United States and allies should impose sanctions on Pakistan for occupation, terrorism and genocide in Afghanistan, Balochistan, Sindhudesh & Indian…
Social Media comes in support of Chris Alexander for calling for Sanctions against Pakistan for Forced Invasion of Afghanistan and…
There is a worldwide condemnation of Pakistan for attempted force takeover of Afghanistan using barbaric Pakistan Army's Taliban Units. Afghans…
If you Think Afghanistan is Fighting War with Taliban, Think Twice - Afghanistan is Fighting War Against Pakistani Punjab.
Erdogan Asks Pakistan Army's Taliban Units to End Occupation of Afghanistan. Why is Turkey Interested in Afghanistan? Will Pakistan Let…
As each day passes, bad news for Pakistan keeps accumulating. Costs of Bankrupt Pakistan Army's Taliban Units misadventure in Afghanistan…
Pakistan is overtly supporting its Taliban units. Afghanistan - Pakistan conflict, an opportunity for freedom of Balochistan and Sindhudesh.
War between Afghan Security Forces and Pakistan Army's Taliban units enters critical phase. Dostum has fled Afghanistan. Saleh, Abdullah and…
Turkey plans to unseat rulers in Arab Countries. Turkey is sending fund and Terrorists to Afghanistan and Pakistan to spread…
Pakistan is rattled as India and Afghanistan signed MOU on Tuesday 9-February 2021 to build Shahtoot Dam in Kabul to…