Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Announces AYUSH-64 Medicine Besides Production Schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021 |

At a time when Media is working day and night to create panic in India putting more stress on medical resources, creating doubt in every step that Indian Government lead by Narendra Modi takes, Indian Prime Minister is not giving up to these Media Vultures and Foreign Propaganda Outlets. In fact with the latest announcements by Indian government, Indian Government gives a Big Jolt to BIG Pharma. On one hand Indian Government Announced AYUSH-64 Medicine for free distribution starting from Delhi, besides production schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021. The tremors of this big jolt people will see echoed in the pain to all Media Channels controlled by Leftist Corporate lobby.

Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Announces AYUSH-64 Medicine Besides Production Schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021 |
Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Announces AYUSH-64 Medicine Besides Production Schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021.

Indian Government Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy, the seven traditional systems of healthcare (abbreviated as AYUSH)), purposed with developing education, research and propagation of indigenous alternative medicine systems in India that combines the rich haritage of ancient Indian medicines has released AYUSH-64 medicine. Described by experts as a ray of hope in the time of the pandemic, the polyherbal drug AYUSH- 64 has been found to be useful in treating mild to moderate cases of Covid 19 in clinical trials. taken a new step to help patients with asymptomatic, mild and moderate out of hospital COVID-19 patients.

As per a press statement posted by Ministry of Ayush on website, Indian Central Government’s Ministry of Ayush has widened its network of distribution outlets in the National capital. Its main collaborator in the campaign, Sewa Bharti, has started distributing AYUSH-64 at 17 locations in Delhi from Friday. In two days’ time this number is expected to cross 30. The action from the government arrives as India is facing a violent outbreak of the virus.

The drug has proven effective for asymptomatic, mild, and moderate COVID-19 patients who are under home isolation. Tablets can be availed through hard or soft copies of the COVID positive report and Aadhar Card by patients or any representative. The ministry informed that the main collaborator organization Sewa Bharti has started the distribution in 17 locations while Ayush institutions including the Central Research Institute of Yoga and Naturopathy, and Dr. D. P. Rastogi Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy have also started the distribution.

Sewa Bharti is a non-governmental organization (NGO) working among the economically weaker sections of Indian society, including tribal and indigenous communities It also works among urban slum dwellers and resettlement colonies by introducing welfare and social service programs, such as free medical assistance, free education, and vocational training. Seva Bharati is inspired from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and is the official community service umbrella of allied organisations.

As per experts, the usage of AYUSH-64 is a big achievement for India that has believed in Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy, the seven traditional systems of healthcare. Usage of this ayurvedic Made in India medicine will reduce dependence on strong drugs using steroids by patients with asymptomatic, mild and moderate out of hospital COVID-19 patients. With this announcement, Indian Government gives a big jolt to BIG Pharma, that aims to earn Billions milching this Pandemic caused by release of Chinese Corona Virus worldwide that has killed over 3.35 Million people worldwide.

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Here is the Press Release of 14-May released by Ministry of Ayush on Free Distribution of AYUSH-64 in Delhi

Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Press Release of 14-May released by Ministry of Ayush on Free Distribution of AYUSH-64 in Delhi |
Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Press Release of 14-May released by Ministry of Ayush on Free Distribution of AYUSH-64 in Delhi

Soon the plans will be made for distribution of this new medicine all over India.

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What is AYUSH-64

AYUSH-64 is an Ayurvedic formulation which was developed by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), the apex body for research in Ayurveda under the Ministry of Ayush, for management of Malaria. This drug was repurposed as the ingredients showed notable antiviral, immune-modulator and antipyretic properties. The in-silico study done on AYUSH-64 showed that about 35 out of 36 of its Phyto-constituents have high binding affinity against COVID 19 virus. The formulation has also shown very promising results in Influenza like illness. With the scientific evidence generated from 06 clinical studies across India, AYUSH-64 has been identified as a potential adjunct to standard care in the management of asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID-19 to improve the clinical recovery and quality of life.

Who can take AYUSH-64?

It can be taken by patients at any stage of the COVID-19 disease. However, its scientific efficacy was scientifically studied in asymptomatic, mild and moderate disease without risk factors for poor outcome and those not requiring emergency interventions or hospitalization are eligible to take Ayush-64. Mild to moderate COVID-19 cases showing initial symptoms like fever, malaise, body ache, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, headache, cough etc. and asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 can preferably start AYUSH- 64 within 7 days of diagnosis of the disease through RT-PCR for better outcome.

Why should I take AYUSH-64?

AYUSH-64 is found to significantly reduce the duration for clinical recovery in terms of disease symptoms and severity. It also has significant beneficial effects on general health, fatigue, anxiety, stress, appetite, general wellbeing and sleep.

Though the Indian Government did not mention, as per Pshychiatrists, News Channels talking continuously 24X7 of deaths, suffering, people crying, cremation images, images from hospital wards etc will reduce the stress to a great extent.

Is its efficacy on COVID-19 scientifically proven?

AYUSH-64 is a poly herbal formulation developed in compliance to all regulatory requirements and quality and pharmacopoeial standards by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) the apex body for research in Ayurveda under the Ministry of Ayush. It has been scientifically found to be useful in the treatment of asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID-19 infection as an adjunct to standard care through robust clinical trials conducted in the country. The results of the clinical trials demonstrated that AYUSH-64 as an adjunct to standard of care (SoC) showed clinically significant improvement and thus lesser period of hospitalization as compared to SoC alone.

More information regarding AYUSH-64 can be read in the press release by Ministry of Ayush Press release dated 04 MAY 2021 11:15AM at website.

We have also attached below the PDF from Ministry of Ayush with FAQs.


Indian Govt says 216 crore 2.6 Billion doses of Corona vaccine will be manufactured in India between August, December this year

As per the News service division of All India Radio, Besides that India is working hard to increase Covid vaccine production. Indian Government has said that 216 crore 2.16 Billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines will be available between August and December this year for Indian citizens. Talking to media persons, NITI Aayog Member Dr VK Paul said that it will be enough to vaccinate the entire population and the vaccine will be available for all. He said that the number is likely to reach 300 crore doses by the first quarter of 2022.

Dr Paul estimated that 75 crore doses of Covishield and 55 cores doses of Covaxin are expected between August and December this year. He informed that 35 crores 60 lakh vaccine doses have been procured so far. Dr Paul said that six crores 60 lakh doses were procured under PM Cares Fund and were utilized fully.

Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Announces AYUSH-64 Medicine Besides Production Schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021.
Indian Government Gives A Big Jolt To BIG Pharma : Announces AYUSH-64 Medicine Besides Production Schedule of 2.16 Billion Vaccines by December 2021.

Dr Paul added that additional 16 crore doses are in pipeline to states and private hospitals. So far, one crore 65 lakh free doses have been supplied by the Centre to states while 2 crores 35 lakh doses will be supplied to the states in the coming days, he said.

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Points to Ponder

Will the Big Pharma be happy with Indian Government making use of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy, the seven traditional systems of healthcare (abbreviated as AYUSH)? Wouldn’t the Media Vultures create distrust by condemning Indian Government day and night on their Leftist/Liberal MSM Channels? The same way they started Criticism when India developed Covaxin and these Media Vultures and Indian Political Vultures created distrust by giving wrong statements in the public that prevented vaccinating a large section of public because of Media and Political Vulture lies creating distrust in the Vaccine for Chinese Corona Virus?

Shouldn’t Indian issue some Media policy to reign in Media and Political Vultures from spreading panic among the public? What is the Indian Government policy to deal with foreign Media showing cremation images in India day and night and not showing piles of dead bodies in their respective countries?

Our question also to those International Media Vultures. While Indian Government has arranged for alternative medicine as well based on Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homoeopathy, the seven traditional systems of healthcare (abbreviated as AYUSH) besides ramping up production and provided a schedule for producing 2.16 Billion vaccines by December 2021. What is the schedule of production in their respective countries?

Shouldn’t all the countries ban these Media Vultures as an emergency measure to prevent Media Lies from spreading panic in the public?

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