France Beheading Episode - Pakistani and Turkish Rabble Rousers are the new Champions of Islam

After France beheading episode, France took action and steps in France. Thereafter, Islamist Radicals in Pakistan and Turkey have threatened France of a war in the name of Jihad. Pakistani and Turkish Rabble Rousers are now the new Champions of Islam.

France Beheading Episode - Pakistani and Turkish Rabble Rousers are the new Champions of Islam
France Beheading Episode – Pakistani and Turkish Rabble Rousers are the new Champions of Islam

Recent threats came from a Pakistani Islamic scholar, preacher and TLP Chief Allama Hafiz Khadim Hussain Rizvi.

In a series of videos he called upon all Pakistani Muslims to start the war in name of Jihad against France. In one tweet, he said, “Declare the Jihad at the government level on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal”

In another tweet he said, “France is challenging you, Declare jihad All the dead, at least on the Day of Judgment, will not be embarrassing in front the PROPHET”

Pakistani and Turkish media was flooding Twitter with the hashtag #boycottfranceproducts.

We can understand the Islamist Radical mentality in the Pakistani clrics. However the Intelligencia in Bankrupt Pakistan for example this News Editor in a Pakistan Media house also was among the prominant ones to call for protest against France and used hashtag #boycottfranceproducts

Bankrupt Pakistan that cannot afford 2 Rotis to its citizens is calling for boycott of French products.

Hypocrite Pakistani Troll army that very often posts offensive images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses on social media is on fire when action is being taken in France against the Islamist Radical Terrorism.

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In 1947, Hindus constituted 12.9% of Pakistan, which made Pakistan. Now that Hindu Population is reduced to less than 2%. Where are the Hindus of Pakistan?

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When it comes to begging for economic aid from European countries, Islamist Radical Paistan is at the forefront. However when it comes to giving protection to minotrities including Hindus and Christians, Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and minorities have no rights whatsoever.

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Thousands of Hindus and Christians are languising in Pakistani Jails under the draconian Blasphemy laws. Pakistan cannot respect Christianity or Hinduism and wants the world to follow its dictate and its Radical version of Islam and bow down in front of the Bankrupt failed state.

Related Article Christian and Hindus Face Blasphemy Laws, Acid Attacks, Forcefully Converted to Islam in Pakistan

It’s high time the world stops treating Turkey and Pakistan as representatives of Islam. All they gave us is rabble-rousing and mistrust.

What happened recently?

An Islamist Radical Chechen teenager armed with a meat cleaver on Friday 16-October 2020 (again a Friday) beheaded a history teacher in front of his school in a suburb of Paris in what President Emmanuel Macron said was an “Islamist terrorist attack”.

“A citizen has been murdered today because he was a teacher and because he taught freedom of expression,” Macron said near the school where the teacher was killed.

“Terrorists will not divide France, obscurantism will not prevail,” Macron added.

The teacher had recently given a class on secularism and the controversy surrounding the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed by satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Islamist Radicals in Pakistan and Turkey have threatened France of a war in the name of Jihad : Thousands of French Protesters gathered
Islamist Radicals in Pakistan and Turkey have threatened France of a war in the name of Jihad : Thousands of French Protesters gathered

Friday’s attack came as Macron’s government works on a bill to address Islamic radicals, who authorities claim are creating a parallel society outside the values of the French Republic. France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe with up to 5 million people, and Islam is the country’s second largest religion.

Local centre-right lawmaker Antoine Savignat said, “If we cannot talk about the Charlie Hebdo caricatures in school, we end up in denialism… In France, the country of freedom of expression, this cannot be allowed to happen.”

The killing of history teacher Samuel Paty in a Paris suburb Friday has sparked outrage in France. Thousands of people rallied in Paris and other French cities on Sunday in a show of solidarity and defiance. Sunday’s largest rally took place at the Place de la République in Paris, a traditional site of protest where around 1.5 million people demonstrated in 2015 following a deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo’s office by Islamist gunmen.

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Demonstrators held aloft posters declaring, “No to totalitarianism of thought” and “I am a teacher”.

Some chanted “I am Samuel”, echoing the “I am Charlie” cry that travelled around the world after the Charlie Hebdo killings.

Islamist Radicals in Pakistan and Turkey have threatened France of a war in the name of Jihad
Islamist Radicals in Pakistan and Turkey have threatened France of a war in the name of Jihad

Prime Minister Jean Castex and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo were among those present.

Gatherings also took place in Lyon, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Nantes, Marseille, Lille and Bordeaux.

A French city defied Islamist terrorism by projecting huge images of Charlie Hebdo caricatures on a local government building on Wednesday 21-October 2020 as heavily armed police officers stood guard. The projections, which included caricatures of Prophet Mohammed, came as part of a French national tribute to middle-school teacher Samuel Paty which took place on Wednesday evening.

The images were projected onto two town halls in the Occitanie region — Montpellier and Toulouse — for four hours on Wednesday evening. Regional mayor Carole Delga was quoted by FranceBleu as saying of the decision to show the art: “there must be no weakness in the face of the enemies of democracy, facing those who transform religion into a weapon of war… those who intend to destroy the Republic.”

Cartoons of Mohammed, the Islamic prophet, have been used as justification by Islamist terrorists in several attacks, some deadly.

The official added that the French ambassador to Turkey was being recalled for consultations and would meet Macron to discuss the situation.

Imran Khan’s UN rant

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan posted his video from his message in UNGA in 2019.

Imran Khan speech at UNGA was nothing but a failed attempt to rationalizing terror. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan tried to trace the origins of Islamophobia to the 1989 book Satanic Verses, whose name he refused to take and said that the way Islamic society addressed the insult made Islam, a religion of target.

He said at UNGA, “The west could not understand what was the problem. They don’t look at religion the way that we do. And so; in their eyes Islam was an intolerant religion. It became a watershed. And every 2-3 years someone would malign our Prophet (PBUH), Muslims would react, and the west would term them intolerant. I blame some people in the West who provoked Muslims. But this is where majority of the Muslim leaders let the Muslim community down.”

“Our Prophet (PBUH) lives in our heart, and when he is maligned, it hurts us. In western society, the holocaust is treated with sensitivity because it hurts the Jewish community. So that’s the same respect we ask for; do not hurt our sentiments by maligning our Holy Prophet (PBUH). That is all we ask.”

We covered it in details in our previous article Imran Khan Speech at UNGA – Was it a Threat, or Rationalizing Terror? Should Pashtun and other Marginalized minorities Pick up guns?

Turkish President Erdogan’s Rants

Erdogan earlier slammed Macron over his policies toward Muslims, saying that he needed “mental checks.”

France on Saturday condemned as unacceptable comments by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan questioning the mental health of French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, adding Paris was recalling its envoy to Ankara for consultations.

“President Erdogan’s comments are unacceptable. Excess and rudeness are not a method. We demand that Erdogan change the course of his policy because it is dangerous in every respect,” a French presidential official

Erdogan, in March 2019 while campaigning for local elections, presented the Christchurch mass shooting attack as part of an assault on Turkey and Islam and warned anti-Muslim Australians would be “sent back in coffins” like their grandfathers at Gallipoli – a blood-drenched WWI battle.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison had condemned “reckless” and “highly offensive” comments made by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the wake of the Christchurch mass shooting in March 2019. Erdogan had already been sharply rebuked by New Zealand for his comments and for using gruesome video shot by the Christchurch mosque gunman as an election campaign prop.

Result of Such Rants

25-year-old Pakistani-born Zaheer Hassan Mehmood, who lied to police when he said he was 18 and had entered the country as a minor, was arrested on 25-September 2020 for an act of Islamic Terrorism. Two people were wounded in a knife attack in Paris on Friday 25-September 2020 near the former offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Pakistani Radical Islamist Terrorist Zaheer Hassan Mehmood was taken into custody almost immediately after the attack.

Friday 25-September 2020 stabbing came as a trial was underway in the capital for alleged accomplices of the instigators of the January 2015 attack on Charlie Hebdo. Twelve people, including some of France’s most celebrated cartoonists, were killed in the attack by brothers Said and Chérif Kouachi, who claimed to be part of a branch of al Qaeda.

That attack came three weeks into an ongoing trial of suspected accomplices of the authors of the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket, which also saw a policewoman gunned down in the street.

Seventeen people were killed in the three-day spree that heralded a wave of Islamist violence in France that has so far claimed more than 250 lives.

In the wake of the call for Jihad given by the Islamist Radical preachers in Pakistan, more such attacks and suicide bombings are expected in France.

It should be noted that France was at the forefront in inviting Islamist Radicals not only in France but in whole EU as refugees.

Points to Ponder

Whatever the sentiments are, can you equate writing a B-grade book no one would have known about had it not been for Khomeini’s fatwa with the cold blooded murder of 6 million Jews? Do we really need such sort of rulers who add zero value to the betterment of humanity?

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