Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : WHISTLEBLOWERS

As per the whistleblowers, Biden is implicated in Dominion Voting Scam connected to Serbia. High-level whistleblowers exclusively tell NATIONAL FILE that Dominion Voting Systems has been a “national security threat” for years and its machines, programmed in Serbia, are known for vote-flipping like the kind that Dominion was caught engaging in during the 2020 presidential election in Michigan. According to whistleblowers, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden personally visited Serbia to take part in a scheme that gave Democrats control of America’s Dominion voting machines in coordination with Eric Holder’s Justice Department. The plot is also linked to the Chinese, the Clinton Foundation, and George Soros. This article will take you through the entire globalist plot, step by step.

Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : WHISTLEBLOWERS
Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : WHISTLEBLOWERS

Dana Jill Simpson and her husband Jim are election integrity and technology experts who have worked for Tides Foundation insiders (the Tides Canada Foundation shares office space in Toronto with Dominion Voting Systems’ headquarters). They are both anti-war progressives in the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party. Dana Jill Simpson has been investigating Dominion for years, and she brought her concerns about voter fraud to the FBI in 2016 — including information about Dominion — but the FBI ignored her pleas for help. Simpson said the scanners for Dominion are made by a company called Flextronics in Plano, Texas, whose CEO does business with the Chinese company Huawei.

The Obama-Biden administration literally gave Dominion its market share through a 2010 forced divestiture.

A March 8, 2010 press release from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice entitled “Justice Department Requires Key Divestiture in Election Systems & Software/Premier Election Solutions Merger” announced that DOJ was forcing a divestiture of election technology from a top company. Dominion ended up getting that technology and thus nearly a third of the electronic voting systems market in America.

“Jim and I as an election team working for Harvard lawyer Cliff Arnebeck located all the DOJ Documents to prove how Dominion Voting owes its 30% Market share to an Obama-Biden DOJ Antitrust division sale done by Eric Holder. No party running for office should have any ties to a company but Biden while in office with Obama let Eric Holder handle this sale to their pet company Dominion. That my friends is as corrupt as it gets,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

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The Science Defies Politics blog reported: “It is not clear what products or services the company has developed. It found almost no buyers, until Obama was elected in 2008. In 2009, New York ordered a few dozens of systems from it. In 2010, Obama’s DOJ (Holder – Mueller) took the EVS unit, purchased from Diebold, away from the market leader ES&S, and gave it to Dominion. This gift included the installed base of about 30% of the US electronic voting systems (EVS) market. Within two weeks, Dominion also acquired Sequoia, which was formally spun from Smartmatic, but ties between these two companies remained. Smartmatic is a UK based EVS vendor, whose software was used by Chavez to “win” the Venezuelan referendum in 2004. Smartmatic’s unit Sequoia faced troubles in the US. Those troubles quickly ended when its assets were purchased by Dominion.”

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“I got a tip that Biden took a Trip on May 20th 2009 and that is when he cut a deal to help Serbian Hackers in Belgrade where he was visiting to get control of info about ES and S Machines so he and Obama would have a better chance in 2012. Well, not only did they get a better chance but Biden had Holder force ES and S in a divesture suit in the Antitrust department in the US DOJ to give over half of ES and S to Serbian programmers for Dominion Voting Systems. Such a disgusting situation,” Dana Jill Simpson said. The date for Biden’s May 2009 Serbia trip checks out.
Biden is good friends with the Serbian Crown Prince, who has prematurely congratulated Biden for supposedly getting elected president. They have visited each other at their respective houses.

Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : Here is Biden in Belgrade in 2016
Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : Here is Biden in Belgrade in 2016


Dominion programmers in Serbia have been scrambling to hide their LinkedIn accounts.

Infowars reported: Screenshots show over 100 employees of the controversial voting machine company Dominion have deleted their LinkedIn profiles. On November 6th, the LinkedIn page for Dominion showed 243 employees on the site and by November 16th, only 140 remained…Why are Serbian software engineers in charge of a product being used in American elections?”

“I have one goal in this election and it is to destroy Dominion Voting,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

“Anyone who stands up for this machinery is nuts and they are misleading the public about where the equipment is made. I know I have been to the Denver office and all it does is sell foreign programmed machines to US voters like they were made in Denver when they are not. The New York Times and Washington Post are misleading the public with lies. I double dare those papers and any papers in the world or other Media to visit the Denver office and then say machines and programs are made there. It is a bald face lie. The Machines are made by Flex in China for the most part and the programming is done in Serbia and Canada and the International Corporation is Barbados. They have direct ties to the Clinton Foundation in Delian Project,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

“This machinery not only stole the election from Trump but also Bernie. This bunch in Serbia and Canada of Dominion Computer Programmers (hackers) works with Hillary and with the UN on overthrowing foreign Countries with the Delian Project,” Simpson said.



A Clinton Foundation website item states:

In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years, Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.

Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto, NATIONAL FILE has learned. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.

The Robertson Building’s Directory of Tenants shows that Dominion Voting is listed at both Suite 200 (the suite Dominion lists publicly) and also Suite 370, which places it in neighborly range of the Tides Canada Foundation in suite 360. Tides Foundation in America, based in San Francisco, created and financially supports Tides Canada Foundation. The Tides Foundation has reportedly received more than $20 million in donations from George Soros’ groups, and Tides shares Soros’ vision for a radical left-wing makeover of Western civilization and the world. Tides has given out money to numerous left-wing groups including ACORN and Project Vote and recently created the Black Lives Matter Support Fund.

This is just one link between Dominion Voting Systems and George Soros. Access Wire reported that “Dominion entered into a 2009 contract with Smartmatic and provided Smartmatic with the PCOS machines (optical scanners) that were used in the 2010 Philippine election, the biggest automated election run by a private company.”

Smartmatic is chaired by Mark Malloch-Brown, who is good friends with George Soros and even called Soros his landlord at a five-bedroom house in Westchester County, New York. Malloch-Brown has worked with Soros on various projects including as vice chairman of the Open Society Institute and also Soros Fund Management. Mark Malloch-Brown is listed as a Global Board Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Here is Malloch-Brown photographed with his friend George Soros:

Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : Here is Malloch-Brown photographed with his friend George Soros
Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia : Here is Malloch-Brown photographed with his friend George Soros

Nancy Pelosi-linked Dominion Voting Systems is under harsh condemnation from President Donald Trump and his supporters after reported vote-counting malfunctions in many of the key states.

President Trump cited data reported by OANN’s Chanel Rion to state that Dominion flipped votes from Trump to Biden or lost Trump votes in massive margins in states including Pennsylvania and Georgia, where the flipped/lost vote total is higher than Joe Biden’s supposed “leads.” Dominion raised flags when officials were forced to admit that the system flipped 6,000 votes in Michigan from Trump over to his Democrat counterpart Biden. But data shows the problem to be much worse and more widespread. NOQ Report has a deep dive into the Dominion data cited by President Trump

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Bloomberg reported that Dominion “hired … a high-powered firm that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. … Dominion’s first-ever lobbying firm is Brownstein Farber Hyatt and Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account.”

Dominion Voting Systems also hired the notorious Democrat political organizing operation Act Blue.

Even Democrats harshly investigated Dominion Voting Systems for its well-documented lack of security and for using Chinese parts.

An Elizabeth Warren press release dated December 10, 2019 documents that Warren and fellow Democrat senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden investigated and exposed Dominion Voting Systems among two other election software systems owned by private equity.

“The three vendors — Election Systems & Software, Dominion Voting Systems, and Hart InterCivic — collectively distribute voting machines and software that facilitate voting for over 90% of all eligible voters in the United States. Private equity firms reportedly own or control each of these vendors, which “have long skimped on security in favor of convenience,” leaving voting systems across the country “prone to security problems,’” the press release stated, citing election security experts.

Even NBC News reported: “The source of the nation’s voting machines has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers, whether foreign or domestic, might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system. That has led to calls for ES&S and its competitors, Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems and Austin, Texas-based Hart Intercivic, to reveal details about their ownership and the origins of the parts, some of which come from China, that make up their machines.”

House Democrats then went after Dominion Voting Systems in a 2020 hearing, with Rep. Zoe Lofgren blowing the lid off the Chinese parts used by Dominion.

About the Author: Patrick Howley is a seasoned reporter responsible for revealing the VA scandal, exposing Ralph Northam’s racist college photos, and revealing the financial links between the Pelosi family and Ukraine. Howley is currently focusing on the possible politicization of Child Protective Services. Follow Patrick on Twitter @HowleyReporter.


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