Social Media comes in support of Chris Alexander for calling for Sanctions against Pakistan for Forced Invasion of Afghanistan and to end the Pakistan’s ‘forever’ proxy war in Afghanistan.
Former Canadian Minister Chris Alexander has continued to expose Pakistan and its complicity in sending Taliban Units of Pakistan Army that comprise of Pakistan Army regulars, Taliban Terrorists and thousands of Pakistani Terrorists drawn from multiple UN declared International Terrorist Organizations. Chris Alexander is one of the few politicians worldwide who have been calling a spade a spade and calling Pakistan a Terrorist Nation that has launched a proxy war against Afghanistan.
Chris Alexander has been fully vocal in calling for support of International community in imposing sanctions on Pakistan and end the Pakistan’s proxy war in Afghanistan in which thousands of innocent civilians including women and children are being brutally killed by Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units and intellectuals are being beheaded or being hanged to the City gates, women are living in constant fear of losing their freedom.
Related Article Worldwide Condemnation Of Pakistan For Attempt To Force Takeover Afghanistan Using Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units
Despite all the foreign Governments including US and NATO allies knowing the complicity as well as complete implementation of Afghan War Plans by Pakistan Army’s, it is sad that all these countries are silent and FATF or UN Security Council or International Court of Justice has not yet reprimanded Pakistan Government and implemented Trade Embargoes and Sanctions against Terrorist Nation Pakistan. All the videos have been shared on the social media of Taliban and other Pakistani Terrorists along with Pakistani Regulars belonging to Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units crossing over from Pakistan to Afghanistan, Regular ID Cards and other documents are siezed from the arrested or killed Taliban Units proving their Pakistan Nationality. Moreover US and NATO still have their Intelligence Network on ground in Afghanistan. Didn’t all these Intelligence Agencies report their respective governments of Pakistan’s active involement in force takeover of Afghanistan and killing of innocent civilians?
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In case of Iraq invading Kuwait, International Community was quick to launch attacks on Iraq and end Iraqi occupation of Kuwait Why is the world silent now when Pakistan is actively involved in forced takeover of Afghanistan using its Pakistan ARmy’s Taliban Units?
In his recent tweet Chris Alexander tweeted, “There will be no permanent ceasefire in Afghanistan without sanctions against Pakistan. Pakistan’s ‘forever war’ must end. #EndProxyWar #SanctionPakistan”
Here are some of his past tweets accusing Pakistan of its ‘forever’ proxy war in Afghanistan.
Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, Spokesperson of Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs from his twitter handle @ForeignOfficePk tweeted an immature rant against Chris Alexander in a series of tweets hiding the fact that it is Pakistan that is responsible for arming, financing, sponsoring and sending its Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units to force takeover the entire Afghanistan.
We strongly condemn the unwarranted comments by former Canadian Minister Chris Alexander, making unfounded & misleading assertions about Flag of Pakistan’s role in #AfghanPeaceProcess. Such remarks betray a complete lack of understanding of the issue as well as ignorance of facts on ground.
Now when the world has acknowledged what Flag of Pakistan&PM @ImranKhanPTI have consistently maintained abt there being no military solution to the conflict in #Afghanistan &the need for an inclusive,broad-based& comprehensive political settlement, such gratuitous commentary is deplorable.
The matter has been taken up with the Canadian side. We have urged the Canadian authorities to take steps to address this motivated and malicious smear campaign.
After this childish rant by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan, whole social media has come forward in support of Chris Alexander.
Cris Alexander tweeted a reply, “The ‘unwarranted, unfounded & misleading assertions’ of @ImranKhanPTI @SMQureshiPTI & @ForeignOfficePk are a standing insult to all who have worked for peace & stability in Afghanistan. With their impunity cracking, accountability must follow. #SanctionPakistan #EndProxyWar”
Zar Ali Khan Afridi, a Human Rights Defender from FATA/Pashtunistan. Founding President SRD,TNC and FCHR from his twitter handle @ZarAliAfridi, tweeted his reply “@calxandr is a true human being. He stands with truth, oppressed people and humanity in trouble. His human rights work for oppressed Afghans is appreciated. What Chris says is 100% true. I condemn Pak FO,s statement against him and stand with Chris.
Afghan Journalist Habib Khan tweeted, “Afghan nation is awakening and with the will of people, Afghans will end the forever Pakistani proxy war, once and for all. #SanctionPakistan #DefendAfghanistan”
Habib Khan also replied to Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweet, “Stop sponsoring terror in Afghanistan. This is a known fact that Pakistan produces terrorists to Afghanistan and to the world. It will bite back, it’s just the matter of time.”
Another journalist Hizbullah Khan who writes for several Media houses including BBC and besides others, from his twitter handle @HizbkKhan tweeted a video where in, Ismail Khan says, Pakistan has started a war against the Afghans by the Taliban.
A student Malalay Rahmanzai from her twitter handle @m_rahmanzai3 tweeted, “we strongly condemn Pakistan involvement in Afghanistan all against international laws and norms @UNHumanRights @hrw @FATFNews @FATFWatch @OIC_OCI @camanpour @cnni @IntlCrimCourt. Pakistan is a medieval backwards country that can’t feed its citizens but can feed terrorists. If you don’t like the criticism than end your proxy war and stop interfering”
A twitter user @THESIKKHISBACK tweeted, “World strongly condemns Pakistan’s terrorist supporting actions in Afghanistan. You think like UK, Canada is your property. Wherever you go you turn that country into hell. Your conspiracy to immigrate, increase ur population, take benefits & (ultimately rule) to North America, Europe is in full swing. Alongwith master China U want rule.
Another Twitter user S.Fawaz Baloch, Member of Baloch Republican party & human rights Activist Germany chapter from his twitter handle @FawazBaloch7 tweeted, “Pakistan’s support for the Taliban terrorist groups is exposed to the world, and the facts cannot be hidden from the world, u can lie but u can’t change the facts, #PakistanIsTerroristState”
An Afghan physician Ayub Afghan from his twitter handle @drayub_1 tweeted, “We strongly condemn Pakistan’s continued aggression against Afghanistan. Who does not know where taliban leaders and their families live, what passports they travel on, where they train, recruit and get their funding from. We know one thing : Taliban = Pakistan”
Another twitter user ANDSF from his twitter handle @AD05500716 replied to @ForeignOfficePk, “The international community, including the people of Afghanistan, regional & global intelligence services, and the Financial Action Task Force @FATFWatch all stand in solidarity with & share ambassador @calxandr’s concerns about Pakistan’s proxy war and meddling in Afghanistan.”
Here are some more social media users who condemned and accused Pakistan of cross-border terrorism not only in Afghanistan, but also in India for last several decades.
Afghan people are united against Terrorist Nation Pakistan and its Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units. Local militia, civilians including old and young men and women are coming forward and taking up arms to fight the evil designs of terrorist nation Pakistan and its evil Pakistan Army’s Taliban units.
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Irony is that the International Community, International Organizations stand mute spectators and letting bankrupt Pakistan commit War Crimes in Afghanistan. Pakistan cannot sustain its war plans for long in Afghanistan, if trade embargoes and economic sanctions are immediately imposed against Pakistan.
Related Article Bad News For Pakistan: Cost of Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units Misadventure in Afghanistan Rises to Prohibitive Figures.
What is the way forward?
We discussed the current affairs in Afghanistan with security and strategic analysts. They suggested the following steps that US/NATO should take for permanent peace in Afghanistan and in the region.
- Declare Pakistan a Terrorist Nation and put it in FATF Black List.
- Impose Trade Embargoes, Trade Sanctions and block Pakistani Ports as part of trade embargos and force Pakistan to end its support to its Taliban Units that Pakistan is using for Forced takeover of Afghanistan.
- Support different groups of Freedom Fighters in Balochistan and Sindhudesh that are fighting for Independence from Pakistan and help Balochistan and Sindhudesh separate from Pakistan and recognize them as new nations separate from Pakistan.
- Abolish the Durand Line and give Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa region with Pashtun Majority back to Afghanistan and help Afghanistan become a bigger and a strong country.
- Help India to take back Pakistan occupied Indian Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan that Pakistan illegally captured by sending its tribal militia forces back in 1947.
- Once Pakistan is reduced to a smaller territory of Punjab, create a separate small nation of Khalistan that comprise of lands inhabited by Sikh Gurus.
If US and NATO nations can follow the above strategy suggested by Security and Strategic analysts, it will not only solve Afghanistan problem once for all, but also will end the Terrorist producing country Pakistan that has been the cause of spread of violent, radical form of Islam worldwide that gave birth to Terrorist organizations like Islamic State, Al-Qaida, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jamat-ul-Dawa and all the known terrorist organizations in the world.
Related Article Afghanistan – Pakistan Conflict, An Opportunity For Freedom Of Balochistan And Sindhudesh
Points to Ponder
Why are these International Organizations including HRW, FATF, OIC, International Criminal Court, UN, UN Security Council are silent over the Invasion of Afghanistan by Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units? Why is the Pakistan Government and Pakistan Army top brass not standing as guilty in the International Criminal Court? Are all these International Organizations silent because of China’s hand behind Pakistani Terrorism Internationally?
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