Bankrupt Pakistanis Trend Hashtag ReadyForWar On Social Media

On Friday 20-November 2020, we say all bankrupt Pakistanis trend Hashtag #ReadyForWar on Social Media including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. All Social Media platforms on Friday 20-November 2020 got flooded with Hashtag #ReadyForWar. An analysis showed 90% of the hashtags originated from Bankrupt Nation Pakistan which is in perpetual enmity with its neighbor India.

Bankrupt Pakistanis Trend Hashtag ReadyForWar On Social Media
Bankrupt Pakistanis Trend Hashtag ReadyForWar On Social Media

Anyone reading the tweets will only laugh at the nation that is already bankrupt, people do not have food to eat, Army run Fauji Foundation is busy looting common man, country does not have any foreign reserves, Army does not have enough fuel and ammunition to last more than a week against its neigbour India in the event of a full blown war, its 2 regions Balochistan and Sindhudesh are on the verge of breaking away and forming 2 independent nations.

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Given all these realities of the terrorist producing factory of the world, the FATF Grey listed Pakistan, one can ask why are they trending this hashtag #ReadyForWar?

India-China border talks are going on and both the countries recently decided to disengage. China cannot attack India and if it does, whole International community will stand with India and China will be given a bloody nose, beside trade sanctions and boycott internationally.

In that scenario, why are Pakistani troll handles of their ISPR are trending the hashtag #ReadyForWar?

Lets check a few of such tweets and laugh it out.

Some Pakistanis are so obsessed with Indian Pilot Abhinandan that they have wet dreams sharing his image. During the 2019 India-Pakistan faceoff after India destroyed a Terrorist training camp inside Pakistan, next day Indian Pilot Abhinandan shot down a Pakistani F-16 Fighter Jet with his Mig-21 and later his jet was shot down and he landed in Pakistan. He was held captive for 60 hours and was released after Indian Air Force was ready to bomb Karachi Port and other key installations of Pakistan. Even Pakistani top politicians with their legs shaking asked their superiors to immediately release Abhinandan else India will cause a lot of irreparable damage.

Check what a Pakistani Minister had to say in their parliament for release of Indian Pilot Abhinanda.

Pakistanis also shared clips of their Prime Minister Imran Khan at UN General Assembly when he gave threat of Nuclear Attack.

Some stupid handles also are comparing number of pilots per fighter jet in Pakistan and India. Good laugh time.

Those people do not know that India is the 4th Strongest Military force in the world while Pakistan is no where in top 10 Militaries. By all criterion, Indian Army, Air Force and Navy are superior to Pakistan and within a short time Pakistan Navy, Air Force will be decimated if the real war takes place.

Also check some tweets in response to Pakistanis trending #ReadyForWar

Some people showed Pakistan its reality when during 1971 India-Pakistan war, Approximately 90,000 to 93,000 Pakistani servicemen were taken prisoner by the Indian Army. Pakistanis forget 90,000 of their Uncles had surrendered with pants down to Indian Army in 1971.Their

Question Arises why FATF Grey Listed terrorist producing, bankrupt Pakistanis trend Hashtag #ReadyForWar?

India is fighiting Pakistan Sponsored Terrorism since several decades. Indian Kashmir is bleeding today because of Pakistan sponsored Terrorism.

Related Article Islamist Radical Terroristan Pakistan Responsible for Bleeding Kashmir

Indian Forces in recent past have been successful in neutralizing terrorist threats in the recent past. Massive exchange of fire took place on Line of Control (LoC) and many Pakistani Soldiers and their terror launch pads have been eliminated.

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Pakistan has increased the attempts to infiltrate Terrorists to India under the cover of fire by Pakistan Army. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted in this regard yesterday.

Pakistan is responsible for destabilizing Afghanistan by sponsoring Taliban Terrorists. Pakistan is getting beaten on both its Eastern and Western border by Afghanistan and India respectively.

Pakistan was expecting that China would attack India, but now since China and India agreed to disengage, Pakistan is left on its own. Pakistan and China have this unwritten agreement that in the event of war on one country, the other country will jump in. Since China is no longer attacking India, Pakistan has decided to initiate hostilities with India at Line of Control LoC and in the event Pakistan gets beaten, China will be forced to join to save Pakistan.

Recently US has agreed to send a new naval fleet in Indian Ocean. UK is also sending its Aircraft carrier to Indian ocean early next year (2021). With the presence of US and UK Navies in Indian Ocean, China will not be in a position to send its Navy to Indian Ocean and the dreams of Pakistan will be shattered for ever. Hence given the time gap between US and UK Navies to arrive in Indian Ocean, some Paksitani trolls are thinking that it is the right time to initiate a war with India and if they can hold India for a week as long as their fuel and ammunition lasts, China will be obliged to attack India.

Related Article With An Eye On China, US to Deploy New Naval Fleet In Indian Ocean

However Pakistanis dream too much. China likes its business more than the bankrupt Pakistan. China will never enter into a war for a bankrupt nation. If China attacks India under any situation, India is prepared to fight a two front war and has enough ammunition and fuel to give a bloody nose to both Pakistan and China.

Pakistanis also forget about 1971 when after India-Paksitan war, East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) broke away from Pakistan and became an independant country. If the history repeats and a full blown India-Pakistan war takes place, India will do everything to support freedom movement in Balochistan and Sindhudesh and will make sure that International community also helps in forming of these two Independent nations.

Points to Ponder

Did this hashtag #ReadyForWar was trended by Paksitani trolls of Pakistan ISPR with the concent of Pakistan Army? Is Pakistan Army again ready to surrender? Is Pakistan ready to lose Balochistan and Sindhudesh this time and ready to surrender its occupied Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan to India?

Pakistan cannot fight a full blown war with India, so are the Pakistanis making up for their shortfall by showing their courage on social media?

France has already refused to upgrade Pakistani Fighter Jets and also refused to provide any support in future. What if other countries also boycott Pakistan? What if European nations and US deport Pakistanis as well? UK is already very angry with Pakistan because of Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs that has raped tens of thousands of British girls aged 8-12. Shouldn’t Pakistan stop producing terrorists and stop crimes against humanity in Balochistan and Sindhudesh?

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