Chinese CCP Propaganda Video Showing PLA soldiers Given Oxygen in Barracks Mocked by Indian Experts

Chinese CCP Propaganda mouthpiece Global Times editor Hu Xijing released a propaganda video showing Chinese Soldiers taking in oxygen in their barracks one hour a day as part of their daily routine.

Earlier also such images were released. However this seems more like the propaganda considering the quality of material used in assembling the barracks quickly.

Chinese CCP Propaganda Video Showing PLA soldiers Given Oxygen in Barracks Mocked by Indian Experts
Chinese CCP Propaganda Video Showing PLA soldiers Given Oxygen in Barracks Mocked by Indian Experts
Chinese CCP Propaganda Video Showing PLA soldiers Given Oxygen in Barracks Mocked by Indian Experts : Can anyone do these physical exercises at an altitude of more than 4000 meters even in Oxygen enriched barracks? Will the soldiers be any good in open war zone?
Chinese CCP Propaganda Video Showing PLA soldiers Given Oxygen in Barracks Mocked by Indian Experts : Can anyone do these physical exercises at an altitude of more than 4000 meters even in Oxygen enriched barracks? Will the soldiers be any good in open war zone?
Chinese CCP Propaganda Showing newly built Army Barracks in Ngari at height of 4,500 Mts. However Ngari is more than 260Km from battle field which is located at 6,000Mts heights
Chinese CCP Propaganda Showing newly built Army Barracks in Ngari at height of 4,500 Mts. However Ngari is more than 260Km from battle field which is located at 6,000Mts heights
Chinese CCP Propaganda Showing newly built Army Barracks in Ngari at height of 4,500 Mts. However Ngari is more than 260Km from battle field which is located at 6,000Mts heights
Chinese CCP Propaganda Showing newly built Army Barracks in Ngari at height of 4,500 Mts. However Ngari is more than 260Km from battle field which is located at 6,000Mts heights

Hu Xijin from his twitter handle @HuXijin_GT tweeted, “At altitudes of more than 4,000 meters, PLA officers and soldiers take oxygen for one hour every day. This has been incorporated into their daily schedule. Hope India cares about their soldiers as much and it won’t let border disputes harm the health of soldiers of both countries”

He was suitably mocked at by Maj Gen Harsha Kakar who retweeted a comment from his twitter handle, @kakar_harsha. He tweeted, “We have soldiers who have survived in Siachen in harsher winters. India employs Men in its army not lipstick sissy mama boy soldiers.”

Lt Gen. Palepu Ravi Shankar (Retired) with his twitter handle @palepurshankar commented “Total chocolate cream soldiers hai bhai (Chinese Soldiers are totally chocolate cream soldiers). Daily oxygen? Ha ha! The worst thing to do in high altitude. They are deacclamatising themselves and this joker wants us to the same with our men! Buffoon!”

A similar video came earlier as well talking about the perks being given to Chinese soldiers in the form of comfortable barracks.

A question arises. Is China just pampering the sissy kids to the heights of Ladakh border or does China expects them to fight at the heights of more than 4000 meters where it is not just the cold, but where the air pressure is less, air is thin with less oxygen?

Chinese copied the concept from the other countries where the workers work during the day in high altitude low oxygen work environment but spend the night in oxygen enriched quarters.

Though these PLA soldiers will be fresh and will have good night sleep, these pempered kids will not be any useful in the event of a war. In the war conditions in winter during the high altitude of Ladakh and Tibbet mountain ranges, these pempered kids will not be able to acclamatize and will exhaust within a few hours outside their comfortable barraks and will surrender at the first given opportunity to the Indian Army that has decades of experience in fighting the mountain warfare and guard the highest altitude battle ground of Siachen throughout the year.

Chinese soldiers are reluctant to go to high altitude warzone like Tibet that can light up any time. In our previous article Chinese PLA Soldiers Cry As They are Sent to Indo-China LAC To Face Indian Army, we shared a video that surfaced on Sunday 20-September 2020 showing Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers cry as they are sent to Indo-China LAC to face Indian Army.

On Sunday 20-September 2020, Pakistani comedian Zaid Hamid uploaded that video showing several PLA recruits crying on a bus as they are allegedly “transferred to Ladakh Border to face Indian Army.” Hamid then wrote that China’s one-child policy is “seriously hurting the motivation level of our Chinese brothers.”

The footage was originally posted on the WeChat page of Fuyang City Weekly, but it was soon deleted. The original post shows 10 fresh recruits from Fuyang City’s Yingzhou District in China’s Anhui Province.

Chinese PLA soldiers crying when being sent to Indian Border.
Chinese PLA soldiers crying when being sent to Indian Border.

All of the new troops were reportedly college students, and five of them had “proactively volunteered to serve in Tibet,” which borders the Ladakh region where the bloody Galwan Valley skirmish took place in June of this year. The video was reportedly filmed at the Fuyang Railway Station as they prepared to head to a military camp in Hebei Province.

In the video, the soldiers can be seen sobbing hysterically as they struggle to sing the words to the PLA song “Green Flowers in the Army” (軍中綠花). A Chinese netizen who goes by the handle @waynescene reposted the video on Sunday and wrote “They were told that they would be going to the front lines after they got on the bus. The cannon fodder are crying!”

Related Article Chinese PLA Soldiers Cry As They are Sent to Indo-China LAC To Face Indian Army

China’s PLA soldiers from one-child families

Everyone knows CCP PLA hires single child kids who cannot risk dying in war. If Chinese kids start dying in a war, it will create public anger against Xi’s CCP that can overthrow Fascist CCP.

Antony Wong Dong , a Macau-based military expert, said many mainland military officials and observers have voiced concerns about the impact of the one-child policy to China’s long-term security since 1993.

“Under China’s strict military rules, deserters are shot on the spot, and even if only-child soldiers are not afraid to fight, who will be responsible for their families if they die in battle or are severely wounded?” he said.

Sun, the Dalian soldier, said recruits usually need two years to adjust to life within a unit through tough routine training and psychological counselling.

Liu said the army had devised special training for “spoiled boys and girls” to strengthen its fighting capability in the past years, but the high rate of single children in the PLA was still a “strategic fear” for China’s long-term military development. The army has faced a serious lack of qualified manpower for at least a decade.

More over with the Winters approaching and India ready to stay guard in the winters, Chinese sissy kids that are used to air conditioned environment back home will see some real big casualties due to cold.

The People’s Liberation Army in China has come up with the ecological oxygen-enriched barracks for use by troops posted in the oxygen deficient mountain regions of Tibet across the Indian border.

Related Article Aksai Chin: Logistics Nightmare For PLA

As per an article by Dr Shiv Sastry, “Of all the privileges offered as incentives for personnel to join and stay in the PLA one of the most unusual ones has to be oxygen enriched barracks in high altitude postings such as Tibet. Oxygen enrichment of living quarters has been used in the mountainous regions of China for workers who normally live at low altitude but need to work at high altitude. However if the human body gets the extra oxygen that it needs at high altitude it will not acclimatize to that altitude. This is perfectly fine for a day job in a high altitude factory or a mine from where a worker can return to his accommodation for a good night’s rest. However its use for soldiers is puzzling. If soldiers do not acclimatize to high altitudes and need to get back to an oxygen enriched bedroom at night, their ability to rough it out in combat at high altitude will be restricted.”

“While it is tempting to call PLA soldiers “softies” for this, the deeper reasons might be reluctance of personnel to serve in Tibet. Despite better salaries and the pumping of resources into Tibet the Chinese have not managed to raise the percentage of Han Chinese in Tibet beyond 5% – which is a low figure considering that Tibet itself has a population of 3 million compared with over a billion Han Chinese in China. It may be that the officer-heavy PLA want the comfort of oxygen enrichment to get a good night’s sleep in Tibet or the political officers who do not belong in the same category as combat troops need that luxury. Another reason might be that there are no staging areas between Tibet and Xinjiang or eastern China where soldiers can ascend gradually for 15 days of acclimatization. Aside from that, the logistics of carrying oxygen generators, cylinders and extra power supply over and above the logistical needs of an army add an extra burden in a hostile region for which everything from food to fuel has to be shipped in from faraway mainland China.”

Points to Ponder

With China continuing to deploy heavy military hardware opposite to Indian positions while talking about disengagement, it reminds of the 1961 when Chinese used the slogan “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai” and then at the first opportunity backstabbed India by an attack and capturing 38,000 sq mts of Indian territory of Aksai Chin in Ladakh.

Given the chinese land grabbing spree in the recent times and India not letting a square Inch of its land to be encroached by China, there are possibilities of bloody clashes in the future. In such situation of clashes with India, as was witnessed in Galwan valley, will the pampered Chinese sissy kids able to survive outside their oxygen rich barracks? What if such clashes get blown to a full scale war? How will the Chinese kids survive without oxygen that they get used to?

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