Murder of Sindhi nationalist and murder of George Floyd by law enforcement agencies

Desperate Pakistan resorts to choking Sindhi voices that are seeking Independence. Not just Sindhi voices, desperate Pakistan resorts to choking all voices of all occupied nations including Baloch, Pashtun, Gilgit-Baltistan, Mohajirs, Sindhis and others.

Background of Media/Information manipulation

With economic collapse of Pakistan and precarious state of institutional corruption, movement for Independence of Balochistan Sindhudesh & Pashtunistan has gained tremendous momentum in the last few years. Large scale militarily operation by Balochistan National Army and mass protest in Shindudesh & Pashtun belt were observed, triggered by unprecedented crackdown on political activists in occupied Sindh and large scale murder kidnapping and torture of civilian population in occupied Balochistan by Pakistan army

Desperate Pakistan resorts to choking Sindhi voices seeking Independence : Murder of Sindhi nationalist and murder of George Floyd by law enforcement agencies
Desperate Pakistan resorts to choking Sindhi voices seeking Independence : Murder of Sindhi nationalist and murder of George Floyd by law enforcement agencies
Desperate Pakistan resorts to choking Sindhi voices seeking Independence : Protest in Sindhudesh and Balochistan. Protest for release of missing persons in Sindhudesh and picture of murdered 6 year old girl child by Pakistan army in Balochistan
Desperate Pakistan resorts to choking Sindhi voices seeking Independence : Protest in Sindhudesh and Balochistan. Protest for release of missing persons in Sindhudesh and picture of murdered 6 year old girl child by Pakistan army in Balochistan

In order to suppress the voices and hide its immoral and terrorists activities Pakistan army adopts manipulative and fraudulent methods which includes platform manipulation of various social media platforms such as facebook and twitter.

Flag of various independent movement ongoing in Pakistan
Flag of various independent movement ongoing in Pakistan

Modus operandi adopted for muzzling voices of oppressed people

Pakistan armed forces first identify individuals and sends a legal complaint to these companies using official channels to highlight the accounts which they wish to suppress, usually the companies do not take action on such complaints and neither does Pakistan armed forces expect the companies to take action, but this legal notices flag the concerned accounts as “notorious” thereafter the Pakistan armed forces use fake accounts to mass report such accounts using tools made available by these companies for genuine reporting of contents which may not be suitable for public viewing.

Fake accounts created by Pakistan armed forces are primarily used for platform manipulation and commit fraud through social engineering technique. Below is one such example:

Step-1 Pakistan army sends legal notice to social media websites claiming violation of Pakistani law using an unrelated/arbitrarily selected post by user, purpose here is not to get the account banned but to flag the user for speedy action by the employees of the company upon.

Fig: As first step, Pakistan army sends a legal notice to SM platforms

Fig: As first step, Pakistan army sends a legal notice to SM platforms

Step-2 Pakistan armed forces then use numerous fake accounts created for the purpose of reporting/flagging almost every post made by the user as in-appropriate, since the said account has already been flagged using legal channels, employees of social media portals are manipulated into believing that there is indeed a violation and the targeted account gets removed, thereby silencing the voices of oppressed population.

Once legal notice is acknowledged by the SM company, the fake/automated accounts are used to flag every post made by the targeted individual[/caption]Subsequently, numerous fake/automated accounts are used to flag every post made by the targeted individual as “in-appropriate” using tools made available for genuine reporting.

Related Article: Boycott Fauji Foundation Products : Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters


The consequences of such manipulative/fraudulent tactics are always detrimental to the state sponsoring of such manipulative practices, example of China/Syria/Iran in current point of time is available for verification. Historically also Pakistan has been divided on ethnic lines in 1971 because of brutal oppression of ethnic minority and not allowing voices of dissent (from their point of view) to exist.

The movement for independence is only going to grow stronger and stronger and eventually gaining independence from brutal tyrannical regime of militarily dictatorship using mask of fraud democracy in Pakistan. Detailed analysis of fraud democracy of Pakistan will be explained in subsequent articles, however it is pertinent to state that the fraud committed in name of democracy in Pakistan has no parallel in history. As evident historically, life of fraud is limited, similarly the political boundaries of Pakistan are poised to change once again after 1971, grounds, situation and reasons however are still exactly the same, i.e state sponsored act of terrorism against its own civilian population by Pakistan armed forces.

Alternatives available to citizens of oppressed nations

International law provides for unhindered freedom of speech for all voices especially voices of oppressed nations through various platforms including but not limited to providing platform to speak from United Nations podium and publishing articles/views on magazines and portals.

The Global community of nations are duty bound to take action after verifying the accounts shared by such voices, actions may include placing the tyrannical regime under sanctions, placing visa restriction involved in muzzling voices of oppressed people or similar activities/practices and supporting voices of speaking against the unjust and brutal treatment for occupying forces like it has been done in Syria and Iraq in recent times and Yugoslavia in recent past.

Statement issued in United Nations on behalf of Altaf hussain, leader of Sindhudesh independence movement, when Pakistan put a complete ban on reporting news about him.

Related Article : Sindh demands complete and absolute freedom from Pakistan.

About the Author: Author is a Turbat (Balochistan) based Sindhi political activists.

Points to Ponder

Pakistan has ruled for 72 years over all the occupied nations including Balochistan, Pashtunistan, Sindhudesh, Gilgit-Baltistan and others using its tyrant Punjabi Army. How long a tyrant nation can subjugate other nations and can command obediance?

Pakistan that has not left any stone unturned in creating strife in its neighboring Afghanistan and India by sponsoring Taliban and other Radical Islamist Terrorist Organizations, why is that Pakistan silent when it comes to the Human Rights of different ethnic groups in the territories illegally occupied by Pakistan?

Should Sindhudesh, Balochistan, Pashtunistan not get Independence from Fascist Pakistan?

Should International News Media not give more coverage to the oppression of Sindhis, Mohajirs, Baloch, Pashtuns, Gilgit-Baltistanis and others oppressed by Pakistan and expose the Human Rights Abuses by Pakistan Army in front of the International community?

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