Failed Info War Tactics – SINO PAK Pact

Failed Info war tactics – SINO PAK Pact is an article written by an Indian Abhijeet Kar exposing the Fake news propaganda by Chinese CCP.

Failed Info War Tactics – SINO PAK Pact
Failed Info War Tactics – SINO PAK Pact

Recent reports of a laughable trajectory has kept defence specialists, experts, enthusiasts and many sensible onlookers clearly baffled based on assumptions conveyed by sections of the Chinese media through foreign publications in some cases about One Jin Canrong, professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing implying that the PLA turned two strategic hilltops occupied by Indian soldiers into some sort of a “microwave oven”, while firing directed energy weapons (DEWs).

Failed Info War Tactics – SINO PAK Pact
Failed Info War Tactics – SINO PAK Pact

Such outrageous claims and blatant lies attempted by sections of the Chinese side to propagate a completely artificial reality of Indian armed forces vacating hill tops on the southern banks of the Pangong Lake with the Indian army calling such reports completely fabricated elaborately terming them as nothing but fake news. In fact in reality the regions mentioned were readjusted by the Indian Army on the intervening days of August 28 – 29 defeating the PLA and leaving the Chinese side stunned.

Absolute false reports of positions being retaken by Chinese soldiers without an exchange of conventional fire clearly showcases a completely rattled PLA post the events of Galwan June 15th and towards the end of August as mentioned earlier briefly.

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Such reports are just a minor instance of the substandard ploys exhibited by adversaries of INDIA. In other words a ploy to somehow subjugate its opponent through cunning moves of massive misinformation and disorientation of facts. We have already seen post Balakot and February 27th encounters with Pakistani involvements that also entailed a similar strategy employed by Pakistan’s Inter services Intelligence’s fake news propaganda machinery trying to instill a false sense of bravado which lies thinned at its very base.

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Global Times and various social media bot accounts which claim to be Chinese have also been more of an entertainment value than any real source of information. Drones delivering hot food to PLA soldiers fortifying its positions at impossible heights has only left majority of twitteratis and social media users in splits.

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Overall it is seemingly two beleaguered adversaries, one of them – Pakistan being completely discarded in reality both economically and socially. Any doubts? Ask the FATF? Grey Listing notwithstanding, such an elusive record held by a failed nation trying to strike a false equivalence with some of the most successful countries placed in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Middle East is no less than a reality full of contradiction and self defeatist disillusions.

While China on the other hand is reeling under pressure for its highly contentious and suspicious role in trying to evade investigations relating to the Wuhan Pandemic, needs distraction from its own set of problems. Domestic pressure compiled with severe criticism from across the globe alongside its continued interferences and encroachments in the South China sea and attempted transgressions at Ladakh, Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands near Japan portrays a clear picture of submission and defeat.

Previous Article by the same Author : Enemy Precincts – India Shining as Fortunes Transform; Adversaries Perplexed

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