Sindhudesh Freedom Fighter have revived Quit Sindh Movement in Sindhudesh this year 2021. Last year in 2020, Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters started Quit Sindh Movement and told Punjabis living in Sindhudesh to leave Sindhudesh. The Quit Sindh Movement is started by Sindhis and Mohajirs in Sindhudesh demanding an end to Punjabi Pakistan rule in Sindhudesh and is on the same lines as Quit India Movement started by Indians against the British on 8th August 1942.
In a press statement issued by Sodho Sindhi (Spokesperson) Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army (SRA), Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army claims the responsibility of elimination of a Punjabi settler and businessmen Hassnain Arain’ in Pad Eidan (Naushehro Feroz), a Pathan settler (Intelligence agent) ‘Taj Mohammad Pathan’ in Larkana and Bomb blasts on railway tracks in Mirpurmathelo (Ghotki).
As per the statement by SRA, “We warn to the all out sider settlers for leaving Sindh immediate. SRA Vows to continue its resistance struggle till freedom of Sindhudesh.“
Here is the tweet from Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army twitter handle.
Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters have used the hashtag #14thAugustBlackDay in their statement that was released on 5-August 2021. This is a clear indication of Sindhis and Mohajirs calling 14th August as a Black Day in this history since Pakistan was created and has done immeasurable atrocities on all the ethnic nations including Sindhis, Mohajirs, Baloch, Pashtuns, Hazara, Ahamadiya and other groups besides religious minorities like Hindus, Sikhs and Christians.
After a gap of one year the Quit Sindhudesh Movement that remained passive for a year due to Chinese Corona Virus situation in Sindh and flood situation and other reasons, Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters have revived the Quit Sindhudesh Movement once again in 2021.
Related Article Quit Sindh Movement : SindhuDesh Freedom Fighters Tell Punjabis to Leave Sindhudesh
Pakistan Government and Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI suppressing Independence movement in Sindhudesh
In order to suppress the freedom movement in Sindhudesh, Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI is using all kind of tactics and create fear among the Sindhis and Mohajirs.
On 11-September 2020, the death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who was also a Shia, a huge anti-Shia rally was held by banned Sunni Terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba (Pakistan renamed to Millat-e-Islamia and now known as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat) (ASWJ), who are mainly responsible for violence against Shias. They attacked Imam Bargah and chanted Shia Kafir. Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI is behind Anti-Shia rallies in Karachi.
Related Article Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI Behind Anti-Shia Rallies In Karachi
Demographic Changes in Sindh
Punjabi Dominated Pakistan has systematically brought demographic changes in Sindh. Sindh that was the land of Sindhis and Mohajirs has seen a huge demographic change.
Sindhudesh is the land of all Sindhis and Mohajirs (Muslims who went to Pakistan from India during Partition in 1947) who settled in Sindh mostly in Karachi. Karachi is the biggest contributor of Pakistan GDP, however Mohajirs are still treated as third class citizens and do not have any reservations in the Government Jobs even after 72 years of making of Pakistan. Take an example of Karachi Port Trust, there is no reservation for Mohajirs for jobs while majority of jobs are reserved for Punjabis.
Sindhudesh is facing demographic change that would define its future politics as the Urdu-speaking and Sindhi-speaking population had reduced to very small percent and Punjabi speaking groups were growing in their numbers.
With economic collapse of Pakistan and precarious state of institutional corruption, movement for Independence of Balochistan Sindhudesh & Pashtunistan has gained tremendous momentum in the last few years. Large scale militarily operation by Balochistan National Army and mass protest in Shindudesh & Pashtun belt were observed, triggered by unprecedented crackdown on political activists in occupied Sindh and large scale murder kidnapping and torture of civilian population in occupied Balochistan by Pakistan army
In order to suppress the voices and hide its immoral and terrorists activities Pakistan army adopts manipulative and fraudulent methods which includes platform manipulation of various social media platforms such as facebook and twitter.
The movement for independence is only going to grow stronger and stronger and eventually gaining independence from brutal tyrannical regime of militarily dictatorship using mask of fraud democracy in Pakistan. Detailed analysis of fraud democracy of Pakistan will be explained in subsequent articles, however it is pertinent to state that the fraud committed in name of democracy in Pakistan has no parallel in history. As evident historically, life of fraud is limited, similarly the political boundaries of Pakistan are poised to change once again after 1971, grounds, situation and reasons however are still exactly the same, i.e state sponsored act of terrorism against its own civilian population by Pakistan armed forces.
Related Article Sindh Is Not An Orphanage. We Reject All Settlements Of Outsiders In Pakistan Occupied Sindh : Zafar Sahito
Punjabi Pakistan Imperialism is taking place in villages of Kohistan. Pakjabi imperialist Pakistan is forcefully occupying Sindh lands in Villages of Kohistan to merge with Punjab. Sindhis and Mohajris have condemned the imperialist psyche of Pakistani establishment for forceful occupation over the Dams, Moiadans, Gabol, Kathor and Panhwars villages and mountainous terrain in Kohistan.
Related Article Pakjabi Imperialism : Pakjabi Pakistan Forcefully Occupying Sindh Lands In Villages Of Kohistan To Merge Them With Greater Punjab
Pakistan is selling Bhundar (Bundal) and Dingi Islands in Pakistan Occupied Sindh to China. As per a recent Presidential ordinance and Pakistan Islands Development Authority (PIDA), Pakistan has constituted a body aimed at developing barren islands in the territorial waters of Sindh by China. It is clearly mentioned that this Ordinance can not be challenged in Pakistani Courts.
Pakistan central Government has always tried to take over the coastal belt of Sindhudesh even though the federal government has no authority to control and establish cities on Sindh’s Island or any other mega projects without permission of Sindhi people.
People of Sindh were also Angry as Karoonjhar Hills in Sindh were being sold to Chinese Companies. A campaign was launched to “Save Karoonjhar Save Sindh” by locals.
Karoonjhar range is spread on a total area of 02 lac acres stretching till Indian border, with deposits of 20 Billion tons of special kind of granite and Chinese clay, while a native saying Karoonjhar yields 100 kilogram of gold daily.
Related Article People of Sindh are also Angry because Karoonjhar Hills in Sindh are being sold to Chinese Companies
Not only occupying Sindhudesh lands and resources by Punjabi Pakistan and selling them to China, Punjab is trying to block Sindhudesh’s water by construction of Dams in Gilgit-Baltistan and using all the water and electricity produced for Punjab. As per reports Sindh will transform into a desert by 2035 if this pace of drawing of water from Indus river by Punjab province continues unabated. There is a growing anger in all the residents of Sindh including all Sindhis and Mohajirs.
One Sindhi resident of Karachi we spoke with said, “Building of dams will develop artificial shortage of even drinking water for Sindhi people. We have thousands of concerns over dams built on Indus. We reject every dam because actual right on water of any River is of those people who live in last. And historically Indus river is ours. It is property of Sindhi nation and we will not tolerate this conspiracy of Punjabi state of Pakistan.”
One resident of Sindh told us that the freedom of Sindhudesh from the tyrannical rule of Pakistan is gaining momentum. Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters are active now all over Sindh. Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters are using the slogan “Punjab Blocks Sindh’s water, Sindh Blocks Ports for Punjab”. He told us that it is a warning for Punjabi Pakistan to desist from making any further Dams on Indus river. If we can earn for Pakistan, we can also do such things that Pakistan would have never thought of. He told that whole of Sindh including all Sindhis and Mohajirs are unanimously supporting Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters. He said if Punjab blocks Sindh’s water, it will be a war over water, that is the right of Sindh and is denied by Punjabi state of Pakistan.
Related Article Punjab Blocks Sindh’s Water, Sindh Blocks Ports for Punjab: Sindhudesh Freedom Fighters
When Sindhis and Mohajirs of Sindhudesh tried to raise their voices against the exploitation of Sindhudesh by Punjabi Pakistan and seek Independence from the control and exploitation by Punjab, their voices were chocked by desperate Punjabi Pakistan.
Not just Sindhi voices, desperate Pakistan resorts to choking all voices of all occupied nations including Baloch, Pashtun, Gilgit-Baltistan, Mohajirs, Sindhis and others.
Related Article Desperate Pakistan Resorts To Choking Sindhi Voices Seeking Independence.
Punjabi Pakistan that is so much obsessive about Indian Muslims has failed to give even job reservations to Indian Muslims who migrated to Pakistan during India-Pakistan Partition in 1947. 72 years have elapsed since the formation of Pakistan and all the Indian Muslims from the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar that migrated to Pakistan on Partition of 1947 are till date called Mohajirs (Migrants) and have no reservations or representation in Government or Armed Forces whatsoever. Sindhi Hindu girls and women are regularly abducted forcefully converted to Islam and married to radical Muslims, Sindhi demography is being changed by Punjabis by settling Punjabis in Sindhudesh. Besides the Sindhis and Mohajirs, Pakistan is also committing Genocide of Baloch, Pashtuns, Saraiki and everyone who is non-Punjabi.
Points to Ponder
Sindhis, Mohajirs, Baloch are all resisting Pakistan for handing over their resources to China. Shouldn’t International Community help in formation of smaller nations of Balochistan, Sindhudesh and restrict growth of China and spread of Radical Terrorism in Indo-Afghan region by Terrorist nation Pakistan?
In case Sindhis and Mohajir Freedom Fighters come on the streets taking up arms like The Mukti Bahini (Bengali: মুক্তিবাহিনী, translates as ‘freedom fighters’, or liberation army) on the streets, will India help the freedom movement in neighboring Sindhudesh and repeat 1971 and help in formation of a Free and Independent Sindhudesh like it helped forming Bangladesh?
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