Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish |

This Pandemic, caused by the Chinese Bio-Weapon Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus, has killed more than 32.6 Lakh people world wide. There will not be any person who would not have lost a near one by this mass act of Bio-Terrorism by China. However International media has become the propaganda outlets to defame countries and leaders who sport nationalist views. International Media propaganda outlets were successful in ousting President Trump with their vicious propaganda. Now the same International Media cabal is running a smear campaign against Modi, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. But Why? Because Modi is one of the International leaders who does not subscribe to the views of Leftist/Liberals that want countries to sell off to Multinational Corporate giants who control all the world’s resources and politics.

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In news you must have seen images coming from India showing dead bodies being burnt in cremation grounds or people dying on the streets, shortage of everything everywhere. Without any concerns for privacy or sensitivity to the grieving families in their most personal moments, these media propaganda outlets continue to share cremation images from India. Sharing such images from US would be a crime and breach of privacy that is the reason they do not share the images of burials or graveyards in US or Europe. But these media outlets are not concerned with the crime committed against Indians. However did you question these International Propaganda outlets to share the comparative figures from other countries so that public can themselves decide which country is doing bad and which country is doing worst?

No, that is not possible. International Media cabal running the toolkit agenda of George Soros and China. Media is following the policy of diversion and denial. They show you images of dead bodies being burnt in India day and night so that people remain focused on India and do not question their respective governments in US or Europe which are doing much worst in handling the Chinese Virus Bio-warfare.

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Combined Population of US and Europe is 1,682,760,574 i.e. 1.68 Billion while the Population if India is 1,391,086,597 i.e. 1.39 Billion. In other words the combined Population of US and Europe is 1.21 times more than that of India.

Check the below table showing comparison of figures between US, UK, Italy and India. Check the Total Population in each of the countries, Check the total cases of Chinese Corona Virus in each country, then check the total deaths in each of the countries till date and then check the number of deaths per million in each country.

Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish |
Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish

In the above table you can see that deaths per million in US are 1750, in UK its 1882, in Italy it is 2033 whereas in India despite being heavily densely populated, Modi has managed to keep the Deaths to 168 per million (10 lakhs). Still why does Vulture Media scare the public using cremation images from India.

Look at the below chart from Financial Times showing deaths attributed to Chinese Corona Virus (COVID-19) in United States, Brazil, United Kingdom, India and Italy. The below chart shows data starting from 1-September 2020 to the present day. It shows the seven-day rolling average of new deaths (per 100k). You can clearly see that India, lead by Modi, though is the highly populated country has managed to keep the death rate much below what the other countries could achieve.

Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish |
Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish

Shouldn’t the credit for this go to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has shown his statesmanship and made India self sufficient from Masks, PPE Kits to Ventilators and is now vigrously working to make India self-sufficient in Oxygen generation.

Why is still the MSM running a smear campaign against Modi? Answer is the Leftist/Liberal King makers like George Soros and China do not want countries to have nationalist leaders like Modi which is against their agenda. Hence they can hire anyone from Media Vultures to blood hound politicians to social media influencers and lobbyists to run their smear campaign against Modi and the other leaders like him.

One argument given by one of the Media Vulture was that every Indian wants to share their stories so these Media Vultures put it on the print.

Below screenshot were shared on the social Media by a Twitter warrior with handle @Sharanyashettyy, showing the response from Seema Shetty with twitter handle @seema16 exposing the lies of the vlogger.

She tweeted, “She was at the crematorium where my aunt was cremated..she came to my cousin’s to speak to them..they refused syaing its a family moment..she also wanted to speak to my old uncle and click his pic they refused

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Some Social Media users brought to our attention the same argument used by another Media Vulture about Indians when she tweeted Patients in India want their stories heard. She is sitting in US and how can she know what the patients in India want? People who are struggling between life and death, would you ever want to become fodder of these leftist liberal media vultures? They wanted to convey their message to this vulture through our article.



Lets see what is happening in Other countries that the same Media is silent about.

Here we take the case of Italy. Total Population of Italy is 60,386,756 i.e. 60.3 Million. Total Deaths in Italy till date due to Chinse Corona Virus are 122,000. While Total Population of India is 1.39 Billion and total deaths in India are 234,000. While total Population of India is 23 times the total population of Italy, total deaths in Italy are 2033 per million while in India they are 168 per million. In simple words, Deaths in Italy are 12 times more than that of India. But Media will still run their smear campaign against Modi because these soul less Media vultures are being paid for their tactical deflection from Italy and other Countries.

Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish |
Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish

We came across this article titled The ‘silent massacre’ in Italy’s nursing homes from We are reproducing it here for our readers:-

Curious case of Silent Massacre of Elderly in Italy’s Nursing Homes

The last time Renato Lambranzi saw his mother was in late February, the day her nursing home closed its doors to visitors in response to a growing number of coronavirus cases in the area.

Not allowed to visit, he called Palazzo Don Gnocchi, a well-known nursing home in Milan, every evening to ask about his mother’s health. When he thinks back on those conversations now, he says it sounded like staff were reading from a script. “Your mother is fine, she’s eating, don’t worry,” the person on the other side of the line would reassure him night after night.

It wasn’t long before he got the call he feared: His mother, Isabella Valentini, had had a respiratory crisis during the night; they gave her oxygen but she didn’t make it. She was 90 years old. “I immediately asked what she had died of,” Lambranzi said. “They answered they didn’t know yet, but that was a lie.”

He found out the real cause of her death at the funeral home. On the phone to the nursing home, the undertaker asked whether it was a case of COVID-19. “Of course,” they replied.

Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish - Massacre of Italy's elderly nursing home residents
Smear Campaign Against Modi A Tactical Deflection From Italy And Others : COVID Misery Fetish – Massacre of Italy’s elderly nursing home residents

Since the start of the outbreak, thousands of senior citizens in Italy and across Europe have succumbed to the virus in nursing homes, which have become hotbeds of the epidemic.

Nursing homes are “perfect places for the proliferation of the virus,” Filippo Anelli, president of the National Medical Association, said.

A report by academics based at the London School of Economics found that in Italy, France, Ireland, Spain and Belgium between 42 percent and 57 percent of deaths from the virus have taken place in nursing homes. In the U.K., care homes have warned that the virus is likely already running rampant in more than half of the country’s facilities and that government figures likely vastly underestimate the number of fatalities. Half of all European COVID-19-related deaths have occurred among residents in nursing homes, according the WHO’s regional director for Europe, Hans Kluge.

In Italy, people are calling it “the silent massacre.” As the losses multiply, no one is keeping tabs on the number of cases, not even among staff. In Milan, at least 20 families have made allegations against Don Gnocchi, claiming the nursing home mishandled the epidemic, lawyer Romolo Reboa told POLITICO. Another well-known nursing home, Pio Albergo Trivulzio, is also facing similar allegations, following an investigation by Italian newspaper La Repubblica, which found that at least 190 of its residents have died since the beginning on March.

Of the three other other elderly women in the room with Lambranzi’s mother, two are dead and one has tested positive for the virus. He has no idea how she is doing, he said.

Nursing homes are “perfect places for the proliferation of the virus,” Filippo Anelli, president of the National Medical Association, said in an interview over the phone. “No test swabs were done, dozens of workers who were not given proper protection fell ill, becoming carriers of the disease, and confirmed cases were not isolated soon enough.”

Exact figures on the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in Italy’s nursing homes are extremely hard to come by, partly because there is no centralized system to record them, unlike in hospitals. A recent national survey carried out by Italian authorities suggested that 8.4 percent of nursing home residents have died since the beginning of the outbreak.

At Don Gnocchi, more than 140 of the nursing home’s 600 residents have died since the start of the outbreak, said Andrea Mastragostino, a health worker at the nursing home.

Mastragostino has been home since he fell ill with COVID-19 in mid-March. Along with 17 other colleagues — 15 of whom also tested positive — he complained to management about its handling of the crisis and filed a lawsuit against them. He and two other colleagues were subsequently fired; several other colleagues received disciplinary warnings after speaking to the media. “The risk is that most of the other workers [who are suing the nursing home] are also likely to be laid off,” Reboa, who represents the 18 health care workers behind the suit, told POLITICO.

There were already cases of COVID-19 at the nursing home in late February, both among residents and staff, according to Mastragostino. And although several of his colleagues took ill in the first and second weeks of March, the home’s health director did not inform the rest of staff, residents or their families of the immediate risk until March 14, “when the situation was already out of control,” said Mastragostino.

Two days later, on March 16, the nursing home opened a dedicated COVID-19 ward, with 36 beds for confirmed but non-life threatening cases. The move came in response to a call from the Lombardy region, which includes Milan, asking nursing homes to host COVID-19 patients on a voluntary basis, in order to ease pressure on hospitals.

The nursing home was paid “[up to] €150 each a day” per bed, according to Mastragostino.

The idea of asking a nursing home, which is full of people who are particularly at risk of dying of the virus, to take in infected people is “atrocious,” said Marco. “But that was not the problem,” he added. “The virus had been going around there for weeks, and the COVID-19 ward was actually the only that followed the safety rules.”

The nursing home’s staff were not given proper protective equipment and were told not to wear masks to avoid frightening patients, a common directive in many other nursing homes in Italy during the crisis.

On his floor, 26 of the 77 residents have died since March. “They died abandoned in their beds, many suffered,” said Mastragostino. “More assistance should have been given, but these facilities are not prepared, they are not hospitals. And the truth should have been told.”

The number of deaths at the facility is far higher the national average, indicating “that it is probable that it is related to a flaw in the prevention system,” Reboa said.

The Don Gnocchi clinic, for its part, has rejected the accusations. In a statement to POLITICO, the nursing home said it followed guidelines issued Italy’s health authorities and the WHO to protect its staff and residents, including guidelines on rationing the use of face masks. It added that there was “no absence of information” regarding the first COVID-19 case at the home, and that the complaint made by former staff members was a result of a “serious misunderstanding.”

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The problem is widespread in Italy. Out of more than 600 facilities controlled since February, at least 100 did not comply with the law and dozens have been shuttered as a result, according to a report by the NAS, a special unit of the national carabinieri. Some 60 members of staff have been reported and more than 150 have been sanctioned for a total of more than €72,000.

The report paints a bleak picture of overcrowded facilities with too few professional staff to take care of the sick or enforce proper quarantine measures to slow the spread of the virus.

“I hear a lot of stories from all over Italy like that of my mother” — Anna Rita Ulturale, a 43-year-old woman from Milan

The governor of the Lombardy region, Attilio Fontana, said earlier this month he welcomed the investigations of the nursing homes in Lombardy, though he added that he blamed the national health protection agency’s decision to divert COVID-19 patients to nursing homes for worsening the situation.

“I hear a lot of stories from all over Italy like that of my mother,” Anna Rita Ulturale, a 43-year-old woman from Milan, said over the phone.

Her mother, Gilda, died in the hospital at age 86 after spending more than 10 days with an untreated high fever at her nursing home in Milan, Residenza Borromea. Thirty-four families have joined forces and filed a lawsuit against the nursing home for attempted murder and mishandling the epidemic, after 150 residents were hospitalized and 66 died.

“In the days before, they told us that they gave her oxygen, but then a person who worked inside the facility sent my sister a video of our mom in bed. In the video she didn’t have oxygen, she was without blankets, and her arms were blue,” said Ulturale.

She feels grief, she said, but also an overwhelming anger. She had trusted the institution to take care of her mother. Imagining her mother alone in her final hours destroys her.

When contacted for comment by POLITICO, the lawyer representing Residenza Borromea, Giuseppe Iannaccone, said the nursing home rejects the allegations brought against it and is confident the results of the investigation will confirm its version of events.

“This speaks volumes about how society views the elderly,” said Lambranzi, who didn’t hold back his tears as he spoke.

“I was an only child, my mom was 90 years old, but she was a part of me. All that I have done in life I owe to her. We paid €2,000 a month to ensure her care and respect, but that didn’t happen.”

Points to Ponder

Shouldn’t Each and Every person should stand up and question these Media vultures and confront them with the data and question their real motives for their smear campaign against India and PM Modi?

Isn’t it the nadir (lowest point) in the Human Civilization when people are struggling to survive the pandemic but the Media Vultures are earning by sharing the images of dead bodies being cremated in India and running their propaganda against India and nationalist leaders like Modi?

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