2 young girls burning the Pakistani Flag

In last few days, multiple attacks by Baloch Freedom Fighters on Pakistan Army has claimed the lives of several Pakistan Army personnel while 3 Freedom Fighters martyred.

Baloch Khan, the spokesperson for BRAS, an umbrella organization of Baloch Baloch pro-independence groups, said in a statement to the media from an undisclosed location that three veteran fighters of allied organizations embraced martyrdom in two separate combats with the enemy (Pakistan Army) in Kech. Whereas, several enemy personnel (Pakistan Army) were also killed in these clashes.

2 young girls burning the Pakistani Flag
2 young girls burning the Pakistani Flag

Explaining the details, Baloch Khan said that the first clash with the enemy (Pakistan) army took place in the hilly area of Kaubar in Kech District, on October 25, when a large number of enemy troops tried to surround the BRAS Freedom fighters. On this occasion, the BRAS sarmachar (Baloch Freedom Fighters), Mubashir Hoth alias Shah Dost and Mirjan alias Aajiz broke through the enemy’s siege and fought hard for hours to get all their fellow sarmachars (Baloch Freedom Fighters) out safely but themselves embraced martyrdom.

Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters On Pakistan Army : Several Pakistan Army Personnel Killed, 3 Freedom Fighters Martyred
Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters On Pakistan Army : Several Pakistan Army Personnel Killed, 3 Freedom Fighters Martyred

Shaheed Mirjan Baloch alias Aajiz was a veteran ally of the Balochistan Liberation Front. He has been playing a dynamic and exemplary role in the Baloch national independence movement since 2013. He was performing his duties on Tump, Dasht and Mand fronts.

Shaheed Mubashir Hoth alias Shah Dost was a veteran of the Baloch Liberation Army. His bravery and maturity was exemplary. He started his armed struggle in 2017 and continued to inflict heavy blows on the enemy on the fronts of Turbat, Zamuran, Buleda and Kulbar.

The BRAS spokesperson added that the second clash with the enemy forces took place yesterday in the Ashaal area of Kolwah, while the BRAS sarmachars were on a routine patrol, the enemy army tried to surround the sarmachars but the veteran sarmachar; Mukhtar Jan alias Kanar, setting a high example of bravery, killed several enemy personnel and managed to get his comrades out safely and fought the enemy for hours. In this long resistance, Mukhtar Jan finally embraced martyrdom.

Shaheed Mukhtar Jan alias Kanar had been active on the front lines of Kech, Kolwah and Awaran for last five years from the platform of the Baloch Republican Army. He was a very sincere, honest and brave soldier. HIs resistance and sacrifice in the national movement is a role model for generations to come.

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Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) is another form of the same occupying state, whose hands are stained with Baloch blood

Balochistan Freedom Fighters have made their position clear on PDM. In a statement issued on 25-October 2020, Jeeyand Baloch, spokesperson Balochistan Freedom Fighters special force, BLA mentioned that PDM is another form of the same occupying state, whose hands are stained with Baloch blood. Almost all the federal parties in PDM alliance have been involved in Baloch genocide in the past, just as the PTI government is today. Today, the way PML-N’s Maryam Nawaz is being portrayed as the Messiah of the Baloch people, the nuclear test in Chaghi during the second term of her father tore the chest of the Baloch land and in the third term with her approval thousands went missing and were martyred. During the last PPP government, mass graves recovered from Balochistan, the kill and dump policy was initiated and death squads were formed and imposed on Baloch society. The purpose of this nexus on Baloch soil is not to sympathize with the Baloch but to gain power. Whoever comes to power in Pakistan has not made any difference to Balochistan till date. Balochistan is an occupied territory, which is directly under the control of the army with the support of all these political parties. To expect change from any such political alliance and movement is to live in a fool’s paradise. In Islamabad, whoever has the gun in his hand, will continue killing the Baloch same way. The Baloch nation should put its attention and energy for independence and getting rid of the genocide, instead of choosing a better killer.

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BLA targeted state agent Haji Azad Khan Marri in Quetta

On 25-October 2020, the freedom fighters of Baloch Liberation Army targeted Haji Azad Khan Marri, an agent of Pakistani state forces and its secretive agencies, in Quetta. In the VBIED attack, Azad Khan Marri was killed along with his companions.

Azad Khan Marri was an important agent of Pakistani secretive forces and was involved in harassing family members of Baloch freedom fighters, forcing fighters to surrender before the enemy forces and forming a so-called death squad against the freedom fighters. He was also involved in occupying personal property of poor Baloch people, most recently in New Kahan where he illegally occupied lands of poor civilians.

Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA targeted state agent Haji Azad Khan Marri in Quetta
Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA targeted state agent Haji Azad Khan Marri in Quetta

Baloch Liberation Army has made it clear several times that any person involved in abetting enemy forces and becoming an instrument of its secretive agencies will be dealt severely. Such elements will be targeted at any time and place.

The Baloch Freedom Fighters special forces issued a warning to all those elements who are mobilized against the liberation movement at the behest of the enemy (Punjabi Pakistan) army, to refrain from their anti-national activities otherwise all such elements will meet the same fate as Haji Azad Khan.

Related Article New Governments of Balochistan and Sindhudesh To Be formed in Exile Very Soon

BLA claims responsibility for attacking Pakistan Army in Shahrag

Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) sarmachars, on Monday 26-October 2020 attacked a check post of the occupying Pakistani army at Safari in Shahrag area of Harnai district and severely damaged it. Baloch fighters attacked the enemy’s (Pakistan Army) check post with heavy weaponry, inflicting heavy casualties on the Pakistani forces.

Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA claims responsibility for attacking Pakistan Army in Shahrag
Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA claims responsibility for attacking Pakistan Army in Shahrag

As per the statement issued by Jeeyand Baloch, spokesman for the Balochistan Freedom Fighters special force Baloch Liberation Army BLA on October 27, 2020, after the successful attack, all sarmachars (Freedom Fighters special forces) escaped safely and reached their safe havens. Such attacks of the Baloch Liberation Army on the occupying Punjabi Pakistan army will continue till independence.

BLA claims responsibility for exterminating Pakistani soldier in Bolan attack

In a press statement issued on 24-October 2020, Jayend Baloch, spokesperson for the Baloch Liberation Army told that Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) sarmachars targeted Pakistan Army personnel with an IED at Safari in Sangan area of Bolan while they were carrying rations for their post.

Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA claims responsibility for exterminating Pakistani soldier in Bolan attack
Multiple Attacks By Baloch Freedom Fighters : BLA claims responsibility for exterminating Pakistani soldier in Bolan attack

A personnel of occupying Pakistan army was killed on the spot. The Baloch Liberation Army claims responsibility for the attack.

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