Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The South China Sea As Its Maritime Empire

‘Horrible Surprise Coming’, warns experts as tensions between the United States and China seem to be growing by the day, prompting some in Washington to predict a potential military conflict between two countries within the next six months. The latest flash point as per experts is the vital waterways of the South China Sea. However, there are many other reasons but South China Sea has the potential to spark off a war between China on one hand and US and Allies on the other hand.

Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The South China Sea As Its Maritime Empire
Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The South China Sea As Its Maritime Empire

For the first time, the US government declared China’s activities in the South China Sea illegal.

Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire. Chinese Navy
Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire. Chinese Navy

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in an interview said, “Last note on China: On Monday, for the first time, we made our policy on the South China Sea crystal clear. It’s not China’s maritime empire. If Beijing violates the international law and free nations do nothing, then history shows that the CCP will simply take more territory. That happened in the last administration.”

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Horrible Surprise Coming: South China Sea crystal clear. South China Sea (SCS) It’s not China’s maritime empire

Our statement gives significant support to ASEAN leaders who have declared that the South China Sea disputes must be resolved through international law, not “might makes right.”

What the CCP does to the Chinese people is bad enough, but the free world shouldn’t tolerate Beijing’s abuses as well.

In another interview Secretary of State Pompeo said, “I think it’s worth noting the reason for that change is the Chinese Communist Party’s behavior. That’s important. I listen to some of the narrative that flows out of China, some of the disinformation, and we – people use language like “tit for tat.” This is – these aren’t tit-for-tat exchanges. This is America standing up for its own people, and the world now coming to understand the threat that the Chinese Communist Party – so to the extent there’s been a change in relationship, it is a direct result of the behavior of the Chinese Communist Party. And so when that stops, we’ll do that.”

Now, this four million square kilometer shipping lane is turning into a major flashpoint.

Rep. Ted Yoho, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee for Asia, sees potential military action ahead, telling the Washington Examiner: “I would predict there will be a clash within the next three to six months.”

Horrible Surprise Coming : Rep. Ted Yoho - "I would predict there will be a clash within the next three to six months."
Horrible Surprise Coming : Rep. Ted Yoho – “I would predict there will be a clash within the next three to six months.”

Rep. Ted Yoho, a Republican from Florida and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, predicted “a clash within the next three to six months” with China in a recent interview with the Washington Examiner. “Knowing China, I think what they would do is ram one of our ships and say it was a mistake,” he told the paper. (While the Chinese navy has no record of targeting U.S. ships in this way, it has been accused by Vietnam of such attacks against its fishing vessels in disputed waters.)

The greatest danger is that an accident or such a miscalculation could rapidly escalate out of control, said three current and former officials. Shortly after George W. Bush took office in 2001, a Chinese J-8 jet fighter collided with a U.S. Navy EP-3E reconnaissance plane. The Chinese plane crashed and its pilot was later declared dead. The U.S. plane made an emergency landing on China’s Hainan Island, where its 24 crew members were detained and questioned. They were released 10 days later, after the Bush Administration issued a letter saying it was “very sorry” for the incident.

The greatest danger is that an accident or such a miscalculation could rapidly escalate out of control, said three current and former officials. Shortly after George W. Bush took office in 2001, a Chinese J-8 jet fighter collided with a U.S. Navy EP-3E reconnaissance plane. The Chinese plane crashed and its pilot was later declared dead. The U.S. plane made an emergency landing on China’s Hainan Island, where its 24 crew members were detained and questioned. They were released 10 days later, after the Bush Administration issued a letter saying it was “very sorry” for the incident.

The question as things get nastier is whether belligerent China and the current American Administration would be ready, willing, or able to defuse a similar situation today? Will the US ask for forgiveness to China as Bush Administration issued a letter saying it was “very sorry” for the incident?

China could use such a scenario to fulfill its prophecies to rule the entire world and take the war to United states at a time when the global economy is already trying to recover from the Bio-Terrorism unleashed by China on the entire world by spreading Wuhan Chinese Virus to the entire world killing 608,000 innocent civilians worldwide.

Roughly $3 trillion of trade passes through the South China Sea each year.

It's NOT just INDIA, China has Border Disputes with 18 Countries!
‘Horrible Surprise Coming’ : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The South China Sea As Its Maritime Empire

“It is incredibly important to US imports and exports and incredibly important to many of our allies and partners,” Bradley Bowman, a military expert with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said. “There are tremendous economic interests in maintaining the freedom of navigation of commerce through that area.”

China wants to limit that access, claiming it has rights to almost all the South China Sea.

China’s Needs to read what International Law is

China that claims ownership of the entire world and wants to establish its Han Empire around the world with Emperor Xi sitting at the throne as always claim Chinese ownership of the entire South China Sea on historical evidences. Zhao Lijian claims that Chinas rights over entire South China Sea “are in line with the relevant international law and practice,”.

But China either seems ignorant or dumb by not knowing what the International Law says. Read what the International Law Says at https://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/part5.htm

The United Nations (UN) CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA PART V that deals with EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE, Article 57 states, “Breadth of the exclusive economic zoneThe exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

Read Article 55 and 56 as well:-

Horrible Surprise Coming - China needs to read the International Law before triggering a war that could destroy China
Horrible Surprise Coming – China needs to read the International Law before triggering a war that could destroy China

Article 58 further states, “Rights and duties of other States in the exclusive economic zone –

1. In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.”

2. Articles 88 to 115 and other pertinent rules of international law apply to the exclusive economic zone in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

3. In exercising their rights and performing their duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, States shall have due regard to the rights and duties of the coastal State and shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

Article59 Basis for the resolution of conflicts regarding the attribution of rights and jurisdiction in the exclusive economic zone

In cases where this Convention does not attribute rights or jurisdiction to the coastal State or to other States within the exclusive economic zone, and a conflict arises between the interests of the coastal State and any other State or States, the conflict should be resolved on the basis of equity and in the light of all the relevant circumstances, taking into account the respective importance of the interests involved to the parties as well as to the international community as a whole.

Article 61 further says:

The United Nations (UN) CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA PART V that deals with EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE - Read Article 61
The United Nations (UN) CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA PART V that deals with EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE – Read Article 61

International Law is very clear. China is intruding into on the rights of all countries around the South China Sea which is illegal and against the International Law. China has not only intruded in the exclusive economic zone of South China Sea countries, but Chinese Shipping boats have stolen fishes from as far as the African coasts and the Coasts of South American Countries like Argentina. Chinese fishing boats are also doing drug paddling in the International waters. We covered this in details in our previous article China Stealing Fish Stock Of The World: Flash point of Conflicts.

As Pompeo says, America standing up for its own people, China is accused of breaking international law and urging world leaders to standup to Beijing’s expanding territorial ambitions is the right thing to do.

“If Beijing violates the international law and free nations do nothing, then history shows that the CCP will simply take more territory. That happened in the last administration,” warned Pompeo.

America has opposed China’s aggressive ambitions, including efforts to turn several islands and reefs into military outposts, complete with aircraft, runway, and hi-tech capability.

“So this is good old-fashioned ‘the biggest kid on the playground’ if you will, trying to bully others, to steal their resources and to push others who might get in their way out, and foremost of that is the United States,” said Bowman.

Since taking power, China’s President Xi Jinping has embarked on a massive military modernization.

Bowman says China’s military prowess is the greatest threat to US military supremacy, and we could see it play out in these waters.

Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire. USS Ronald Reagan in South China Sea
Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire. USS Ronald Reagan in South China Sea

America now has two aircraft carriers taking part in one of its largest naval exercises in the South China Sea.

Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire.  The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in South China Sea
Horrible Surprise Coming : Experts Warn US-China Military Clash Within Six Months. China Cannot Be Allowed To Treat The SCS As Its Maritime Empire. The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in South China Sea

“If we just rest on our laurels and assume that battles in the coming years are going to be the same as they were in the past with unquestionable American military dominance, we have a horrible surprise coming,” warned Bowman.

“If we just rest on our laurels and assume that battles in the coming years are going to be the same as they were in the past with unquestionable American military dominance, we have a horrible surprise coming,” warned Bowman.

This latest expert opinions over the South China Sea as a flash point came due to several reasons. Some of the prominent reasons are

1. Bio-terrorism unleashed by Communist China that has taken lives of 608,000 civilians worldwide and 143,000 deaths in USA alone making it the biggest Bio-Terrorist attack by China to bring the world economy to a standstill. We covered it in details in our previous article Is China rattled with Chinese Virus? Will World demand Compensation?

2. Use this opportunity to take over Hong Kong. Check our previous article Legislation To Recognize Hong Kong as a separate, Independent Country Introduced In US Congress

3. Curtail human rights and religious freedom in Tibet, Uyghur in Xinjiang, curtailing religious freedom of Buddhists as well as Christians. We covered it in details in our previous Article : China Bribes Vatican With “$2 Billion a year” to silence the Church.

4. Grab lands of other countries. Example is China’s attempt to grab land from India that resulted in bloody clashes where in 20 brave Indian soldiers martyred while more than 100 Chinese PLA soldiers that were armed with nail studded Rods were killed in the hand to hand combat and India deploying its big arms all along the China border. We covered it in details in our previous article Chinese Aggression at Indian Border Fails – Situation Still Tense

5. Undeclared war unleashed by China on United states by sending illegal Drugs. China Is The Biggest Drug Peddler In The World : Fentanyl Killed 100,000 People In US Alone In A Year – Report

6. China hand in recent riots throughout United States unleashed by Chinese puppet, the Leftist Antifa Terrorists. Riots In US & India Are Attacks On The Oldest & The Largest Democracies

Besides the above reasons, there are many more reasons. Many of the reasons we have covered in several of our previous articles.

Belligerent Chinese War-Mongering Rhetoric

Chinese state media says that tensions between the US and China are increasing and can even lead to a war if Washington continues to provoke Beijing.

On 4th July 2020, Chinese Comunist CCP mouthpiece Global Times tweeted, “China has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and DF-26 “aircraft carrier killer” #missiles. South China Sea is fully within grasp of the #PLA; any US #aircraftcarrier movement in the region is at the pleasure of PLA: analysts.”

This kind of rhetoric used by the Chinese Communist CCP mouthpiece by saying, “The South China Sea is fully within the grasp of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and any US aircraft carrier movement in the region is solely at the pleasure of the PLA, which has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like the DF-21D and DF-26 “aircraft carrier killer” missiles.” is nothing but challenging and threatening the United States, the alliance and the neighboring countries in South China Sea.

The USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz aircraft carriers held large-scale exercises in the South China Sea together with four other warships. The US exercises are coinciding with China’s Demonstration of their Naval power usig live firig in the South China Sea near the Xisha Islands.

Related Article : China’s Show of Force in Bohai on Tiananmen Anniversary – Whom Are They Threatening? Chinese Citizens or Taiwan?

The Pentagon claimed the Chinese drills were “counter-productive to efforts at easing tensions and maintaining stability.

Three US aircraft carriers have been conducting exercises in the Philippine Sea just outside of the South China Sea since June, which has rattled China. China wants to show off its naval might to the world, threaten all neighboring countries in South China Sea and Indian Ocean Region and enforce its hegemonic policies.

Chinese Threatening Tone

Just today Chinese Communist CCP mouth piece Global Times news tweeted, “Ahead of @SecPompeo’s visit to #UK, Chinese officials, scholars sent out a strong warning to British govt: Don’t go further down the wrong path or #Beijing may have no choice but to fight back. Guess who will be the first on the list?

UK is a sovereign country. UK has independent foreign policy. Chinese threats cannot dictate Chinese Nazism over the UK.

If you remember this tweet by Chinese mouth piece where China makes mockery of the UK

CCP also threatened Australia

Also read our previous article : China in Focus – Threatens Retaliation against US, UK and India.

Points to Ponder

China had planned everything. First unleash the Chinese Wuhan Virus on the entire world by sending Wuhan infected citizens to all the major capitals in the world and spreading the virus in all countries at the same time denying its Wuhan citizens to enter Beijing or Shanghai like cities.

China had already planned the Riots in the United States in the name of Black Lives Matters, supplying the Leftist Antifa Terrorists with Arms and ammunition and using the Sold out Main Stream Media (MSM) on Chinese Pay rolls to spread these riots all over the United States.

China had planned this opportunity to take over Hong Kong and crush the Human Rights and Religious rights of its Citizens.

China has also planned to take over Taiwan while the Chinese Wuhan Virus lasts.

China had also planned to grab land from India, but got a bloody nose from Indian Army. But that does not mean China may not attack India, again.

Everything you see around is planned by the Chinese.

Question Arises, Will the International community give up petty gains and unitedly stand against the Bio-Terrorist China that has already taken 608,000 lives of innocent civilians worldwide? Will all the countries including all the countries in African continent stand united and forfeit all Chinese Loans and seize and take over or nationalize all Chinese assets in their respective countries? Will all the countries sue China for compensation for all the precious lives lost and causing unlimited economic loss to the entire world? Will Countries unitedly stand and place economic embargoes and sanctions against the Bio-Terrorist, Imperialist, Fascist China? Will the world stand united for Independence of Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan?

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