Two Pakistan Rangers Involved In The Kidnapping Torture and Murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan, Eliminated by SRA

Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army (SRA) eliminated two Pakistan Rangers involved in the kidnapping, torture and murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan today 15-December 2020 in an attack on the Rangers check post on Karachi University Road. A Chinese engineers’ vehicle was also attacked in Karachi Clifton in Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh.

Two Pakistan Rangers Involved In The Kidnapping Torture and Murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan, Eliminated by SRA
Two Pakistan Rangers Involved In The Kidnapping Torture and Murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan, Eliminated by SRA

Mr. Zafrullah Khan, a staunch supporter of MQM’s Mr. Altaf Hussain’s was abducted on 13-August 2020 and brutally tortured by Pakistan’s Paramilitary Rangers.

He was released by the Pakistan Rangers and handed over to his family on 13-November 2020

Mr. Zafrullah Khan was tortured and injured to such an extent that he succumbed to the inhuman torture and injuries on 15-November 2020.

Taking the responsibility of the attacks today, Sodho Sindhi of Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army SRA released a press statement in their telegram channel.

Here is the English translation of the press statement:

The Sindh Revolutionary Army today claimed responsibility for the attack on a Chinese engineers’ vehicle in Karachi Clifton and a Rangers check post on Karachi University Road.

China and Pakistan have invaded Sindh’s islands, beaches and resources under the guise of SEPAC and other projects.

Related Article Pakistan Selling Bhundar (Bundal) and Dingi Islands in Occupied Sindh to China

Also Read : People of Sindh Angry as Karoonjhar Hills in Sindh being sold to Chinese Companies

Pakistani military agencies are breaking into the homes of political and nationalist activists in Sindh, insulting and torturing women, abducting their innocent children and making them disappear.

Sindh Watan is under joint attack and occupation by Pakistan and China.

Against which occupation and attack the Sindhi nation has the right to put up its full resistance and national defense struggle.

The Sindh Revolutionary Army today claimed responsibility for the attack on a Chinese engineers’ vehicle in Karachi Clifton and a Rangers check post on Karachi University Road.

Two Rangers were killed and three others were seriously injured.

SRA reiterates its determination to continue its resistance struggle till the independence of Sindhudesh.

Two Pakistan Rangers Involved In The Kidnapping Torture and Murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan, Eliminated by SRA
Two Pakistan Rangers Involved In The Kidnapping Torture and Murder of MQM Worker Zafrullah Khan, Eliminated by SRA

Related Article Sindhudesh Freedom Movement Gains Momentum

Points to Ponder

How long Punjabi Pakistan Army will continue to commit human rights abuses in Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh, Balochistan and Pashtunistan?

Will the torture meted out to common citizens like Zafrullah Khan not create new Freedom Fighters in future who will vow to punish the Punjabi Forces in Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh and Balochistan for the atrocities committed by the Punjabi Pakistan Army and the their Intelligence Agency ISI ?

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