A Chinese left-wing group Chinese American Civil Rights Coalition (CACRC) has filed frivolous lawsuit against Trump for calling COVID ‘China virus’ seeking $22 Million as compensation.
While United States of America has failed to Sue China for its Bio-Weapon attack on the entire world that killed over 588,000 US Citizens and 3.44 Million people worldwide, China through its proxy Chinese American civil rights group in the United States has sued Former President Donald Trump over his use of terms such as “China virus” to describe the Chinese Wuhan coronavirus that China released from Wuhan and instead of spreading to Shanghai and Beijing spread it in the entire world. The Chinese proxy Chinese American civil rights group in the United States alleged that the former president fueled anti-Asian hate crime.
However US is already facing the crimes since last 2 years by China supported Leftist group Antifa and the Black Lives Matters (BLM) in the name of rights of Blacks. The only difference being the china supported Leftist groups like Antifa now also target a few south Asians for Chinese Propaganda to divert the public anger against the Chinese Bio-Weapon Attack on the world and instead show the images of attacks on Chinese in US and create a sympathy for Chinese with the help of Western MSM Propaganda outlets.
Trump had blamed China for “unleashing” the coronavirus, Trump routinely used the correct terms such as “Chinese virus,” “Wuhan virus” and “Kung Flu” during his term, arguing that it is “not racist” to refer to the pathogen’s geographic origin. Similar names were given to Greek Plague (429-425 BC), Great Plague of London (1665 to 1666), Great Plague of Marseille (1720), Russian plague (1770–1772), American Plague also known as Philadelphia Yellow Fever (1793), Spanish Flu (1918), Asian Flu (1957-1958), Hong Kong flu (1968).
Trump accused China of withholding vital information about the coronavirus, a claim corroborated by U.S. intelligence reports of officials in Wuhan keeping the threat under wraps for weeks.
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Li Wenliang, the Chinese doctor regarded as the “Wuhan whistleblower” — and who subsequently died from COVID-19 himself — was summoned to a police station for “spreading rumors online” and was forced to admit “illegal behavior.”
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A group of international scientists previously shot down rumors of COVID-19 originating in a Wuhan laboratory, but a new group recently published a letter stating that “theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover both remain viable.”
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In a tweet last March, Trump called for the protection of Asian Americans — saying COVID-19 “is NOT their fault in any way, shape or form”.
Since people worldwide were already using the terms “Chinese Virus or Chinese Corona Virus or Wuhan Virus” to describe the Chinese inflected Bio-War on the world, President Trump just used the same terms that were already widely being used on the social media. If an audit of Twitter can be done, you can find similar terms being used already on the social media even before the former President Donald Trump used them. However as part of Chinese agenda, first they initiated attacks on a few of Chinese nationals using the Chinese supported leftist group Antifa that was once termed as a terrorist group. Now China wants to rewrite the history by erasing the word “Chinese Virus” from all the media.
The World Health Organization has advised against attaching locations or ethnicity to COVID-19, saying the official name was “deliberately chosen to avoid stigmatization.” However Chinese Communist CCP using its mouthpiece and propaganda outlet The Global News has frequently used UK Variant or India Variant. Even the China supporting Western MSM Propaganda outlets have been lavishly using the terms “UK Variant” and “India Variant” quite lavishly.
Trump is reportedly being sued by the Chinese American Civil Rights Coalition (CACRC) for defamation and infliction of emotional distress. However the same Chinese coalition had remained silent when the Chinese virus ravaged the entire world except Beijing and Shanghai that killed over 3.44 Million worldwide and brought the world economy to a standstill. It clearly has Chinese Communist CCP strains all over the orchestrated scenes of violence against the Chinese and now this law suit against Former President Trump.
The organization claims that Trump’s use of those terms contributed to the surge of violence against Chinese and other Asian Americans, according to TMZ, which obtained a copy of the suit.
They also said the former president should not have used “Chinese virus,” since “it’s not entirely clear where the virus actually originated,” TMZ noted. But they were silent about the terms were not invented by Former President Trump and were already being publicly used worldwide on all social media platforms even before President Trump picked them up to show solidarity with the people getting infected and dying because of the Chinese Bio-weapon Chinese Corona Virus.
The CACRC wants Trump to give every Asian American $1 for an estimated total of $22.9 million, which will be used to build a museum showcasing the history and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to the U.S. They failed to define who is included in the term “Asians”. It is similar to hiding Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs under the misleading term “Asians” and also hiding “Chinese” under the garb of the wider term “Asians”.
This clearly means China wants Former President Donald Trump to pay all Chinese American Citizens one dollar each as reward for China initiating a Bio-War on the entire world for which Leftist/Liberal dominant International community and the Chinese Lapdog WHO could not standup and take any action. While Australia initiated a probe, none other countries stood besides Australia to support the probe and take it to its logical conclusion.
China Supporting Social Media Giants lock user accounts forcing them to Delete Tweets carrying “Chinese Corona Virus”
Even the Social Media Giants like Twitter and Facebook are locking user accounts and forcing them to delete any reference to the words “Chinese Corona Virus”
Even our news handle @NewsComWorld was locked for 12 hours and we were forced to delete a tweet for an article that carried the hashtag #ChineseCoronaVirus
Here is the link to that article for which we were forced to delete the tweet that allegedly violated Twitter policy : Evil Chinese Designs Now adopt vaccine diplomacy as a tool of exploitation : Indian Media and Political Vultures Helping China’s Plans?
Similarly a simple search on Twitter with keywords “account locked” “Chinese Virus” will reveal hundreds of people whose accounts have been locked and even suspended.
However no action is taken against Leftist politicians or Western MSM Propaganda outlets for blaming UK or South Africa or India for different Strains while hiding the original name of Chinese Virus by these social media giants.
Points to Ponder
Are all the talks about Biden to take action against China only a eye-wash while US Social Media Giants and US MSM propaganda outlets like NewYorkTimes, WashingtonPost and others continue to work on Chinese Agenda to create more panic in the world by broadcasting only the negative news that creates more market for Chinese goods.
Will the world unite to sue China for the lives of over 3.44 million people killed by China worldwide using its Bio-Weapon Chinese Corona Virus?
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