Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan by Afghan, Baloch, Sindhudesh and Pashtuns |

Afghan, Baloch, people of Sindhudesh, Pashtuns and Bangladeshis have given a call for observing 14-August As Black Day And Call for Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan

Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan by Afghan, Baloch, Sindhudesh and Pashtuns |
Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan by Afghan, Baloch, Sindhudesh and Pashtuns

August 14 is a BLACK DAY for historical nations Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun & Pakistan Occupied Kashmir/ Gilgit Baltistan enchained in slavery of Pakistan. It is the day when the artificial state of Pakistan was carved out of India. Since it’s creation on August 14, 1947, Pakistan become a headache for neighboring countries, region and whole world because Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI started nurseries of radical Islamist elements & by sheltering International Terrorist groups/organizations and sending them to world to terrorize & blackmail, who in famous term is called as “state sponsored terrorism”.

Pakistani Terrorism in Afghanistan

The latest example of Pakistan’s State Sponsored Terrorism is seen in Afghanistan where Pakistan Army has sent its Taliban Terrorist units with regular Pakistani Soldiers embedded to takeover entire Afghanistan.

Pakistan is the headquarters of Taliban units and is controlled by Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI and Pakistan Army. Even Pakistan Army regulars are fighting alongside Taliban units against Afghanistan Army and Government supporting militias in Afghanistan.

Many Pakistanis have been arrested or killed in Afghanistan by Afghan security forces and their ID cards shared on social media in the past.

Related Article If you Think Afghanistan is Fighting War with Taliban, Think Twice – Afghanistan is Fighting War Against Pakistani Punjab

There is a worldwide condemnation of Pakistan for attempted force takeover of Afghanistan using barbaric Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units. Afghans ask UN to stop Islamabad from supporting Taliban Terrorists. Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units attack on Afghanistan had a unifying effect on all Afghans to fight against Pakistan and its Taliban Units.

The Pakistan Army’s Taliban units are rapidly gaining territory in Afghanistan as the United States withdraws its forces from the war-torn country. The Terrorist group now holds more than half of Afghanistan’s 364 districts.

The Taliban is not withholding any force, and has launched a full force violent campaign to gain control of the cities. Pakistan sponsored Taliban Terrorists entered Herat, Kandahar and parts of Lashkar Gah. Afghan security forces are preventing Pakistan Army’s Taliban units from overrunning urban centers.

Related Article Worldwide Condemnation Of Pakistan For Attempt To Force Takeover Afghanistan Using Pakistan Army’s Taliban Units

Pakistani Terrorism in Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh

Sindhis are living in fear in Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh. It’s time the world must speaks up for Sindhudesh. Sindhi nation is forced to live under terrifying fear of Pakistani military. Cities of Sindh now gives look of military cantonments & barracks.

 Pakistani Paramilitary force Pakistan Rangers are blackmailing everyone in Sindh. When already hundreds of thousands of hectares of land in Sindh is occupied by Pakistani forces, each Inch of land of Sindh is under boots of Armed forces, there are approx. 27 cantonments of military forces in Sindh.

In Sindh province thousands of nationalists have been abducted and disappeared and were extra judicially killed. Their tortured and bullet riddled bodies were dumped on the streets and some of them were burnt alive by intelligence agencies officials in last several decades. The main role was played by Pakistan Rangers.

Related Article Sindhis Living In Fear In Pakistan Occupied Sindhudesh : By Zafar Sahito

Sindhudesh Freedom Fighter have revived Quit Sindh Movement in Sindhudesh this year 2021. Last year in 2020, Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters started Quit Sindh Movement and told Punjabis living in Sindhudesh to leave Sindhudesh. The Quit Sindh Movement is started by Sindhis and Mohajirs in Sindhudesh demanding an end to Punjabi Pakistan rule in Sindhudesh and is on the same lines as Quit India Movement started by Indians against the British on 8th August 1942.

Related Article Quit Sindh Movement Revived : SindhuDesh Freedom Fighters Tell Punjabis to Leave Sindhudesh

Pakistani Terrorism in Pakistan Occupied Balochistan

After partition of India, Pakistan came into existence in 1947. And In 1948, Pakistan invaded Balochistan and annexed it. Since then Baloch Nation is fighting with Pakistan for their Freedom. Balochistan is occupied by Pakistan & their people want freedom.

Related Article The Baloch Pakistan Permanent Conflict – 1977 – 2019

Now a days Balochistan’s big issue is missing person’s issue. It has become the basic human right’s violation. Pakistan army has abducted Baloch students, prominent leaders, intellectuals, professors, teachers, doctors, engineers, Mphil & phd scholars, women, kids. After some time their mutilated bodies are discovered in different areas of Balochistan.

Freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army attacked a so-called stall of Pakistani independence day on Sirki road Quetta. The hand grenade attack completely destroyed the stall.

As per the press statement by BLA on 10-August 2021, “the terrorist CTD force of occupying Pakistani state killed five Baloch persons and claimed that they were members of Baloch Liberation Army. BLA in their press statement clarified that these persons had no affiliation with BLA and were civilian detainees.

As per the press statement, “After facing defeat on all fronts from Baloch freedom fighters, the uncivilized and brutal enemy state is now killing innocent civilians. BLA will avenge all such brutalities.

Pakistani Terrorism in Indian Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir

Previously Pakistani Terrorists had spread their terrorism in Indian Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Related Article Islamist Radical Terroristan Pakistan Responsible for Bleeding Kashmir

Call for #SanctionPakistan and #14_August_Terrorist_Pakistan

Former Canadian Minister Chris Alexander has been very vocal in calling for sanctions against Pakistan.

Related Article Social Media Comes in Support of Chris Alexander for Calling for Sanctions Against Pakistan for Forced Invasion of Afghanistan

Noted Sindhi leader Shafi Burfat, Chairman JSMM has given a call to all political and social media activists and friends worldwide to run the hashtag #14_August_Terrorist_Pakistan.

His call has been supported by Mohajir Groups as well.

Several other noted personalities including journalists have called for sanctions against Pakistan.

Worldwide Protests Against Pakistan : 14AugustBlackDay

Protests in Prague, capital of Czech Republic

Some Afghan Groups have organized Protest in front of Pakistan Embassy in Prague, capital of Czech Republic on 14-August demanding Pakistan to stop its proxy war in Afghanistan.

Protests in United States

To expose Terrorist/ fundamentalist Pakistan a car rally & a protest at Embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC America is organized by oppressed nations of region, to protest Pakistan’s colonialism over diverse nationalities & its use of terrorism as an instrument of statecraft & aggression.

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM), Baloch National Movement (BNM ), Pashtun ( PTM- USA) chapter, Gilgit Baltistan & Bangladesh human rights activists will hold a joint car rally & protest at Pakistan embassy on August 14 in Washington DC America to expose Pakistan’s atrocities against historical nations, minorities and sponsoring terrorism.

Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan, a car rally against Pakistan is organized by PTM-USA, BNM, HRCBM, GBI, JSFM |
Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan, a car rally against Pakistan is organized by PTM-USA, BNM, HRCBM, GBI, JSFM

In a statement, Zafar Sahito, Founder & Central Chief organizer, Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement ( JSFM) said, “Please join with us for great cause of national freedom of nations forced to live in slavery of Pakistan and let us together demand from civilized world for Balkanization of theocratic Terrorist unnatural Pakistani state.

In another poster shared with us, the communities from Afghanistan, Balochistan, Sindh, Bangladesh & Pakistan Occupied Kashmir/Gilgit-Baltistan are joining the protest against Pakistan on 14-August 2021 at Pakistan embassy in Washington DC. Hashtags used in the posters are #TerroristStatePakistan and #SanctionPakistan.

Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan by Afghan, Baloch, Sindhudesh and Pashtuns |
Call For Observing 14-August As Black Day And Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Pakistan by Afghan, Baloch, Sindhudesh and Pashtuns

Points to Ponder

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, US and Allies immediately attacked Iraq and freed Kuwait.

The whole world and all the Intelligence Agencies of the world know that Pakistan Army and Intelligence Agency ISI are behind Taliban Terrorists and Pakistan Army regulars invading Afghanistan. The whole world also knows that innocent civilians including women and children are dying. Whole world also knows the atrocities Pakistan’s Taliban Terrorists will commit on women and children.

Why is the whole world silent? Why no Politicians/leaders from Europe, US, Canada, Australia, Asia, Middle East has spoken against Pakistan and demanded sanctions against terrorist state Pakistan? Why is United Nations silent on the massacre of civilians including women and Children by Pakistan backed Taliban Terrorists?

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