Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey Provoking Violence Against Jews And Israel |

Rogue Nation of the Middle East and Sponsor of Terror Turkey is inciting, instigating and provoking Muslims all over the world against Jews and Israel.

Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey Provoking Violence Against Jews And Israel |
Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey Provoking Violence Against Jews And Israel

After the Hamas Terrorists fired over 160 rockets towards Jerusalem and southern Israel as thousands of Israelis were parading through downtown to celebrate Jerusalem Day, IDF has retalliated on Hamas Terrorist hideouts and the residences of the Hamas terrorst leaders in Palastine, responsible for rocket attacks on Israel. The IDF had warned Hamas terrorists that all options, including a ground operation, were on the table after this terrorist attack by Hamas.

Related Article Hamas Terrorists Fired Over 160 Rockets Towards Jerusalem And Southern Israel As IDF Strikes Back

Israel’s fighter jets, with the ISA, neutralized key figures of Hamas’ intelligence: Hassan Kaogi, head of the Hamas military intelligence security department & his deputy Wail Issa, head of the military intelligence counterespionage department.

In response to HUNDREDS of rockets in the last 24 hours, the IDF has struck a number of significant terror targets and terror operatives across the Gaza Strip, marking it Israel’s largest strike since 2014. IDF is currently striking more terror targets in Gaza.

Turkey Provoking Muslims around the world against Jews and Israel : Jerusalem violence ‘an attack on all Muslims’ Turkish president vows mobilisation against Israeli ‘terror’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan instead of condemning and stopping Turkey sponsored Hamas Terrorists from attacking Israel with hundreds of Rockets, instead is now provking muslims in the other countries for action against Jews and Israel when he promised to mobilise the world to stop Israeli “terror”, in phone calls Monday to Palestinian leaders.

In the calls to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniya, Erdogan denounced Israel’s actions and extended support. He tried to rally other leaders in the muslim world but could not find support.

The Turkish leader pledged to “do everything in his power to mobilise the world, starting with the Islamic world, to stop Israel’s terror and occupation,” his office said.

Erdogan spoke by phone with King Abdullah of Jordan, Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah, as well as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu discussed the issue with his counterparts in Iran, Algeria, Pakistan and Russia.

According to a statement from his office, Erdogan told King Abdullah that the “inhumane” attacks against Palestinians were aimed at all Muslims, adding that Turkey and Jordan needed to work together to stop them.

Speaking at an event in Istanbul, Erdogan called on all Muslim countries and the international community to take “effective” steps against Israel, adding that those who remain silent were “a party to the cruelty there.”

“The cruel Israel, terror state Israel is mercilessly and unethically attacking Muslims in Jerusalem,” Erdogan said.

He added that Turkey had “immediately launched the necessary initiatives to get the United Nations, Organisation for Islamic Cooperation and all relevant institutions to take action.”

Turkey called Israel an “apartheid state” that must end “heinous and cruel attacks” against Palestinians.

“To the Islamic world, we say: It’s time to stop Israel’s heinous and cruel attacks!” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s press aide Fahrettin Altun wrote on Twitter.

“To humanity, we say: It’s time to put this apartheid state in its place!”

The violence in Jerusalem was “an attack on all Muslims”, he said, adding that “protecting the honour of Jerusalem is a duty for every Muslim.”

Thousands of people are rallying since late on Monday outside the Israeli embassy in Ankara and the country’s consulate in Istanbul in protest of recent Israeli violence against Palestinians. But they are not talking about the terrorist organisation Hamas that attacked Israel with hundreds of rockets.

The protesters in Istanbul carried Palestinian flags and chanted, “Down with Israel, down with America”.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday called Israel a cruel “terrorist” state, as Turkish media called to “free al-Aqsa” in Jerusalem, just like he reconsecrated the historic Church of Hagia Sophia as a mosque last year. Turkish army, Terrorists sponsored by Turkey and Azerbaijan army are already descreating several historic christian sites in Azerbaijan occupied areas in Artsakh.

Writing in Turkish, Erdogan said he “invite[s] the whole world, especially the Islamic countries, to take effective action against Israel’s attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem and Palestinian homes.”

Writing in Hebrew, Erdogan said he strongly condemned the “heinous attacks” in Jerusalem and that he would stand with his “Palestinian brothers.”

Erdogan also tweeted in Arabic and linked the Israeli “attacks” to Ramadan, suggesting that Israel does this every year.

Accusing Israel of being a “cruel” and “terrorist” state is part of Ankara’s desire to use the tensions in Jerusalem to boost Turkey’s image as a leader of Muslim Ummah.

Related Article Turkey Plans to Unseat Rulers in Arab Countries – Sending Fund and Terrorists to Afghanistan and Pakistan to Spread Radical Islamist Terrorism in Middle East and World.

Ankara has long sought to play a greater role in Palestinian affairs, going back more than a decade to before the IDF’s Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip in 2009. Turkey mobilized terrorists from the group IHH to board the Mavi Marmara in 2010, for instance, to “break” the blockade of Gaza, an incident that led to a downward spiral in Turkish-Israeli relations.

In 2019, Erdogan compared Israel to the Nazis, and he has threatened to “liberate” Jerusalem. Turkey also hosted Hamas terrorist’s delegations in 2019 and 2020.

Hamas has reportedly planned terrorist attacks from Turkey, including kidnappings in 2014, as well as receiving diplomatic support from Ankara. For instance, top Hamas member Salah al-Arouri, who is wanted by Israel and the US, lived openly in Turkey for many years.

The US condemned Ankara for hosting Hamas in 2020. The terrorist group is treated as if it is the government of a state by Turkey, receiving support from its president and at the highest levels.

This estranged relationship with Israel shifted a bit after US president Donald Trump lost the election in November. Turkey then claimed it might reconcile with Israel. That reconciliation was designed to harm Israel’s relations with Greece, and Jerusalem rejected the entreaties.

Ankara has now returned to form. It is using religion mixed with pro-Palestinian messages, similar to Iran’s regime, to stoke tensions. It has been harnessing this mix of religious and Islamic messaging and pro-Palestinian rhetoric for years.

The Jerusalem clashes have given Turkey a chance to reinsert itself into Palestinian politics. It may also want to encourage elections in the Palestinian Authority so that it can help bring Hamas to power.

Turkey has long sought to push its efforts in Jerusalem, working with local allies and endowments to increase its role. Israel has been wary of this.

With tensions growing, Ankara is moving quickly to make as many announcements as possible.

Erdogan who aspired to be the leader of Muslim Ummah has failed to become the leader and has no followers except the Prime Minister of bankrupt and failed Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Turkey has been responsible for destablizing the entire middle east with the main goal of establishing his Neo-Ottoman Empire. We covered these in our previous articles. Lets check a few:-

Turkey was responsible for sending Terrorists to Azerbaijan to Fight against Armenia.

Turkey is responsible for making Yemen situation worse.

Turkey has sent terrorists to fight in Syria and is responsible for committing war crimes in Syria

Turkey has threatened Cyprus.

Turkey is also sending terrorists to fight alongside Ukraine against Russia

Turkey is also funding Pakistan and sending terrorists to Pakistan to fight against India.

Turkey is responsible for terrorism in Chad.

Also remember Turkey’s assault and bombardment of Kurdish cities inside Turkey of Sirnak in 2015 or Erdogan’s brutal repression in Afrin & everywhere.

With the above long list of accusations of Turkey for sponsoring terrorism in other countries, Rogue Nation of the Middle East and the sponsor of Terrorism in other countries, Turkey has the audacity to call Israel a terrorist and give a call to Muslims around the world to oppose Jews and Israel.

What is the fallout of this call?

There have been widespread protests all over the world by Radical Islamists who are joined by the Leftist Liberals who have no concern for the lives of Jews in the tiny nation of Israel that is surrounded by all the Islamic nations with huge land masses. While the whole world is fighting the spread of Chinese Bio-Weapon Chinese corona virus, Erdogan, President of Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey is provoking Muslims around the world to come out in protest ignoring the fact that the countries and their governments are doing everything including lockdowns to prevent the virus from spreading.

There also have been attacks on Jews at some places and such attacks against Jews and their properties may increase in future if the Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey’s inciting, instigating and provoking Muslims all over the world to rise against Jews and Israel continues.

Large protests were held in solidarity with Palestinians around the world, including in London, as well as in Muslim-majority countries including Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Tunisia and Turkey ignorign the spread of Chinese Corona virus.

Protesters gathered outside Downing Street, the residence of Prime Minister Boris Johnson in utter disregard of the COVID guidelines.

The tensions in Jerusalem have threatened to reverberate throughout the region.

In Jordan, protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy, burning Israeli flags and chanting “Shame, shame the embassy is still there” and “Death to Israel!“

Turkey becoming an Outcast. – NATO doesn’t want him.

Turkey is already facing sanctions from United States. Previously announced US sanctions on Turkey’s military-industrial sector came into effect on 7-April 2021 with the publication of a US Federal Register notice. US sanctions under the CAATSA law, or the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act” (Public Law 115-44), were initially announced by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on December 14, in response to Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 surface-to-air missile system from Russia.

Washington’s list of sanctions is less than a full arms embargo; readers will also recall Turkey had previously been ejected from the American F-35 fighter jet program. The focus of the US sanctions is a relatively narrow band of Turkey’s defense industrial structure, much of which remains highly dependent on US technology and requires US authorization for technology re-exports.

A New York Post op-ed on 24-September 2019 described Turkish banks’ 2012-to-2015 oil-for-gold operations with Iran as “the biggest sanctions-evasions scheme in recent history”. The article also highlighted a U.S. lawsuit accusing a Turkish bank of financing the Palestinian group Hamas, which the United States designates as a terrorist organisation, and U.S. Treasury sanctions against 10 Turkey-linked entities on similar charges.

The U.S. Treasury on 10-September 2019 designated 10 Turkey-linked firms and businessmen as affiliated with Islamist militant groups including Islamic State (ISIS) and Hamas, part of a broader announcement of 15 sanctioned entities.

The Treasury’s press release designated companies and individuals in Istanbul, Izmir and Turkey’s southeast that sent tens of millions of dollars to ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah, including funds from Iran’s al-Quds Force, and included a gold-for-cash scheme.

These sanctions mean that all U.S.-controlled property linked to those targeted must be blocked and reported to the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, and anyone engaging in business with the targeted entities could themselves face sanctions.

9 of the 10 Turkey linked persons and firms in the US list of sanctioned entity are: –

Zaher Jabarin (Jabarin)
Turkey-based Jabarin is the head of HAMAS’s Finance Office. In his capacity as head of HAMAS’s Finance Department, Jabarin was focused on developing a financial network in Turkey that would allow HAMAS to raise, invest, and launder money prior to transferring it to Gaza and the West Bank.

Redin Exchange
As of March 2019, the Turkey-based Redin Exchange and Treasury-designated financial facilitator Muhammad Sarur were involved in a $10 million dollar transfer to HAMAS’s operational arm, the Izz-Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades.

Saksouk Company for Exchange and Money Transfer (Saksouk)
In late 2018, Saksouk handled fund transfers on behalf of Syria-based ISIS members. a money exchange and transfer service. ISIS’ financial facilitators, including Fawaz al-Rawi, listed Saksouk branches in Syria, Lebanon and Turkey as points of contact, and ISIS’ immigration committee attempted to transfer money via Saksouk, according to the Treasury.

Al-Khalidi Exchange (Al-Khalidi)
As of early 2017, al-Khalidi in al-Raqqah, Syria, and Gaziantep, Turkey were involved in ISIS’s transfer of funds from Iraq through al-Raqqah, Syria, to Gaziantep, Turkey, in support of ISIS. As of 2017, ISIS also transferred money into Syria via al-Khalidi.

Al-Hebo Jewelry Company (al-Hebo)
As of late 2017, al-Hebo’s location in Gaziantep, Turkey was involved in an ISIS scheme to convert gold into cash to more efficiently and secretly send funds via hawalas in Turkey to ISIS sleeper cells in Iraq and Syria.

Muhamad Ali al-Hebo (Muhamad)
As of late 2016, Turkey-based al-Hebo owner, Muhamad, was involved in procuring precious metals to enable ISIS to produce its own ISIS coinage.

Marwan Mahdi Saleh Al-Rawi and Ismael Tash. Marwan al-Rawi is Redin’s CEO, while Tash is Redin’s deputy CEO and in charge of foreign relations. Tash played a key role in many transfers from Iran’s al-Quds to Hamas and has had contact with Muhammad Sarur.

SMART import-export trading firm. Owned by Tash, SMART shares an Istanbul address with Redin Exchange and looks like a possible front company.

Al Haram Foreign Exchange service. In April, ISIS members in Syria were instructed to conduct all financial transactions via Al Haram, which has worked with Fawaz al-Rawi, who is known to make transfers within Turkey.

On May 3, a state-owned Turkish bank was to go on trial in New York, accused of facilitating an estimated $20 billion scheme to violate economic sanctions against Iran. The current status of the trial is not known.

The U.S. prosecution of Halkbank is just the latest move in a legal, political, and diplomatic battle that began in 2016 with the arrest of Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian gold trader who illegally moved money for Iran.

Names of 8 of the world’s biggest and most sophisticated financial institutions are involved. Prosecutors style them “victim banks,” duped by Zarrab and by Halkbank, a relative lightweight in the world of international finance.

If Halkbank is found guilty and ends up frozen out of the U.S. financial system, the economic implications for an already reeling Turkish economy could be massive. Likewise, the political aftershocks in Turkey from the trial’s outcome could be devastating for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has tried to blame political enemies for the whole scheme.

Points to Ponder

While Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey’s President Erdogan is calling Israel all sort of names, did Turkey end trade with Israel?

If the Rogue Nation of the Middle East Turkey’s inciting, instigating and provoking Muslims all over the world to rise against Jews and Israel continues and it results in voilence against Jews anywhere in the world, shouldn’t it be a ground for Israel to take strict action against Israel?

Why is the Islamic world silent and not openly condemning Turkey supported Hamas Terrorists for attacking Israel with hundreds of Missiles?

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