Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria

In a Coordinated Attack by Radical Islamist Terrorists, multiple Islamist Radical Terrorists opened fire at six locations in central Vienna starting near an area with several synagogues on Monday, killing at least three and wounding several others. Hundreds of shots were fired. This coordinated attack comes just 3 days after the previous attack when a crowd of 50 young people of Turkish origin attacked the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Austrian Vienna.

Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria
Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria

Jihadists claim responsibility of the Terror Attack

Jihadists released a statement claiming responsibility for the terror attack in Vienna late Monday, according to SITE Intelligence Group – an American company that claims to monitor the information activity of extremists.

The Daesh* supporters, according to SITE, are “joyous” while describing perpetrators as “lions” and asserting that the Vienna attack is “part of the bill” Austria owes for its involvement in the US-led coalition fighting against the Daesh terrorist group.

SITE describes itself as a team researching terrorist networks, including “monitoring jihadist propaganda, studying trends within the online jihadist community, and understanding how jihadist groups utilize the Internet”.

The events have heightened tensions across Europe over radical Islamist, secularism and freedom of speech.

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Coordinated attack by Radical Islamist Terrorists in Vienna, Austria

All crime scenes are located in the first district within ten minutes’ walk of each other, where several synagogues are located, police reported.

Several Radical Terrorists armed with rifles were reported at six different locations.

Large swathes of the city centre were cordoned off as police hunted for the other gunmen.

Shots were first fired at 8 pm on Seitenstettengasse – a street near Vienna’s main synagogue.

The incident came just hours before Austria was set to go into a partial coronavirus lockdown.

Vienna’s Chief Rabbi Schlomo Hofmeister told broadcaster LBC in a radio interview that he was in the Seitenstettengasse synagogue’s compound and saw multiple gunmen firing into bars and restaurants.

“The gunmen were running around, shooting at least 100 rounds or even more, in front of our building,” he added.

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Images have emerged of a bearded man dressed in white and using an AK-style assault rifle to shoot at civilians and police.

One video featured a gunman yelling “Allahu akbar” (“God is greatest” in Arabic).

Previous Attack 3 days back by 50 men of Turkish Origine in Vianna, Austria

This coordinated attack comes just 3 days after the previous attack when a crowd of 50 young people of Turkish origin attacked the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Austrian Vienna.

A crowd of 50 young people of Turkish origin attacked the Catholic Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Austrian Vienna, reports Kurier Friday, October 30th.

About 50 people broke into the building shouting “Allahu Akbar”, broke the benches and smashed the confessional and the font, the report says. The priests called the police, but by the time the law enforcement officers arrived, the attackers had fled.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had reacted to the incident. He stated that Christians in Austria should be able to freely and safely practice their religion.

There was a lot of anger in Austria after the incident of attack on the Church and people wanted government to dissolve all Turkish, Pakistani and Qatari organizations and send such aggressors back home or in prison. However no action was taken. Islamist Radicals continue to carry out their terrorism on the streets of Vienna, Austria.

This time Radical Islamist Terrorists used Guns in a coordinated attack

The yet-unidentified man can be seen in security footage, walking down the cobblestone-lined street before pulling up a rifle and shooting a man in cold blood outside the Stadttempel, a synagogue dating back to the 1820s on Vienna’s Seitenstettengasse on Monday evening.Local residents also captured the white-clad gunman from their windows above.

Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria : Terrorist Running
Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria : Terrorist Running

Local residents also captured gunman in white dress from their windows above.

Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria :  Image of Terrorist caught on camera by locals
Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria : Image of Terrorist caught on camera by locals

A short while later, an identically dressed gunman appears on nearby Schwedenplatz, the plaza along the Danube River, where he is filmed exchanging fire with police officers, injuring at least one.

He can be seen in another video, running away from the officers and past a residential building, as people inside hide from the gunshots.

Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria :  Image of Terrorist caught on camera by locals
Coordinated Attack by Islamist Radical Terrorists in Vienna, Austria : Image of Terrorist caught on camera by locals

Police asked social media users not to share photos or videos that purported to show the incident because it “endangers both emergency services and the civilian population”.

Roadblocks have been set up around the centre of Vienna.

Czech police said Monday evening that they were “carrying out random checks on vehicles and passengers” at the country’s border with Austria after the attack.

“Police officers exercise increased supervision over the most important Jewish buildings in the Czech Republic,” the force added in a tweet. “We assure the public that the measures taken are exclusively preventive in nature.”

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said shootings in Vienna late on Monday were “repulsive terror attack,” adding that the army would protect sites in the capital so the police could focus on anti-terror operations.

“We are currently experiencing difficult hours in our Republic. I would like to thank all the emergency forces who are risking their lives for our safety, especially today. Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this repulsive terrorist attack,” Kurz wrote on Twitter.

The Austrian Ministry of the Interior said the incident may have been a terrorist attack. “At the moment I can confirm we believe this is an apparent terror attack,” he said.

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Several “heavily armed and dangerous” attackers were still on the loose as police shut down and sealed off large parts of central Vienna in a manhunt, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said. Residents were urged to stay indoors.

“We have brought several special forces units together that are now searching for the presumed terrorists. I am therefore not limiting it to an area of Vienna because these are mobile perpetrators,” Nehammer told broadcaster ORF.

Chancellor Kurz and Interior Minister Nehammer appeal to the population to stay at home if possible because the danger has not yet been averted, Kurier reported, adding that schools in Vienna will not be compulsory on Tuesday.

Nehammer announced in a press conference on Monday night that at least one perpetrator of the attack in downtown Vienna is still on the run
Austrian police said the attack involved six crime scenes – Salzgries, Schwedenplatz, Graben, Fleischmarkt, Bauernmarkt and Morzinplatz.

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At least three have been killed and several hurt, including a police officer. Police had shot dead one perpetrator, police said on Twitter.
Fifteen injured attack victims being treated in Vienna hospitals, seven of whom are seriously injured, ORF reported in Broadcast.
The Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig expressed his horror at the attack in Vienna on Twitter: “We were deeply shocked by the information about the shooting in the inner city. The pictures are shocking and stunned.”

Sebastian Kurz with his twitter handle @sebastiankurz tweeted a statement. English translation of his message reads, “We are currently going through difficult times in our republic. I would like to thank all the emergency services who risk their lives, especially today for our safety. Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this hideous terrorist attack.”

“We are currently going through difficult times in our republic. I would like to thank all the emergency services who risk their lives, especially today for our safety. Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this hideous terrorist attack.”

Sebastian Kurz

I am glad that our police officers have already been able to eliminate a perpetrator. We will never allow ourselves to be intimidated by terrorism and will fight these attacks resolutely by all means.

So that the police can concentrate fully on the fight against terrorism, the federal government has decided that the armed forces will take over the property protection previously carried out by the police in Vienna with immediate effect.

The whole country is in thoughts with the victims, injured and their families, to whom I express my deepest condolences.

We thank the leaders of the European Union and our international partners for their sympathy and the expressions of solidarity.

Ludwig also reported that a woman died of her injuries in hospital and was appealing to stay at home, adding that the perpetrator was equipped with a long weapon, but also a pistol and a machete – so he was “very well prepared”.

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Two separate reports, one by the Kurier, and the other by the DiePresse, are reporting seven fatalities, including one police officer.

Sources at the scene told The Jerusalem Post that no large blasts had been heard, only ongoing gunfire. They confirmed a large police presence in the area, with the possibility that more than one suspect is currently on the run.

According to Austrian newspaper Kronen, local police had confirmed a large deployment to the scene but have declined to comment on the reason for the mobilization.

Vienna police reported via Twitter “a large police operation going on in the 1st district of Vienna,” and advised the public to avoid entering the city until further notice.

A report by Austrian news agency APA later indicated that a police officer was shot and seriously injured during the developing incident in central Vienna and that one person was arrested.

Several officials and community leaders responded to the shooting, condemning the attack, and calling on Viennese citizen to be careful and stay safe.

Jewish community leader Oskar Deutsch said on Twitter that it was not clear whether the Vienna synagogue and adjoining offices had been the target of an attack, and said they were closed at the time.

Yaakov Hagoel, Chairman World Zionist Organization, issued a statement Monday saying “I spoke recently with the Chief Rabbi of Vienna…it remains unclear if there were casualties from the Jewish community…we were required to close at this time all Jewish institutions, including synagogues and community buildings. We are of course hoping that there are no casualties at all. We will continue follow updates on the attack.”

A report by the Teletrader news agency later indicated a possible hostage situation, as hostages were taken taken at the Akakiko sushi restaurant in Mariahilfer Stasse, roughly 2.5 kilometers away from the synagogue in Seitenstettengasse. However, it is unknown at this point if and how the incidents are connected.

Jewish community leader Oskar Deutsch said on Twitter it was not clear whether the Vienna synagogue and adjoining offices had been the target and said they were closed at the time.
Rabbi Schlomo Hofmeister told London’s LBC radio he was living in the compound of the synagogue. “Upon hearing shots, we looked down (from) the windows and saw the gunmen shooting at the guests of the various bars and pubs,” he said.
“The gunmen were running around and shooting at least 100 rounds or even more in front of our building,” he said.
Videos circulated on social media of a gunman running down a cobblestone street shooting and shouting.

According to Rabbi Jacob Biderman, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Austria, all of the city’s synagogues have been accounted for with no known injuries or loss of life in the Jewish community.
“While there is much about this attack that we do not yet know, we are thankful that the Jewish community seems to have been spared from harm and extend our prayers for all those injured,” Rabbi Biderman told

President Emmanuel Macron of France, which has seen two deadly knife attacks in Paris and Nice in recent weeks, issued a statement expressing shock and sorrow.

He said, “We French share the shock and grief of the Austrian people struck this evening by an attack in the heart of their capital, Vienna. After France, a friendly country is attacked. This is our Europe. Our enemies must know who they are dealing with. We will not give up.”

French officials have ramped up security since the attacks in Paris and Nice, which had suspected Islamist motives. Macron has deployed thousands of soldiers to protect sites such as places of worship and schools, and ministers have warned that other Islamist militant attacks could take place.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed that “the thoughts of Great Britain are with the people of Austria – we stand united with you against terror,” wrote Johnson on Twitter, “deeply shocked.”

Swedish Prime Minister “strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Vienna tonight, one of them close to a synagogue,” and adding, “my thoughts are with the victims and their families. We must all stand united against attacks on our open society.”

Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vice-President of the EU Commission reacted to the attack and said “I am shocked and moved by the terrible news about tonight’s attacks in Vienna. A cowardly act of violence and hate. My thoughts go to the victims and their families and the citizens of #Vienna. We stand by your side.”

Vienna Archbishop reacted to the attacks saying that “whatever the background to the attack today, it must be clear that there is no justification for blind violence.”
Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre denounced also the attack, saying that “the Centre regards Vienna as the home-base of its mentor, Simon Wiesenthal, who was there targeted several times including a bombing… We stand in solidarity with the families of the civilian victims and police casualties, wth the Viennese Jewish community and with the current Austrian government as a true friend of Israel… We also commend the police force for their rapid response.”
In 1981, two people were killed and 18 injured during an attack by two Palestinians at the same Vienna synagogue. In 1985, a Palestinian extremist group killed three civilians in an attack at the airport.

In recent years, Austria has been spared the sort of large-scale attacks seen in Paris, Berlin and London.
In August, authorities arrested a 31-year-old Syrian refugee suspected of trying to attack a Jewish community leader in the country’s second city Graz. The leader was unhurt.

Points to Ponder

When the whole world knows that Turkey and Pakistan are the two factories producing Terrorists and Turkey is pushing Radical Islamist Terrorists including the Terrorists from Pakistan and Syria and other countries into Europe for long, Why Europe is not taking a decisive action against Turkey and Pakistan?

Why Turkish and Pakistani nationals are not rounded and deported back into their respective countries?

European Union under the influence of George Soros destroyed the culture of freedom of Europe by inviting millions of Islamist Radicals as refugees and now we see coordinated attack by these Islamist Radical Terrorists all over Europe. When will these Refugees will be sent back to their respective countries?

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