Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists

Pakistan a garrison state an article written by Mashal Khan Takkar. It is a series covered in three part. Article exposes the Failed state of Pakistan that was created to play the biggest joke in the history with the lives of Baloch, Pashtun, Sindhi People (Sindhis include the Residents of Sindh both Mohajirs and Sindhis).

Pakistan has not come into being by a political struggle, but Pakistan is the product of the conspiracy of dying British Empire.

After the second world war, the British Empire had become so weak that it couldn’t continue to keep India as the British colony anymore, So they decided to quit India but to divide it because the British wanted to have a puppet state in South Asia to secure its goals about the former Soviet Union and oil benefits in middle East.

So, Pakistan was established not as a country but as a project. But now there is no more Soviet Union and there is no threat to the oil of the British and its allies. It means that the project of Pakistan is over.

Before partition, the region from Kabul to Delhi and Rangoon was considered the most integrated region of the world but after partition, this is now a less integrated region.

Since its birth in 1947, Pakistan is not only cancer for its own people and neighbors but also for the world community.

After the second world war, there is no more British Empire and now it is Pakistan’s turn to be a part of History.

Pakistan is an unnatural state with unnatural boundaries. Pakistan came into being on the land of India, Afghanistan, Sindh and Bengal.

During the Partition, 33 % of the British India army were Muslims, where more than 80% were from Punjab province.

At that time the population of Punjab was 25 % of the whole population of Pakistan, but in army, civil-military establishment and judiciary, they were more than 80%.

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All the other provinces, N.W.F.P now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and East Pakistan now Bangladesh , were handed over under the hegemony of Punjab province by Punjab dominated Pakistan army, civil-military establishment, judiciary and Punjab elites Mafia.

So, it was obvious that Pakistan could never be a viable state, because these states and nationalities will always be in conflict with them for their territories.

Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists
Pakistan A Garrison State – Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists

In March 1948, Pakistan invaded an independent country Baluchistan and annexed it to Pakistan.

Punjab hijacked the other small nationalities in Pakistan. The Pashtuns, Baloch and Sindhis (Sindhis include the Residents of Sindh both Mohajirs and Sindhis) are living on their own land like the slaves of Punjab.

Bengali got rid of Pakistan in 1971, while further disintegration of Pakistan is around the corner.

Except Punjab, freedom movements have always been in bloom in the other provinces who like Bengalis also want to get rid of Pakistan.

Punjab has made India security risk for Pakistan. However, the Pashtuns, Baloch, Sindhis (Sindhis include the Residents of Sindh both Mohajirs and Sindhis) and Bengali had nothing to do with it. They had no grudges with India.

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After the partition 3% of the refugees who betrayed their motherland India, migrated to Pakistan. They also brought with themselves Urdu language and Urdu culture. The 3% refugees imposed their language and culture on the 97% indigenous people of Pakistan.

Pakistan has destroyed the thousands of years old language, culture and history of the Pashtuns, Baloch and Sindhis.

Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists
Pakistan A Garrison State – Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists

Therefore linguistically, historically and culturally Pakistan has become an orphan state.

Therefore within 25 years more than half of Pakistan became Bangladesh.

In the real sense Pakistan is Punjab and Punjab is Pakistan and the other nationalities don’t want to live in Pakistan as of the third category citizens.

The real owners of Pakistan are the Punjab dominated Pakistan army, civil-military establishment, judiciary and Punjab elite mafia.

Other countries have the army but in Pakistan, the Army has the country. Pakistan is the product of War, if there would be no second world war, there would be no Pakistan.

But unfortunately, Pakistan continued the exact inherited Policy of the British empire in South Asia and especially in Afghanistan.

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On 12 August 1948 Pakistan Army opened fire on peaceful procession of the Pashtuns in Babara Charsadda in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and killed about 700 people, leaving a lot of people wounded.

In March 1948 Pakistan army invaded an independent country Baluchistan and annexed it to Pakistan.

On 26 July 1949, Pakistan bombed a village in Afghanistan killing 23 Afghan women, kids and elders.

Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army training Taliban Terrorists
Pakistan A Garrison State – Pakistan Army training Taliban Terrorists

In 1971, three million Bengali were slaughtered and four hundred thousand women were raped by Pakistan army.

Pakistan A Garrison State - In 1971, three million Bengali were slaughtered
Pakistan A Garrison State – In 1971, three million Bengali were slaughtered
Pakistan A Garrison State - In 1971, four hundred thousand Bengali women were raped by Pakistan army
Pakistan A Garrison State – In 1971, four hundred thousand Bengali women were raped by Pakistan army

Since 1971 Pakistan has always been obsessed about the further disintegration. So, the Pashtuns, Baloch and Sindhi freedom fighters (Sindhis include the Residents of Sindh both Mohajirs and Sindhis) are being treated with iron hands by Punjab dominated Pakistan Army.

80000 Pashtuns were killed in the Pashtun tribal area. The bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch people are being sent to their houses.

Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists
Pakistan A Garrison State – Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists

The atrocities of the Punjab army in Sindh is everyday’ s business.

Pakistan has become a theater of internecine violence. Its condition has been so problematic for international security for so long.

It has emerged as a “failing state,” a state that cannot provide minimum law and order, cannot control various competing societal forces, and cannot survive economically without external support.

Pakistan A Garrison State - Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists
Pakistan A Garrison State – Pakistan Army working closely with Terrorists

It remains a heavily militarized warrior state, with an intense focus on narrowly defined national security concerns.
Pakistan took no benefits of increased global trade and investment.

Pakistan has devoted considerable energy into military security. Indeed, it is essentially a warrior state in many respects.

The intense pursuit of military security approach has made Pakistan less secure and unified as a coherent political unit.
In Pakistan, war-making is not an engine for national development and consolidation. The excessive war-making efforts can have perverse effects on Pakistan, where a lot of resources of the economy are used for military purposes rather than for the larger society.

After World War II, rapid development has come to states that engaged in deep economic interactions with the world market. They transformed their societies and economies by instituting universal education, health care, quality infrastructure, and land reforms, in which Pakistan has terribly failed.

States that pursued extreme ideological goals have not fared well. On ideology based Soviet Union couldn’t survive. Similarly, Pakistan disintegrated in 1971.

As Allie of Great powers, Pakistan received a lot of economic assistance from abroad for their strategic position.
But that assistance was used only for the benefits of a very small class of Pakistan, like Pakistan army, civil-military establishment and Punjab elites Mafia. They never had the developmental state approach and to undertake transformative policies internally.

For over seven decades, the Pakistan army, civil-military establishment and Punjab elite’s mafia pursued several geopolitically oriented policies at the expense of political and economic reform.

Therefore, the result has been domestic stagnation and even chaos.

Pakistan’s domestic instability has worsened regional and global peace and security.

Some of these policies looked successful for a short-term, but in the long run, they have only distorted the country’s development and imperiled its national security and unity.

The United States and China have helped to make Pakistan’s development sluggish and make the state less secure.

They have discouraged the Pakistani elite from undertaking the painful economic and social reforms necessary for rapid and equitable economic and political development.

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In fact, the elite’s policies have resulted in the creation of a violent, insecure, and ideology-driven polity, which is neither strong, nor prosperous, nor stably democratic, nor unified.

The security they seek has been as elusive as ever.

Pakistan’s elite has had both the motive and the opportunity to pursue such policies.

However, ideas alone are insufficient to explain national behavior over a period of time.

The combination of ideas and circumstances, motive and opportunity, tells us why a country would pursue a warrior state strategy.

Since the very inception of the state in 1947, the Pakistani elite has held on to an ideologically oriented hyper-realpolitik worldview.

Some members of the elite also developed an agenda due to a conception that as a state founded based on Islam, Pakistan should be in the vanguard of promoting and defending Islamic values and interests on a global scale.

Territorially Pakistan is situated in the periphery of South Central Asia, a pivotal region where the interests of the great powers intersect.

During the Cold War, Pakistan was thus a clear choice as an ally for the United States.

Pakistan has also taken advantage of the ongoing Sino-Indian rivalry since the early 1960s.

These strategic relationships brought considerable economic and military resources to Pakistan. But these were insufficient to make it a prosperous state.

Its strategic position has laid a “geostrategic curse” on Pakistan.

Pakistan is well endowed in the geostrategic arena due to its location, with no priority for its internal economic development.

The elite can use the rents received through strategic alignments to keep the state afloat.

Over the years, Pakistan’s pivotal role in great power strategic contests, received vast amounts of foreign aid. The United States has provided Pakistan billions of dollars in military and economic aid. But this has not resulted in substantial economic development and security.

Pakistan has emerged as a war-making state.

According to Charles Tilly “war made the state and the state made war.”

Pakistan imposed 4 wars on India, and for the last 40 years, Pakistan has imposed undeclared proxy war in Afghanistan to make Afghanistan so weak that it could not demand its land occupied by Pakistan.

In wars, some states were destroyed, while in others, war catalyzed a revolution.

Austria-Hungary and the Soviet Union were great powers before they collapsed.

Several other states declined without disappearing, including, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

First World War brutally exposed the weaknesses of Tsarists Russia and left it open to the revolution in 1917.

War and war preparation could also bring about wholesale destruction and state collapse. War and war preparation have not produced positive results in Pakistan.

In fact, war-making efforts have led many developing states to decay and failure. They could not prevent recurring internal conflicts, civil wars, and political violence. That’s why Pakistan couldn’t survive and within 25 years of its inception, more than half of Pakistan became Bangladesh.

The Soviet Union drove its economy into the ground to keep up its military which led it to disintegration.

Not all warrior states turn war-making into development. And not all survive.

In the same way, Pakistan has stagnated as a state. In a continuous obsession with external threat, Pakistan has neglected long-term economic development.

Especially in the contemporary global economy, this has proven a fatal error.

The measure of success or failure of the state is based on its ability to provide political goods such as internal security, the opportunity for citizens to resolve their disputes with the state and their fellow citizens without recourse to violence, enforceable rule of law, and popular participation in the political process.

But for 35 years Pakistan army, civil-military establishment, Judiciary and Punjab elite’s mafia have destroyed the political culture in Pakistan.

They have not allowed any other institution to be flourished in Pakistan.

A strong state is also able to offer public goods, such as education, healthcare, and physical infrastructure. A state is considered “weak” or “failing” if it is not able to offer most of these public goods. Where Pakistan is the best example.

Weak states also have little or no effective control over some parts of their territory. Where the power lies with local groups that may not show allegiance to the state.

Colonial powers drew lines on maps for their own convenience and not for the postcolonial governments whether they will control it or not.

The best example is the Durand line between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

When confronting such regions, states face a difficult challenge: their efforts to integrate their territories can result in repressive measures that alienate the population even further.

This “state strength dilemma” can keep states weak.

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War-making efforts can likewise weaken states because they bring along several social, economic, and political pathologies in their train.

Legitimacy has become more important to state-building and Legitimacy can come from a combination of democracy and welfare.

The state must now provide its citizens with clear benefits.

For perpetual peace—democracy, economic interdependence, and international institutions are must, but in Pakistan, these phenomena are not available.

Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by Punjabi Pakistan. From Bangladesh to Balochistan, it is the same story.
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by Punjabi Pakistan. From Bangladesh to Balochistan, it is the same story.

If in Pakistan some political leader wants to come in Power, first he will have to do the deal with the Pakistan army and then they can come into Power. It means that the so-called political government is completely controlled by the Pakistan Army.
But in Pakistan, if someone condemns the role of Pakistan army and civil-military establishment, then on the name of Islam and Pakistan, these people are being either suppressed brutally or killed by the state machinery.

When after Partition, there were first free and fair elections in Pakistan in 1971, it was also not recognized by Punjab.

They were ready to break Pakistan but were not ready to hand over power to Bengalis in East Pakistan which led Pakistan to disintegration.

Loyalty comes through the benefits that the citizenry receives from the state, but in Pakistan, the other nationalities except Punjabis, get bullet-riddled corpse, F 16 bombardment, missing persons and bagged bodies.

About the Author: Mashal Khan Takkar, from Peshawar Pakistan.
M.Sc. Electrical Engineer, Politician, Poet, Writer, Broadcaster, Freedom fighter. He can be contacted on twitter via his twitter handle @Mashaltakkar

Founder of Great Afghanistan Movement (GAM), which has one point agenda to liberate Afghan land from Durand line to Indus Rive and make Great Afghanistan from Indus River to Oxus River.

Here is what Pakistan Army has to say about Mashal Khan Takkar

Points to Ponder

Isn’t it the time that International Community come forward and undo the mistakes of past and help Balochistan, Sindhudesh, Pashtunistan gain Independence from Punjabi Pakistan?

There is already a war for Independence for these three new nations going on. Will the International Community come forward and disintegrate the Islamist Radical Terrorist Producing Factory of the world called Pakistan into smaller non-radical new countries?

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