Chinese Industrial Espionage In USA : Department Of Justice says China Is Harboring Wanted Chinese Military Researcher Linked with VISA Fraud At Its San Francisco Consulate

Chinese Industrial espionage in USA is tumbling down like a house of cards. Department Of Justice says that a Chinese researcher who was charged by the Justice Department with visa fraud for concealing her ties to the Chinese military is currently hiding out in China’s consulate in San Francisco. This is a part of a bigger Chinese conspiracy that appears to be part of a program conducted by the PLA — and specifically, FMMU or associated institutions — to send military scientists to the United States on false pretenses with false covers or false statements about their true employment. There exists evidence in at least one of these cases of a military scientist copying or stealing information from American institutions at the direction of military superiors in China.

Chinese Industrial Espionage In USA : Department Of Justice says China Is Harboring Wanted Chinese Military Researcher Linked with VISA Fraud At Its San Francisco Consulate
Chinese Industrial Espionage In USA : Department Of Justice says China Is Harboring Wanted Chinese Military Researcher Linked with VISA Fraud At Its San Francisco Consulate

Tang Juan was interviewed by the FBI on June 20 about her concealing her ties to the People’s Liberation Army while she was a researcher at the University of California, Davis, and the FBI executed a search of her home and her electronics media showing further evidence she’d hidden her ties to the PLA when applying for a visa. Court documents show that the bureau “assesses that, at some point following the search and interview … Tang went to the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, where the FBI assesses she has remained.”

The revelation, first reported by Axios on Wednesday, comes the same day that the United States revealed it had ordered the Chinese government to shut down its consulate in Houston. We covered about the US order on closure of Houston Consulate in our previous article US Orders Closure of Houston Consulate for Spying, China Tries To Link It With Wuhan

The FBI’s assessment that the Chinese consulate in San Francisco has been harboring a fugitive from U.S. authorities was revealed in a seven-page detention memo related to another Chinese national — Chen Song, an active-duty PLA military scientist who was arrested for allegedly committing visa fraud as a researcher at Stanford University — dated July 20 and authored by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California. The FBI memo argued that “as the Tang case demonstrates, the Chinese consulate in San Francisco provides a potential safe harbor for a PLA official intent on avoiding prosecution in the United States.”

The bureau said that Tang’s J-1 visa application claimed she had never served in the Chinese military, but an “open source investigation” revealed pictures of her in the uniform of the Civilian Cadre of the PLA and that she had been employed as a researcher at China’s Air Force Military Medical University. When the bureau interviewed her on June 20, Tang “denied serving in the Chinese military.” She soon fled to the nearby Chinese consulate.

Related Article : Chinese Industrial Espionage Cases In The USA: The Modus Operandi

“Put simply, the PRC government is intent on protecting its officials from prosecution in the United States,” DOJ’s court filing stated.

A Justice Department official told that the U.S. has made the Chinese government aware that Tang has been charged with a crime and that she is a fugitive from the law.

“Defendant’s case is not an isolated one, but instead appears to be part of a program conducted by the PLA — and specifically, FMMU or associated institutions — to send military scientists to the United States on false pretenses with false covers or false statements about their true employment. There exists evidence in at least one of these cases of a military scientist copying or stealing information from American institutions at the direction of military superiors in China,” the DOJ memo said. “There additionally exists evidence of the PRC government instructing these individuals to destroy evidence and in coordinating efforts regarding the departure of these individuals from the United States.”

The Justice Department continued, “A PRC military official acting with the support of her government has the resources and ability to flee from the United States regardless of any restrictions this Court could impose. This is true as a general matter, but is underscored by the evidence, stemming from extremely similar cases, of a coordinated and aggressive response of the Chinese government to law enforcement activity by the United States government.”

Earlier on Wednesday, the State Department revealed it had ordered the Chinese consulate in Houston to be shut down.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., called this “a political provocation unilaterally launched by the US side, which seriously violates international law.”

“We urge the US side to immediately revoke this erroneous decision,” the Chinese Embassy said. “Otherwise, China will have to respond with legitimate and necessary actions.”

The DOJ detention memo also discussed Xin Wang, a Chinese national arrested at Los Angeles International Airport in June while trying to flee to China, who was a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco and who revealed he’d lied on his visa application and was actually an active duty member in the PLA and employed by FMMU. Xin said he’d been instructed by his supervisor in China to document the California university’s lab to replicate it in China.

The memo also described the case of L.T., a Chinese national who was in the U.S. on a J-1 visa and was interviewed by Customs and Border Patrol at LAX, revealing that she was a researcher at Duke University while being funded by the China Scholarship Council. She was affiliated with the PLA General Hospital and PLA Medical Academy.

The latest revelation comes on the heels of a string of speeches made by Trump administration officials blasting China’s use of espionage and cyber-attacks to steal intellectual property from American businesses. In blistering remarks earlier this month, FBI Director Chris Wray said Chinese tactics have created “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history.” He talked at length about Chinese industrial espionage in USA. We covered it in details in our previous articleThe Threat Posed By The Chinese Government And The Chinese Communist Party To The Economic And National Security : Christopher Wray, Director FBI

U.S. officials have long complained that Chinese Industrial espionage in USA and intellectual property theft has cost the economy billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs and that it threatens national security. Beijing maintains that it does not engage in intellectual property theft.

Related Article : Everything Fake is Made in China: Companies Losing Billions of Dollars

Another Chinese national, 29-year-old Yanqing Ye, who had studied at Boston University, was accused in January 2020 of lying to authorities about her status as a lieutenant in the PLA. She was charged with visa fraud, making false statements, and acting as an agent of a foreign government but is still at-large in China.

The Justice Department on Tuesday accused two Chinese hackers, assisted by the Chinese government’s Ministry of State Security, of seeking to steal coronavirus research and engaging in a 10-year global cyber-campaign stealing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of information.

Points to Ponder

This is a clear evidence that points to China sending its spies to different countries to steel the research of other countries. As we covered in our previous article Russia Accused China of Spying and Illegally Copying Russian Military, even Russia had accused China of steeling its military secrets.

Is it not the time to isolate China and place all Chinese embassies and its officials on close watch by all Intelligence agencies around the globe?

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