to the media persons

As per our research, Whenever Pakistan Economy is in Shambles, Pakistan creates trouble in Kashmir to divert the attention of its public from its economic failures.

History is the witness, whenever Pakistan Economy is in shambles, Pakistan has played the Kashmir card, in order to divert the attention of its public from the economic failure.

We discussed at length about Pakistan’s economic in shambles state and its failure in a series of our previous articles:

Can Failed Pakistan Survive Without Loans And Foreign Aid?

IMF Bailout Loan To Pakistan: Throwing Public Money In Drain

Pakistan To Face Multi-Billion-Dollar Penalty Over Stalled Iran Pakistan Gas Pipeline

Pakistan Lost Arbitration Proceedings. Slapped With A Penalty Of $6 Billion In Reko Diq Case.

Pakistan Lost Appeal Against Broadsheet. Ordered $33 Million As Penalty

Moreover, continuous onslaught of Afghanistan Security forces on Pakistan sponsored Taliban Terrorists, the routes of smuggling of minerals and precious stones from mines in Afghanistan are being closed. We covered this in detail in our previous article Army Plunges Taliban Revenue Sources In Afghanistan. Frees Nephrite Mine From Taliban

Pakistan economy is in shambles and is on the verge of Bankruptcy and has taken another Bailout Loan from IMF. However as mentioned in the above articles, the liabilities of Pakistan are increasing day by day.

Moreover, as mentioned in our recent article Pakistani Swindler Arif Naqvi Of Abraaj Investment Defrauds US Investors Of Over $1 Billion, Pakistani swindler Arif Naqvi is facing extradition in UK. He owns K Electric in Karachi, Pakistan that he has contracted to sell to Chinese company for $1.6 Billion. Most of that revenue will also go in paying off the Global Investors he defrauded. Pakistan Economy will be left in Shambles.

The fact that Prime Minister Imran khan had to preside over a meeting to fix the prices of Roti and Naan, shows how Pakistan economy is in shambles and situation is getting worst day by day.

It is pertinent to mention here that people in Occupied Balochistan, Muhajirs and Sindhis in Sindh want to break away from Pakistan and form small new Independent Nations. Similarly, there is a great discontent in Pashtun regions who also want to break away from tyrannical rule of Pakistan. Pakistan is left limited to the Punjab Province.

In order to hide all the failures, Pakistan has decided to try its decades old tactics to raise Kashmir issue and cry like babies.

What did Pakistan Do Recently?

Pakistan started continuous ceasefire violations on its border with India on the Line of Control. They used small and medium guns to fire at Indian Positions.

Tried to infiltrate large number of Terrorists in India to foment trouble in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Started hundreds of social media handles including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to rake in Khalistan issue to cause communal tensions in India.

Moved its artillery guns near the Neelum Jhelum Valley, which houses Chinese Engineers working on the power project, Foreign Tourist who visit Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to see Neelum Jhelum Dam.

Video from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir showing Panic near the Neelum Jhelum Dam when Indian Artillery shell fell near the Dam.

As per one source, “Pakistan knew India uses weapons locating radars and can fire in the direction of the artillery fire. Pakistan used the same location of the Dam to fire on the Indian side of the Line of Control. Pakistan Army huddled the foreign tourists and Chinese workers in the Pakistan Army run bunkers.”

Satellite Image showing the Possible Video Recording spot
Satellite Image showing the Possible Video Recording spot

“Knowing very well that Indian retaliation will target the Pakistan Army bunkers, Pakistan put the lives of Foreign tourists in POK at risk and used them as human shields. If there would have been any causalities, Pakistan would have cried wolf in front of the whole world to blame India. However, that narrative of Pakistan failed. On retaliation by Indian Army, artillery fire hit at a little distance from the Dam.”

Satellite Image showing the simulated line of sight showing possible area of Impact of Indian Artillery
Satellite Image showing the simulated line of sight showing possible area of Impact of Indian Artillery

One of the OSINT handles on Twitter @detresfa_ released satellite imagery of the Neelum Jhelum Dam showing that the Dam was not hit.

Fresh Satellite images show no damage on the dam structure

As per him, the Fresh Satellite images show no damage on the dam structure and its immediate area. But it only proves how close the Indian Army was and how range correction could have devastating impacts.

Intelligence Reports

As per sources: Heightened activities of Pakistan based terror groups including the JeM/LeT noticed. These groups are in the process of aggressively planning series of infiltration of armed cadre to undertake major terror attacks. These include suicidal attacks at multiple locations in J&K.

Information has also been received of location of Pakistan based JeM trained cadre in Muzaffarabad (PoK) for collaboration with Pakistan Army elements in the forward posts along the LoC for BAT and armed action against the Indian armed forces in the coming days. (Top Govt Sources)

Pakistan based terror group Jaish e Muhammad has also plans to undertake IED attack on security forces in Sopore area of North Kashmir as per Intel inputs. Trained cadres have also been identified in Peshawar for infiltration into J&K for armed action against security forces.

Other groups like Hizbul Mujahideen have been directed by senior terror commanders based in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) to collaborate and work closely with other Pakistan based terror groups especially with the purpose of planting of IEDs in South Kashmir and Srinagar in future.

News Roundup – State of Jammu & Kashmir, India

5-7 Border Action Team BAT Terrorists of Pakistan Army Eliminated

In last 36 hours, several attempts by Pakistan to disturb peace in Kashmir valley and target Amarnath Yatra. BAT attempt made on one of the forward posts in Keran Sector (Kupwara) and foiled by alert troops resulting in neutralising of 5 to 7 Pak regulars & terrorists.

As per ANI sources, Northern Command of Indian Army in a statement said that “In the last 36 hours, Indian Army has foiled an infiltration attempt by a Pakistani BAT (Border Action Team) squad in Keran Sector in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. 5-7 Pakistani Army Regulars/Terrorists eliminated, their bodies are lying on the LoC, not retrieved yet due to heavy firing.”

Pakistan Economy is in shambles. They send People to die in India. Satellite Image showing Pakistani Army Regulars/Terrorists eliminated, their bodies are lying on the LoC.
Pakistan Economy is in shambles. They send People to die in India. Satellite Image showing Pakistani Army Regulars/Terrorists eliminated, their bodies are lying on the LoC.

Pakistan’s Special Services Group (SSG) forms the core of BAT, which conducts cross-border operations and raids across the LoC. BAT teams include commandos from the Pakistan Army and terrorists (who can be disowned when caught). Members receive training from both Pakistan’s Army and its Air Force.

The security forces have recovered a huge cache of sniper rifle, IED and mines with Pakistan markings, which clearly indicates the complicity of Pakistan in terrorist activities on Indian soil. “Security forces will continue to respond to all nefarious activities along the LoC,” the Northern Command said in a statement.

Pakistani Terrorists killed in encounter

In another Encounter, Indian Security forces killed 2 Pakistani Terrorists I Sopore district in Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Name of one of the terrorist was Umar Shahbaz Wani and the other was a criminal in Pakistan.

Earlier, a top commander of the Jaish-e-Mohammed militant group, Zeenat Naikoo, was neutralized in an encounter in Shopian’s Pandoshan area, an operation that lasted more than 24 hours. The Jammu and Kashmir Police also confirmed the elimination of another terrorist named Manzoor Bhatt.

In the valley four hardcore Jaish terrorists were neutralized. Recovered cache of sniper rifle, IED and mine with Pakistan markings. Clearly indicates complicity of Pakistan in terror activities. Security forces will continue to respond to all nefarious activities along LoC and hinterland.

In the meanwhile, as per the sources, Terrorists in the state of Jammu and Kashmir are fearing the massive deployment of Indian Army in the state. There is information that some of the Terrorists are talking about crossing the Line of Control and hide in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, until the situation calms down. However as per sources, Indian Army is determined to eliminate the Terrorism from the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

As per the sources ISIS group ISJK has released their new poster with the flag of ISIS on Lal Quila (Red Fort), a historical monument in New Delhi, India. As per sources, this could be a hint of a lone wolf attack or a terrorist attack in future.

Chinar Corps Commander Media Statement

In a Statement Chinar Corps Commander Lt. Gen. KJS Dhillon told the media persons, “Infiltration bids by Pakistan Army and Pakistani Army sponsored Terrorists are being attempted regularly. We are having regular contacts on the LoC. The infiltration bids by Pakistan Army and Terrorists are being foiled and replied to on regular basis. All these an indication Pakistan and Pakistan Army is desperate to disrupt the peace in Kashmir valley. I can assure you on behalf of the Security forces here. this will not be allowed to happen. Design of Pakistan and Pakistan will be foiled at all costs.

Chinar Corps Commander Lt. Gen. KJS Dhillon speaking to the media persons

The infiltration bid comes a day after the Amarnath Yatra was curtailed following intelligence inputs of a possible terror attack around the time of India’s Independence Day on August 15.

Vehicle of CRPF (Paramilitary Force) with adequate protection, somewhere in Kashmir Valley
Vehicle of CRPF (Paramilitary Force) with adequate protection, somewhere in Kashmir Valley

As per sources all the CRPF (Paramilitary Force) vehicles which do not have adequate protection have been sent to install the same to ensure the safety of the Paramilitary personnel.

Our source in Kashmir told us that all leaves of Jammu & Kashmir Police have been cancelled and all Police personnel have been asked to report to the duty.

Other Related News from the present State of J&K

New audio tape released by top Hizbul Mujahideen commander in Kashmir, Riyaz Naikoo, addressing the recent situation in Kashmir. He said their organization was not planning to carry out any attack on Pilgrims or Tourists. As per sources he is a puppet of Pakistan and doesn’t know what all his master Pakistan had planned.

As per the tweet from the ANI, “J&K Guv on meeting with Omar Abdullah&others: They’ve gone satisfied. Whatever they expected from me I did. As far as I know, there’s no inclination that something’s going to happen here. I don’t know about tomorrow. That’s not in my hands. But till today there’s nothing to worry”

Ceasefire Violation by Pak in Mendhar sector in Poonch, J&K. On 3-August 2019 at 8:15 PM IST (Indian Standard Time), Pakistan Army initiated unprovoked cease fire violation by firing of small arms and shelling with Mortars along LoC in Mendhar sector in Poonch District. Indian Army is retaliating befittingly.

Airports Authority of India: 6126 passengers reported at Srinagar Airport today for travelling out of valley. Out of this, 5829 passengers travelled by 32 scheduled flights. Remaining 387 passengers accommodated in 4 IAF Aircraft & flown to destinations like Jammu, Pathankot & Hindon.

Punjab Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh has asked Pathankot district administration to ensure the safe return of Amarnath Yatra Pilgrims through the border. He also ordered DG Punjab Police to put the force on high alert.

Sources say Home Minister Amit Shah is likely to visit Kashmir valley after the parliament session ends. Shah will also visit Jammu during the visit.

Article 370 harmful for the people of Kashmir

In an interview, Former Minister Arif Mohammad Khan said that the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that gives autonomous status to the state of J&K must be deleted from Indian Constitution because, its harmful for the people of Kashmir. It takes away the rights of the people.

Former Minister Arif Mohammad Khan said that the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is harmful for the People of Kashmir

He gave an example that if due to any reasons the nomination papers of any candidate are rejected in any elections, the aggrieved person can approach the Election commission. However due to the Article 370 people of Kashmir cannot approach Election Commission. He explained why Article 370 should be removed.

However as per news coming, hate mongering, dynastic Kashmiri politicians are doing everything possible to incite Kashmir people against giving up Article 360. As per sources, the Article 360 is responsible for the massive wealth accumulated by these Dynastic politicians that belongs to the Kashmiri people.

Rumor Mongering

In a Tweet, Ex-CM Omar Abdullah tweeted a screenshot showing fare charges of flights flying from Srinagar to New Delhi with costs ranging between Indian Rs. 41,255 to Rs. 51,500. In his tweet Omar Abdullah stated, “These are the fares people traveling out of Srinagar are being forced to pay. Yatris will get special flights and controlled fares but what will happen to patients, students and other people who have to travel. @HardeepSPuri please look in to this & do justice to ordinary flyers.”

Ex-CM Omar Abdullah tweeted a screenshot showing fare charges of flights flying from Srinagar to New Delhi
Ex-CM Omar Abdullah tweeted a screenshot showing fare charges of flights flying from Srinagar to New Delhi

However, on a closer look at the screenshot we noted that the fare was for 2 adults and 1 child and 1 infant. He conveniently hid the fact that the flight charges were for 4 and not 1 person.

Meanwhile Pakistan trolls are spreading rumors regarding the House Arrest of Ex-CM Mehbooba Mufti however we verified, and it was fake to foment trouble in Indian Kashmir. Mufti after her press conference in Srinagar went to meet Farooq Abdullah at his residence. She thereafter met Sajad Lone at his residence. She met other politicians as well.

Meanwhile, thousands of Pakistani Troll Twitter handles spreading Fake rumors. We investigated one such Rumor peddled by the Pakistani Troll to spread hatred in Kashmir.

Pakistan Economy is in Shambles. Trolls are paid for Propaganda. One such Troll on Twitter sharing the picture of a boy injured with Artillery Shrapnel to in Fake Propaganda
Pakistan Economy is in Shambles. Trolls are paid for Propaganda. One such Troll on Twitter sharing the picture of a boy injured with Artillery Shrapnel to in Fake Propaganda

In one of the tweets, a Pakistani Troll shared a picture of a small boy with a shrapnel injury on the shoulder. However the face of the boy clearly doesn’t look like the Pakistani’s living in the region.

As per a Twitter user @Defence_360 who searched the image online, told that the image was of a Syrian boy injured with the shrapnel, while Pakistan is using such image for their Propaganda.

UK Travel Advisory for its Citizens travelling to the state of Jammu & Kashmir

UK issued a Travel Advisory for its Citizens travelling to the state of Jammu & Kashmir after Indian Government advised Amarnath Yatra Pilgrims and Tourists to leave Kashmir Valley due to prevailing security situation. There is a risk of unpredictable violence including bombings, grenade attacks, shooting.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Jammu and Kashmir with the exception of (i) travel within the city Jammu, (ii) travel by air to the city of Jammu, (iii) travel within the region of Ladakh. The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the city of Srinagar and travel between the cities of Jammu and Srinagar on the Jammu-Srinagar national highway. The tourist destinations of Pahalgam, Gulmarg and Sonamarg fall within the areas to which the FCO advise against all travel.

As per the advisory Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in India. Recent attacks have targeted public places including those visited by foreigners. There have been recent media reports suggesting Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) may have an interest in attacking targets in India. There may be an increased threat to places visited by British nationals such as religious sites, markets, festival venues and beaches. You should be vigilant at this time, monitor local media and take all precautions for your safety.

Pakistan Economy in Shambles

Pakistan Economy in Shambles
Pakistan Economy in Shambles

Currently Pakistan is facing many difficulties the list is below:

1. Pakistan Economy is in Shambles. Financial condition is bad.
2. Tourism Industry has collapsed
3. Unstable government, hence, FDI inflows are reduced; There are no hopes for better economic conditions.
4. Local industry is diminishing as their market is now influenced by cheap Chinese products
5. High costs of essential commodities, unaffordable for common people

The people of Pakistan are now looking towards newly (that’s what they believe despite it was done a year ago) beloved & handsome, third class degree holder from Oxford, Prime Minister Imran Khan that he will take some decisions that will bring Pakistan Economy out of Shambles. 

In reality the newly elected PM turned out to be just a spokesperson, of Pakistan Army, an organization, which only sees their own benefits and nothing else. The Pakistan Army is now feeling the heat as their cash in-flows, which was mostly coming from foreign countries in form of Aid, Loan & Financial packages has seen a massive drop.

Pakistan had been blackmailing US and Europe that unless they keep giving Foreign financial Aid to the failed, bankrupt economy, Pakistan will unleash its armies of Terrorists on the entire world. If that is done, Pakistan will fall apart and it is not far before the Nuclear piles fall in hands of the Terrorists who will threaten Non-Islamic countries with Nuclear attacks. Pakistan is not only sending its terrorist armies to India, but to Afghanistan as well.

There is need to divert everyone’s attention from core issue and to get the fund, hence the organization is now facing towards Militancy route. IN past, they have successfully use their ONLY available infrastructure to gain sympathy from world powers and also financial aid. They are now trying to attack their own assets, which failed miserably and also the tactic is exposed well ago. The new thing now is to draw attention of world by trying to sneak into Indian territory and attack Pilgrims of Amarnath. More than 2000 US soldiers laid their lives fighting the Taliban Terrorists sponsored and armed by Pakistan Army and its Intelligence Agency ISI.

Pakistan is also following the policy of bleeding its Eastern Neighbor India with a policy of 1000 cuts. For last several decades. Author Gordon Thomas states that whilst aiding in the capture of Al Qaeda members, Pakistan “still sponsored terrorist groups in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, funding, training and arming them in their war of attrition against India”. Journalist Stephen Schwartz notes that several terrorist and criminal groups are “backed by senior officers in the Pakistani army, the country’s ISI intelligence establishment and other armed bodies of the state”.

Every year Pakistan Army shells on Indian side of the Line of Control to help their trained terrorists to infiltrate in Indian side of Kashmir.

After the Pulwama Terrorist suicide attack killing 44 Indian Paramilitary personnel, and the resultant Balakot Air Strikes by India killing around 300 Terrorists at different locations, India has tightened the security at its western border. Punjabi dominated Pakistan army is trying its best to support infiltration but has met limited success.

As mentioned earlier, Pakistan has formed squads of Border Action Team (BAT) that comprise of a mix of commandos of Pakistan Army and the Terrorists trained by them.

As Pakistan is unable to send more terrorists into Indian side of Kashmir, they this time took new tactic, which is by moving their own artillery gun to Neelum Jhelum Valley, which is currently house of tourists and also there is presence of foreign delegations, who are currently working on Neelum Jhelum Dam.

Pakistan trying to link situation at LoC with ongoing Afghan peace process

Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has linked the situation at Line of Control (LoC) with ongoing Afghan peace process saying action by the Indian Army is a “distraction”.

Speaking to a Pakistani media channel, Qureshi said, “On one hand the Afghan peace process is going through a critical stage. US Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad has reached Doha after a successful visit to Islamabad. He has an important meeting in Doha. The action by the Indian Army is a distraction. These spoilers can impact peace.”

Former Indian envoy to Afghanistan Amar Sinha told WION, “There is no connection between Pak cooperation on Taliban and what is happening in India.  I guess they are just seeking a way out of their commitments made to President Trump. Tough for Pakistan to cut its umbilical cord with terror groups including the Taliban.”

People on social media are making fun of Pakistan rants. One Twitter user said “Oops.. The war hasn’t started yet… Pakistan is already crying before the international community…. Dabey alfaz mein Pakistanis are screaming “save us otherwise India will screw us’…

Another Twitter user said, “Pakistan is crying like a baby. Papa Papa neighbor hit me… Pakistan thinks that it can use its leverage on Taliban Terrorists to get gains in Indian Kashmir. From one side Afghanistan will hit, from other India. Condition like a Launderer’s Donkey.”

Allegations of Indian Army using Cluster Bombs

Pakistan alleged on Saturday that Indian Army is using cluster ammunition along the Line of Control (LoC).

The Indian Army rejected Pakistan’s allegations terming it as “lies, deceit, and deception”. Indian Army in a statement replied, “Pakistan army regularly attempts to push terrorists through infiltration and opens up with multitude of weapons to assist them. India, during numerous Directorate of Military Operations-level talks, has maintained the right to respond. Such responses are only against military targets and infiltrating terrorists who are aided by Pakistan Army. Allegations of firing of cluster bombs by India is yet another Pakistan’s lie deceit and deception.”

Tweet by Major Gaurav Arya tearing apart Pakistan's Lies
Tweet by Major Gaurav Arya tearing apart Pakistan’s Lies

Major Gaurav Arya (Retd) in his tweet tore apart Pakistan’s lies. In his tweet, Major Gaurav Arya said, “Dear @SMQuereshiPTI Cluster ammunition is ammunition that releases submunitions. You have Tweeted image of a mortar shell. Send me the entire picture and I will tell you the “type”. You committed the same mistake that all Pakistanis do. You believed the Pak Army. Funny & sad.”

Since Pakistan Economy will remain in shambles for a long time, We expect Pakistan to create more trouble for its neighbor to divert the attention of its people from the economic failure, freedom movement in Occupied Balochistan, Sindh and Pashuns.

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